browneyedgenius · 7 days
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I drew this a few days ago and I was trying to figure out how to complete it or render it and I never did so it’s been sitting in my little folder. I really like the sketch I’m just not super confident with rendering right now and I didn’t want to ruin it so I’m going to give it to you all like this.
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browneyedgenius · 7 days
god i will never be over the delivery + the line "nobody at this hospital even LIKED amber" like i've blocked out as much of that episode and the aftermath as i can because it makes me feel unwell but that line just stuck with me. how amber was fired out of the blue and sobbed on the spot and no one ran to her (except wilson). how i had a visceral reaction (/negative) to seeing her wear wilson's jumper. how amber seemed to be toying with wilson but played along with the "house wants to share custody of me" and genuinely genuinely loved him. the parallels to house? in front of people he does everything for himself and on his own he does everything for other people. how she left the house in the middle of the night to get her boyfriend's best friend who was roaring drunk and might not remember who took him home. wilson breaking down in his office and giving up the hope of a last goodbye so she isn't in pain. everyone coming to see her and seeing it through her perspective. everyone in that big white room coming on the side where she can't see the machine keeping her alive. "i don't want the last emotion i feel to be anger." how i've convinced myself that that line made wilson not blame house. "nobody at this hospital even liked amber." but the way she died was horrible and avoidable and stupidly tragic and idk there's something to special so me about how house denies guilt but hallucinates her specifically. something something the show took you by the hands and looked you in the eye and said "no one deserves to die. look at me. it doesn't matter, none of it matters. she was human, therefore loved, and none of the rest of it mattered."
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browneyedgenius · 7 days
its crazy how foreman is like house but he doesnt want to be and yet always comes back to it, and chase is house but he can do it like a normal person and so he accepts it. and taub is house but only in relation to kutner being wilson. kutner is actually also like house, except hes so kind and trusting and he still manages to get house's results (& house hated seeing how kutner's repression worked out.) and thirteen isnt like house, but she can play by his rules and she does it well and because of that she's kind of a wilson-cuddy hybrid. and she's house's child. and chase is also house's child but he's the naive one. and amber was always house but more palatable for some and more intolerable for others all because she was a young woman and so house was more confident than she could hope to be. can anyone hear me in here
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browneyedgenius · 7 days
Greg House be like: you followed this guy you saw at a medical conference who was clutching his divorce box like a teddy bear (and then went on to commit property damage) and his loserboy swag compelled you enough to bail him out of jail and start the longest-running game of gay Russian roulette - in which you both come out multiple times a day but not really because ‘it’s just a joke lol’ - and also he’s been divorced 3 times and each one is probably a little bit your fault but also he finally gets another girlfriend who is DIFFERENT from the others (she is literally you with long hair) but then she is hit by a bus (this one is definitely your fault). and also you drug him and he drugs you and he kidnaps you and you sabotage his every attempt to have a life outside your orbit. and also you are roommates but he moves out but you move in but he kicks you out but then you buy a house together and also you probably owe him over $80,000 for funding every aspect of your life. strangers assume you are a couple. if he dies you are alone. you are the best and worst thing in his life, you are the best and worst parts of himself. he loves you but he will let you know that he loves you against his better judgement. he hurts you (in ways he would never dare to hurt anyone else), he wants you to be happy. you both like monster trucks
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browneyedgenius · 28 days
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browneyedgenius · 28 days
There's ✨NO WAY✨ Coulson hasn't helped Daisy up to her feet, and went, "🤭Upsie-daisy🤭," at least once during the time he's known her. He's too much of a dad to miss an opportunity like that...
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browneyedgenius · 28 days
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invented a game called “I throw dice at the cat”
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browneyedgenius · 1 month
Demons and monsters that torture people because they feed on human suffering are so dumb. People are suffering everywhere my guy go literally any place and take a deep whiff.
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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Art by https://twitter.com/hokkemaruyaki
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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og post
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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- Dan Mora, NYCC 2023
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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- Dan Mora, NYCC 2023
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
One very slow news day when they're all bored as hell at work Lois is like. Okay. Fuck marry kill The Big Three. And Clark replies "oh easy fuck batman marry wonder woman kill Superman" and the entire office gets so mad at him like you KILL Superman our collective BEST FRIEND Superman????!?!?!?
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
It is vitally, vitally important that Clark Kent is boring.
I don't mean 'boring' in an inherently bad way. A desk job is boring. Data analysis is boring. Due process is boring. All of these things are imperative for a functioning society but almost nobody will ever be praised for them.
When my car got stolen a year ago, the guy who took it stole a bunch of other stuff too. I was sitting with a cop in a backroom of the campus police station for almost an hour while he was doing paperwork (to make sure everyone would get their stuff back), and at one point he looked up at me and he said, "sorry about this. It's not all shootouts and car chases like on TV."
And I almost said, "well, due process is sexy" (I didn't, for obvious reasons). But he looked surprised when I told him I thought due process was pretty cool. Like nobody is supposed to think due process is cool. Things are only cool if they're glamorous or flashy.
The guy who stole my car was horribly addicted to meth. The sheriff told me, "you should press charges so we can put him away for as long as possible."
The sheriff was lost in a world of heroes and villains. He was the "hero." The addict was the "villain." But the person who helped people was the guy at a desk, who went back over the mile long paper trail and returned every stolen item to its owner. The important stuff is when some guy in an office writes an algorithm to save endangered whales, or when the third double blind test finally shows sufficient evidence for the efficacy of a new cancer treatment. The goose that actually lays the golden egg almost never cackles.
This is why the 'Glasses' comic is so important, to me. We live in a world which glorifies exciting acts of heroism but not "boring" ones. We live in a world that thinks people like Clark Kent aren't important, when they're often doing the most important work, solving the systemic issues, saving people who aren't lost yet. Sometimes we need firefighters, but in a perfect world, we'd only need safety inspectors.
And sure, Superman is necessary within the story. There are disasters and villainy he can prevent. There are lives he can save. But being Superman is ultimately a terrible sacrifice, and if the heroism wasn't necessary he'd be Clark Kent all day. That's what makes him not a cop: he's not enjoying the car chases and shootouts. He avoids letting things get 'interesting' at all costs. He avoids glory.
The comic Strong Female Protagonist (by Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag, BRING IT BACK) has several fascinating pieces of philosophy on superheroes and society, but my favourite is this:
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Kal-el, living solar battery, isn't just someone who contributes to society from the outside or the top. He plugs away at boring, everyday kindnesses just like other humans. (This can make for great contrasts with Lex Luthor, who is the epitome of a light bulb person and could never understand why Superman would want to be a battery.)
Clark Kent is boring. Clark Kent plays things by the book. Clark Kent is sexy in the same way that due process is sexy, and any character who thinks the Clark Kent side is 'less than' the Superman side, is textually a goddamn idiot. "No glory save honour" and he will always have both.
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
I am actually begging some people to just let some spaces exist untouched by real-world issues and horrors.
Like I've lost count of the amount of times peaceful game or fandom servers have been ruined by people stampeding in with political rants, bitching about world issues, demanding internal activism, demanding vent channels so they can whine about their shitty parents, ect.
Like. Respectfully. Not every single space has to be inclusive of and welcoming of outside topics. The real world sucks. We don't needed to be reminded of that absolutely everywhere.
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browneyedgenius · 3 months
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Pride and Prejudice (2005) + facts | part 2
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