brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Ya girl moved to a new mini indie. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s making me happy. If you’re still interesting in writing together, give this a life and I’ll follow you! <3 And we can plot amazing and new things. 
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Ya girl moved to a new mini indie. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s making me happy. If you’re still interesting in writing together, give this a life and I’ll follow you! <3 And we can plot amazing and new things. 
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Ya girl moved to a new mini indie. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s making me happy. If you’re still interesting in writing together, give this a life and I’ll follow you! <3 And we can plot amazing and new things. 
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Ya girl moved to a new mini indie. It’s nothing fancy, but it’s making me happy. If you’re still interesting in writing together, give this a life and I’ll follow you! <3 And we can plot amazing and new things. 
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Edward’s brows furrowed in what seemed to be misconstrued confusion. He thought he’d been giving her information, but since they’d come to a stalemate, he was nothing more than frustrated with himself. She wouldn’t let up if they continued…and he knew this. He should have backed out when he still could. “Haven’t I? Everything I’ve given to you has sat untouched in front of your eyes.” There he went again, speaking in riddles. With a heaving sigh, he threw down his fork, glaring at her with his green eyes. “We can’t talk here - it’s too public.” The answer to her question wasn’t something she wanted to hear, but he couldn’t allow other ears to hear this. 
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"You're not nearly as transparent as you like to believe, Edward." Yet Elizabeth felt as if he were being rather condescending. If it was as situated so plainly in front of her nose, why was she blinded to it? Was she refusing to acknowledge what he was feeding her, or was it not enough to direct her to a reasonable conclusion? Narrowed orbs shimmer between him and his taunted food, observing as he discards his fork, his gaze matching her glare. "Too public?" Careful movements allow the redhead to take in their surroundings. Curious whispers and prying eyes peered at them from around the entire room, forcing her to shift uncomfortably in place. "Fine, then when?"
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
open to: connections, friends                                                                                                 m/f/nb
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“Is it pertinent to you that I answer that question?” Edward spoke lightly over his plate of food in front of him. He wasn’t going to eat it, but looking the part would draw any suspicion away from him and what he was. His tone suggested casualty, though with slight irritation that they would ask such a thing. Playing with the pasta a little, he looks over briefly at the other’s expression, weighing his next words carefully. “I can’t tell you much more than what I’ve already told you.”  -
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"I'm asking it, aren't I?" Annoyance ripples via her petite frame as emerald freckled hues gaze at him through thick lashes. Could he not comprehend how frustrating his dodging of inquiries was? Even the simplest of questions would trigger a vague or rehearsed response. Resting her forearms on the table, she leans forward, her tone dropping to a sharp whisper. "You haven't told me anything!" Crinkling the tip of her nose, the ruby-haired minx sits back with an audible scoff. "How are we supposed to be friends when it feels like you're constantly hiding something?"
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
squid game taken from the tv show.
you know how bad this thing could get?
goodness, what a trooper. look at you.
let’s get you washed up before anything else.
you’ve been dozing off.
here, take this for the bus ride home.
tell me your name, sweetie.
that jacket is way too light for this cold.
stop arguing with me.
we need to lower your fever.
let’s try to stay on subject.
can you still trust anybody to be good, even after everything you’ve been through?
stop giggling, asshole.
hey, kid, you okay?
i can handle this alone.
let me go, damn it!
this isn’t the way to handle things.
how’d you hurt your face like that?
listen, you don’t trust people here because you can. you do it because you don’t have anybody else.
hey, you okay? hey, wake up.
it wasn’t for free. you can pay me back tomorrow.
i got scared. i thought you were gone for good.
when? when did you get hurt?
this brings back old memories.
we’re in hell here. there’s no rules in hell.
what a rude little brat.
it’ll be nice to have a little extra company around for dinner for a change.
you betrayed me. now you’re going to die.
look at that. there’s someone who cares.
how can you call yourselves human?
you made all this a good experience.
just leave me. i’ll be okay.
get your fucking hands off me right now!
why are you in such a hurry?
that game is for little children.
you should go and rest.
don’t any of you want to leave this horrible place?
this is a bunch of bullshit!
it’ll be okay once you get some rest.
what? no ice cream for you, little man?
you don’t know anything.
no, no, it’s fine. i’m fine.
don’t do it. that isn’t you.
we should really know about each other, build up a little trust, okay?
let’s stop. i’m too tired.
just stop it with this bullshit.
you pull anything on me, i’ll rip your fucking throat wide open, and that’s that.
how can i trust someone like you, scumbag?
it’s okay. hey. everything’s okay.
i did everything you said to.
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
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“ησ sιяεη ∂ι∂ εvεя sσ cнαям тнε εαя σғ тнε ℓιsтεηεя αs тнε ℓιsтεηιηg εαя нαs cнαямε∂ тнε sσυℓ σғ тнε sιяεη.”
She runs from obsession while her body and soul demand it. Her heart yearns to be free but her voice commands control. Poor little thing, she is both the VICTIM and the A G G R E S S O R.  
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
The footsteps were silenced by the overpowering sound of the music, and Sammy physically jumped at the sound of her voice. His head shot up, revealing his tear-filled eyes and the mess that his face was. “Do YOU freakin’ mind?” he snapped, his voice and body shaking from the suddenly repressed sobs.
Nevertheless, though, he reached for the radio, turning the volume down to a normal level. Then, he put his head back down on the desk, refusing to look at her. He tried to slow down his breathing, but it was a lot easier said than done. Letting out a shaky exhale, he grimaced at her question, not that she could see it.
“You’re supposed to knock before you barge in.” Not that he would’ve answered, but still. Sammy avoided her question on purpose. His face still buried in his hands resting on the desk, he groaned. “Did you need something?”
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One of the most heartbreaking things in the world was a broken-down man. Eyes puffy with despair, body aching with agony. You could hear the pain in his voice, even as he attempted to hide his suffering from her, the sudden intruder. "Sorry... I didn't know." It was a lame excuse, but it was the best she could offer either way. It was too late to spin around and tip-toe out of the room; she was here now, committed to at least being an empty comfort or an aggravating nuisance. "I would have, but seeing as though the music was deafening, I didn't think you would have heard me anyway." Arms lift to cross along her chest defensively, head tilting a bit. "Not really, no." Now wasn't exactly the time to admit to needed to practice. "But, I've heard that spilling your guts to a complete stranger can be really therapeutic." There was the slightest hit of amusement in her tone, attempting to lessen the blow slightly. "Or, if that's not your thing, there is a bar a few blocks over. And a spot of whiskey is known to warm the soul." She's not quite sure why she doesn't take the hint and leave him to suffer in silence. Perhaps it's because she's a bit too compassionate for her own good.
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
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      𝐀𝐅𝐓𝐄𝐑  𝐃𝐄𝐂𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐒   of  doing  so  ,  it  no  longer  was  difficult  to  stay  in  her  own  lane  .  rosalie  had  learned  to  avoid  not  only  the  eager  crowds  of  college  freshmen  that  she  often  found  herself  immersed  in  ,  but  also  found  ways  to  get  out  of  any  classes  that  required  partner  work  .  her  own  avoidance  was  something  that  could  be  persuaded  ,  but  the  consequences  were  too  much  to  risk  doing  something  so  rash  (  though  her  siblings  had  never  taken  the  rules  so  seriously  )  .  but  despite  efforts  of  persuading  her  professor  to  allow  her  to  work  on  the  project  alone  –  after  practically  pulling  every  card  in  the  book  ,  excuses  that  were  known  as  well  as  the  back  of  her  hand  –  rose  was  still  here  ,  waiting  for  an  assigned  partner  to  show  up  .      it  was  unfortunate  ,  too  ,  that  she  had  already  made  her  impression  of  being  rather  cold  –  for  lack  of  a  better  word  .  she  already  was  amused  over  the  fact  that  her  partner  likely  wanted  to  work  with  her  even  less  than  the  other  way  around  ;  at  times  ,  the  deterrents  functioned  all  too  well  .      all  of  that  didn’t  matter  now  ,  and  what  mattered  most  was  finding  her  partner  .  a  girl  named  elizabeth  ,  she  remembered  ,  who  almost  gave  her  a  run  for  her  money  ,  though  rose  would  argue  that  she  no  longer  was  vain  enough  to  care  .  the  lie  ,  albeit  an  attempt  to  be  humble  ,  was  blaringly  obvious  .  blonde  hair  sweeps  behind  her  back  as  her  eye  catches  sight  of  the  girl  in  her  history  of  film  lecture  .      ❛  are  you  elizabeth  ?  ❜  rosalie  asks  bluntly  ,  approaching  the  student  who  sat  alone  at  a  table  in  the  library  that  was  surprisingly  empty  .  of  course  ,  it  was  nearing  the  time  that  students  would  be  flocking  to  dining  halls  (  a  perk  of  college  was  that  she  no  longer  had  to  pretend  to  eat  meals  )  .  a  small  ,  stiff  gesture  toward  herself  .  ❛  rosalie  hale  .  in  your  film  class  .  we  agreed  to  meet  today  ,  now  –  for  the  project  .  ❜
@brokenxbeautyxx·  plotted  !
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It was like being in middle school, the lone kid on the field, neither team wanting to take claim of the straggler. The only issue being that any other group would have killed to have her. Same with her unenthusiastic partner. The bombshell blonde that put the most gorgeous of models out of commission. It was a curious thing, her apparent distaste for the idea of partnership. Perhaps she'd been burned before, Left doing all the heavy lifting while the other company members sailed along, clinging to her hard work for a decent grade. Whatever her reasoning, Elizabeth would go in with an open mind and a clean slate. After all, their Professor had been determined to pair them up, and she'd hate to disappoint. Nose stuck in a book, the redhead sipped lazily at her to-go latte, savoring the sweetened flavor that coated her mouth. Attention captured by a smooth as silk voice, emerald hues flicker upward, peering at the beauty through thick lashes. "That would be me." A toothy grin it awarded to the female, a manicured hand sweeping forward in a motion that requested she joins her. Elizabeth knew who she was; how couldn't she. In the sea of their mundane classmates, she stood out like a glistening star on the blackest of nights. "I'm not going to lie; the idea of reimagining a classic film seems to go against my better judgment and the point of the class." Hues roll, shoulders lifting into a lazy shrug. "But, seeing as we haven't a choice in the matter, I thought I'd offer up the picking of the film up to you." It was a gracious offer considering the assignment spoke for half of their grade, but better to have a willing comrade than an unwilling prisoner.
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
The fiery-haired songbird shot into the room full of fury and annoyance. Ear deafening music blared so loudly, that she was certain it was shaking her insides. How in the hell was she supposed to practice for an audition when she couldn't even hear herself think? Violet pumps stomp against the ground as she all but burst into the office, unannounced. "Do you freaking min-" But the words catch in her throat, emerald hues falling to the damaged man. "Oh..." Features soften, guilt twisting at her gut as she awkwardly rocks to the toes of her shoes. "I-I didn't know... I mean... I thought-" Did it matter? Clearly, he wouldn't be concerned with her lame excuses for barging in. "Stupid question, but are you alright?"
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Sammy was having a mental breakdown in his office, head buried in his hands as he sobbed hysterically. The radio was on full blast, hopefully to drown out the sound, but it still carried throughout the music department. He needed someone right now; didn’t matter who it was, but he needed someone.
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
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Looking to slowly get back into the writing game! Would love to meet some new writing partners and continue on with some of my followers! Give this a like and we'll come and bother you! <3
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
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brokenxbeautyxx · 2 years
Reading the Twilight series for the gazillionth time! Would LOVE to dive back into that world if anyone is interested!
Can be canon characters or OC's. We're here for it all! Also willing to write here or on discord!
Let this loca know if you're interested.
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brokenxbeautyxx · 3 years
Times is hard, I won't complain or go into details, but would really love to try and get things going with people who don't mind me being SLOW. I'm open to writing here and on discord!!!
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Give this a likey and I'll shoot you a message to love you down. <3
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brokenxbeautyxx · 3 years
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Hunger Games
Mood board
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brokenxbeautyxx · 3 years
Deshi didn’t have the hearing like many were’s so he couldn’t tell whether she was telling the truth or not. Though, from his years on the job he was able to tell she at least believed what she was saying. His mind was spinning with who could possibly want him distracted and why she would decide to tell him now after all this time. “I think it would take a lot more to wound you than that, Liz.”
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His brows furrowed in suspicion as she told him she would have to step up her game. “I think you’re going to have to do a lot in order to keep my attention now, Elizabeth. How about you start with who told you to distract me?” He took a step toward her and used his height to tower over her, his eyes narrowed.
Kittenish grin tugs at the corner of crimson-stained petals as she shrugs away his statement. "True, and I'd be lying if I said, I planned on giving you that kind of power." But it was all fun and games... Up until it wasn't, right? Ivory nips down viciously, emerald hues darting around the bar before she's shaking her head. She shouldn't be saying anything, she really shouldn't be saying a damn thing, but she had a soft spot for the kid and clearly had been breaking the rules the moment they fell into bed with each other. "Look, it doesn't matter who-" Her head dips forward, her tone lowering just enough for him to catch her words. "-All I'm saying is, you need to be careful."
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