brennatherese · 3 years
Adhd really is like… bedroom is slightly messy it would be nice to tidy it some
bedroom is very messy I really should tidy up
bedroom is chaotic I NEED to tidy but my brain says no. Why. Whyyy.
I guess I’ll just have to watch where I step in here for the rest of my life. The mess is everywhere. I’m one with the mess.
A sudden Need to Clean™ makes you get the room looking like some fancy homes magazine cover, and you think “I’ll never ever let it get that bad again, and then…
bedroom is slightly messy (uh oh)
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brennatherese · 3 years
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brennatherese · 3 years
Choosing Your Protagonist’s Gender
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Sometimes, character building is tough. You have to come up with the perfect character to fit your story. NaNoWriMo Participant Nichole Fanara challenges us to think outside the box when writing new characters:
Have you ever thought of a great plot for your (hundredth) story, and instead of jumping in right away, you hemmed and hawed about who exactly your main character will be?
We writers know how important choosing characters (or letting characters choose you!) can be, because (let’s face it) your main character is the heart of your story. But trying to choose and describe a character can be difficult, because whether we realize it or not, there are a lot of stifling societal expectations about how a character’s identity changes the way the story “should” operate. Those unspoken “rules” can bog us writers down, and if we don’t want our characters to fit into societal boxes, we risk a lack of connection with the audience.
One of the biggest instances where your protagonist’s identity affects how readers see and connect with them is your character’s gender. So, imagine this: can we have more nonbinary, genderless, or gender fluid protagonists?
Keep reading
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brennatherese · 3 years
Fun writing fact that I will never shut up about: If you write a ton of garbage you’ll actually improve more than if you put your whole soul into a few select words
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brennatherese · 3 years
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brennatherese · 3 years
Trollstigen, Norway
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brennatherese · 3 years
y'xll??? Seriously?
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brennatherese · 3 years
So, Elon Musk is talking about how to colonise Mars, and suggesting that, for those who couldn’t afford the fortune it would normally cost to make a space voyage, loans could be offered�� and people could, y’know, just pay them back with labour upon their arrival…
… all at the same time that the viral hit song is a sea shanty about being a worker transported to an inhospitable place to work for a big corporation, which then pays you shit so you can never afford the passage home.
It’s like, sometimes our past speaks to us.  And sometimes it jumps up and down, screaming and waving lit sparklers.
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brennatherese · 3 years
the basic emotional condition of capitalism is anxiety, fueled by insecurity. one of the most common, yet most effective, rhetorical moves used by the apologists of capital is to present this motive force as aspiration, rather than terror - that is, to disingenuously figure the motion of the system as a running-to, instead of a running-from. it is like if the camera were only ever positioned behind indiana jones, following him as he “aspires” to reach the exit of the cave, not once turning around to reveal the colossal stone sphere just inches from crushing him
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brennatherese · 3 years
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This is the closest I’ll ever get to creating a painting. Absolutely unbelievable fall color reflections I was fortunate enough to capture.
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brennatherese · 3 years
some recommended viewing if you have an interest in film theory: > Annihilation—The Art of Self-Destruction > Why Cosmic Horror is Hard To Make > How Guillermo Del Toro Uses Violence > Denis Villeneuve - Crafting Morality Through Mystery > The Meaning of Red in Movies > Eastern Promises: A Study In Bodies > Pan’s Labyrinth: Disobedient Fairy Tale > Colour In Storytelling
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brennatherese · 3 years
I see no reason why I can’t be both the love interest and the antagonist
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brennatherese · 3 years
I'm sorry for putting you through unethical trials and rituals, please forgive me. I'll even let you try out my new maze for free
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brennatherese · 3 years
My favorite place in my hometown is a jagged red rock I have to scramble up to, and when I get to the top I have to brace myself against the wind to keep my balance standing thirty feet above the ground. Then I walk to the edge, lie on my back and hang my head. Looking at the world this way, upside down and larger, somehow, puts things into perspective for me.
“I don’t live in a world that is solely mine. I live in this world but I see it upside down and while everyone worries about things falling from the sky, I’m happy to simply have a column against which I can lean.” -Matteo di Pascale & Alessandra Mazzuccelli, The Hanged Man or The Overturned World
I’ve always loved stories. I have a vivid memory of the first time I played hooky, fooling my mother and my preschool teachers so that I could go home and finish watching The Lion King. I’ve come to realize that stories are how we make sense of the world, and how we find and create meaning within a universe we are hardly beginning to understand.
I guess being born in 1997 puts me near the forefront of “gen z,” and I will say that I believe generational cohorts have as much scientific validity as the Meyers Briggs personality test, but I also agree with something my dad told me when I was in high school. He pointed out that the oldest of each generation sets the tone for that cohort.
I have no idea what those kids are doing on TikTok or what “singing in cursive” could even mean, but I have been so proud to see the increase in community involvement and direct action organized by young people in recent years. I have also felt useful, fulfilled and everything we don’t get out of our minimum wage jobs, from my own participation in social causes I believe in.
Being young has never been a painless thing. But today’s young people have a burden on our shoulders that was prematurely shrugged off by our parents, our grandparents, and before then, never experienced in human memory. I question the feasibility of my starting a family based on political, economic and environmental concerns, and I also receive conflicting messages in many forms that everything is fine, it’s not actually that bad, and just calm down, would you?
It’s exhausting. It’s confusing. It’s overwhelming. The first books I loved were The Magic Tree House series by Mary Pope Osborne. I loved and envied the ability to transport into a fictional world, while the ordinary world remained suspended in time. Jack and Annie, asshole explorers extraordinaire, used the fictional worlds to work out real world problems, and as I read about their adventures, I learned to do the same.
It’s another way to invert your perspective for a moment. In a story, reality is flipped, time is paused, and you are safe to detach in order to scrutinize your life as it is. You can’t always do that while you’re right in the middle of it, can you?
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brennatherese · 3 years
i got some video essays to share w/y'all too:
We Need to Talk About Film Criticism
Talent Belongs to the Beautiful - How Media Manipulates Your Tastes
Jeffree Star and Performative Activism
The Demonization of the Working Class
I'm Kinda Over This Whole 'LeftTube' Thing
Yo Homes to Bel Air, A Retrospective of The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
90's Black Sitcoms Warned Us
We Need to Talk About Lolita
Roseanne of The Conners: A Leftist Reading of the First Nine Seasons (Part 1) / Roseanne of The Conners: From Revival to Reboot (Part 2)
Space Jam: A Revolutionary Text
Political Messages in Kids' Shows
What RUINED VeggieTales? - The Tragic Fall of Bob and Larry
Jennifer's Body and the Horror of Bad Marketing
The Horrors of McKamey Manor (Is the Waiver Legal?)
Lesbian Bride Surprise on Living Single
The Gay Nightmare
A History of "Bisexual"
Comedy Ages Poorly
The Problem With Auto-Tune
Phantom of the Paradise: Creator vs Producer
The Broken Formula of Music Biopics
WHAT KILLED MTV? Why don't they play music anymore?!
Another "Cinderella" Story: Girl Groups & Recycled Singles
SO WHAT HAPPENED?: TLC from Fanmail to 3D...
BABY PHAT ENTERPRISE: How Kimora Lee Simmons Pioneered 2000's Fashion
The Strange World of Breatharianism
The Internet's Most Controversial ARG | Junko Junsui
The Story of the ESRB
Space Channel 5: The Complete History
Defunctland: The History of Action Park
The Pure Ideology of Kitchen Nightmares
FlexiPlay: The Disposable DVD That Failed (Thankfully)
The Decline of The History Channel
How Documentaries Lie to You
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brennatherese · 3 years
Executive Dysfunction Tip: Stop in the Middle!
So you just finished a chapter of your work in progress. Congrats! Seems like a good place to stop, right? 
But wait! Before you go take that much-needed break, do this: Write three sentences of the next chapter. That’s it. Three sentences. Now you’re done.
It will be much, much easier for you to come back to it when you feel like you’re already in the middle. You just got rid of the most difficult part of doing anything: Starting.
This also works for:
crafts! go sew a few stitches of that next seam before taking a break.
art! go shade in a bit of that next section before you stop.
homework! go do five minutes of that next subject first.
pretty much everything!
Happy productivity!
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brennatherese · 3 years
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