bryanchug-blog-blog · 12 years
Learned about this site/app last month.
This app finally let me get started with comics. This was impossible for me before because I don't know which one I should start with -- until I stumbled upon this link called Getting Started.
Now I'm hooked to the Invincible Iron Man. :)
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 12 years
Is this thing on?
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
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Harpoon Boston
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Mis na mis na mis ko na ang aking kama
Yay! End of my first month here in Boston!
Survived through commutes, household chores, free drinks, a tax-free holiday, a poetry slam, an earthquake, a P90X, and a hurricane..!!
And Yes! I still plan to continue surviving... But surviving won't be easy without these new additions to my arsenal:
My sweet Ikarus with his wirelessy thingies
Altec Lansing USB mini speakers
Mini eclairs
Japanese food
Tea time c/o James
AriZona iced tea
Anakin's Lightsaber -- Oh yeah....
Loving it... but being away from my bed takes a toll on me sometimes. ;)
♥ ♥ ♥
Mahal kita...
Pero miss na miss na miss ko na
Ang aking kama
At ang malupit kong unan
♥ ♥ ♥
Kamasupra by Eraserheads
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Got my new baby :)
MacBook Pro 13" 2.7GHz Intel Core i7 8GB 1333MHz 256GB SSD
Why Ikarus?
I name my babies as characters from mythologies.
Raijin - my desktop - god of thunder and lightning from the japanese pantheon, depicted as a daemon beating drums to create thunder 
Fujin - my 2nd laptop - god of wind from the japanese pantheon, depicted as a daemon carrying a bag of winds.
Arael - my work laptop -  literally "lion of god" from the jewish angelogy; the fifteenth and a luminescent angel with multiple sets of wings from the anime evangelion
Iruel - my server vm - an angel of fear from the jewish angelogy; the eleventh angel from the evangelion, described as a collection of microscopic-sized organisms which act in concert to form a living biological computer circuit
Zeruel - my work vm - literally "arm of god", an angel set on strength; the fourteenth and one of the most powerful angel from evangelion
Valkyrie - my vps server - a female angel-like creature who decide who will die in battle and select whom they will bring to valhalla from norse mythology
Israfel - my ipod - "the burning one" and the angel of resurrection and song from arabic folkore; the seventh angel from evangelion - a twin, defeated by two evas concerted by a musical score
Iris - my phone - the personification of the rainbow and messenger of the gods from greek mythology. as the rainbow unites earth and heaven, Iris links the gods to humanity
Ikarus - my 3rd laptop / my macbook pro - attempted freedom and soared through the skies by flying with wings crafted by his father daedalus from feather and wax before flying too close to the sun which burnt his wings then falling to his own demise
  Ikarus - because it is a proud machine with proud ambition yet must learn and be humbled by hubris
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Nakakatuwa pala mag laba at mag tupi-tupi
Ever since I was a kid I have never learned the ways of the household world. Washing, cleaning, etc. I just put my used clothes into the laundry bin and they magically respawn inside my closet after a few days!
Being here in Boston forced me to not just see but LIVE the truth behind that "magic". Argh!
But at least I'm living in an apartment equipped with washer and dryer. ^_^ Where I could make stupid mistakes without anyone noticing. =P
At first I thought it was going to give me some headache and some shirts destroyed. (Just got one casualty so far. >_<)
But still, so far so good. :) Didn't know washing and folding@home could be fun and stress-relieving.
Yun lang! Natuwa lang ako sa paglalaba at pagtutupi. Kala ko kasi kabwibwisitan at maisusumpa ko. Hindi naman pala. HEHE. ^_^
Mga puti naman bukas @_@. Haha!
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
I was sitting on a bench in a subway station.
I was sitting on a bench in a subway station.
The sign says Roxbury Crossing.
Got puke running all over the left side of my pants.
A guard came by and said that the train that left was the last one.
So I just went up the surface.
I don't know this place.
Tried to hail a cab.
Tried to hail a cab again.
Tried to hail anything.
Called my dad. Just so that he knows what's going on.
Finally got a cab.
Said to the cabbie "38 Kittredge Street in Roslindale."
Finally got home.
Oops! I'm missing one of my credit cards.
I'll leave that problem to the tommorow me.
Changed clothes.
Went to bed.
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
New Project
Yup, I've got a new project I'm working on with two of my friends (CA Pagal and Fredrick Ho).
I was reading Seth Godin's Tribes in Starbucks with my sister Shane weeks before (the same night we met Sineskwela's Palikpik ^_^)...
When an idea came to mind. I wanted to make a shirt shop. I excitedly called my friend whose family have a shirt printing company and whom I've commissioned to print shirts before.
That shirt was the white on black 60theng ambigram shirt. That was the unofficial and limited batch shirt for the DLSU's 60th engineering batch assembly. Unofficial and limited cause only I was behind the production of the shirt.
I really loved the shirt because of its simple yet coool ambigram design that says '60theng' (designed by my cousin Chester). However, the official 60theng shirt has already been released, so... there's no way it could be produced through official means.
I contacted Fred who I know has a shirt printing shop and asked how much to get a shirt printed. I sent him the design and he gave me a quote. I forgot how much it actually was and how much the minimum is.
I was so desperate. I think it tallied up to P10k--I didn't know what to do--I can't buy all those shirts just by myself--BUT all I know was I gotta have that shirt. The next day I went around the eng building and asked people randomly (even ones I didn't know) if they want to have the shirt. I'm sure I won't be able to get them to give me money so... I just went on faith that they'll buy the shirt from me when it gets done and some crossed fingers as well.
Got all the orders. Went almost above the minimum. I thought... well... I'll just go with it and buy the rest for my sisters or friends. Went ahead and paid a huge lumpsum of cash just to get that awesome shirt printed.
The shirts came. I wore my own. Happy! =) then hand-delivered around the campus each one of them.
Back to the story... I called Fred. Talked about it. He was excited. And the best thing was... he is taking up an entrepreneurship course. =)
The went to talk to my classmate from college Crissangelo Pagal aka CA aka Vic Sotto aka The Plank who has been into designs (shirts and not) for quite a while now. Talked to him about it. Got his blood racing as well!
We met together at The Podium. I was an hour late. T_T But the meeting went well! =)
Then Christopher Lao had a mishap. We agreed he should have been informed and so do all of us Filipinos. So I said to them: "Yep guys... This is what we've been waiting for." =) (http://ishouldhavebeeninformed.ph)
Right now the shirts are still in production. We've reached about 60 orders. And now I'm very excited! =)
Argh. Although I won't get to wear it for until approx. 3 months, cause I'm still here in Boston. (I just realized that now X_X) But.. Hey.. that makes it all the more exciting for me!! =)
So there you go.... our new project. :)
It's new so we basically don't know yet what we're doing. Just trying to figure it out for ourselves as we go. Just like life I guess. All we know is we want to wear shirts we love--shirts that tells us who we are--shirts that are ours even before we bought them--shirts that are designed for us.
So... that became our as-of-the-moment "Guy Kawasaki" mantra: TEES.PH - designed for you
http://tees.ph http://tees.ph/facebook http://tees.ph/twitter [email protected]
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Blogging from Boston
Yup. I'm here in Boston, working. ^_^ Sorry it took quite a while before posting again.
It's nice here, and Boston's treating me nice as well (so far (fingers crossed)) >_<.
I will be here for three months, up until Nov 3.
So far so good. But I still miss my family, friends, fellow O&Bers, my Sanctum Sanctorum, my Car, and my Desktop RAIJIN.
Gotta go back to work. Bye for now. ;)
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Grails Talk for this Wed postponed. :(
Grails Talk for this Wed postponed... :( will keep you guys posted :)
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
2 down and 1 more to go.
Done with the UP and DLSU talks (w/ Cedric Sarmenta) on Git. Met some new interesting, pretty, and cool people today!
2 talks down. 1 more to go. A intro talk to Grails @ DLSU this time... this coming Wed (July 27)
BTW you may check out our presentation.. using Prezi!
It's my first time using it... Worked like a charm!
Hayz. Tired. Exhausted. Sleeping in a while. :)
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
End of Line.
Just got home! :P
After a loooong and FUN day!
  Yay! Had dinner with my mentees. I hope that was a success!
I hope I was of some help to them.. HAHA!
I don't really know how this works though.. So I guess we'll just be making it up as we go along..
a lot like.... LIFE! :P so..... it shouldn't be a big deal.. ;)
  Will have to do some more work though... >_<
Plus will have to prepare for our Git Talks this coming Saturday, July 23... >_<
and a Grails Talk on Wednesday, July 27.
Git Talk @ UP Diliman
Sat July 23 - 9AM
Git Talk @ DLSU Manila
Sat July 23 - 1 or 2PM - not yet sure with the time)
Grails Talk @ DLSU Manila
Wed July 27
  Gotta go! v(^_^)
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bryanchug-blog-blog · 13 years
Hey guys and gals,
Just got out the cave. I'm new to this blogging thing, but I shall give it a try.
So... how does this work?
First up would be personal info. Right? *hope I'm right*
My full name is Bryan Carl del Rosario Chug. 50% Chinese. 50% Filipino. 100% Technologist.
Earned a computer engineering degree from De La Salle University-Manila. Currently working as a Software Engineer at Orange & Bronze Software Labs.
Then my projects (those which I can talk about)!
An online gaming site featuring the Game of the Generals (Salpakan) board game. Kim Carl Filomeno and I created this for our ADVCOLA term project back in our college days.
Ergh.. I've been meaning to create a new one but I don't have the time yet to start on it.
Created with Java, JSP, servlets, and Java applet.
Check it out here!
A wireless crop monitoring and management system using ZigBee. This was our thesis project with a working prototype (also with Kim Carl). Benign so far.
Created with Groovy and Grails, ZigBee, and Microchip PICs.
A guide for your TV viewing pleasure.
 I'm actively working on it right now on my spare time. So expect weekly updates!
Created with Groovy and Grails.
Check it out here!
  That's all for now! =D
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