buddy-and-eric · 3 years
Stephen King characters as SNL clips 
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buddy-and-eric · 4 years
My latest article!!!
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
do eric and buddy with any and all numbers you want to answer
THANK YOU OMG!! You’re the best!!!!!!!! Eric & Buddy….LET’S GO!
26 - Why do they need to have a serious chat?: Eric & Buddy have been casually hanging out as friends but they’re both sorta aware there are feelings lingering between them. Eric wonders if Buddy still has feelings for him & Buddy thinks Eric might not be entirely satisfied in his relationship with Donna. But he leaves it alone for Eric to understand himself. Only, Eric doesn’t deal with problems all that greatly. 
Eric keeps saying things that sound an awful lot like he’s suggesting he’s feeling things for Buddy. Things that sound like he’s doubting his previous idea of his sexuality but he won’t fully commit, which is fine. Only, he brings these ideas up for Buddy’s….inspection. He drops them while they’re hanging out and waits to see if Buddy will comment, it’s like he wants/needs Buddy to confirm it for him before he acts on anything. Which is impossible. Buddy can not & will not tell Eric how he feels or what kind of person he’s into. 
So it’s this viscous cycle in which Eric can’t understand himself and subconsciously asks Buddy for the ‘ok to be Gay’ because he can’t tell himself. And Buddy pulling away because Eric has to realize this all on his own. 
So a serious chat between them should be happening soon. 
19 - Where do they go on their first date?: The ‘haunted’ Fatso Burger where the furniture was mysteriously moved every night. But really, that place just had poor management and never locked their doors and Mr. Kebler wouldn’t offer the Supernatural Soda discount anymore (Which was just all the flavors mixed together) if he didn’t still believe the ghosts were there somewhere.
THANK YOU for sending them!!!! Such an underrated & adorable ship!!! 
(Ship headcanon meme. Who? What? When? Where? Why?I’m procrastinating. If you fancy it send me a ship and a number and I’ll tell you my headcanon.)
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
Blame The Eagles, Man
Chapter 2 - Best of My Love 
Summary: Eric’s back in Buddy’s company and he just can’t get a handle on himself. 
The two of them had come driving through the spookiest corners of Point Place with the intention to get burgers from the ‘haunted’ Fatso Burger where the furniture was mysteriously moved every night....   
Words:  2,677
Ships: Beric? Eric x Buddy
The darkness of the impending night was just beginning to settle over the town, slowly but surely Eric’s shadow faded into the blanket of night air. It chilled him just standing there. Though Point Place was anything but a frightening area. The scariest thing that ever happened around the burn out town was that Jimmy kid trying to knock off the 7/11 a few months ago only armed with a water gun. 
But the distant sounds of buzzing bugs was enough to make his skin crawl with a ghost of an itch. He was standing there, looking put off, staring at the Vista Cruiser like he was scolding a child. His original plan was to fiddle with the car or something but he couldn’t even pretend to know anything about what the problem was.  ‘This definitely wouldn’t happen to Batman & his Batmobile-’
The loud thump of the passenger door closing sent Eric nearly a foot in the air. He slapped his hand to his chest, feeling a bit of relief as he realized no one was in fact coming to murder him. Instead it was his cheeky looking friend. Which might've actually been worse. 
Buddy moved with a bounce in his step to Eric’s side, looking over the car. “Jumpy tonight, huh Eric?” He laughed, putting one hand around to pat Eric’s back. 
Eric rolled his shoulders back, awkwardly coughing as he brushed his curled fist across his mouth. He stretched his arms behind himself like he was getting ready to yawn. “Nah, no. I was just....” Eric looked around at the dark trees around them and swallowed “So you think somethings wrong with the car?” He played it off with a little laugh and scratched under his chin. 
The two of them had come driving through the spookiest corners of Point Place with the intention to get burgers from the ‘haunted’ Fatso Burger where the furniture was mysteriously moved every night. But really, that place just had poor management and never locked their doors and Mr. Kebler wouldn’t offer the Supernatural Soda discount anymore (Which was just all the flavors mixed together) if he didn’t still believe the ghosts were there somewhere. Buddy seemed really set on getting one of those and Eric wanted to see his disgusted face again. It’d been a full week since the last time when Kelso laughed so hard that Piggly Wiggly cream soda shot outta his nose. That made Eric instantly regret inviting Buddy to the basement for the first time in a long time. 
His friend looked over the car and rolled his lips together, the glaze of intense observation went over his eyes. He turned to Eric with a simple smile that made Eric’s chest tighten. “The Cruiser...” Buddy trailed off as he leaned in the drivers side window. 
Eric let his eyes droop slowly from the mixture of sleepless nights and a comfortable laziness he always seemed to have around Buddy. 
“She’s just- um....old.” his voice was strained and he could tell he was wiggling around some stuff in there. “So she just needs a push sometimes.” Buddy attempted to start the car two more times before it finally caught and started smoothly. The man bounced back out with that grin again and laid his hand on the car’s roof. “Probably needs to be looked at further but that’s good enough for now.” 
Buddy had a thing for cars. That was something else new that Eric learned about him throughout this friendship. Not only did he appreciate them but he knew a heck of a lot of shit about them too. Which is another reason why Eric couldn’t believe how much the guy loved the Vista Cruiser. 
“Maybe we should head back to your house, y’know?” Buddy gestured to the car, think it’d be best to play it safe and get it home as quick as possible. 
Eric deflated a little. Partly because he was not in a good place at the moment to mix Buddy with his other friends again. But also because he really wanted to get Buddy that stupid Supernatural Soda thing. “Oh no, a good man keeps his word, Buddy.” He smirked and put on some kind of accent (maybe British? He wasn’t very good at them). “I intend to spoil you tonight.” He wagged his finger at him and Buddy chuckled. He grabbed Eric’s finger and pushed it down. 
“Please. I’m spoiled enough.” a shrug rolling off his shoulders. 
“Maybe in your sense of the word but you haven’t been spoiled by a Forman yet. This family spoils with things like a fun trip to a fast-food chain every once in a blue moon.” He threw his arm playfully around Buddy and walked him over to the passengers side door. “And if you’re lucky...” He leaned over and opened the door. “They might’ve actually refilled the ketchup dispenser.” 
Eric slowly shut Buddy’s door and came around and hopped into his own. Buddy watched him with amusement. “I don’t like ketchup.” His nose scrunched up and Eric let himself admire the face before he rolled his eyes. 
“You never cease to amaze me.” 
The flickering lights of the Fatso Burger were burning into Eric’s eyes and giving him the slightest headache. The orange and yellow wall details were no help and it seemed to make the glare worse. But it wasn’t bothering him that much. Friday was upon Point Place and the teenagers were out and about in the most ‘exciting’ areas without having to feel that deep sense of dread for school the next day. 
And sitting across from Buddy was always nice. Though, Eric still picked at the peeling paint on the side of their booth table and avoided his eyes anyway. That Tuesday seemed far away in his mind but it was just two weeks prior. 
He’d stayed kinda far off from Buddy recently and not for the first time. Maybe he was just too nervous about being around him these days but either way, he felt shitty about it. 
“So um...” He was going to ask. “I usually ruin things by opening my big mouth but...” Eric trailed off, wiggling his eyebrow a little and holding his hand out. Maybe he was hoping Buddy would just get what he was trying to say but if he didn’t even know...how on earth would Buddy? 
Buddy slipped his straw in and out of his drink slowly and created the most annoying sound on earth, at least to Eric. “But what?” 
Eric sighed and slapped his hand down onto the table. 
“Have you talked to Donna?” Buddy interrupted, sensing the coming conflict. “I haven’t really heard from you in a while and that’s fine, Eric. Things are awkward with you and I understand that.” Buddy shrugged and Eric felt his shoulders cave in from pure relief and admiration. “But if I know you well enough, and I think I do, I’m sure you haven’t made much progress on the whole...” It was his turn to trail off “Talking about this out-loud situation.” Was what he decided on. 
And that was exactly true. “I-uh...well. I’ve thought about it a whole lot.” He immediately tried to justify himself but Buddy just smiled. 
“Work it out with me, Eric.” He gestured to himself with a smirk and took a long drink of his soda even though it tasted like a disaster. His nose scrunched up again and Eric rolled his lips together to keep from smiling. 
“I just...I like you a lot, Buddy.” He fell backwards against the booth seat in exasperation. “But Donna...we’ve got a lot of history.” 
His friend nodded. 
“I mean, I-we...” he scratched behind his ear and tried to work it out before he spoke again. Donna was his first crush. The girl next door who could always hang out like she was one of the guys. He liked that about her. He always had. 
“And you know, Eric-” Buddy started and broke the man out of his thoughts. “This shouldn’t just be about picking me or Donna.” He rolled his eyes but in a friendly way. “It’s just about figuring out what makes you happy. Makes your...” He flung his wrist out in front of his lower stomach in an oddly suggestive way. 
Eric chuckled and raised his hands. “Wow, Buddy. That’s inappropriate dinner talk. I am shocked-” 
“Shut-up, you turkey. That’s not what I meant to do-” Buddy laughed but turned his face from Eric’s view as his cheeks turned pink. “I’m trying to say that you just need to figure out what you want from a relationship and the kind of person that would make you happy. Don’t just go back and forth between the two of us...if that’s even what you’ve been doing anyway. Ok?” He turned back and pinched the back of his hand. 
Eric nodded and sort of retracted within himself again. 
“How have you been thinking about it?” Buddy wondered if that phrasing was a little too weird but Eric seemed to perk up a little. 
“Donna, she’s-” He sipped his own drink, letting the straw float lazily away afterwards. “My best friend. The first girl who would give me the time of day. I use to walk her home from school everyday and she’d carry my books just to make fun of my skinny ass arms.” He wiggled his arm out for emphasis and laughed, eyes glazing over a little. 
“We just clicked.” He shrugged. “It only makes sense that we’d end up like this.” 
Buddy narrowed his eyes in thought and rubbed his hand gently down his thigh. “When you think about your future, is Donna the girl your with?” 
“Sometimes.” He answered with honesty. “She used to be.” His right eye twitched as he tilted his head. “I-uh-um....I do my best for Donna.” He looked surprised at his own words and it interested Buddy. 
“What do you mean by that?” 
“I...don’t really know. I’m not sure. This is ridiculous. You wanna refill?” He stood up all jumpy-like and pointed to Buddy’s drink even though free refills were not allowed and he didn’t even have the money for that. 
“Nah. But maybe some napkins?” Buddy was hoping that’d buy his friend enough alone time to calm himself down. Eric nodded and took off. 
Buddy took the time to think about the last few months, eyes floating about the fast food joint like it held all the answers to his questions. He wanted to do right by Eric and help the poor guy out because it pained him so badly when he was in that same position. With any luck, he could help Eric find peace. 
-”Mr. Kebler said he’s out of napkins and I’m gay.” 
Buddy spit out his drink....splattering it all over the table. ‘A bad time to be out of napkins, huh?’ He thought. The white counter-top was streaked in soda and was already starting to drip over the side, Buddy cringed at the gross sight but didn’t have time to dwell on it. “What the hell, Eric?” He hoped that didn’t sound harsh but there was no way in hell Eric could just up and figure out his identity on the way to the Fatso Burger counter. 
Eric shuffled on his feet before lowering himself slowly back onto the booth chair, arms up and careful not to touch the sticky table. “That’s gotta be it, man.” Eric’s voice sounded rushed and nervous. “Don’t you think?” 
Buddy frowned. “I can’t tell you that, Eric. You have to figure that out for yourself, I told you.”
Eric looked put-out and tired. “The guys know your gay.” he blurted and Buddy’s eyes widened briefly and he crossed his arms. 
“You told them?” 
“No, no, no. I mean- well, maybe I confirmed Donna and Hyde’s suspicion-” 
Buddy frowned, leaning even further away from the table. 
“But Fez was the one who said it, not me.” Eric insisted, remembering how his friend had just known. “Kelso didn’t believe it. Said that if you were then you'd have been all over him.” He chuckled nervously under Buddy’s heated gaze. 
But Buddy’s heat didn’t last too long. After a second or two, he was back to that easy-going small smile. “He’s not my type.”
“And what is your type?” Eric asked with innocence as he munched on a fry. 
Buddy gave him a look as he rubbed his palm down from his chin to the base of his neck. “I don’t think that’s gonna help this conversation at all.” 
Eric knew what Buddy was getting at. He’d already asked Buddy a few times if he still has feelings for him. Though it was hard to tell when he was getting on the bright boys nerves, he was pretty sure he was edging it a little too close now. He was hoping that question was ambiguous enough but it obviously wasn’t. He frowned. “I always thought Donna and I had...like movie love.” 
“Do you still feel that way?” 
“In a way.” He shrugged, suddenly looking very pained. It was a look that Buddy knew had been on his face several times when he was knee-deep in the questioning phase. “Yeah, it’s movie love. I’ll admit it.” He waved his hand out and Buddy opened his mouth but never got a word out. “Just not the kind I thought. It all comes back to the fact that I feel like I’m playing a damn part, Buddy.” He scrunched up his eyes with anger. 
“I like Donna because I think I’m supposed to.” He half-whispered that to himself and Buddy nearly felt like he was intruding. 
“I think...” He spoke with an earnestly kind voice. “I think you should talk to Donna.” 
Eric glanced up at him again. His eyes were filled with anger and confusion. “Do I have to?” He rubbed his hand against his forehead. 
“If you really feel that way, then yes.” Buddy sighed and slid out of the booth to stand on Eric’s side. He softly shoved his shoulder and took the space next to Eric who was too busy to really care. 
“Damn.” Eric shook his head. 
“Yeah...” Buddy trailed off, trying not relive all those painful memories where he’d sat awake at night trying to figure out why he couldn’t force himself to like girls. 
“It was Luke.” Eric mumbled, miserably. 
“Luke. Star Wars.” Eric shrugged before thinking to explain. “I think maybe...that was my first real clue. Y’know after you....” He dipped his finger into a small Supernatural Soda puddle. The only thing supernatural about the night thus far were the ghosts of Buddy’s past. 
He smiled gently. “Why don’t you take me home now?” 
Eric looked up quickly, wondering if he’d done something wrong. 
“You’ve exhausted yourself. I’ve seen no ghosts...” Bucky teased, gesturing to the empty restaurant. “And you’ve got a lot of thinking to do, y’know?” he softly pinched his friends arm and Eric rolled his eyes. 
“Well, this was fun, huh?” He let Buddy slide out and he followed after him. His keys dancing around in the palm of his hand. 
“I gotta feeling the drive home is gonna make the night.” Buddy smiled and climbed into the passenger seat. 
The Cruiser started up on the first try and the radio kicked on. Almost magically, The Eagles ‘Ol’ 55′ dissolved into the air. Eric had to laugh. 
“I always liked Han.” Buddy chimed and Eric shook his head. 
“Han? Really. Luke’s the hero, man.” He felt a joy pass through him and tried to allow that to mask his absolutely horrendous dread of having to talk to Donna. 
The night air was calm, The Cruiser had started successfully, The Eagles were on, he was talking about Star Wars with someone who matched him, and he finally felt as if he’d made a dent in this odd journey. 
Plus, Buddy seemed happy enough. 
At least he had tonight to pretend that he had things completely figured out. He’d worry about the rest later. 
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
Anyways, check out my article about Buddy Morgan & That 70′s Show....
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
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I call this one, ‘That 70′s Show’ can’t make up their mind....
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
I LOVE That 70's Show but it could not for the life of itself make-up it's mind about their characters. 
Those characters could be so inconsistent or contradictory to their own development. In this essay I will-
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
- Eric Forman 
My body is but a #buddy morgan temple.
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buddy-and-eric · 5 years
I regret to inform you I’m #eric forman trash.
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
A guide to my fanfiction
Fandoms that I have written fanfiction for on Archive of Our Own: 
IT - Stephen King (15) (Reddie w/ mentions of Benverly) 
The Monkees (TV) (9) (Dolenzmith & Jork) 
Star Wars - All Media Types (2) (Skysolo & Obikin)
The Beatles (Band) (2) (McLennon)
That ‘70s Show (1) (Buddy/Eric) 
1. I don’t have all of my IT fics on Ao3 just because I’ve written so much for the fandom! So I have most of my favorites but still only 15! Let me know if there’s any you want me to add onto Ao3!!!!! 
2. This is my favorite fanfiction that I have ever written! My Monkees stuff is what I consider to be my best work! I love writing for them so much! I’m not sure if anything is going to be updated soon though. But I really love what I have written for them! I have a Tumblr for them too: Here!
3. I really like the 2 series I have going on in this fandom! I love writing for Star Wars too but I haven’t updated those since like October so who knows when I’ll get back to them!  I have a Tumblr for them too: Here!
4. Awww good times! I really like my Beatles stuff!!! ‘High On You’ is probably one of my best fics ever! Sadly, One of my favorite McLennon series (based on The Office) is not on Ao3 just because It’s kinda hard to format that one there.You can find that one on Wattpad if you wanted to!
5. And Buddy & Eric is just beginning now! The one up right now will be a little bit of a series! The next part is in my drafts on my Beric Tumblr account: Here!  & I will then post it on Ao3!
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
I saw you talk about Stranger Things & That 70's show recently & I know you like old music so....I wanted to know if you could pick an Eagles song (or maybe Beatles if you like them better) for each main character in the shows?
THIS IS MY FAVORITE ASK EVER, THANK YOU !! I would love to do this for you!
But I do wanna warn you that I don’t really know the Stranger Things characters all that well but I did my best! 
Sorry this took a few days but I wanted this to be perfect!! 
Stranger Things:
Steve: ‘Take It Easy’: * Where I think Jonathan is picky about music, I think Steve most likely just listens to whatever he likes which is the more fun theme. ‘Take it Easy’ is such a chill, good time song that I think fits the guy well. It’s a good song to listen to while driving. 
Nancy: ‘Best of My Love’: *A sweet sounding tune that is actually a break-up song. About a couple who tried their best yet things still don’t end up working out. Very reminiscent of Nancy & Steve.
Jonathan: ‘New Kid in Town’: * I think this is the perfect song for Jonathan & it’s my favorite choice out of the Stranger Things bunch. He would really see himself in this song which I assume is something he loves in music. He would think of Steve as this ‘new kid in town’ character that is better than him & everyone is fascinated with.
Hopper: ‘Good Day in Hell’: * This song is just seems to fit right with this character to me. As I recall the kind of glimpse we got into his music taste during season 2 (You Don’t Mess Around with Jim by Jim Croce & I believe he had some Supertramp albums?) & the overall vibe of Hopper, this just works.
Lucas: ‘The Long Run’: * Lucas is in it for the long run! Despite his doubt in season 1 & all, Lucas is willing to go through this all with his crazy friends and do his absolute best.
Will: ‘Take It to the Limit’: * This song is all about when life gets old or too rough & you just have to keep trying. Keep punching away. Take it to the limit one more time because you have it in you, even if you don’t always feel it. We all know Will’s been through the toughest things, but he can keep going because he’s strong and keeps going.
Dustin: ‘The Disco Strangler’: * Dustin is such a cute kid & I think he would just enjoy how weird this song is to be honest. I don’t see him as someone who cares all that much about what he listens to.
Mike: ‘Journey Of The Sorcerer’: * Mike is a huge dork (they all are but he’s really something). This song is instrumental & was used as the opening theme for The Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy radio drama. It’s not like anything else by the Eagles really.
Max: ‘Life in the Fast Lane’: * Max is a little speed demon who lives her life in the fast lane. She’d appreciate the edge the song has & that awesome guitar riff.  
Eleven: ‘Witchy Woman’: * Is this cheating? She is a witchy little kid so I think it vibes with her. You can’t not pick this song for her.
That 70′s Show:
Eric: ‘Take it Easy’: * I don’t think Eric takes that much time to think about his favorite songs. But I just feel as though he pops this song on in times when he really needs to chill (which is often). He wishes he was as cool as Glenn Frey.
Jackie: ‘Lyin’ Eyes’: * Early season Jackie would find this song of interest, maybe even thinking about marrying her own rich man (not that much older though, cause ew!) but a rich man she’s not too crazy about…just like her mom taught her. But as she develops, this song kinda stays in her heart as she realizes that is the very thing she doesn’t want to happen to her.
+ Jackie gets 2 songs: ‘Busy Being Fabulous’: * I wanted to keep this being old Eagles songs but this is the perfect song for Jackie so I just had to include it. She gets 2 songs!
Donna: ‘The Last Resort’: * Donna appreciates songs with meanings. And this song is not your average song about drugs or love affairs, it’s all about how when “We find something good, we destroy it by our presence-by the very fact that man is the only animal on earth that is capable of destroying his environment.” & I think Donna would appreciate that more than her friends might.
Kelso: ‘Heartache Tonight’: * “Somebody’s gonna hurt someone before the night is through.” and who’s that somebody? In the case of heartache & heartbreak, Kelso is a pro.
Hyde: ‘On The Border’: * Glenn once said that when they sang this song, they sounded like ‘white, stoned punks, drunk out of our minds’ & is that not a perfect song for Hyde?
Fez: ‘Those Shoes’: * This song is odd & kinda steamy, about men chasing single women. And it is not meant to be taken altogether seriously. So it fits Fez’s character pretty well!
Buddy (bonus): ‘Peaceful Easy Feeling’: * Such a nice calming song for a nice calm boy. Whereas Eric & the gang are kind of chaotic, Buddy is high-key way more chill. He likes to listen to this song after the end of a long day or on a car ride home (with Eric ;).
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
oh my god. i love what you did with the eagles songs + T70S. I'd love to see your take on the same characters and the beatles! (If I remember correctly, Eric was a big beatles fan)
Thank you!!! I love you for sending me this ask! These are my favorite kinds of asks to get! Sorry it took a few days but I like to make sure my answers are perfect!
Eric: ‘With a Little Help From My Friends’: Eric Forman loves his friends!!!! This song probably plays in the back of his head whenever they’re all hanging out. He loves helping his friends & being helped by his friends! They mean the world to him! Plus, “I get high with a little help from my friends…”
Kelso: ‘I Saw Her Standing There’: This song is very 60′s pop rock and it’s all about a woman, so it is right up Kelso’s alley. I just see him really enjoying this song and dancing to it in that very special way that only Kelso can do.  
Fez: ‘Hello, Goodbye’: This song is just really fun & light! I think Fez would get a kick out of it plus it’s really easy to remember the lyrics. I can see him singing along to it in the basement with a big smile on his face. It’s a very cute image. Very pure.
Jackie: ‘I’ve Just Seen a Face’: Jackie is a total Paul girl and that is not up for debate. She is all for love songs and cute boys. She probably melts whenever she hears Paul singing a love song so this one is right up her alley. Plus, this song is so cheesy & romantic. She for sure thinks of herself as the girl in the song.
Donna: ‘She’s Leaving home’: This choice is mostly fueled from Donna’s running away to California. Also, Donna never really seemed all too happy with her home-life in a way her parents never understood. She always seemed to want to escape & leave for something bigger.
Hyde: ‘A Day In The Life’: Hyde worships John Lennon, let’s just get that out there. He’d love the realness of Lennon’s parts during the song and those lyrics. He probably wouldn’t care all that much for Paul’s section. But he’d think highly of the song.
Buddy: ‘Yesterday’: Buddy is also very into Paul & this song is classic Paul. Buddy can swoon for Paul while enjoying that soft gloomy tone. I can see him sitting on his floor with the record in his lap, head resting in his palm while he daydreams a million miles away.
(Guys, feel free to send me more music asks like this!!)
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
Blame The Eagles, Man
Summary: Eric’s drive home from Buddy’s house ends up being a lot more eventful than he expected it to be. He blames his stupidity on The Eagles. 
(I tried my best to check the timeline - this takes place around ‘The Good Son’ hopefully. This is my first time writing for them so I’m still trying to figure them out! The rest of my Buddy/Eric content from now on will be posted to my account for them here! )
(This is not the fanfic for them that I’d been working on. I just got this idea like 2 days ago while listening to ‘Ol’ 55′ and I accidentally wrote it.)
‘That 70′s Show’
Words:  4,271
Ships: Beric? Eric x Buddy 
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
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Eric’s Buddy
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
In my drafts I have 2 fanfics that I’ve kinda been working on. 
A ‘Long Walk’ fanfic, Garraty/McVries
And a ‘That 70′s Show’ fic, Buddy/Eric
Let me know if any of you guys would like me to actually try & speed these bad boys up? Is this content you’re interested in? 
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
Just in case anyone’s curious, here are the two essays I’ve written about ‘That 70′s Show’. 
That 70′s Show’s Biggest Mistake - (About Buddy Morgan!)
Were Eric and Donna Really the Perfect Couple?  - (About their relationship)
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buddy-and-eric · 6 years
I love Eric & Donna but here are some of my issues with them: 
Donna comes off as not as interested in Eric as Eric is in her many times throughout their relationship. The biggest example of this involves the promise ring when she seems to show her view of thinking of life with Eric as not ideal. We see this in her dream when she is literally shown prizes behind 3 doors and Eric is presented as something lame & unwanted in comparison. She also describes not picturing herself with Eric in the future, which should probably be something she said to him. But Donna never actually lets Eric know that. 
And everyone acts like Eric worrying about the idea of her leaving him is overreacting when in reality it’s actually very realistic for him to feel that way & be insecure. Donna always expects Eric to just know how she feels without telling him, and we all know that never works out. To bring up the promise ring again, if Donna was unsure of accepting it she should have let him know instead of avoiding the idea of the commitment it held. 
Donna has this idea that she can’t have a career of her own and be with Eric at the same time. But those things aren’t mutually exclusive. Donna is independent and always has been, which is very good! But I can’t help but get the feeling that maybe her & Eric don’t work for that exact reason. 
Eric very clearly loves her. Donna is kind of harder to read. 
He very clearly plans to be with her and shows that mind-set a lot. When he pictures his future, it’s with her. 
And when she asks him where he sees the next 20 years and he says his idea & she expresses her own about other school options or Paris, he even makes it clear that he’d be willing to go with her by asking if she sees him with her. But the thing is, Donna doesn’t really. That would hurt a lot to hear someone you love basically say they don’t see a future with you. 
She also knows the ring & the idea behind it means something to Eric (which he made very clear) yet calls it a stupid high school promise. In some cases, yes it can be, but Eric obviously put some emotion into it. 
And Eric clearly feels so hurt by this conversation and says one of my favorite lines ever, “If you can see a future for yourself without me and that doesn't, like, break your heart then we're not doing what I thought we were doing here.”
Donna knew she was uncomfortable with that idea of the future yet she didn’t say anything. It lead Eric to believe that things were fine and to tell their friends that he & Donna were just fine and they were wrong. 
Eric can be really stupid in their relationship sometimes but I find myself siding with him a lot. Especially with the promise ring situation and him denying her to forget the whole break-up thing & get back together. Not wanting to be her 2nd choice is valid. And Donna does present it that way even if she doesn’t believe that herself. 
And everyone makes Eric feel so stupid for doing that when in reality, he was completely valid to do so. He gets treated like the bad guy when he really shouldn’t have been. They both made mistakes here & there. But Eric gave her that ring out of love so it sucks that that’s what lead to a breakup. He had nothing but good intentions. 
Both of them had very different ideas of what the relationship was. Eric was in it for the long run because he loved her and Donna seemed to think of it more like chance. ‘That yeah things were great and she loved him but who knows what the future will bring?’ 
I’m not saying there’s a bad guy here. I’m just saying sometimes Eric&Donna just don’t seem to work well together. 
I didn’t realize I had such strong feelings about it until today. :’)
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