bronwyn-writes · 4 years
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HOW WE HAD BEEN ; Book One — Chapter One: The Garden
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To this, the girl shot back a focused glare, suntanned fingers knotting in the white/brown fur of the cat. “Knowing what she does is important, giving her a name to know isn’t.”
“Course it is!” Vivian knew the importance behind a name, even if this girl didn't—a name was a little bit of the things and people she met, and once she knew them, she felt like she carried a bit of them with her in the back of her mind. Was a name not important even if that was it’s only purpose? To always carry another with you even if they’re somewhere else? “Everyone and everything needs a name, that’s important—to know who someone is, it’s not to ignore whatever they are. I mean, your mom named you, right? She did that to know you not to ignore you.”
“She named me Benji ‘cause legally you have to name your children unless you have them somewhere in a van,” she said, bitter almost. “I doubt it was to know me.”
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
Moodboard Monday
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🌸This is for my girl Azyra Vaile. She’s one of my favorite OCs, so seemed fitting for my first moodboard ever!!
•dark purple and forest green
•ink and pen
•comfy clothes
•wild florals
•sunlight through the trees
Song mood
Her locket on a Chain by Friendly Savages
Random Facts
•favorite hobby: she’s an adventurer and loves logging her travels
•weapon of choice: dagger
•traits: she’s a people person. Thus, she tries to help in whatever way she can, even if it backfires
•struggle: escaping her captors
•best trait: her genuine care for others
•most annoying trait: her flippant sarcasm
Current favorite snippet:
“‘Fine,’ she said, ‘but you have to promise me one thing.’ She took a step forward and gripped my shoulders, conveying her earnestness. Her eyes bore into mine as she took a deep breath.
‘You’re going to have to let me pee first,’ she exhaled, grinning as she straightened back up.”
-Horror Vacui, from Chapter 4
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
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“Why do you want to die? I don’t, she’d say. I just want to live.”
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
Something Unknown Is out There in the Alps and It's Coming for Me...
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I always liked to have a more secluded lifestyle, reclusive even.
It’s not that I have social anxiety or anything, I guess I’m just not a people person. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t hate other people, but I’d rather not be around them. I like solitude and quietness.
When an acquaintance offered to rent me his family’s mountain cabin for a few months, I agreed almost instantly.
The truth is, I’d been looking for an opportunity like this for a while now. Just a few months, out in the middle of nowhere to work on my poetry completely undisturbed. Unfortunately, I’d never found anything that fit my rather tight budget.
The cabin itself was located in a remote area of the Alps. There were some tourist spots nearby, but nothing within walking distance. The place was ideal for someone who wanted to be entirely on their own.
It sounded absolutely perfect.
I arrived at the cabin about a month ago. It was beautiful. I loved it the moment I set foot inside. While I settled in, I started a small fire to heat up the place.
For the first couple of days, I had a hard time writing anything worthwhile. All the lines I came up with didn’t feel right. Instead of brooding over my work, I decided to explore the outside area.
The snow-covered plains, the mountains, and the many forests painted a beautiful panorama. Out here things were different, untouched. I wandered around for hours and tried to absorb as much of nature’s beauty as I possibly could.
Work went well after this little trip outside. Nature had always been one of my prime inspirations.
From that day onward I’d often spend a good part of the day outside, going on extensive walks. Only when the sun started to set did I actually sit down and work on my poetry.
Many times I discovered the tracks of animals outside. Some were small, most likely left by rabbits, others were bigger, hinting at deer.
I rarely stumbled upon signs of other humans. There were a few lonely tracks here and there. They were most likely left by hikers or mountain climbers passing through the area. My acquaintance was right, I was completely alone out here.
That was until two weeks ago. I set out one day for another walk when I stumbled upon many new tracks. They were clearly human, but it had to be a whole group. Their tracks were chaotic, going here and there as if they were stumbling into one another. I frowned when I saw them and hoped that they were already gone and on their way.
As so often, luck wasn’t on my side.
It was a day later that I found more of the same tracks. They were as chaotic as before, but now they were much closer. Whoever they were, they seemed to linger around the area. Maybe they were camping out here for some reason. Once more I frowned. I went out here to get inspired not to see their stupid tracks all over the place. Worst of all, they didn’t seem to care about nature at all. They had almost left a clear path behind on their way through the woods. There were markings on some of the trees and branches, and twigs littered their path.
For the next couple of days, I found more and more signs of this ominous group. It was a bit strange though that I never saw any of them. I shrugged it off and decided it was best to ignore them.
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
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Tilda von Dorneburg and Robin von Finholdt // The Dawnbringer
“Your family suffered so much already. It pains me to think there might be worse things ahead.”
Her heart cracked, and a humourless smile curled around her lips. “As a noble there will always be some kind of threat. At times, I think I’d rather be the daughter of a farmer. But those things you cannot choose. You do your duty and obey. I might only be the niece of the king, but my duty lies with the people too. My duty lies with the kingdom. And I will do all that is in my power to prevent it from falling.”
“I know you will,” he said silently. “And that is why I admire you. It would be my honour to fight alongside you. Your strength is true and unyielding.” He placed both hands on either side of her face and kissed her forehead.
She lifted her gaze and drowned in the warmth of his eyes that were her home. “You are my strength too.”
“As you are mine.”
Their lips touched, melted together into a warm embrace. He held her close, safe, caressing her back. She did the same, afraid of letting go of him.
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
WIP Masterpost Page
Horror Vacui is the working title for my current WIP
Chapter 1
My Ocs
Moodboards for OCs:
Settings for Horror Vacui
Tag Games about my WIP/OCs:
•10 Questions
•Character Flaws
•Last Lines
Asks about my WIP/OCs:
•Regarding Thomas
•OC House Placement
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bronwyn-writes · 4 years
I’m back!!  After a really long time away (due to some real life bullshit) I’m back and hoping to finish my WIP this time.  I’ve missed you all. <3
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
Do we need to talk about the relationship between the Renaissance and the Bible
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
writing tip #2467:
everyone has their own productive writing time of the day, so experiment to find yours. if this proves difficult, then your best writing time is “never”
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
Prepare yourself mentally
You’ll need to accept three things:
It won’t be the novel you have in your head.
It will be the worst novel anyone has ever written.
You can fix items 1 and 2 in the subsequent drafts. 
It’s easy to give up an idea when it looks like everything is going horribly. It’s easy to fall out of love with an idea when all the things you thought you loved about it aren’t showing up on the page. 
But let me tell you, this happens with so many books. They don’t pop out perfectly formed. To use an overwrought metaphor, if books were sculptures, writing the first draft would be mining the marble. You can chisel it down to that beautiful work of art later, but first you need to gather the raw material to work with.
 It probably won’t be pretty. It’ll be a great lump of words that may or may not form a coherent story. But that thing you want desperately? that story you can see so clearly inside your head? It will be in there somewhere. 
Make yourself accountable
It would be great if all writing a novel took was a strike of inspiration that could carry you over all 50k+ words. But for the majority of us, this isn’t the case. 
Your inspiration, your love of the idea alone, will not get you through this. 
It’s going to take blood and sweat and an astounding amount of perseverance. 
What will help more than any muse is accountability. A sense of responsibility and urgency to get this novel finished. 
Most of us need stakes and consequences. We need to be held accountable. This can take many forms. If you’re good at self motivation, you can hold yourself accountable. Make a plan of what you need to do to get the draft out, and hold yourself to it. 
If you need some external accountability, tell a friend your goals and send your work to them on a schedule. Join a writing group. Take part in NaNoWriMo. Tweet your goals and daily word counts. 
I’m in a writing master’s program. If I don’t write for weeks, I don’t have work to turn in to my manuscript tutor and that’s an unpleasant place for me to be. If I don’t write for months, I fail my course. As motivation goes, it can be stressful, but it helps me get words on the page. 
Start now
Do you want to write a novel? Right now. As you read this. Do you actually want to write a novel? If that answer is yes, start right now. Stop reading this (make sure to come back later to finish it, though.) Log off of tumblr and start writing. 
There are always going to be reasons why this, right now, is a Bad Time for you start. You have things to do, places to go, people to see. You have obligations and responsibilities. Life tip? That is never going to go away. It will always be a Bad Time to sit down and write a book. 
I’m a very slow writer, but I can train myself to write 800 words in 20 minutes if I want. If I wrote for 20 minutes every day, I could write a draft of a 50k novel in two months. That’s the same amount of time as the commercial breaks in an hour long tv show. If I watched an hour long tv show once a day and wrote during the commercials, I could write a 50k draft in two months. 
That’s nothing at all. 
I promise you, you have everything you need to sit down and start writing this very second. You have enough spare time in your day to finish a draft in a matter of months. 
If you really want to write that novel, there are no excuses. Start now. 
Keep Going
Remember how I told you that the first thing you have to do is prepare yourself mentally? Those are things you have to continually remind yourself as you write. 
It’s not going to be the novel in your head. 
It’s going to be the worst novel anyone has ever written. 
You’re going to have to accept these two horrible sentences as facts and keep going. 
At points, you’re going to hate your story. It’s going to be the very last thing you’ll want to waste your time on.
That’s fine. Believe it or not, that’s natural. 
Keep going. 
You’re going to want to change it. You might have a new idea for the beginning. You might decide on a new name for the main character halfway through. You might switch from past to present tense randomly. 
Those are all things you can fix in the second draft. 
Keep going. 
Your first draft doesn’t need to be coherent. It doesn’t need to be good. It just needs to be. 
You’re not trying to write the best novel ever. You’re not trying to write a good novel. Again, those are for the subsequent drafts. 
Now, your only goal is to reach the words: “The End.” 
Do whatever it takes to get to them. 
Keep a notebook of ideas for revisions next to you while you write to help fight against the urge to go back and change things as you write. 
Use writeordie.com to kickstart your word count and writing speed if you’re having trouble getting things on the page. 
Take a look at my list of writers’ block aids. 
If you have the means, try one of Chris Baty’s draft writing kits.
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
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Frosted by Marc Andreu
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
guys… I don’t know if you know this but… if you wake up early… there’s so many more hours in the day
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
“There, again, my fondness for you intensified while the weight of your head gently laid on my shoulder as I traced your fingers with my fingers, as though we had aligned the constellations or locked ourselves together, and right from every breath we took from our lungs, we felt the longing and breaking as the days flew so fast. But of all what I pondered, it was you and always you remained in my sight; it was you that I am still awoke at night; and perhaps, to be with you, I am very well certain and loved, more tender and blessed, grateful as anybody else in the world.”
— Chuck Akot, “Always y o u.”
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
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early morning patrol encounter at the Fernmeadow
a scene from my warriors oc story ;)
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bronwyn-writes · 5 years
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WIP: Good For Something | Worldbuilding: The Royal Family
The Moreau line is said to stem back for centuries. The first recorded Moreau on the throne of Noble was Yorik Moreau, a hunter and dragon rider. His dragon was said to be the colour of gold coin. The Moreau insignia of the golden arrowhead and scaled wings stems back to this time. It is rumoured he won his kingship in a betting card game involving his familiar, the previous queen, a demon and a former royal chamber maid. 
Over time the Moreau’s have made keen rulers. 
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