buckleysuperiority · 1 year
The most accurate thing I’ve ever seen ❤️
christopher is going to have the weirdest perception of romantic love when he grows up because his parents were broken up or fighting or in and out of the picture when his mom was alive, and then when his dad finally started dating again he kept his girlfriend an arm's length away at all times and had panic attacks whenever someone accurately perceived that relationship as romantic. but this strange guy that his dad made his best friend on his first day on the job in la now helps chris with his math homework and with baking cookies for his class and takes care of him when his dad is hospitalised and organizes holiday get-togethers so chris can spend them with his dad and is literally always a call away for both of them and keeps the doors of his house eternally open for them and takes him to the zoo all the time. and you'll never believe which of these people eddie apparently actively tried to kiss.
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buckleysuperiority · 1 year
Hey, I know it was your first post and you might not know tagging etiquette but can you not tag Maddie and Chimney posts with their tags? Also “trigger warning: major character death” wouldn’t go amiss. Thanks.
Yeah that makes total sense I will change that now the tw didn’t even cross my mind that’s for letting me know and being nice about it 🙂
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buckleysuperiority · 1 year
Buck and Jee against the world
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Summary: After a freak accident Buck is given custody of 13-year-old Jee-Yun
They were gone
Maddie and Chimney were returning from what was supposed to be a weekend-long couples getaway when a pile-up took them both away.
Which left Buck taking care of a grieving Jee while dealing with his own grief. He knew Maddie made him Jee's legal guardian but he never expected he would ever need to.
So far it's been a week and Jee has mostly been quiet mainly staying on the second level of Buck's loft while Buck stays on the couch until he finds something more permanent for two people.
He is quietly making dinner until Jee wanders downstairs.
"Hey Buck what's for dinner"
"Yum," Buck sees Jee smile for the first time all week as they sit down for the meal.
"So kid I know you've had a crappy week but how would you feel about going back to sch-"
"No thanks"
"You don't have to go tomorrow but you can't stay home forever"
"I don't want to talk about it Buck"
"Ok we can talk later"
They stay mostly quiet for the rest of dinner and Jee tries to return to her room Buck stops her.
"Before you go upstairs would you like to watch a movie a movie or maybe go out for some ice cream"
She just keeps walking upstairs and goes to bed giving Buck his first piece of teenage attitude
She stays at home for 3 more days and as much as Buck what's to be understanding he can still imagine Maddie's old lecture she used to tell him about the importance of school. But Jee immediately shuts him down at the first mention of school.
He realises he needs some backup the most equipped childcarer he knows. He calls Eddie.
"Hey Buck how you holding up"
"I'm okay, I need child advice"
"Ok how can I help"
"After Shannon died how did you get Christopher to go back to school"
"Well he chose to"
"I don't think that will happen with Jee"
"Maybe just try talking to her you can't let her stay home forever but let her express her feelings"
"But what if she gets mad at me"
"She probably will teenagers are mean but it's what is best for her you have to switch from Uncle Buck to parental Buck"
"Aww man"
"You'll figure it out Buck just breath"
"Thanks, Eddie"
He waits 20 minutes to collect his thoughts then walk up to Jee's room and sees her listening to music.
"Hey Jee"
"Hi Buck"
"So about the whole-"
"I'm not going to school"
"Yeah that thing I know school isn't the greatest trust me I wasn't a school person but you can't just quit"
"Buck you can't make me go to school just go away"
"Jee please don't yell why don't you want to go to school"
"Because it's stupid why don't you homeschool me"
"Because it's not the same now why don't you want to go to school"
"I don't want to talk about it go away"
"Jee the school called if you don't go back soon you might be held back you can't stay inside for the rest of your life"
"Just go away Buck"
Jee pulls the cover over her head to avoid Bucks's eyes.
"Ok but you have been inside for too long how about today you pick something outside we can go to and I won't mention school for the rest of the day"
"Jee please"
"Fine we can go for a walk for 10 minutes"
"Not a negotiation you have 5 more minutes of bed then we are venturing out to the world"
Buck goes downstairs while Jee slowly emerges from her bed and they begin to walk outside.
"Buck can we get ice cream"
They find an ice cream parlour and eat by a nearby park.
"Hey Buck"
"Hey Jee"
"Do you miss Maddie" There is the question Buck knew was coming and still felt unprepared.
"All the time your mum and dad were my best friends"
"I'm sorry I yelled earlier"
"It's ok Jee"
"Thanks for making me go outside"
"No problem think we should start heading back"
"Ok" She looks up at Buck with a smile as they head back to the apartment.
"Hey Buck, does it ever get easier" Buck gets throws back at Jee's casual tone of her very heavy question
"You know I asked Eddie a similar question one time, you're going different ways sometimes all at the same time the best way to process is to allow yourself to feel it and every day you open your eyes in the morning you feel a little less surprised the world is still there"
Buck sees Jee's face light up like a little kid's before she begins to hug him.
"I think I want to go back to school"
"Ok you can start again Monday"
She nods.
"Hey I know it's tough but we've got this we are going to be ok"
"I know, thanks buck"
"How about you and I go browse Zillow"
First the first time all week Buck feels like he can take a breath, he knows the trouble is far from over but at least know he can take a breath
Hey first post but thinking of making this into a series with longer chapters let me know what you think.
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buckleysuperiority · 1 year
Hello :)
Send any 911 fics requests you would like to me write and I will try and write as many as I can
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