browbender-blog · 12 years
((Well that's awkward))
((The spacebar has detached itself from my keyboard with epic timing. Updating from my phone to let you know that tomorrow I am getting a usb keyboard and will be able to actually reply. Gah, timing! You guys are awesome, I am dyyyying to write these posts! I'll be back with you soon, tumblr. I miss you when my tech doesnt work properly. ~Zee))
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browbender-blog · 12 years
So I didn't get back to everyone this morning but today and tomorrow are going to be somewhat busy for me because, well, mother's day weekend and I'm visiting my parents. I'm out 'til this evening, so if I haven't gotten back to you yet, I'm working on it and full of ~feelings~.  Thanks again for the awesome posts, everyone!
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browbender-blog · 12 years
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browbender-blog · 12 years
"But-" She stopped herself, she knew he was right. Korra didn't mean to hurt him the first time, shes hasn't had any experience with this kind of thing, she wasn't sure what to do which was probably why this whole mess started. "Okay, sorry for all of this Bolin." Korra clutched her arm and stared down at the floor. "So uhm... Where is Mako anyway? He's not with you?" She asked, she thought he would have still been around at this time.
"He's out with Asami, I think," Bolin said, wrapping an arm around Korra's shoulders and pulling her in for a quick hug.  "The coast is clear for now.  You want to get your mind off, uh... everything?"Bolin didn't want Korra to feel upset or unhappy or guilty about what had happened - he just wanted her to be happy when they were together.  It wasn't his first time being turned down by a girl, and Korra was way too awesome to stop having fun with just because she wasn't quite sure where her heart was just yet. Releasing her, Bolin did a little hop-and-flip he'd been practicing to try and be lighter on his feet in the ring.  He had to get better at dodging, and Korra seemed like she could use some physical exertion to clear her head.  "You usually like to hit things, right - we could go hit things! Except, together!  If you want to spar, I'm not afraid of getting a little wet."
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Korras Guilt | @browbender
Korras gut clenched as she saw a a small flame of pain in Bolins eyes as he smiled sweetly to her. Her hands fumbled with a strand of her hair nervously as she felt guilt sink into her skin. Korras intentions were not hurt Bolin. She was actually having a great time but she had to go and screw it up and kiss the boy that would throw her out in the end anyway. She curled the corners of her lips up at Bolin and gazed up at him. “I would love to go out again Bolin..as a date…”she trailed off.”If you want to!”, she sort of nervously yelled and her cheeks burned red with embarrassment.
“I just feel like that one night went all wrong and I was just wondering if you would like to re-do it but I understand if not..” Korra started to babble and she tore  her eyes from him down to the ground.
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Out to run a couple errands and get lunch with my bff's parents. Thanks for giving me awesome posts to look forward to, everyone~<3!
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browbender-blog · 12 years
"Asami," He said, automatically starting to get up.  His first instinct was to go after her, and let her say terrible things that would drive a bigger wedge between them, but he stopped.  He had to stop, because he really did care for her.  She didn't want to be near him right now, and that was okay.  That was understandable. 
Mako was a patient man.  He owed it to Asami to wait for her to decided she wanted to talk to him again.
Ocean Kumquats (@the-asami-sato)
“Nothing’s wrong with this,” he said, gesturing with his fork to the tea and the cake.  
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Bolin touched Mako's jaw with three fingers, tipping his head up and forcing his brother to meet his eyes.  His other hand slid down the curve of Mako's spine to the small of his back, where it was easiest to keep him tucked in close with just the one hand.  Bolin's eyes were glistening, his pupils wide enough to make his irises seem the dark color of pine trees instead of their usual tea-green.  He looked alert but unafraid, ready.
"I love you, so it doesn't matter."  Bolin knew that Mako needed something else, to comfort him with the knowledge that it would be okay.  Nothing could come between them. Mako almost never let himself break down like this and be really unflinchingly close to Bolin.  He had to show Mako that it was safe, for real. 
Bolin kissed Mako, just as softly and briefly as before - but full on the mouth instead of hidden at its far edges.  He said, "I don't care."
Personal Space (@fireoftheferrets)
The way that Mako melted against him had made Bolin think he’d done the right thing, but then Mako’s breathing went all wrong and he started to tremble.  Maybe he’d taken it a little too far, but Bolin couldn’t really see anything wrong with what he’d said.  What could be so wrong about the truth?
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Unlike his brother, Mako had never been very good with people.  He tended to be distrustful, to put up a hard wall in order to be untouchable.  He had never managed to be distant with Asami.  She had caught him off-guard and forced him into a different, gentler rhythm.
"No," he answered her question almost easily.  He knew this answer.  "Love is a big word. She's my friend, I admire her, I like spending time with her. But, I made it clear to her that I won't let something like that happen again. I know she regrets that people are hurting because of it.  No, Asami.  I don't love her."
Mako wanted to take her hand or put his arms around her, or to find some way to ease her distress.  He didn't move.  She didn't look like she wanted to be touched - not by him, not right away. 
"I'm not a nice guy, but you make me want to be better," he started, but made himself stop.  It was supposed to be her time for talking; he had to answer her questions directly, to listen and hear her.
Ocean Kumquats (@the-asami-sato)
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Bolin had never expected Mako to cry - he thought, for sure, that Mako had known all along how important he was, not just because of the things he did for Bolin but because of how intensely Bolin cared for him.  Bo couldn't imagine life without his brother - even when they were younger and there had been constant threats to their lives, Bolin couldn't wrap his head around the idea.  That what he said could bring Mako to tears when Bolin felt like it was the only way that things could be was ridiculous.  If it was such a relief for Mako to hear that he fell apart in Bo's arms, he thought it was something that he should've said ages ago.
"Woah, hey," Bo said gently, sitting up so that he could hold Mako more easily.  "Hey, how can it be wrong, huh?"  He touched the tip of his nose to Mako's, and then kissed him again - on the forehead.  He smiled against Mako's skin.  "You and me are always going to have each other, no matter what else or who else there is.  You told me that."
He squeezed, hoping the strength in his arms could communicate the strength of his feelings.  Bolin didn't care what anybody thought, or what anybody did.  So what if there were girls in their lives - there probably should be girls in their lives, but that didn't mean that girls would, or even could really come between them.  Bolin thought that he and Mako had been through too much together for their feelings to fit into only one kind of love for each other.  Mako was Bolin's family, yes, but he was also his closest friend and his most trusted ally.  Mako was his warm winter and his good night's sleep and his belly full of dinner.  Mako was Bolin's fiery enthusiasm, so Bolin tried to always be the one who kept Mako grounded.  They couldn't, so far as Bolin was concerned, exist completely outside of or apart from each other. 
"Whatever's going on with us or the rest of this crazy place, it doesn't matter.  I love you."  Bolin said, brows knitting together as his smile went lopsided.  "So smile, already."
Personal Space (@fireoftheferrets)
“Sorry you’re welcome?” Bolin let his head tilt to one side as he watched Mako. Some bending fans he met had said his brother was hard to read, or aloof, or cold, but Bolin thought of him as an open book of emotions.   
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browbender-blog · 12 years
It was easy for Bolin to tell, running his hands along the curve of Mako's spine, which muscles he used most at the factory.  Mako's shoulders were hard with built-up tension, so he started there.  First he used the heel of his hand, smoothly drawing out the shape of the muscle groups as they showed through Mako's thin white undershirt.  The fabric got in the way, so Bolin slid his fingers under it, enjoying the warmth and friction of skin-on-skin contact.
Bolin's hands were broad and strong, calloused from hard work, earthbending, and time in the arena.  It took a long time for his fingers to get tired, and all-in-all he was pretty good at this massage thing.  Once he'd rubbed the knots from Mako's shoulders, Bo reached forward, finger-walking his way along Mako's back to the tender place at the top of the small, where his spine began to curve.
Too Early! (@dorkbender)
((In response to this post.)) “Too early,” Bolin said. 
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Korra winced, once again she had chosen the wrong words for this situation. In the middle of mentally beating herself up, she managed to catch his last few words. "Say what now? Whoa wait a minute, you may not be 'that guy' but your just as amazing if not more." Why she couldn't realize that sooner she didn't know, "I may have been put up to that kiss, but I can tell you right now that I don't regret going along with it." She looked up at him again, hoping she worded that right this time.
"Korra, I," Bolin started, one hand against his chest, "I think you know how I feel about you. I really like you, I think you're probably the coolest girl in the world."
He brushed his thumb over her cheek where the last of her blush still lingered, before letting his hand fall to her shoulder.  "I don't think I can handle this yet, and -- Mako's going to be furious.  He's going to think you're just messing with me.  I know you're not like that..."
Bolin took a deep breath, and pulled her into a brief hug.  He couldn't help noticing the feel of her hair or the cool scent of her skin before he released her.  It made him ache.  He really, desperately liked her. "I can't...," he started, only to trail off and rephrase his feelings.  "I've never met anyone like you.  I want it to be for real.  I don't want to just end up hurting each other again."
They should wait.  Give it time.  They've still only just met. No matter how his heart races and his palms sweat and his skin tingles when he's near her, Bolin knows that they should let it develop.  Mako would say they should wait and see.((1, 2)) 
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browbender-blog · 12 years
He'd wanted to say something that let Mako know he thought he was doing right by him - he remembered dark times in less-comfortable places when Mako had fretted over the job he'd been doing taking care of Bolin.  Bolin didn't need to understand the reason for the guilt that flashed across Mako's face.  He appreciated his brother too much to let him beat himself up.
"Hey," Bo said, propping up his weight on one elbow.  He kept his other hand on Mako's back - fingers flared out so that his hand was broad and warm against his brother's shoulder.  There was a gentle but distinct pressure to Bolin's touch; he was keeping Mako pulled close to him, holding onto him like something precious.  He was precious to Bolin. He knew what he wanted to do.
Bolin leaned upwards and planted a kiss on the corner of Mako's lower lip, where Mako had bitten it.  He'd never kissed his brother on the mouth before.  The kiss was small and soft and quick, but it was warm - different, but not-so-different from the little, platonic things they'd shared on cheeks or foreheads when they were young.  It didn't feel strange to kiss Mako, or to kiss him there at all.   "I love you," Bolin said simply. "More than girls."
Personal Space (@fireoftheferrets)
Bolin took the opportunity to hug to his brother without shame.  Since they were small - since almost before Bolin could remember  - a long embrace from Mako had been his most reliable comfort. 
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browbender-blog · 12 years
((This is unrelated to my RP threads right now but oh man I want this to be a thing. Bolin and Mako can be part of Korra's investigative team and it will be awesome. Bolin is obviously the guy who is friends with everyone and calls in favors for her.  Mako can be the undercover guy who feeds her information from the criminal underbelly of Republic City.  Police Detective Lin Bei Fong can threaten them for meddling in her investigations but have a secret soft spot for Korra because of her persistence on the job.  KORRA, ASAMI NEEDS YOUR HELP TO DISCOVER WHO IS TRYING TO KILL HER FATHER AND THE POLICE SUSPECT HER BECAUSE SHE IS HEIRESS TO HIS FORTUNE omg but it is totally the group of bad guys Mako is in with for the purposes of some other investigation and there can be ~drama~ and ~romance~ and chi-blocking action in darkly lit alleyways ... this picture is just epic, okay.  I WOULD PLAY THE HECK OUT OF THAT GAME, I AM JUST SAYING.))
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I heard you’re the best in the business, Avatar.
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browbender-blog · 12 years
Personal Space (@fireoftheferrets)
For a few moments only Bolin’s chest moved, rising and falling in a quick rhythm.
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browbender-blog · 12 years
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Borra - Better than training alone. by *kitsune999
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browbender-blog · 12 years
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