Hey, I hope u are doing well. Just wanted to tell u that u are my favorite tarot reader. I can share some ideas with u whenever u need. I think u can create a "future spouse series". It will be nice. 💛
Hey love! thats soo adorable of you,I will be posting real soon and thanks for your suggestions! Keep it coming I would love to hear topics from you! 💛😊
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omg i just read your recent pac and i picked pile 3 and guess what... my friends and i are LITERALLY going to the beach this weekend! tbh i was kinda hesitant to go cus it's been a while since we last interacted due to covid but im glad to know we're gonna have a great time ヽ(*⌒▽⌒*)ノ
Good to know sweetie 💕 dont be hesitant,have a great time with your pals 💕 wish you the best!
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Hi my loves!💕 hope you all are doing well! I am back again with another post loves!💕Btw thanks for all the love and support!💕 you guys are the best💕!
What does the near future have for you!? 🦋
Is it love ♥ fame✨peace🕊or drama 🎭 pick a pile to find out loves!💕
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Pile 1 💞💍🦋
Hello pile 1 loves! welcome to your reading! so guys the only thing that I see firmly from the cards I pulled out for you is..Marriage!😭 don’t have a heart attck if thats what you are not into! What I see is you finding your true love! your soulmate! a person who you can finally settle down with in the future!👰🏻‍♀️💕 I don’t know why I see you guys have been through a lot,I see a lot of heavy emotions ..like losing a loved one,a rough breakup,work/clg/school stress,addictions etc.As I am writing this I can hear Euphorias theme song..I just wanna say you guys are amazing hustlers and now you deserve this love💕 you deserve this relationship,you deserve your soulmate💕your person..someone who you can come home to,someone who will take care of you..someone who you can dance the night with💕 anyways guys keep up the good work! Your person is on his way,you are gonna get your happily ever after..#truelove ♥️
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Pile 2 📽✨✈️
Hello pile 2 loves! Welcome to your reading!✨So in your near future I can see…FAME! no y’all I am not even like joking around! seriously I can see you guys getting famous through something! like its the best time for you all to audition for shows,plays,music or whatever you are into!👏🏻Guys your time is coming up! get up,like seriously express yourself,I don’t know why I see a lot of y’all are into the art & media field🎭 I can easily see you getting viral overnight or click in an audition,now I see a lot of flashlights in my cards 📸 so I can see that denotes press & spotlight.So guys be really expressive and also I see spiritual awakening.I can see you guys finally deciding of what you wanna do in life.👏🏻Be your own boss of your mental health ,don’t care abt others opinions,cause with the serpent I can see a lot of people will try to talk out of what uou want to do!👏🏻Dont👏🏻 listen👏🏻 Go for your dreams and whatever it is you will succeed🦋 #fame&fortune
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Pile 3 🍭🤗🎡
Hello my pile 3 loves! welcome to your reading sweet hearts! so what I see for your guys near futur is..Happiness & fun!😄 guys I don’t know abt y’all but if I was you I would be very cheered up if I got this pile!🦋cause at the end of the day we all want to be happy! I can get a lot of youth energy like I can see people from the ages of 15-20 picking up this pile,guys lately you have been busy & mildly stressed out with work ,boyfriends,girlfriends & even parents.So wht I see is you guys finally getting free time! I can see you guys finding or already having a good social circle! I can see a group of friends having fun at the beach,🥳 making memories,having a genuinely great time!!! so guys get ready to make memories,summer is around the corner and I can see that you guys having an amazing summer! just stay away from douches & alcohol 🍺 🤣 just being a sis 🤣 #makenewmemories 🦋
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Pile 4 🦋🕊🔮
Hello pile 4 loves! Welcome to your reading 📖 so guys I see that you guys have gone thorough a lot similar to pile 1 ,if you were also attracted to pick pile 1 you can also check that out…cause I can‘t see much in the sense like its really a lot,you must be the luckiest pile cause your future is in your hands,it all depends on what you do ,I can see you at peace ,wait! I just heard “Its my life-Dr Alban“ playing in the background ,I can sense that you will be taking charge ! thats it! You are gonna be your own boss ! you are gonna be the queen/king of your destiny, you are gonna get your ish together,you will eventually find light at the end of the tunnel ,with the lighthouse (ie.the Tower card) I can see you redirecting your life!! 👏🏻avoid👏🏻toxic👏🏻people👏🏻,I can see you are soo unique listen to the negative people..sweetheart its your reality,your world, in your perspective your life,your story.Start writing ✍️ your destiny and forming your reality #shinebright
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Thats all loves💕 I hope you enjoyed this reading💕
Do let me know your thoughts 💕
Have a great future loves 💕🦋
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Hello my loves! Back again with another PAC! 🦋 soo hope you all enjoy ! cause this topic is on ternd now!🎠
🦋Which Euphoria character are you!?🦋
Anyways pick a Euphoria venue to reveal your reading,giving a heads up! if it doesn’t resonate pick again loves ♥️
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Pile 1 ♥✨(Carnival)
Soo my loves straight of the bat I get all the hot ones pickinf this pile no offence to the other piles 😓 Like I am getting a very bold energy from this pile! like omg! the cards that I got literally screams queen!Empress! 👑 soo anywhoo the character that you guys embody is Maddy Perez!💞 so we all know how she is for sur…she is the literal definition of Bad-b so anyways guys you all have and give off the same energy even if you dont realize it! everyone will notice that you are really attractive,but may be secretive or casual with compliments!👀 I can see a lot of jealousy around ya’ll stay clear of the snakes and douches like Nate.Anyways other than that you guys rock 💋
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Pile 2 ⛓🎧👻(School)
Hello my pile 2 loves the character that you have got is genuinely a sweet heart 💜 like she is the most sanest and non crazy charcter of the whole freaking show! and maybe even soon to be a gangster’s gf (ahh spoilers 😜) k I will shut up now.You guys have got Lexi Howard!! she is such a jewel! From the cards I get a lot of purity and peace,I also get that you guys can get insecure at times and doubt on yourself just like how Lexi does!(you are perfect boo🦋) which seriously makes you 10x attractive.But I am also getting an additional message. that you guys may also get into a new relationship because I have got this soulmate card here or even a heavy glow up..omg all the best.✨
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Pile 3 🦄🔮🌌✨
I am getting heavy Air signs vibe here,I feel the peole who chose this pile are free souls who are free spirited,they don’t care about what the f the world thinks.They write their own will and they will stand tall of what they believe.You guys love aesthetics don’t you! I am also getting people who love makeup! glam! etc..very girly and independent vibes.So this all points to our perfect fit Jules🦋 she is like a unicorn in the messed up enviroment.Everyone loves her uniqueness and same goes to you.I do get you people are a bit naive..so be careful not everyone are looking out for you,be careful of fake friends and toxic people loves
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Pile 4 🦁👻⛓
Okayy right off the bat I sense a lot of people who value loyalty has picked this pile.Loyalty,love,chaos equal - Rue Bennet .You guys are super loyal and protective of the one you love! Like you guys don’t take any crap if someone tries to hurt your people!🥺Awe,you guys can turn into this actual cave man ya know.Anywho you guys my be a little over protective so it can get annoying (hehe😓) when you guys like something you just obsses over it ! like you guys may also be a leo.To look on the brighter side since you are a natural protecter ppl feel safe around you.They also feel that they are lucky to have you!
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Thank you loves ! I will post a part 2 depending on the response 🦋 hope you all enjoyed this reading 💞 see you in my future posts !
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Hello my loves!! thanks for all the support in my previous posts! it has been really heart-warming!🥺♥️,okayy so I have a new reading for y’all and do suggest me more topics that you will like to see 🦋
Which Harry Potter couple do you and your future soulmate/spouse mirror with♥👀🪄
Choose your pile intuitively,check out other piles if you don’t feel a connection,hope you enjoy ♥️ Okayy lets get to it no time to waste!!!👻
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Pile 1 🪄🫀🕊🥺
Hello my pile one loves! Are you excited for your reveal!So the couple that you and your person will mirror with is Cho and Cedric!! So before getting all the negative thoughts let me explain.Cho and Cedric were the “it” couple in the whole Harry Potter franchise! like they both were soo perfect for each other ! even when Harry had eyes for Cho,she had only hers for Cedric! So I can see that people around you will look at you and your future spouse as the perfect power couple and they can never imagine anyone else with y’all.You guys will leave an impression that you guys are meant to be Ya know! (Awe🥺) But let me warn ya’ll there will also be some jelly people who will try to ruin your bond,since we have a third party situation here.So be careful loves,a pure love should be gaurded.You guys have to validate each others feelings and should grow your bond! you guys will have a long lasting relationship unlike Cho and Cedric since we don’t have Lord You-know-who in our universe(thank God!) I can also see your person being hella attractive 🥵! good for ya boo #onlyyours.
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Pile 2 👀 🦋♥️⛓
Soo Pile 2 lovies! ready for your reveal! The song Love is a b- song by Two feets just started playing from my playlist,so that explain the amount of intensity you and your future spouse will have.Anywhoo you guys have Ginny and Harry! One of the most loved couples!My potterheads know how much people fangirl/boy this couple! So anyways you guys will have a slowpaced love in the sense just like Harry and Ginny ,you guys might be friends at first and slowly work your way through love and relationship.People around will know that something is going in between ya’ll like they all will be like “These two will be a perfect match but why aren’t they dating? just start dating!!” This is the vibe I am picking up with the cards that I have got.There will be a lot of encouragement from your loved ones,cause they want the best for you! and when you have the best suitor for your heart ! They want to see you happy and in the right hands(Omg too cute🥺♥️) I can feel for most of Y’all you guys have already met and even know of who I am referring to.Don’t worry they will be yours no matter how many gf or bfs Harry and Ginny had,they threw it all away and became one at the end!So patience is the key for this divine bond to work ♥🦋#soulmates.
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Pile 3 💞❄️🧚🏼✨
Hi pile 3 lovies!!! excited for your reveal! so you guys got Neville and Luna!! So I understand,they both didn’t have much of screen time in the movies but there is much more to their relationship! Like let me explain,people will maybe try to make you and your future spouse feel down,there is a lot of negative and toxic people around y’all just giving a quick heads up! anywhoo Neville and Luna are these out of the box and unique people.They never actually fitted in,they never will and thats why they are unique and beautiful ✨🦋Likewise you and your soulmate are these unique souls who love peace as much as you guys love each other,your person will have a major glow up just before meeting you,just like how Neville had got his courage in the finale of Harry Potter.They wanna protect you and fight for you.They aren’t afraid to change for you and they dont ever wanna see anyone hurt you ! You can save or gaurd yourself if course ! but they wanna stand next to you against all the toxic and negative people! (🥺)I keep getting children in my mind! You might end up having children(if you are interested) or even get married with this person,cause their heart is too good to pass!♥️#Toodivine.
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Pile 4 ♥️🔥🍷🎠
Pile 4 Angels!!! So excited for your reveal!! you guys got the most popular couple in the wholee franchise! Guessed who? Freaking Ron & Hermoine!!! The most dynamic duo! You and your person mirror this couple soo much! I can see one of you is really smart!!! just like Hermoine and the other is a wee bit clumsy like Ron(hehe😜) anywhoo humor is something that will be prevalent in you guys relationship! laughing to inside jokes ,having deep conversations and even teaching one and another about new stuff.Having this beautiful bond but lemme say something you both will definitely have these cat fights! (ntg serious just play fights) Like you can be a dog person and he/she can be a cat person! so see thats a brew for future fights,you guys are the defintion of opposites attract! I do sense that one of the person will be insecure a bit ,I am sensing that it can be you,lyk sometimes getting insecure asking questions like”This is too good to be true?”, “Why are they with me?”,”Maybe I am not good enough..?” (Awe honey no you are great ♥️🥺) Don’t worry they will take you in their arms and look into your eyes giving that validation that “Baby you are everything that I ever wanted”..They will adore you just how Ron and Hermoine adored each other secretively.#Truelove.
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Anyways loves thats all for today♥️ hope you all enjoyed this reading♥️See you all in my next reading✨🪄
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Hello my loves !! thank you for all of your support for my very first pile! It was heart warming ya’ll ! so here is another brand new pile for you Angels! 💞
First kiss with future soulmate/ spouse!👀♥️🔥
Soo pick a pile intutively my loves ,feel free to check out other piles if it doesn’t resonate♥️Anywhoo time to jump right in!
Piles ♥️
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Pile 1 💞🎡🎠🎟
Pile 1 loves! so right of the bat I sensed peace and zeroo drama.Wait! it doesn’t mean that your kiss will be boring! it just means that there will be no negative aura or people around you to disturb your kiss.It seems like when you both will actually have this kiss after confessing your feelings mutually,I do see your crush confess beforehand cause I see the kiss happening a bit later after the confession it may happen in a party,amusement park or someplace where your friends and people you know will be there! for example even after prom! anywhoo I see som place crowded and fun! I can see you and him walking holding hands and shying away avoiding eye-contact lol soo cute🥺 and then you both will have a moment.the breeze hits you both,he/she may lend you their jacket (urgh!!💞) then he will slowly pull you in and kiss you.It will happen at the right moment,this kiss will seal this new relationship to much more 😉 #toocute.
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Pile 2 🕊🥳🫀🦋
Pile 2 loves!! I sense a lot of fierce people picking this pile ya know,like heavy bad b energy! anywhoo you guys will initiate the kiss periodt! I mean cant complain cause I do see from the cards that I pulled out ,I see your crush is actually really attractive and lot of people are coming for them! giving you a heads up but don’t worry they will have eyes only for you boo,especially after this kiss 😏 like I see this happening in a bit isolated place ,not somewhere lonely and scary! like somehwere where at the moment only you and your crush will be.I can sense that you and your crush do talk then and now ,even for some of ya‘ll you guys confidently joke around,you are not shy and you are bold! you are that b-(And I love it 🥳) anyways you might fall on them or you guys will get caught in a few inch distance moment..then he/she looks at your lips.Thats it! you will lean in and kiss them.Your crush will be suprised but they will kiss you back softly (awwe!!🥺) but you gotta wait for the right moment! Pounce and get him at the right time tiger,then he will be yours 😜
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Pile 3 🔥♥️⛓🍷
Hi pile 3 angels! Soo much passion and mature love found in this pile! Mature doesnt mean old love ,it means more pda 😳 haha,anyways I see a macho kinda dude for ya’ll like gender regardless I see your crush is the type of person who takes intiative in whatever the do and is gonna be the same when the do you! omg ,Imma add the 18+ warning for this pile! anyways I am getting all this 365 days,fifty shades of grey vibes here! and the kiss omg the kiss! I sense that your crush has had eyes for you even before you had it on them(you might not know) I am hearing Streets-Doja cat now! so that just seals it in.He/She would wanna own your body,own you,they are very protective of you,they will not let anyone hurt you(Awe🥺).Anywhoo the kiss,you both might had a quarrel or they might get jealous over some idiot hitting on you and you will be like“Why do you even care!?” thats it they will pull you in and kiss you deeply.A kiss you will never forget,you would just melt away..there is a lot of heavy emotions involved so this might also turn into a serious relationship in the future..♥️#too intense
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Thats it my loves hope you enjoyed!♥️let me know in the comment section of what you would like to see next!
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You and your future spouses sex life💞👻
Hi loves! first post from brutally tarot witch.All my PAC will be an honest opinion of what my cards are saying.If you don’t resonate with the reading,you can pick another pile💞Anyways today‘s reading is about…Drum roll.
You and your future spouses sex life💞👻
Warning 18+ only!!!
There are three piles to choose from so choose carefully and intuitively ♥️
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Pile 1 🤤👀🕊
So loves this is for pile 1! based on the cards tbh I see a lot of selfishness.I don’t see it coming from your partner though..I see you being a bit selfish and authorative.Basically what I am seeing here is that you get what you want.You dont give two crap about sexism,you believe that you should be worshiped in bed and pleased with multiple orgasms.So the best part is I see your husband/wife/Gf/bf/fling is such a giver!! omg he/she is soo sweet.They would give up on their pleasure for you like omg they get off on satifying you!!! thats wonderful.But tbh a lil advice they do like when get down in your knees for them.Lyk they see you as this powerful person and you getting down for them is their wild fantasy.They also may have a humiliation or verbal abuse kink 👀.Have fun guys.They do love you though.Awe🥺
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Pile 2💀⛓♥️
Soo kinky people picked this pile,I know that smirk.You guys are kinky! so is your partner! Either one of is the dominant in bed for sure.But based on the cards I got I can see the emperor denoting that the male is the dominant one,you guys might be this bold ,fierce, feminst selfs in the outer world but you do like to be spanked,chocked and fucked sooo hard.Even if its a lgbtq relationship I do see that your partner is the dominant one here..you like to be treated like a rag doll.Your FS though will be a vanilla master/dominatrix.Lyk they will dominate you but still they dont wanna hurt you in anyway they want to protect you (Awww 💞🥺).They would have this praise kink,they will praise you as they dominate you saying stuff like good girl,good princess.Argg fifty shades of grey vibes Yall! Anyways this was soo cute and sexy at the same time,one lucky pile😚
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Pile 3
Soo my dearest hopeless romantics..I do see all the hopeless romantics pick this pile and you know what? you guys are seriously soo cute! believing in true love and romance is such a sign of purity! Anywhoo your sex life is soo romantic,candle light sex,fucking under the moonlight,satisfying each other! taking care after sex! omg!! so fucking cute🥰 So you guys will have an irresistible urge to make love all the time! you guys are like these magnets ,inseperable.You will have rough sessions too but there will be a profound amount of passion ya know ,sex is like a soul connection for you and your soulmate bruh.Which is soo pure 🥺.You guys will be soo loyal to each other and might even end up getting married in the future if you are into that!!!omg so adorable!!😫
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Anyways let me know of what other PAC‘s you guys would like in the future do support me if you like my content Y’all👻💞
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