brokencandyheart · 6 years
Imagine your F/O(s) being there to comfort you when you’re filled with worries and doubts and reassure you that everything will get better.
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Whatever you do, don’t imagine being woken up in the morning by your f/o gently tracing your curves, giving you goosebumps. And whatever you do, DON’T imagine your f/o scooping you up in their arms, giving you a big kiss on your neck and jawline. And ESPECIALLY don’t imagine your f/o flipping you over so that you’re facing them, a mere inches from your face, and their sleepy voice telling you “good morning, my sunshine” before giving you kiss on your lips, and then resting their forehead on yours, smiling.
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
On your way past your f/o they reach to take you by your hips and place you on their lap, refusing to let you go, completely ignoring your flustered complaints.
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Thank you so much!! It was such an awesome thing to see this first thing in the morning. I hope you have an awesome day <3
@myrainydayloves A really fun selfship blog, Sh0 would die for you and your writing is awesome. I love seeing your little daily life posts with you and your F/O(s), and starting the Self Insert Takeover was a really neat idea! A wonderful person who runs a wonderful blog.
@thedevilsrosee An awesome blog with really great art! Your F/Os thing you’re great and they love getting to spend time with you and see you make content of your adventures or downtime together! Your AUs are neat too and I know your F/Os appreciate all you do for them.
@gay4ermac I know your blog isn’t for everyone but I’m really glad you have it and continue to make art for and with Ermac! Your style is really nice and I know Ermac enjoys any and all of the attention you give him, even if you fluster him sometimes. I know he loves you so much and it’s awesome that you were able to find each other!!
@littlestlostsheep Your blog is precious and so are you! I know all of your F/Os love you, but your main three are really flattered to mean so much to you! You mean just as much to them and even more, and nothing makes them happier than getting to see you smile, and getting to smile with you.
@salty-seraphim You’re a neat person with a neat blog! Your F/Os think the same, although they also think you’re wonderful in a lot of other ways. You’re their special person and I know they’re grateful that you love them in return, and that they get to have you in their lives.
@the-dorkiest-self-shipper Your blog is really awesome and I know your F/Os think both you and your blog are too! They like getting to take a break from their day to relax and spend time with you, you help them de-stress and make them smile! They’re lucky to have you and I know they love you a lot.
@kingofselfinserts All of your F/Os are great and so are you! Your art is also really nice, and I hope self inserting continues to inspire you to create and make stuff for both you and your loves. They think you’re the best and love you more than anything, and they know they’re lucky just to know you!
@thebeshimifangirl Super great blog that I enjoy a lot! Beshimi and your two 0ne Piece F/Os love you so much and are grateful to know you love them. They want to make you feel just as loved in return, and pay back all the attention and support and affection you give them! I hope you can keep being happy with them for a long time!
@transselfshipping A really awesome self insert blog with a lot of self insert support and positivity! The hc posts you make for you self insert verses are really nice, and I like getting to see tidbits about your selfships like that, it just makes things fun! Your F/Os love that you put so much thought into being with them too.
@appxtence Aaaaa you’ve got a lot of cute F/Os and interesting (in a good way ofc!) self inserts that you’ve clearly put a lot of heart into! Your F/Os are lucky to know you and I know they love you as much as you love them and more, and I hope you can keep posting about them and sharing that love!
@brokencandyheart Your blog is really sweet and so are you! Your F/Os think you’re amazing and they’re proud of all you do, and they just want to see you be happy and get to be part of that happiness too! The fact that you love them is awesome and I’m happy you all have each other!
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
tumblr bitch: liking danganronpa makes you a freak!
me: **growls really hard**
Komaeda: its ok theyre just jealous babe…
me: i know Komaeda, i know
Ouma: **slaps my fat juicy ass**
Ouma: youre so boring **beats the shit out of monokuma**
me: **sighs**
future foundation: **en route**
Komaeda: **gay**
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Congrats on coming out!! Im genderfluid too! :D [jhinkaynandi]
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@jhinkaynandi thank you!!! I’m really really glad to have your support
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Self Promo!
Since I seen other people make promos, I wanted to make another one as well!
I’m Cherri! I just turned 24 this year, I’m female, and this is a self ship blog / dark blog / NSFW blog. Most of my self ships tend to be very heavy in nature, with quite a few kinks, so this may not be for everyone. I do have a few fluffier self ships, but I want NSFW to be the main forefront here.
My main interests atm are Boyfriend to Death, Funamusea or Mogeko, and Mystic Messenger. I also enjoy interests such as N/intendo, D/igimon, H/arvest M/oon, and Date or Die. I’ve also been trying to get into D/anganronpa recently. (Censored words just to be safe.)
If we’re in the same fandom(s) or enjoy similar things, feel free to like this post and follow me!! I’d love to make more friends in this community. But please read the links on my page first before interacting. They’re extremely important. 
✿ My Fictional Others ♥ Before You Follow ♥ About Me ♥ My Self Inserts ✿
Thank you for reading! ・゚: *  \(>w<)/   *:・゚
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
I’m gonna start using Miu as a face claim,,,,partly because I’m coming out as genderfluid(!!!) and also she’s typically more expressive. Love ya <3
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
🌹✨Promo Post✨🌹
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hi!!! my name is axl and im a self ship obsessed dweeb. 
i have multiple f/os but i usually tend to gravitate to certain ones depending on my current interests, i also have familial f/os whom i also adore!!!
i’d love to talk to pretty much anyone but i suck at initiating a conversation, plus i’m a shy dork ;;. but i will love to talk to more ppl!!
uhhh that’s about all i can think to say. my f/os are in my about which is here. and this is also a sideblog so i follow from my main blog which is here!!
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
alright here’s a link to the game! I haven’t added any decks yet so feel free to suggest some! password is “strawberry”
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
hiya!! new fictoromantic blog!
hey everyone! i’m dulce and i’m a brand new fict blog centered on video games! i’d appreciate it if y’all followed and reblogged so i can find more great selfship blogs!
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
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Looks like it’s promo time and I felt like I should make a new one.
♥ Hi! I’m Reilly. You can also call me Rie, Rei-Rei, or Reills.  I’m a 22 year old, Bi, self-shippin’ gal.
♥ I’ve sorta been self-shipping for a few years, but I’ve only recently been more open about it after finding the love of my life in an anime that I was SO HESITANT to watch, but am so glad I did.
♥ I self-ship with quite a few characters but the main F/O that I gravitate towards the most is, Star Platinum from JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure. I’m head-over-heels for him not just because he’s really handsome, but he literally saved my life and I am forever grateful for him. I love him so much, he means the world to me, he’s my Shining Star.
♥ I scream and yell about my big, muscly, purple husband a lot on this blog, as well as reblog positivity posts, others self-ships, stuff like that. A majority of the romantic self-ship content I produce will be between me and Spoot.
♥ I am very VERY shy when it comes to new people, but I’d love to make new friends. I’m super quiet at first but once you get to know me, I’ll talk so much you’ll wanna staple my mouth shut. :P
♥ I follow from my main blog @stitchlovergirl96 I used to put self-ship content on that blog but I decided it was time to make a blog specifically for self-shipping.
About | F/O Lists | My Art | Commission Info | Main Self-Insert
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Count me in if you do!!
Guys we should make a self ship cards against humanity deck and have a game night or somethin
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
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Hey guys! Sorry I’ve been gone so long. 
As you can see, I created a discord channel for ocs, which is totally self insert friendly (with a designated category!!)
All the above applies, so if you’re interested, let me know!! <3
Discord for ocs!!
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Hi! Despite my difficulties with discord I managed to make a server for people to share art, writing, and animations of their characters, as well as get help and ideas from fellow content creators.
If you’re interested, please dm me and I’ll send you a link that won’t expire!! I’ll accept just about everyone <3
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Please watch this video if your sad.
(No kitties were hurt.)
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
rb ur f/o type but u can only say prep goth jock or nerd
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brokencandyheart · 6 years
Self insert is self care. Go ahead, put yourself in your favorite pieces of fictional media. Go have adventures with your favorite characters. It’s fun, I promise.
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