#//Hope this is okay!
escapedfromtheabyss · 1 month
@tinkrbell liked for a Harry Starter
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"Mione!" Harry rushed to catch up to her. "There's a...thing, 'yknow? I uh." Oh god he was so awkward about these kind of things. "I was wondering if you wanted to, um.. go with me?" He was tired of people asking, and Hermione was one of the few people he trusted anymore.
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Jason was a young alpha walking around his college campus to get to the library. Right when he opened the door, the most delicious smell hit his nose. An omega in heat. This was not the best place for that. He took a breath for a moment to calm his thoughts. Whoever it was would probably need help. He followed the scent, and that's when he saw her. He had seen her around campus before. She was normally surrounded by a group of people, so he was surprised to see her alone. "Are you okay?" He asked softly, staying a bit away from her for now.
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sillymuses · 1 year
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"Is your body like magnetic or something? How is it...?" She's so curious about this one. I mean, how could she not be? An intrigued poke is given. "You feel very real."
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cloudyfenrir · 2 months
💓 Heart of a SOLDIER 💓 || ACCEPTING || @warofthebeasts
Cloud wasn't sure how he ended up like this, sat on a bed with Sephiroth tucked into his chest.
It was a quiet night in Costa del Sol, the party stopping by after dealing with monsters in the area that could threaten the beachside town. It had been a long day for all of them and needed their rest. Cloud woke up in the middle of the night, needing a drink of water and midway down a bottle did he hear groaning...
It was Sephiroth.
While privy to the fact that he didn't sleep well, he didn't realise to what extent and now he was watching his former hero deep in the throes of a night terror. Stepping closer and before he could even think did the older man awaken with a terrified yell, as he begun to thrash did Cloud intervene.
Perhaps Sephiroth was still dreaming when he woke up as Cloud never thought in a million years that the other would grab onto him like a lifeline. His heart was quick but not from fear for once, it was shock and... concern? He didn't know what that underlying emotion was but Cloud didn't push away or demand answers, he let Sephiroth do what he needed to. Only looking down when his breathing seemed to be evening out.
"...Back with us?"
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venisontransmission · 5 months
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Something is amiss in Pentagram City.
It is not Alastor's territory - if he recalls correctly, Rosie had informed him that a recent turf war had gone down, leaving it without an Overlord. The radio demon had considered taking the space for himself but decided against it - he already had enough territory to keep track of as it was. He was not looking to expand just yet.
He's passing by the battle-worn district. Upturned asphalt and holes in the ground. Crumbling buildings - why, it looks like an Extermination had started here! Were he not close enough to see this damage, another thing was off - a radio signal.
Recently, Alastor had begun to share his radio signal with an... interesting young sinner. A demon with a picture box for a head and calling himself Vox. The media demon had quickly grown quite fond of Alastor, who had, in a sense, taken him under his wing. Among the living, these 'televisions' were all the rage, taking quite a bit from the radios that came before. Naturally, Alastor was curious about it, hence his interest in the sinner.
Vox was allowed to use his radio signal, seeing as how the television demon wasn't powerful enough to create his own. The side effect of this is that at all times, the deer demon had a good idea where his troublemaking picture box might be.
The signal tugs Alastor into the rubble and destruction. As he steps over small puddles of blood, he notes the weak, buzzing whine of radio waves trying to latch onto a frequency.
Ah, it seems his new friend was in a bit of trouble.
He follows the sounds of struggle, more blood gathering under his shoes with each step.
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justsurv1vor · 4 months
𝐚 𝐩𝐥𝐨𝐭𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐟𝐨𝐫 ⸻ @wexarethewalkingxdead
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squatting beside the little brook babbling through the otherwise quiet forest, aiyla squinted up through the leafy tree tops in hopes of gauging how late in the day it might be as she filled one of her empty water bottles ( knowing the amount of daylight would determine how long she had until she had to find somewhere safe for the night ). releasing a soft huff at the discovery that it was still mid-morning ( that it would be hours yet until she could reasonably crack open one of the cans within her pack or boil the freshly retrieved water ), the woman capped the bottle and carefully pushed herself up once more to continue onward.
she isn't certain how long she continues on before the familiar groans of the undead reach her ears. she's preparing to change her course ( avoidance, she's learned, is often easier than wasting her energy on taking down one or two ) ⸻ but the shuffling of feet amongst the deadfall and undergrowth gives her pause ( distinctly rushed and likely human ). whatever plan may have been coming to mind halts immediately when a girl stumbles into view ( it takes a moment to blink back her shock before aiyla is moving forward ⸻ hunting knife finding its way into her hands to dispose of the two undead that are trailing in her wake ).
when its done ( once her knife is slickened with blackened blood and a sheen of sweat trickles at her brow from a combination of the heat and the effort ), blue hues turn to take in the girl. "hey ⸻ hey it's okay. you're okay ⸻ shh," the words are crooned softly ( her gaze sympathetic because she too knows what its like to be terrified and alone ).
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bestiadentro · 6 months
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{ @silver-blooded-synthetics liked for a birthday starter }
This would be the second time he's celebrating his birthday with Errol. The second time should have been last year, but unfortunately, he'd been missing during that time. Locked away in that horrid lab - but he's not going to think about that. Alaire is free now; Has been for months and is steadily recovering from the trauma caused.
He has, by now, reunited with his family in the sense that he's seen them and spends time with them, but he does still remain a resident of Errol's home. It just made sense at this point. His age made him able to live on his own anyhow and the Byers household was.. crowded. Not that he didn't love them! Because he does! It's just.. Errol provided him a sense of comfort that they didn't and he needed that comfort.
Today, he's waking up to hair being gently brushed out of his face and fingers combing through his hair. Before he's even awake the softest of trills escapes him, the sound being what actually wakes him up. Even with his eyes closed, he can tell it's Errol touching him. His scent is enough to give it away. Eyes open slowly, soft purrs already rumbling in his throat as he attempts to move so that he's nuzzling his cheek against the hand rather than allowing them to continue to pet his hair.
Happy Birthday, Alaire
That's what he hears Errol say. It brings him to realize that it is, in fact, his birthday. Because of last year he'd already seemed to have forgotten about it. His expression likely reads as such, but the realization isn't bad. No, it's nice to be woken up this way, to give him such information when he's already feeling a sense of calm. "It is my birthday, isn't it?" Alaire questions softly, finally shifting in order to sit upright on their bed. "I forgot all about it."
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diverse-hearts-ocs · 13 days
@plicatum asked for a Starter
After the discovering of Robins 'death', he'd been somewhat expecting to be summoned by either his father or Sunday for a while now, having been helping Gallagher in the background. It really wouldn't take that much effort for either of them to guess that he might be aware of at least some of the truth that was going on, but Garth was rather skilled at keeping things to himself - he'd had plenty of years to master the skill. Still, he couldn't help but feel slightly nervous as he made his way towards Sunday's office. Everything was going as planned - what if he went and said something that suddenly made everything fail? He sighed lightly, a deep breath taken as he knocked on the doors.
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elisethetraveller · 4 months
Continued from; divingdownthehole
In hindsight, it had been a bad idea to wander into Gotham’s entertainment district after dark. Even the locals could only navigate the twists and turns of the city’s bowels so far, and for so long, without inevitably getting caught or lost in the chaos. The neon signs and pulsating music drew him in, and the bar had been lively; a cacophony of laughter and clinking glasses, the scent of cheap beer mingling with cigarette smoke. He'd chosen a stool in a quiet corner and ordered a sangria, attempting to distract himself from the neuroscience paper that had consumed his thoughts for weeks. The frustration had gnawed at him, the complex jargon and convoluted theories tying his mind into knots. He'd needed a break, a moment of respite and a change of scenery to clear his head. Jervis tried to focus on the chilled glass against his fingers, the tang of orange on his tongue. For a moment, it almost worked. But Gotham had other plans. The fight had erupted suddenly, a drunken argument escalating into a full-blown brawl. Jervis had tried to stay out of it, hugging the edge of the chaos. He’d ducked and weaved through the thrashing bodies, a silent prayer on his lips as fists flew and chairs splintered, his slim frame making it easy to slip between the combatants, but not easy enough… A stray elbow caught his ribs, a hand shoved him sideways, and the crack of a bottle against the back of his head had sent him stumbling into a table. He didn’t remember falling, only the sensation of cold, sticky beer soaking into his shirt as he hit the floor. Adrenaline flared, and he shot to his feet, using the bar for support as he navigated through the melee, instinct driving him to find an exit. Why had he thought this would be a good idea? Aggravation with his studies had driven him to seek a distraction, but Gotham was a far cry from the tranquil libraries and quiet parks he was used to. The city was a beast of its own, filled with shadows that hid both the mundane and the monstrous. That’s when he saw her—an ethereal figure with pale hair and a concerned expression, the streetlight creating a halo effect that made her seem almost luminous. The cool breeze was a stark contrast to the stuffy bar, and he took a moment to steady himself, leaning against the rough brick of the building. Jervis gingerly touched the back of his head, wincing as his fingers brushed against the tender, swelling lump. Blood trickled down the back of his neck, sticky and warm. He had nearly forgotten the pain in the rush to escape, and he met the woman’s eyes warily. “I… I think I’m alright,” he replied, though his breath trembled slightly. "I've had better nights… Just a bit of a misunderstanding, I suppose.”
Sleep evaded her in its usual manner; thus, the pale woman had taken to the streets.
Still new to Gotham, she had arrived among the masses of aide workers coming to help stabilize the city and keep it from tearing itself apart in the aftermath of the flooding. Grouped with other young responders, Elise had been thankful that she was familiar with disaster sites, as upon arrival, many from her group had succumbed to the natural despair which insurmountable tasks provoked. Still, they had gone to work, filling in the gaps of the city's collapsing infrastructure. And somewhere between all those gaps, the mage had allowed herself to slip through.
Her employment record and the fabricated papers she had used to gain access were destroyed, and new housing was acquired. It wasn't out of malicious intent nor a dislike for her coworkers, though some were decidedly immature for her taste. Rather, she knew her strengths and weaknesses; more importantly, experience dictated that she worked her magic most efficiently from the shadows. Luckily, Gotham, ripe with chaos, had no lack of those.
Streetlights painted the street in an off-coloured light reminiscent of a sickly moon as she wandered, preferring the alleys and backstreets any sensible person avoided. The music of clubs and bars, brief respites in the darkness, hung heavy in the ears, and despite her distance, the hard bass occasionally sent vibrations through her chest. There were people on these streets, too, though far fewer than the main thoroughfares, and as her silver eyes sought them out in the darkness, Elise sensed the quiet understanding that anyone walking here as carelessly as she did had reason to believe they would be safe. She was thankful that the same courtesy was extended to her person, not because a fight worried her, but rather because she didn't want it.
Deep in thought, specifically keeping track of her own movements lest she lost her way, Elise just managed to halt in her steps as one of the many backdoors into the ally swung open a few centimetres from her face. Out rushed a shorter man, somewhere in the middle of his life if she had to guess, and as he stopped to support himself against a wall, the droplets of dark red in the dirt caught her eye. Briefly glancing through the open door and pushing it shut upon seeing the brawl, she was quick to approach with a glare in the direction of the other ally occupants just in case one of them thought it wise to try and robe the injured man.
"I would hope so. Seemed like quite the brawl in there." Face soft and a friendly smile in place, her head tilted this and that way, a stray bit of hair falling in front of her face. "And looks like you took a bit of a blow." He smelled of alcohol, but she couldn't tell if he was drunk or if he had been hit over the head with a bottle. "If you want, I can take a look? Head wounds bleed quite profusely, even if they are shallow."
( @divingdownthehole )
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7rabbi7s · 7 months
Swapped Freedom- A Planned Plot With @mmm4r1ass3cr3ts
Flicking over the final ask he'd sent, Hab frowned at the answer he'd been given. 'Dear' could be used platonically? That didn't really track to him, especially since he was essentially swapping her Habit out for himself.
That, coupled with everything on Maria's blog?
Shaking his head, Hab shoved his phone in his pocket. He's got better things to do right now, like actually making good on his promise.
No knocking, this Habit didn't deserve even that. Crushing the shield like a rock on glass and grinding his metaphorical paw underneath it to drive the broken shards of energy and pride into the bastard's back. He was surprised how weak the other was, but maybe that was because Hab's spirit burned brighter than any protective layer.
"MARIIIIIAAAAA! COME GET YOUR COAT!" Hab howled, his plan on stealth now forgotten with just how easily this Habit was crushed. It was really just natural selection at this point.
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kingcenred · 9 months
@magikborn liked [x] for a starter: For Arthur Pendragon.
It had taken much persuasion to get Cenred this far, and as he dismounted his horse in the courtyard of the Camelot citadel, he had to swallow down his disgust. How many magical beings had been executed here?
The temptation to immediately return to his own kingdom was great, but a peace treaty with the new Pendragon King would be - according to his advisors - exceedingly beneficial to Essetir. Particularly now, as they rebuilt the army after the damage Morgause had caused. It was Uther that Cenred held so much disdain for, and there was talk across the whole of Albion that his son took a different approach to leading; perhaps the discussions could be fruitful.
"Arthur," he reluctantly greeted the younger monarch.
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queenofgone · 1 year
🖤┊ ❝ @rvbelhearts​ ❤'ed for an AU starter ❞┊ 🖤
It hasn’t fully registered to Nattie yet that she’s now retired. Over twenty years, fifteen in the company she’s been in since the developmental days, after getting mistreated and unappreciated to the point it would make any other mortal lose their whole mind...she could finally settle down and slowly regain her normalcy and most importantly, her self-worth back. Writing this foreign chapter in her lifetime, her and Jey’s relationship became more serious, so much that he was the one she could see spending the rest of her life with. She finished a training session for the day, walking into the front door of the condo they shared with a tired groan, glad to be home. “Baby! Are you here?”
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sillymuses · 4 months
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"Aw shoot, um..." Oh, she hates to bother but this is important. "Excuse me, have you seen a purple phone laying around by any chance? I think mine slipped out from my back pocket and I'm trying to find it."
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{ @awak3andal1v3 liked for a starter }
"I'm sorry-" It's his instinct to apologize for this sort of thing happening at this point as though he could help it. "I didn't mean to startle you." You know, with his appearance. Though a good bit of him is covered with a hoodie and pants he'd managed to scrounge around for someplace, it's still easy to see his brightly coloured eyes. Especially in the dark like this. "I didn't realize anyone was around." And he likely would have tried to avoid them if he'd known. To avoid this, of course.
It's just better that way. Even as things began to get better for androids through the revolution, those like Isaac who were in pretty bad shape still struggled significantly. Though still, it's oddly only adult humans that are particularly afraid of his appearance. Their children? They thought he looked cool. Like some sort of comic book character or something. Regardless, Isaac would still give anything to be reverted back to normal.
He shakes his head as though to shake those thoughts from his mind; Reminded by the fact he'd also been startled. Though he hadn't made a sound, he visibly jumped a little. That's going to happen when someone suddenly comes around a corner out of nowhere in the middle of the night, huh? "Sorry again. I try not to make a habit of scaring people, but it's kind of hard, you know?" A soft, awkward laugh escapes him at this whilst gaze averts.
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fallenlightbringer · 3 months
voodoodaaddy liked for a starter! mysterious feathers
The new hotel was newly minted and Lucifer couldn't help but be proud of his little duckling and her ability to bounce back from sadness, an ability Luci is sure, she got from her mother. The King sighed as he rolled his shoulders while climbing the stairs of the lobby then he heard a soft crunch freezing in surprise.
The cursed sovereign lifted his heeled boot and blinks in complete confusion.
A feather?
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But who's? He knew he wasn't molting.... and he didn't think Husk or Vaggie was either??
He picked up the plumage and gave it a curious sniff, and it did smell familiar but he couldn't place who it was clearly. Luci grinned in sudden excitement!
A mystery!! oooh this will be fun!
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Starter for @s1lver-bullet
Bakugo spun his pencil around his desk, half paying attention to their next assignment. He was intelligent, and of course, great at studying on his own, but he found it hard to focus in class. Maybe it was because he was surrounded by extras, or maybe it was Eraserhead's disinterested tone, but he'd only heard bits of the mission they'd be assigned to.
Something about catching thiefs.
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"Bakugo." The pencil immediately stopped, mid rotation, as the Explosion King finally focused. "You'll be pairing up with Jowi."
Crimson hues narrowed in annoyance. "Tch, you expect me to babysit the transfer?" He'd been trying to be a bit more friendly, ever since All Might and Deku had confided in him, so he didn't have a total meltdown. "Just try not to slow me down, new kid."
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