buckysglee · 3 years
no words have ever made me so happy than “barnes stole a jeep” like of course he did
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buckysglee · 3 years
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buckysglee · 3 years
blonde nebula step on me challenge 🛐
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buckysglee · 3 years
The Tattoo (Sebastian Stan x Platonic!Reader)
Here’s the tattoo for reference 
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TW: referenced suicide attempt, referenced gaslighting, referenced emotional and mental abuse, referenced body issues, toxic ex (these are all only for a second)
It has been two years since you got your first tattoo. You were so proud of yourself for designing it, and people always admired it when they saw it. But today was different. Today you were going to Wizard World Comic Con since they were advertising that the cast of The Falcon and The Winter Soldier was going to be there. Today you would meet the guy who inspired it. You slipped on your TFATWS shirt, grabbed her backpack, and got headed on your way. 
You never liked driving on the highway, but there weren't any back roads that would get you to the Convention Center. Despite the constant start-stop action, you eventually made it to the center. Okay, maybe you were a little later than you wanted to be and it took some time to find a parking spot, but at least you made it, right? 
You finally found a parking spot and hopped out, grabbing your backpack in the process. You had thought about wearing the custom Bucky arm you had made for a Halloween costume, but decided not to. You didn't want to come off too strong or some sort of obsessed fan. You got into the building with all of your items, and panic set in. How in the 365 days were you going to find where to go? 
Luckily, you found a poster advertising the cast pretty quickly. You read the sign and made your way over, watching as other people headed in the same direction. Some were dressed in full cosplay, while others were like yourself and just wore a simple shirt or hat. You found where you were supposed to go but hung back a bit. They only had a limited amount of spots open, and if your calculations were correct, you would be the last. You even let a guy cut in front of you to guarantee that last spot.
The line moved steadily, plenty of fans making their way up the line to see Sebastian. You started to get anxious as you got closer to meeting him. You regret wearing a short-sleeve shirt because it would be easier for him to spot your tattoo. You didn't think you could handle it if he asked the meaning behind it. You watched as the girl before you left, leaving you as the last person. You swallowed hard just as Sebastian looked over at you and flashed a smile. You smiled softly and made your way over to him. He asked your name, so of course, you told him. All you asked for was a simple photo of just the two of you standing together. He immediately puts his right hand up in the shape of a half-heart. You smiled and made the other half with your left hand.
"Look, Mom. Her tattoo says Bucky on it," a teenager said a little too loud. You had forgotten that the tattoo was on your left arm. So when you held it up for the photo, anyone passing by could see it. Sebastian looked at you for a moment.
"It says Bucky? Like Bucky Barnes?" He looked shocked that someone would get that permanently on their body. You reluctantly held up your arm for him to see. He made a cute puppy dog face before saying, "I- e atât de tare…" He paused for a second. "But why that?"
"It's kind of a long story…" You laughed a bit, shocked at the fact that Sebastian Stan, the Sebastian Stan liked your tattoo. You rubbed your neck, trying to find the words to explain, but you couldn't find them. Sebastian recognized this and placed a hand on your shoulder.
"How about I give you my number, and you can call me when you're finished here. I'm sure there is much more you want to see. Then, we can meet up at the coffee shop down the street. You can tell me more about it." He smiled, and then was off to do whatever business he needed to.
A few hours later, you were sitting in a small coffee shop, waiting for him to show up. You hadn’t gotten your coffee yet, because you didn’t want him to think you had been waiting long, and you hadn’t. Because soon after you sat down and got your phone out to check Instagram, he walked through the door. You immediately stood up and made your way over to him.
“Um... hi Mr. Stan,” you shyly whispered. God, you were more nervous now than when you first met him a couple of hours ago. He didn’t react in any way, you figured he hadn’t seen you, nor had he heard you. You paused for a second, biting your lip. “Um... uh… Sebastian? I mean, Mr. Stan?” You swallowed hard just as he looked at you.
“Oh hey, y/n!! I hope you haven't been waiting long. I got a little hung up with Anthony and Emily. But I’m here now, and that’s what matters. Also, you can call me Seb if you want to.” He smiled softly as the two of you moved up in line. The two of you eventually got up to the counter and you ordered an iced mocha, whereas he ordered an iced espresso. You went to pay, but he stopped. “Let me. It’ll be my little treat.” The table you were sitting at earlier had been taken by someone else, so you decided to take one in the back, trying to keep Sebastian away from any cameras. You were silent for a long time before he spoke again. “So, your tattoo? Why that?”
“Oh, yea- I kind of forgot it was there,” you laugh nervously. “There’s kind of this whole story about it.” You take a sip of your coffee.” I don’t want to bother you with it. It’s not even that good of a story. I mean, the meaning behind it is kind of dumb- Nobody’s ever asked me for it before, so I guess I just don’t know how to explain it.” You shrug, visibly nervous now.
“Hey, take your time. You don’t even have to tell me if you don’t want to. You could just tell me more about yourself.” His smile was reassuring and it made you want to tell him the meaning behind the tattoo even more. You sighed and looked down at your coffee for a split second before looking back up at him.
“When I was a freshman in high school, I was dating someone. And for about the first month, everything was going smoothly. But at some point, and I don’t remember when, their whole demeanor changed. They became rude and selfish. They would push me away, and when I tried to ask what was wrong, they’d just yell at me. I started questioning everything that I did and everything that happened as a result. We’re broken up now, but it wasn’t until afterward that I realized what had been happening to me. Looking back I see that I was abused emotionally and mentally. I was being gaslit by a person I trusted and loved. And they would make appearances about my body that they knew made me uncomfortable.” You started tearing up.
“You don’t have to continue if you don’t want to, y/n. I won’t force you to. Telling this story is bringing up some emotions for you. If you no longer feel comfortable sharing, you can stop. I have no problem with talking about something else,” Sebastian said. You nodded, but you wanted to continue, so you took a deep breath and did just that.
“No, no… I’m fine. I promise.” You flashed him a smile. “The night they broke up with me, I was so upset that I tried… I-i tried to kill myself. I started having a panic attack and I pulled out my computer, trying to find something to calm myself down. Disney+ had suggested Captain America: The First Avenger for me to watch, so I clicked it. And as soon as I saw you come on the screen, I smiled. I felt so alone at the time, with no one to comfort me. But seeing your smile might as well have saved my life. Anyways, the heartbeat is because I didn’t die that night. My heart is still beating. And it says Bucky because seeing you play him is the reason why I still have a heartbeat.” You were full-on crying by now. You’d never expect this thing to ever happen to you, but it was. 
“I’m so sorry you had to go through that.” Sebastian was crying at this point too. He got up out of his seat and walked over to hug you. “It’s okay, you don’t have to deal with that ex of yours again. And I’m happy that you’re still here. I can’t even imagine being the reason that someone decides to not commit. You’re such a wonderful person, această lume nu vă merită.”
“What does that mean? What you just said?” You looked at him, intrigued. 
“Learn Romanian and you’ll understand,” he chuckled. “I have to go, but call me anytime you need to just talk to someone. Promise me you won’t let yourself be alone anymore.”
“I promise.” You smiled and Sebastian smiled back. You watched as he left. You couldn’t believe what a day you’d had. Today would stick with you for the rest of your life.
Romanian Translations: - “e atât de tare” translates to “that’s so cool” - “această lume nu vă merită” translates to “this world doesn’t deserve you”
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