brucefree-blog · 7 years
In response to a video on the newearth channel concerning flat earth the psy-op debate.
The original video is here: https://youtu.be/5cZH4LUHRec
All children naturally develop a flat earth conception. And with flat earth I mean, a flat realm. That is nature. Nature is always right. Natural understanding is different from scientific mechanical knowledge. Do you know how to digest food? Do you need the right certain thoughts to make it happen? Science may think it understands digestion, but your body actually does it. Nature is not a machine. It requires a different understanding to connect with it. We do not need a model of digestion to digest or to digest better. That is not how nature works. In the past, people could see which plants were poisonous and which not. They did not have to perform a test for each plant, have many casulties etc, and compile a corpus of knowledge to pass on. That is an absurd form of life that only came about when people lost their natural knowledge. Now we are blind and deaf, and our only way to understand is to measure with machines and reason mechanically. But let me tell you, this is absolutely not the way to understand Earth. The true nature of our life, earth, the heavenly bodies, is behond the grasp of mechanical thinking and Measuring. The problem starts already with light. What is it? Nobody knows. The whole physical sciences have zero understanding about anything. Our technological progress is not built on the understanding of nature, just the oppsite, on understanding robots and mechanics. Technology is developed through trial and error. It is the progress of how to manipulate substances, not how to understand them. We can understand something wrong, yet achieve success in an experiment. You think there is only a problem with the historical sciences? The whole basis of science is a problem. It is easier to focus on one thing, like history, but that is a reductionistic approach of science which leads away from natural understanding where everything is a whole. There will not come experiments to show us the true shape of the earth. It does not exist on that level. I understand it to be a flower, floating on the cosmic sea. But this cannot be measured. Can you measure your love for someone? The essence of life lies outside mechanical thinking. Since mechanical thinking is a fairly recent developmznt, look around you how it is destroying life quickly, we can be sure that the mechanical spherical model of earth and heavenly bodies is recent as well. The vedas talk about planes of existence, which you can deduce yourself that they exist. It was common knowledge not so long ago that there were multiple realms in which you existed as well. In your dreams, real dreams are rare these days of course, you can sometimes visit these other levels. They contain parts of you that know more and have memories that go far back. It is through such dreams that I learnd without any youtube flat earth knowledge or involvement, that the whole spherical model is a lie. This whole video is a big disappointment and on a very low spiritual level. It is even badly researched in that respect. If we could see the curve from a plane, there would exist no debate concerning the curve. I and countless others have never seen a curve from a plane. According to calculations, you should not even be able to see it from a commercial plane. To focus on the physical level of the debate is already a mistake, but then to take this worst of examples, just shows you cannot deal with this topic in a proper manner. Hours are spent to dwell on rocks and stones on this channel, but to the nature of the earth itself, 10 minutes should be enough? Is that an honest contribution? And then, you burden the so-called flat earthers, a creation by the evil ones, that they have to come up with new experiments to form a scientific sound new model of the earth. Aha, so it is up to others to figure it out? Is that it? You have nothing to do with this? So much for the newEarth Channel. There are no flat earthers. These are artificial groups created by the system, and you play the chess game along with it. By your logic, you should provide us with a complete alternative history with all the necessary proof. This is corrupt thinking. We can question a model without having an alternative. Too much knowledge has been lost on all levels. We start by questioning the status quo the system gives us. It is not because we know something is a lie, that we know what is true. The whole flat earth debate is meaningless as it is guided by the rules of the system. It is poison that feeds the evil forces. It is not a matter of intellect, the nature of earth. It is a matter of the heart in the first place. Gravity, ball earth, empty black space, etc. are all intellectual inventions. They remove you from your own inner knowledge, it ridiculises your own intuition which you started developing as a child. Earth is not an object, that is an intellectual invention. Earth has been made into an object, it has been dethroned. Earth is the condition where objects can manifest. Past people never objectified earth, she was always a goddess, a mystery, a living realm. To not understand that a spherical earth that floats in empty space amidst countless other spheres is a vision that destroys a spiritual meaningful life, that this is the central vision of the whole quacedemia, that this “fact” is a very recent fabrication, this shows the gap there must exist between heart and intellect, this is the total lack of spirituality. It is the product of a mechanical mind, not your own. The flat earth topic has been steered into a corrupt intellectual direction that will lead nowhere. And you are joining it as they want it. Because the movement is corrupt, a psy-op, you think it suffices to deal with in such a superficial manner. Let me tell you, the whole alternative history-science-religion, the whole new age movement, all of it is a psy-op. All of it. It does not mean that the ideas discussed in them are all lies, it means that they are explained in such a way that they will cause no harm to the system the parasites have created. Thery are just there to create the illusion of freedom. But you can think whatever you want, it will not harm the system in any way. It will gladly accept another zillions hours of newearth videos showing alternate views of the past. As long as the true heart is not involved, your thinking remains restricted and bound by the rules they have set in all of us. Flat earth is yet another movement they initiated that seemingly breaks the rules of the system, but that actually makes them stronger. We do not arrive at the truth of things through discussions, experiments, watching videos and talking. Truth comes from within. Nothing is needed from the external world, no therapist, no drugs, no music. Contact with the soul can only happen if time is given, great care and patience. Any other way will lead to misleading experiences. The truthmovement is just entertainment, a drug against boredom, a mass movement. An abstract intellectual enterprise that has no connection with reality. Truth is not information, it is insight through personal effort. It cannot be spread, handed over to others. We can be informed that our history has been rewritten, but that gives us no insight to what that means. But I can tell you that nothing is changing, that the system is not in danger, because it is itself handing you out all this fascinating information. As long as the gate of wisdom remains closed, you have no power to change anything. Tolkien has perhaps written the most powerful tale of where truth is to be found: in the heart of darkness. We are the small hobbits, no magical powers, all odss against us. The ring is the system. It can never be used to do good. All our technology is destructive. All thinking derrived from this technology is equally destructive. To destroy this ring, this system, we must penetrate into the heart of the place where it was forged. We must confront our biggest fears. We must go where we least want to go of all. We must destroy the system within us. But we do not seem to have the time to do all this. We are running around but achieving little. Each day we seem to have less time. The system grows bigger as it swallows more and more of our time. That is how it controls our world. It is a time thief. History was changed to steal time from us and to add it to the system. Only if we are able to take back our time, will we in fact have the time to free ourselves from the slavery of the system. But to understand this, we must forget what we have been taught about time. Time is the essence of life. Michael Ende has written a beautiful story about this in Momo. It is a book with vital insights about the system, well hidden in a so called childrens story. Good stories are like dreams, they can help you to achieve insights because they are more than information, they are also full of symbols and archetypes. Like a plant cannot grow without sufficient water, we cannot live and develop without sufficient time. We grow old quickly and die before we can even understand why we were born at all. And then we are born again, and each time we possess less of our soul because the system eats it and uses this soul time to generate a false world with principles opposite to those of life. If you want to change anything, start by concentrating on retreiving your time. There is a good reason why swastikas have been demonised. The left turning swastika is the symbol of how to reverse the flow of time. It contains the dynamics to do this, to make time flow away from the system back to you. That is a direct threat to the system, so it had to be associated with evil. Think of the most horrible situations you suffer or suffered and reverse them clockwise. Drain them of their time essence, and you will notice that they will lose their power over you. They will eventually become unreal, like a film. That is how the past can be undone. You cannot rewind anything, that is mechanical thinking btw, but you can retreive the time essence through your memories which keeps these events alive. The other archetype you must focus on to achieve time reversal is the dragon, which symbolises all real original animals. The dragon is the magic body you need to help you activate the reversal dynamics. Btw, the ancient dragon culture also had to be destroyed, and the dragon turned into some evil reptile to be slain, and later even became associated with dinosaurs (which only exist in the astral planes). The dragon spirits are the arch enemy of the systems agents, which could be called dragon snakes. They can manifest in many forms in nightmares, or in astral visions. Appear as angels, aliens, etc. They are what the orc is to the elf. Dragon spirits are repelled from our world. It will take effort to connect with, I should say, your dragon. A name is important. Create a power place, like a small altar, make a drawing from the unconscious. Draw a left turning swastika. Draw a black ring to represent the system. Know that the soul is twofold, with the lower manifested as a snake and the higher with the bird. These need to be merged together. That is the winged snake. Redeem the snake, the fallen part of the soul. That is how this system will be destroyed.
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brucefree-blog · 7 years
Time thieves
Here is the thought: time can and should be reversed. Yes, time itself. What we are suffering today is abused time. There is no fate. All paths lead to suffering today. Time has been stolen by an invisible enemy, often called “GOD”. Our stolen time is used to create this prison with unreal events. There is no solution within these events. The only real cure is to take time back. Reverse the false flow of time, empty the evil events that fill up your life with your stolen time, and they will become unreal. Keep reversing time until the God-system breaks. You will have to force time out of the system to start doing it. The beginning will be the hardest. This is the weak spot of the system, it will do everything to prevent you from take back the time it stole. Break your chains that bind you to this central system. Do no longer agree with how everything flows into Nothingness. Do no longer agree with the flow of time. That is the thought you can think, because unlike you have been programmed to think, it is more than possible: it is the only solution to save life in this world.
The book that should be written
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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Every child naturally develops a conception of Earth as a flat plane, regardless of which culture or landscape the child grows up in. This means there are hundreds of millions of utterly convinced flat earthers around the world that need to be re-educated about their stupid mistake ASAP. God only knows what would happen if this natural mistake were left alone to its own device!
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
So you don't want to know about evil, only about love? Or is it that evil first took your soul, and then it proceeded to take hold of your spirit. And now it is evil that speaks through your mouth and it is just content the way things are. Call back your soul and spirit and ask them who is doing the speaking. You will be surprised.
Bruce Free, Conversations in the dark
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
What sings but is silent Is strong yet brittle Leads to great deeds But is itself little Hidden from they eye You share it with others Till you die
Bruce Free
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
Truth is Threefold
First, there is the truth of how things have become, but how they should not be. Second, there is the truth of how things were meant to be, but no longer are. Third, there is the truth of  accepting the things that have become as if they were meant to be, and how the things that are missing, should not be there.
The first truth shows that evil rules us. The second truth shows that we have forgotten the time when goodness prevailed. The third truth is the lie that keeps evil on its throne.
- Bruce Free
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
The superior man understands what is right; the inferior man understands what will sell.
Confucius (via philosophybits)
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
The idea of having made agreements before you reincarnate, is yet another dangerous New Age belief. Don’t get me wrong, it is probable that souls who become more and more corrupted due to the reincarnation system (which is under archontic control) make “deals” to have a better next live. This “contract with the devil” however is not a real contract. You just loose more of your soul to the system in exchange for a “better” life. There is no way that this can be “revoked”. The system that uses your light to function will not give it back because you have changed your mind. There is no contract to be found in the astral world. If you see such things, you are merely being caught in astral games the archons like to play. If you are having good results by doing soul contract revocation, you are just entering a new illusion. Every now and then, the New Age movement comes up (read: receives from the archons) with a new solution for all our troubles. This time, this is “it”! It used to be “positive thinking”, but apparently, that doesn’t really work in the real world.
Not only is the idea of soul contract revocation wrong, it will harm you as well. Read on ...
The idea of soul contract revocation is typical childish New Age ideology: "Oh, I can't stand living here, but now it's okay because I apparently agreed with it!" What stands in the shadow behind this sort of reasoning? Control addiction. The illusion that you are in control of everything, including all your suffering. Very childish and dumb. Compensating ideology for the fact that it is just the opposite and that your whole life is being controlled by alien forces. This simple insight is suppressed because it is very disagreeable, and the resulting shadow that lives in you and that does not accept all this suffering and that naturally finds this world utterly mad, insane and pointless, needs to be countered by strong opposition or else it will explode and flood you with all its darkness. If you do not accept the darkness of reality, you will suffer it through mental disorders. Karma, agreements, the learning experience, ascension, and all those other addictive ideologies are nothing but lame excuses for the mindless evil that thrives in this world. I know it's hard to face the evil without ideological blinds, face to face, but it can be done.
All these ideologies are launched and programmed by archons and demons to keep people accepting the hellish state of the world.
Not because they need your "agreement" to do evil, yet another childish control freak belief, but because in that way you all actually help them to make it even worse and there is no resistance against it. All these New Agers need a slap with a big fucking stick on their thick boned head, although it probably won't help because there is no Ego left there to wake up. The Ego is "bad" so they threw it out. And now they are just these empty shells that can be filled with any shit that floats around. Tired of the old shit? Try the new shit! Once you smell the shit, you will no longer put your nose into it because the smell is unbearable. Keep spreading the bullshit, because that's what the internet was invented for. To learn more bullshit and to contrast it with other bullshit. And also, to do shit. That way, we keep sitting in the shit in which we are so we may learn even more about it. That is the progress of shit. The icing on the cake, or should I say shit, is of course that we all agreed to this shit. That explains why we keep accepting it. Now let us keep cycling around and around in this circular reasoning that keeps feeding the bullshit so we may never run out of bullshit. Okay, nough of this shit, I'm off.ï»ż
Prelestnost2 So what is your solution?ï»ż
To see truth in itself is the solution. To make the darkness conscious like Carl Jung said decades ago. New Agers are not doing this, that is the problem. There is no solution like a pill that can be swallowed. There is no slogan or quote with wisdom to create wisdom where there is none. The archetypal structure itself in the collective unconscious has become corrupt and rotten through centuries of religious brainwashing. When you repeat a lie long enough, it will become a psychological truth.
The most important and central archetypal corruption is "God".
Whether "God" is seen as an entity (that you can call out to), as an illusion (Buddhism), as something to merge with and loose yourself (Hindu) or as a human fantasy (science), these are all manifestations of a corrupt archetype. The archetype is real and central, that is why every debate and problem keeps revolving around it, but it has become poisonous and does the very opposite (making life impossible) from what it used to do (making life meaningful). In its original form, the God archetype sustains and feeds life. In its corrupted form, it becomes a destructive addictive drug that makes people float away from what is real. Many people have been seeking, and perhaps now more than ever, contact with "God" by using drugs, which only shows the true dark form that this archetype has been turned into. Another popular way has always been to cause the body itself to create the drugs to trip on and imagine contact with "God", for example by starving oneself, or mortification of the flesh (or both). A popular modern form to trip is sports, because extensive workout when long enough will start to create the drugs in the body to keep you tripping and tricking of course. And lastly, TV is a very good way to connect with "God" because it puts your mind in a hypnotic state forgetful of the real world around you. The solution is each person's own responsibility to strengthen the Ego and take the plunge in the inner darkness, a journey in which to learn to discern your own darkness from the Darkness, the real Light that needs to be rescued from the false light that has to be exorcised. Only this can put an end to the endless unconscious projections that distort reality and the unconscious compensations that keeps the illusionary world of falsehoods in balance.ï»ż
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
All four Beatles were replaced ca. 1966 !!
Some interesting exchanges on youtube concerning this complex as well as upsetting topic.
All 4 were replaced. That's the only way they could have done it. All 4.ï»ż
Logically, when you consider that these guys were closer than brothers and so young, for three to accept one fake would have been too devastating and they couldn't have continued putting out great recordings. The collective mental depression would have overwhelmed everything. The new Beatles went into the studio for Sgt. Pepper wanting very much to prove themselves musical geniuses and did, with George Martin molding them into greatness. I think several tracks on Revolver were the old band and several were the new band. Sgt Pepper was 100% new band.ï»ż
Lord Textus:
Yet through clues they drew attention to 'Paul' to distract people from seeing the others. They all changed their image and wore fake moustaches. Genius.ï»żÂ 
Yeah, they used facial hair to hide differences in appearance from the originals and possibly from earlier doubles. I've always thought that the "Paul" of the Let It Be sessions was a double who had a much more aggressive personality than the original or previous doubles. The "John" on the cover of Abbey Road has such a bushy beard and massive amount of long hair that you can't tell who he really is. All the moustaches, beards, and long hair were like camo from double to double. Of course, the power of the whole PID thing is that there is an extremely strong urge that's been mind controlled into the public that there were no doubles at all. It's hard, even for serious researchers to break through that control and see things objectively. I know that there is a 'dark side' to the Beatles collective biography. It's very difficult to pin down exactly what that consists of and the origins of it. There are no easy answers.ï»ż
I agree with the part of all four replaced, but I disagree strongly with Sgt Pepper being 100 percent new Beatles. Everything points to the opposite: the original Beatles recorded much more than was released and thus they could keep on milking the material they left behind. It immediately explains the vast differences in styles and qualities on these later albums that never feel like a whole but more like a collage of leftovers, older stuff and some new stuff. Just take one song as an example: the Long and winding road. Faul of Wings has tried over and over to sing this song, yet he can't, it sounds awful. In the Let it be film already the Faul (looks like a different one to me) is already play backing the song. Paul McCartney had a very distinct and beautiful voice. Apparently, they never found anyone that could imitate him properly. Listen to the live versions of "Yesterday" by Faul. Not only does he play the song with different chords, he also has a very different thinner and higher voice and just can't bring it with the quality it needs. I think the first Faul recording I hear on a Beatles album is actually already on Revolver: Got to get you into my life. The vocals are muffled away and tampered with. They sound awful compared to the other Paul songs that sound crystal clear and very warm and present. Also, Yellow submarine on that same album is already not a Beatles song. Somehow, they gradually infiltrated the Beatles only to completely replace them when they were all murdered together. By intersecting original Beatles music on the later albums (and even in their later solo careers), they made sure some of that real magic stayed and it made the illusion perfect. Look at how they produced the tape demos of Lennon "Real love" and "Free as a bird" an finished it. Apparently, they were used to do a thing like that. It's a hell of a ride to try to figure out what happened to the Beatles. But one day we'll nail it completely down.ï»ż
Intersection: the production of fake demos
I know tend to believe that these “demos” of Lennon are from a replacement, BUT, the songs were probably written by Lennon. The vocals of the demos are quite bad and thin as with all fake John recordings. Yet, these are very good songs ... a little bit too good for replacements. If there were such good song writers around that could replace the real Beatles, why did the real good songs stop coming? Because they ran out of original Beatles material.
A good example of the production of fake demos is this one from Fohn (Fake John) playing Help! on the piano somewhere in the seventies. Everything is awful: the playing, the singing. Yet so many people thought and still do that this is a real demo of John Lennon from the sixties. But why would the real John be playing these silly pieces of his OWN music and perform them so lousy? And why would he record them anyway? It is quite absurd.
FoxTails, you make very good points. I'm inclined to agree with you on all points. George Martin was the bandleader who masterminded the transition from old Beatles to new Beatles. I don't think most people fully realize the control and brilliance of George Martin not only musically, but in smoothing over a horrible tragedy.ï»ż
True, George Martin played a pivotal role in the whole process, exactly knowing what would be regarded as being "Beatles" and what could potentially be problematic. But human psychology and how to manipulate it is a strange thing. The music, the images, the stories, all together they were manipulated in such a way that the switch was accepted, not by heart but by brutal force. I think we can compare this to an assault where the victim will defend his aggressor and even wave the incident away. The mind is numbed and fails to react rationally to what it has seen or experienced to be wrong. Those teenagers or fans of the days that did react strongly to the switch, were just left in confusion because they could not understand what it was that confused them so much. To even think that these were not the real Beatles but others guys, is such a brutal awful idea that has such large implications for how your world around you works, that the psyche shuts down. The Sergeant Pepper cover has such a brutality that is smacked in your face, with the whole funeral scenery, the confusing placement of so many card board people that give you the creeps and strange objects littered around, with the real Beatles standing helpless by the side as waxen dolls while the perpetrators exclaim literally that they're a different band who put on the Beatles "costume" and they say: What you gonna do about it? Tell your mummy or daddy? (which some did) In fact, Sgt Pepper is the first album I myself bought because it was the only one I could find in the record store at that moment, and I remember very well that although I was glad to have finally a record of them, I was also completely confused by this cover and also the music. It is clearly a mix of a few real Beatles songs with completely different songs that have nothing to do with what the Beatles did. The sinister undertone of the cover and some songs just does not sit right at all. No wonder it is mostly hailed as the most important rock album ever: the Beatles have produced much better albums but they had to market this one as a new achievement and break through in music although the "newness" had nothing to do with true musical evolution but with the new band members who wanted to surpass the real Beatles in popularity and as artists.
What interests me most know is to figure out which were originally Beatles songs, whether just written or already recorded, and which not. It's on this most important point that you see virtually nothing appear on youtube or websites. On the Paul part I am practically sure of almost all of them which are original and which aren't. George equally has a very different voice from his replacement(s), and so I can hear now that While my guitar gently weeps, Something and Here comes the song were definitely not recorded by him. If he could have written any of them or might have already recorded demos is a possibility. John proves to be a bit more difficult. I remember when I started exploring the solo career of Lennon, that I was surprised at the harshness of his voice and often bad singing in many sons. I wondered if the recordings themselves were to blame, and that the equipment used was not good enough. But now I can hear that it has nothing to do with it. It is the same problem with Paul/Faul. The real John has such a warm and present voice, but not so for his replacement. Although he has a very similar timbre (unlike Faul), his voice is less musical, harsher and more limited in wat he can do with it. I was really amazed when I worked my way back in the past and started listening more again to old Lennon songs, notably also his splendid R&B covers. I was blown away by his vocal capacities. And that is just the difference between him and the replacement(s). But like the photographs, there is always the problem with tampering and manipulation. Like they have tampered with older photos to make them look more like the replacement, there could have happened the same thing with some demos or finished records. Take Child of nature for example. I am having a hard time accepting that this is not a Lennon song. The only problem is actually the mentioning of "Rishikesh", a place the real Lennon supposedly never went. Yet the demo sounds very strange to me. Two men are singing, one louder than the other. Usually, there is no double tracking on a demo as this. It seems that the quieter voice is John himself and yet it sounds different than the louder John. Could it be that the replacement recorded over the demo? And could they have intersected "rishikesh" somehow? Just some thoughts. It just makes more sense to me that the replacement(s) rewrote this beautiful ballad into a whining charade of a "jaleous guy" disfiguring the original beauty of the song. Also, the real Beatles did stay in India for a while after they escaped the Philippines. Did they really relax there and went shopping as we are told? Maybe they already went to Rishikesh which is only a four hour drive from Delhi as they tried to drag the four boys into their satanic webs. But as I said, these just some recent thoughts of mine, the exit of the labyrinth is hard to find. They have done their best to create an incredible fortress of chaos.ï»ż
I agree on all points. My opinion is that there is an official story, an official narrative biography of The Beatles -- the one that first appeared in the early Hunter Davies official bio and then was reinforced later by the Anthology book and videos -- that was made up with a lot of assistance from British Intelligence. Once that narrative was in place, talking points were established based on it that are still used today by the living 'Beatles' and any living inner circle. I've seen so many interviews of 'Paul' over the years, in which he repeats the same speaking points almost verbatim every time. It's the narrative that he has memorized and it's approved by British Intelligence and CIA to be safe for him to say and repeat. Just as in the JFK assassination case, I think that anyone who was around and knew exactly what happened to The Beatles in 1966 has been killed. There are other people, I think, still alive, who were around then and have a pretty good guess as to what went down, but they have all been 'gotten to' and threatened horrifically to the point where they dare not utter a word about it. Heather Mills was paid hush money, obviously, but she has also stated publicly that she fears for her life (and I doubt she knows all of the secret details of the secret switcheroo). This is where my speculative ideas get strange --- I think there is a supernatural element that, from the beginning of the secret society or cult involvement in the plot to the present, has generated synchronicity clues. So, I think that many clues were intentionally planted in songs and album art, but then there are also many that were unintentional but generated on their own synchronicitously due to the vast mass consciousness and subconsciousness that forms a worldwide collective of thoughts and emotions on this subject. I think that when the plot was hatched to replace The Beatles, a social engineering project or experiment was built in to the plot and its maintenance. Also, I suspect that the band who took the stage at Candlestick Park were the replacements, the understudies, the tribute band, who had rehearsed the music, speech and body language of the originals. I think it is possible that the originals helped train their replacements because they were told. 'yeah, this is necessary in show biz, just like all Broadway shows have understudies' and since Jimmy Nichols temporarily replaced Ringo on tour (that situation was also done as a secret plot) the originals thought, 'O.K., we do need to train understudies to step in, if needed, so the show can go on.' When The Beatles first appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show, one of that particular show's segments was a performance of a song from the hit Broadway musical entitled Oliver! Backstage, during rehearsals and during the live show, The Beatles met the understudies for the Oliver! cast, who were there just in case some cast member got sick or if there happened to be some last minute emergency. The Beatles could have been told at that time, 'See, you guys should consider training understudies. George was sick in the couple of days leading up to the Sullivan show, so The Beatles probably saw the value of having understudies. If George had not recovered enough to make the show, their cancellation may have ruined their careers. I think they were also sold on the concept of understudies by the intelligence agencies telling them they needed security doubles for their own safety. Yet another reason I think The Beatles trained their own replacements was that the secret plot planners wanted the replacements to have less guilt when they were activated. So, I don't think the replacements had any idea that the originals would be killed, but after they were killed, the replacements were warned and mind controlled to keep quiet about their true identities and at the same time were told, 'Don't feel guilty about stepping into these roles, after all, the real Beatles trained you for a situation like this and you pretending to be Beatles for the rest of your lives is exactly what the originals would have wanted, so don't feel badly about it. You're doing what they would have wanted you to do.' So yeah, all this kind of speculation can get pretty strange and pretty deep.ï»ż
Short Intersection: Were the replacements innocent in a way?
It sounds good, but is it true? Considering the fact that someone like the Faul of Wings is clearly a Freemason, openly telling us that he is in to “magick” and that replacements must all have been part of the inner club on some level, how could they not have known the real plan? This whole Beatles replacement horror is part of a diabolic religion that in my view has to do with soul stealing, soul channeling and acquiring more light from those who worship the Beatles. The music of the Beatles has been transformed in a corrupt religion where the four Beatles are four idols to be worshiped. This is a battle between the Light and the Dark, and the original Beatles were the Light that was caught in the webs of the Dark. They allowed them and helped them to become popular, only to get their claws on their souls and replace them later on, yet they kept (ab)using the original souls. I think the creepy cover of Revolver tells us exactly that: the real Beatles are replaced by these cartoon puppets with spaghetti hair, ugly things to behold, BUT, the eyes are real. The light of the eyes is always associated with the soul. Thus, the eyes that are looking at us in this cover are the eyes of the real Beatles who are trapped, imprisoned, in the puppets that stole their identity.
About the sinister cover of REVOLVER
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The real eyes in this cover picture are the real Beatles that animate the puppets that replace them. “Revolver” signifies that the four of them were shot dead. The collage of photos of the real Beatles swimming in and around the four puppet’s heads, signifies that their lives and memories belong now to the puppets, that they will now fill these empty heads with their Light and Life.
Very interesting post. I can surely respond to the whole synchronicity phenomenon. Indeed, not everything can be planned, many things that are meaningful happen without planning. Not everything can be controlled by consciousness. Yet my take on it goes even much much farther than most people would even be willing to go. It is partly based on some of my own experiences and partly because it fits how I believe reality works psychologically. I recently tried to write some of it down here: https://tmblr.co/ZvQVVh28W7S93
But in short, I can tell you that my hunch for how this has been done has to do with soul stealing, soul channeling, or whatever we call it. I am absolutely not knowledgeable how it would be done, but from personal experience I know that one person can suck the light and energy from another one, even when not together. I think the same principle of stealing applies on a larger scale and even with deceased person. As the ancient Chinese believe, and I also believe to be correct, when you die the Yin part of the soul is left behind and "sinks in the earth". In fact, it is probably caught in the archontic astral industry of reincarnation ... mm yeah, it keeps leading further out.
Anyway, to cut it really short, seeing the obvious differences in appearance between these men, from beautiful radiant magical youngsters, to these arrogant depressive dark eyed creeps, no explanation except a kind of soul channeling, can explain adequately for me how on earth they got away with it, EVEN WITH ME. Even though one notices things here and there, or experiences a shock about this or that, you somehow keep seeing the original Beatles, or hearing in case of songs, even when you already realize the truth well enough. One part of the diabolic system is the projection: you yourself project your light into these dark persons. This is similar to an anima or animus projection which can fool you that you have found your true life partner. But I think there is also the other side. These four imposters were provided with soul energy from the original boys and they fed themselves on it. The whole masquerade is covered up with the real light of the Beatles. That might be a way to put it. And it is because they were (and two of them still are) surrounded by this original soul energy of the real Beatles, that the association between them and the real ones seem impossible to break no matter how strong and compelling the evidence our senses provide us with, and that is the reason people project their own light so strongly in these imposters (light attracts light). In this way, these Featles or Cheatles are one of the greatest light stealing devices ever to be conceived by the occult elite. It is like keep sending all your love to a crook or a bitch because you simply cannot see him or her for what they really are and they keep being associated with what you THINK they are (the inner image of your perfect man or woman). The Beatles have the image of the perfect music brotherhood associated with them, and which I believe they truly were, and that is what makes them such a powerful tool in the hands of diabolic people.
To end, I had a dream only days ago that Faul was performing on stage and suddenly he completely blacked out. Couldn't remember the chords, nor lyrics and then he blacked out completely and fell way down into the deep. Then these strange figures hanging on threads like spiders duck down to "rescue" him and they took his body with them. I like to believe that this is a signal from the collective unconscious that the end of this fake empire is near - a total Black Out. Because once the soul channeling is blocked, it is like pulling the plug out of such a puppet. He can keep up touring all these decades not because there is more than one Faul, but more importantly because he lives off the Light that is given to him.
And then two days ago I had another dream concerning this whole affair, just the night after I had finally realized they were all four replaced. This time it was about George. In my dream, it was the replacement when he was somewhat older. I hugged him and was really sad because he had to die. Then I took him with me in a small boat and guided him towards where he would go. I told him about complexes and possession by entities and he was really interested and amazed. But then we came to "the river" and I knew that he would transform in a T Rex like monster once he had died. So I was across the river and there was the monster, this dangerous reptile and it went after me to attack me. Then suddenly the dream repeats the scene of the boat, and I am again with him guiding him towards where he should go. We float around in the real world with streets and such, and he directs me to take this and that turn and we end up in a sort of large institution that has to do with science (Tavistock??). When I am inside, I know that already the monster is there. He arrives but now I hold a sort of candy bar, just like other people, and this is know that with that we can keep him a bit docile. So people put small pieces of candy on the floor so the T Rex creature (now a bit smaller) follows them. Now I see more strange rooms in this facility with all sorts of small elevators, quite incomprehensible, but I know I thought that I would like to get out since I could not trust the reptile roaming around and I thought it would surely go wrong (like Jurassic Parc). Now this was surely a very strange, upsetting but also interesting and difficult dream. It might say something about the person who replaced George and the nature of such a person. Not all people have a soul, and those who lack one can most easily be programmed and seeded with soul light. I do not even think this is even possible in the same way with a soul being. When you look at these four Peppers eyes, you will notice in whatever year it is and whatever it is they are doing, that they always have dead dark eyes. Very scary. It could be that the T Rex is the astral form of the entity that incarnates in a human body to play out a certain role. When in the body, playing its role as "George Harrisson" I can talk with it and relate to him since he is not what he appears to be and lives on the real George's light. But when he dies, the beast is released, the Shadow that he really is, so when I took him to the "river" which is often encountered in mythology as the place the soul of the deceased has to cross, it does not work since this George has no soul but a shadow in its stead. So we have to do it again and now we end up in a scientific facility where he was maybe "created". Well, I thought I'd say something more, if only to prove to you that your thoughts about synchronicity are only relatively far out. The truth must be quite far out or else we would already have grasped it many decades ago.ï»ż
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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Fake ear.
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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Paul vs. Faul
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
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and so it’s true
pride comes before
a faul
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
The Fall of FAUL: collapse of the archontic channeling system
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*UPDATE* Not just Paul was murdered and replaced, all four of them were. More research, comparing pictures and songs, leads inevitably to this outrageous conclusion. I might post some more about this if I can get something together.
You may not be aware that the person that is referred to as Paul McCartney as of today is not Paul McCartney. The real Paul was murdered somewhere in 1966 and replaced by different people in the studio and in public by the character referred to as “Faul”. Now you understand why the Beatles really stopped touring in 1967. They no longer existed. The later albums refer to them as “Beatles” (not THE Beatles) and are a mix of old tracks the Beatles had already recorded with some new tracks.
This is not a crazy theory. The evidence is abundant. Photographic evidence is very clear and even a few scientists that dared to investigate this have come to the conclusion that the Paul from 1966 and earlier is different from the one we see and hear afterwards. (http://plasticmacca.blogspot.be/2010/01/forensic-science-proves-paul-was.html) But not only are the visual discrepancies easy to detect, such as difference in height, eyes, shape of the head, nose, hair, feet, but equally important are the differences in body language, style of playing and very importantly: the difference in voice. Compare the “Long and winding road” from the Let It Be album, an older track from Paul which was merely published years after his dead, with later versions which were recorded by Faul, notably the one of his Broad Street show.
Demo studio version of Paul singing The Long and Winding Road:
This next version is equally Paul singing the song, and Faul in this Let It Be film is simply play backing it. You can even clearly hear the typical sound hiss of the film itself disappear suddenly and the quality of the whole sound change and improve when the song starts.
Faul play backing Long and winding road:
Faul trying to sing the Long and Winding road live:
A later studio version from Faul on his Broad Street sounds no better:
The difference between the two singers is just cosmic. Paul is unmatchable in his emotions with his unique deep voice. Faul has a thinner, higher voice that is not able to fill up such a slow ballad with the emotion and depth it needs. Many more examples can be cited. Listen to “I Will” yet another older track from Paul which they released on the White Album. Now listen to a live version of I Will by Faul. It’s not just horrible because he is old now - that is one of the excuses he gets away with it. It sounds horrible because he cannot sing these Paul songs very well. Also, as one gets older, the voice becomes lower, not higher. Compare for example the many Yesterday performances live of Faul throughout the decades, and the original version of Paul (or his live version of 1965).
The Paul McCartney the world remembers today is sadly the Paul from Wings - which is Faul, not Paul. What many deem characteristic of Paul is really characteristic of Faul. He has come to replace the real Paul in the collective unconscious remembrances. Given the fact that he clearly looks different (having had a number of plastic surgeries nonetheless), sounds different, acts different and writes complete different kinds of songs (Lady Madonna, or Helter Skelter), we should really wonder how he got and still gets away with it. The real answer to this question is far reaching. Most people are not even able to research this topic of replacement, let alone that they will understand how they make it work.
I can only give a rude view of how it works, because I have not clear view of astral realities at all, let alone of all the archontic mechanics and systems that are installed there. But roughly, what they do is they channel soul energy from the real Paul McCartney, whom in the mean time is already reincarnated, and they feed it to Faul. Because the energy of Paul is shining from Faul, the replacement works. The presence of the energy is more powerful than all the observable differences. The same channeling principle is applied in wrong couples where a soul being is mislead to think that he has found his cosmic match when in fact they are merely channeling the soul energy of the real cosmic partner into this other person (usually a soulless being).
Now that you know the truth about Paul/Faul and the channeling system, I should add that this system is finally beginning to collapse. I recently dreamed that Faul was playing a concert and that he suddenly had a complete blackout. He could not remember the chords nor the words. In fact, the blackout was larger than that: he no longer knew anything. Suddenly he collapsed and he fell very far down from the stage. Immediately, strange figures hanging on threads like spiders duck down and took him with them (these are evidently archons). What this dream portrays is when the soul energy of the real Paul soul will no longer be fed into Faul, he will cease to be able to be his replacement. He will be like a puppet that collapses. Why the system is collapsing something that will be noticeable in the near future cannot be disclosed today yet.
To end, now we can also understand why the son of FAUL McCartney is such an ugly troll. Faul is not a beautiful man as Paul was. Evidently, he looks like Faul without make-up and plastic surgery.
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brucefree-blog · 8 years
Demons and archetypes
Hi Bruce. I think you know me, we shared and talked about a lot of things weeks (month/Moon) ago about archons, homeopathy and I-Ching. I read your texts and articles here so i will complement with my opinions and thoughts about, i started read 'The archetypes and the unconscious collective' by C. Jung. It's a hard to average reading, the problem is, like any intellectual, he intellectualize and complicates the simple plus citations in latim and french and alchemical notions, all subjects very FAR from our actual technological era. Of course it's not his fault cause, again, he was a erudit/learned man and holder of a higher consciousness. But i have some reserves and different opinions.
For example, he uses the term archetypes to virtually ANY entity which we call today archons or demons or greys or angels. In the pages 43/44 Jung describes a dream that one of his patients had with two mages, i'm not writing the whole dream here, and relates them to "archetypes of spirit" not entities; archetypes being "contents from collective unconscious" (page 13) or according to Saint Augustin "ideas which are not formed but are contained in divine intelligence". Further Jung says "universal images". So, from my perspective, summarizing all this confusion archetypes are in its infinite manifestations and forms, the divine plan or drama or script of the cosmic theater and not necessarily autonomus entities who live in other realities or spectrum frequency. I think he knew much more about entities, archons, demons or whatever but he's hiding this using the term archetypes. What you have to say about it?    
Back later to write about bizarre things i saw in internet/youtube inducing people to learn and do astral projection and open 3rd eye chakra. Alternate media is the next victim and nest of vipers.            
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