buffynationsworld · 3 days
Guys i’m so sorry I literally disappeared off the face of the earth for like 6 months… i’ve been really stressed with exam’s lately but have decided to finally start rewriting!
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buffynationsworld · 8 months
Since i’ve got a lot of positive feedback and interest, i’ll be digging the fanfic back out and starting to re-edit it! I’ll try and start posting chapters in October, so excited!
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buffynationsworld · 9 months
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Back on my Weasley grind after a rainy summer, I logged into my old wattpad and found loads of old drafts for a Fred Weasley story.
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buffynationsworld · 2 years
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Pairing: Eddie Munson x fem!reader
Summary: Eddies new neighbour seems to be having some trouble with her abusive father so he sees right to step in and lend a hand.
Warnings: mentions of abuse, bruising and cuts. There’s also a bit of smut at the end - enjoy!
5.4K words!
Your life seemed to be getting shittier and shittier by the day - every day was slightly more unbearable and it took more willpower within you to tumble out of bed each morning. It had started 2 months ago after your father had lost his job, we'd quickly moved to a small trailer park on the outskirts of Hawkins. It wasn't this that bothered me as such: the smaller room and having to share a bathroom, pulling my weight more and getting a job myself.
It was the other thing.
The drinking thing.
My fathers always loved a good booze fest on a friday night, he'd invite his sleezy friends over for a poker game in your dingy basement. It didn't bother me much as I tended to stay out of the way, sleep at a friends. The thing with dad is that he'd get rather angry when he drank. He was a headstrong man who definitely wasn't afraid to get a little handsy with people - the people being me.
Everything seemed to be my fault when he was drunk, everything that he was angry at was directed at me. It started off harmless, verbal abuse, insults I could easily brush off and forget about. However my attitude with seeming unbothered only made him grow more confident.
It all started one night when he threw his bear bottle at me, the empty glass shattered all over the floor. It of course being all my fault angered my father even more and he grabbed me harshly before slapping me hard in the face. It was then that he realised that he could get away with doing such things that he repeated his actions weekly.
Bruises soon littered every corner of my body, my pale flesh permanently tainted a dark purple and blue. Throwing whatever in his hand became a habit of his - usually being a beer bottle meant glass everywhere. Little cuts where tiny shards had hit me added to the bruises and before long I became accustomed to this lifestyle.
My friends never questioned anything, why i'd stopped wearing short skirts and tanks, after all we moved into the winter months and many swapped out their summer wardrobe for jumpers and knit sweaters.
However after almost two years of this vicious cycle I developed a sort of knack to getting myself out of these situations with no more than a minor scratch on myself. I'd learnt to dodge the bottles and step out of the way when he drank, overall i'd learnt to live with it and everything seemed to be okay again.
Until he lost his job.
The drinking changed from a weekly thing to a daily occurrence, his sleezy friends would be invited round every other night - and they were handsy in themselves. It was harder to hide away in the trailer, the only private place I owned was my bedroom. My small and crammed bedroom filled with all my possessions practically stacked up on top of each other.
Instead of going out to look for work he conned his friends out of money during poker games that were held in the living room. He'd always call my name, demanding I attended to our guests by supplying bowls of crisps and cold bottles.
His friends made crude jokes constantly, claiming that they'd love to take me home and listed in detail to each other all the unpleasant things they were planning to do to me. My father however just laughed and encouraged their behaviour- stating that they could have me as I was no daughter of his.
And it hurt.
It hurt to see his talk about me like that.
Resent me in such a way.
But it all changed one day.
It was a usual night, i'd just placed a bag of chips on a little table telling my father that i'd be in my room if he needed me. The night passes quietly than usual, all that could be heard was laughter and bitter shouting from the losing gambler. Most of them had scurried off by 11pm leaving me to clean up the mess before getting shouted at in the morning. As quietly as I could my feet padded into the living room where my father was completely knocked out on the couch.
Carefully manoeuvring myself around him I began to clean up, starting with the game itself which had been abandoned of the table and then swiftly moving only the empty packets and plates of food. However he must've woken up when I began collecting the bottles as they clanked quite loudly.
Letting out an annoyed huff he stumbled up from his position on the couch and made his way over to me with a bottle in hand.
"You woke me up" he gruff voice said harshly as he snatched both my wrists up.
"I'm sorry I didn't realise how loud I was being" I gulped and averted my eyes away from his piercing ones.
"That's cause you're a good'f nothin little slut" he slurred back before smashing the bottle against the kitchen counter making me wince.
"I-I'm sorry" I began to apologise but he cut me off.
"Look at me when I'm talkin to ye" he spat back as his voice began to rise.
Lifting my gaze up to his he swiftly swung his palm in my direction as it came into contact with my cheek, leaving a stinging sensation behind. I tried my hardest not to whimper but he heard me which only angered him more.
Letting go of my wrists he took a step back before completely blowing up in my face. Taking all the bottles i'd collected he smashed them one by one all over the trailer screaming at the top of his lungs.
"It's all your fault- you know that kid!"
"I blame you for the shit show we live in, look at this place!"
I knew what he was talking about, he was angry at me for one thing in particular. It was the very thing that sparked this feud between us in the first place - my mother. He blamed me everyday for being the reason that she left, and it didn't help that i'd grown up to be a carbon copy of the woman he'd once loved.
He then began throwing chairs and cushions all over the trailer knocking over god knows what in the process, he was screaming at the top of his lungs now and I hadn't seen him this angry in a long time.
A couple tears escaped my eyes as he grabbed at my neck mid outburst "This is all your fault" he seethed in my face before dragging me to the ground.
My skin instantly came into contact with the many shards that littered the floor of the trailer. He was shouting and screaming down my ear until the strangest thing in the world happened.
Somebody had knocked on the door.
Instantly freezing his angry shout he ordered me to stay where I was as he paced towards the door. Ignoring him I jumped to my feet and began frantically trying to make myself look as 'un-beaten' as possible before attending to the trashed trailer.
My fathers voice could be heard quite softly conversing with whoever had decided to stop by. Mustering up all the courage within me I grabbed a few un-smashed bottles and made my way to the door pretending to put them in recycling.
What shocked me most was who was at the door itself, at first glance I saw our neighbour from a few doors down - I think his name was Wayne or something.
But next to him stood his nephew Eddie, Eddie Munson. I'd seen Eddie plenty round school and knew well of his reputation as a 'freakshow'. We've probably never interacted before in our lives but i'd recognise that curly mass of hair anywhere. Of course paired with the 'Hellfire' t-shirt he wore so often and denim jacket.
Eddie Munson who infamously led a DnD campaign as well as a drug business. You'd hear him driving into the trailer park before you actually saw him, the boy drove like a maniac. He also kept me up sometimes with his guitar as he strummed riffs from Black Sabbath.
"I'm just askin if you'd keep it down - I've got an early shift at the plant tomorrow is all" Eddies uncle smiled as I joined my dad at the doorway.
"I'm sorry Mr. Munson my fingers slipped and I dropped a couple beer bottles. My dad was just startled by the sudden noise, thought it was someone breaking it" I lied effortlessly yet he didn't seem to buy it one bit.
Glancing towards Eddie he sent he a friendly smile that I half returned before bidding the two goodnight. After shutting the door my father instantly scurried off to his bed leaving me to tidy up his mess once again.
Alas the next morning I dragged myself out of bed and got ready for the day - opting out for jeans and a baby tee instead of my usual skirt after discovering fresh cuts all along my thighs and ankles. I've also applied a full face of makeup to compliment the forming bruise on my cheek - the one place that was the hardest to hide from public eye.
Despite the shitty night before my day had gone swimmingly well, an A* in English is enough to boost anyones energy. As the day dragged to an end I found myself at my locker putting back the folders that I no longer needed for the day when someone came up behind me and tapped me lightly on the shoulder.
Swiftly turning round a surprise gasp left my lips as Eddie Munson stood before me with both ring covered hands buried deep in his ripped jean pockets.
"Can I - can I help you?" I stammered ungraciously totally contradicting my strong voice the night before.
"Can I give you a lift home?" he asked expectantly as I cocked an eyebrow at him "I wanna talk about last night" he concluded as I had no choice but to follow him to his van.
"Look Eddie" I sighed as soon as he'd turned the keys into the ignition "I don't know what you think you heard or saw or whatever but i'm fine okay?"
"What I heard was him beating the shit out of you and wrecking the trailer" he said sternly making me glance down shamefully into my lap.
"And I also know that it's not the first time" he said softly this time "I just - I know you say you're fine but are you really?"
"I've been dealing with this for a long time now, I know how to deal with the situation" I bargained as he blew out a puff of air.
"Really? Is that true? Because last night you definitely weren't in control" he stated simply making me nod my head in agreement.
"Okay yes I admit that last night things got a little out of hand but I can handle it alright. And it's nice that you and your uncle came to check in on me but please don't do it again - I don't know how he's going to react when I get home" I said slowly.
"Can I just ask - how long?"
"Two years" I replied hoarsely.
"And nobody done anything about it?" he asked aspirated.
"Nobody cares enough" I shrugged back as he recklessly pulled up to his trailer.
"Well just so you know - if you ever need anything i'm here alright" he said seriously placing his hand on my shoulder "the doors always open if you need to crash."
"Thanks Eddie" I said genuinely "but erm i'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone about what's going on."
"My lips are sealed" he said before mimicking with actions "On one condition."
Sighing I went to argue back with his but he cut me off before I could even begin my placing his pinkie out towards me. "Promise the next time you think it's going to happen you stop by."
Glancing down at his ring covered pinkie for a moment I pondered my fathers reaction for a moment before agreeing to the boy and lacing my pinkie within his own.
"I promise."
And I kept to my word.
Not even three days later my father decided to hold a poker night again. I was wary at first, I knew at what point in the night that he'd reached his limit and was sure to lash out. Placing a little note down on the bed saying i've got to a friends house and didn't want to disturb him I snuck out of my window and ran towards the Munsons trailer.
Hovering by the door I pondered over our pinkie promise a few days prior, remembering how sweet he'd been on insisting that i'd come over. Not to mention his newfound kindness in school, if he ever caught me the boy would flash me a bright smile and hold open whatever door I needed before reminding me that his door was always open. And I thanked him every single time telling him that he didn't have to and that I would take him up on the offer if the time was right.
Finally letting my knuckles rap against the door it was opened mere seconds later to reveal a smiling Eddie clad in his usual outfit.
"You kept your promise" he smiled triumphantly before stepping aside and inviting me in.
"You practically insisted" I laughed lightly as he guided me towards the couch.
"Okayyy" he drawled out before placing a pile of dvds in front of me "Video store didn't have much but I picked up a couple cult classics I thought you'd like."
"You picked these out for me?" I asked bewildered as a small smile etched itself onto my face.
"Sure did - I also bought some snacks although I didn't know what you liked so I sorta got everything just in case" he shrugged before holding up an assortment of chips and popcorn.
"Oh Eddie you didn't have to - this is too sweet" I beamed before holding up a certain tape "How about the gremlins?"
"Honestly Y/N it's nothing- and gremlins is a good shout, knew I befriended you for a reason" he smiled cheekily before passing over with different bags of chips in his hands.
"You really mean that?" I asked "You really think we're friends."
"Well of course I do" he boasted "unless you don't want to be then that's fine too" he trailed off making me giggle.
"Of course I want to be your friend idiot. In fact you're probably my favourite friend right now" I shrugged as he settled beside me on the couch.
"Wow I feel honoured" he gasped dramatically as I hit his shoulder "no no - knowing that i'm better company than all those daddy's money kids you hang out with really makes my day."
"Well you know what they say - if you feel like you're at your worst you should act like you're at your best" I shrugged halfheartedly.
We sat in silence for a while, watching the movie and munching on chips. We'd laugh at the funny parts of the movie and i'd gasp and scream at the slightly scary parts - which only caused Eddie to tease me.
"You know something Eddie Munson" I said after a while "You're not what I thought you'd be."
"Mean and scary" he asked making me laugh "well yeah."
"I thought you'd be kinda mean and scary too" he admitted making me scoff "me?"
"Terrifying" he concluded making me giggle and throw popcorn at him.
"On you're in for it now" he said before throwing a piece back at me. Our squabble turned into a complete food fight till the bowl was empty and the trailer was scattered with food.
"Time out" I wheezed as he kept chasing me round the trailer.
Laughing and throwing me over his shoulder we both plonked back down on the couch to finish the movie more snuggled up than before.
After falling asleep on Eddies shoulder he carefully lifted up your head and placed it back down on a cushion. He draped a knitted blanket over you before turning the movie off and shuffling into bed himself. The truth was that Eddie liked you, he had for a long time. He thought that if he showed you that he was more than a good for nothing freakshow that maybe finally you'd like him back.
At least he hoped that's what would happen.
"Hey Munson" I called out as the boy turned to look at me "Hello sweetheart" he replied with a smile.
Over the last couple weeks Eddie had adopted a series of pet names for me. I was obviously in no way complaining and welcomed it with open arms. The truth is that over the last couple months i've gotten to know Eddie better and see him for who he really is - a genuine sweetheart.
He may hide behind his cocky demeanour and metalhead personality but deep down he's the kindest sole alive. We've definitely gotten closer and closer since that might be invited me into his trailer and i've kind of developed a monster crush on him.
"Mind if I crash at your place tonight?" I asked as we made our way to his van.
"Do you even have to ask anymore - I mean you practically live there" he laughed making me swat his arm.
"Hey that's not fair - you know why I stay at yours" I said defensively as he nodded his head in return and placed his hand on my knee "And you're welcome anytime" he remained for the umpteenth time.
"I do however have a little drug deal tonight - you can just stay in my bedroom till i'm finished" he concluded as I nodded, not like I haven't done it before.
And that's where I am now, bored out of my mind in Eddies room pottering about the place. I didn't mean to snoop but his room was rather interesting. It was basically full to the brim with crap - but meaningful crap. Draws full of god knows what and clothes scattered almost all round the room. It was nice though and it had an odd homely feel to it, yet perhaps that was just the smell of his bedsheets.
Lying back on his bed I let my senses invade me as the musk of Eddie seeped through my pores instantly relaxing me. I swear I only closed my eyes for two seconds but when I opened them again and glanced at the clock it had been three whole hours. Instantly jumping up I ran into the living room where Eddie was sat at a chair next to the kitchen table, blunt between his lips and papers scattered everywhere.
"What're you doing?" I asked before perching over his shoulder to get a better look.
"Oh you're finally up" he mused "enjoy your beauty sleep?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep" I said genuinely my eyes still wandering over the table.
"S'alright I was just looking over my DnD campaign, adding and changing little bits" he shrugged before grabbing my hips and placing me on his lap boldly.
Gulping in return I got myself comfortable as he explained the rules of the game to me. My eyes kept glancing over to the rolled joint that was stationed between his two ringed fingers as he took the occasional drag inbetween chatting away.
"Do you want some?" he asked noticing my eying the drug.
"I- I've never actually tried it" I said quite embarrassingly before taking the blunt out of his hand "Will you show me how?"
"I don't want to pressure you" Eddie began yet I cut him off "I want too - will you show me how."
And so he did, we took it in turns to inhale the drug - I may or may not have coughed in Eddies face the first couple times. But eventually I got used to it and even began to enjoy the feeling. Reaching out Eddie turned my face towards him carefully using his index finger leaving him hand to linger on the side of my face.
Instructing me to open my mouth Eddie took a drag from the blunt that was basically finished before blowing the smoke directly into my mouth. The hand from my face slide back into my hair and settled at the nape of me neck bringing my face slightly further towards his.
His touch felt electric and I wasn't too sure if it was because of the drug or just him in general - but it was the best feeling i've ever felt in the entire world. Glancing back up into his big dough eyes I noticed how wide and dilated they were. Casting my own down to his lips and back up into his eyes I caught him doing the exact same thing. With one tiny push of confidence I leant forward so that my forehead rest against his own as my breathed began to intensify from the close proximity.
"We don't have too" Eddie whispered but I shook my head "No that's not it I - I really like you Eddie" I whispered back before leaning in the rest of the way until our lips connected together. It was slow and passionate at first, we were both pouring in what we were too afraid to say aloud to one another.
Pulling away slightly Eddie leant back slightly and I feared that something was wrong until his hand came up to brush the hair out of my face. "In case you hadn't figured out yet - I like you too" he said before bringing me back into a kiss, yet this time it was rougher as our hunger slowly began to build.
It was now my turn to drag my own hands across his jaw and through into his hair, one travelling down to his own neck whilst the other buried itself into his maim of hair. His hands guided themselves down to my waist where they massaged the exposed flesh there drawing a small whine out of me. Seeing this as his in Eddie leisurely lapped his tongue into my mouth and tangled it with mine elicited more surprised noises from my lips.
To return the favour my hand tugged on his hair slightly as a muffled groan came from Eddies mouth allowing me to coax my tongue over his and explore his mouth. The only sound that could be heard was our two mouths moulding together.
After what seemed like a lifetime his hands travelled further down my frame till they met my skirt. His cold rings dragged across my warm things till they hooked under the fabric and squeezed my ass firmly. Humming into his mouth my hands made their way down to his shoulders as I moved myself round till I was straddling Eddie. Immediately my hips ground down into his as he broke free from the kiss at once to let out a loud groan.
Opening my eyes I was met with the most delicious scene in front of me, hair disheveled from my tugging, eyes black with lust and lips soar and puffy - he looked absolutely perfect.
To let him know this I let my lips trail down to his neck near to where his tattoos were peaking out of his 'Hellfire' t-shirt. As my lips began its assault on his neck Eddies hips involuntary bucked up into mine causing me to moan into his hot skin.
Everything seemed like it was happening all at once but far too slow at the same time - it was driving me insane. Moaning out desperately into his ear as I began to rock me barely clothed pussy into his jeans he decided to take matters into his own hands.
Halting my movements he uttered for me to hold on tight as his digits sunk deep into the flesh of my ass and he picked me up as if I weighed nothing. Hooking my arms around his neck my lips trailed back up to his lips as we quickly stumbled into his room.
I was quickly thrown onto his unmade bed before he toppled on top of me hastily. Reaching up to rid him of his jacket it seemed like a race against time as the pair of us scrambled to take off each other's clothes. Now left completely bare beneath him all he had left was his boxers. Hooking my fingers into the cotton material I let my eyes drag down to the prominent imprint.
Biting my lip and looking the boy in the eyes I yanked down the last thing he had on before my eyes glanced back down to his now free length. Gulping at the size I instantly reached out to pump him a few times before Eddie swooped down to kiss my lips again.
Letting him take control over me the boy travelled him hamd down my bare torso and stopped for a few moments to fondle my breasts and toy with my nipples till they hardened under his touch. Shivering at his actions his hands kept going down at his lips also began their decent down the throat and to the valley of my breasts. Kissing over every bit of my skin his tongue swirled over each nipple as I whined out shamefully allowing a grin to etch its way onto the boys face.
"Eddie - you don't have to do that" I panted as his lips sucked lightly as my clit. He hummed against it in return making me throw my head back and let go of his cock that i'd previously been pumping to fist the messy sheets.
"No but I want to" he mumbled back into my lips before licking a bold stripe eliciting yet another pleasant moan from my lips.
"Oh god Eddie" I moaned out loudly as his tongue delved into me alongside two of his skilled digits. The coldness of his rings would lightly graze against my opening as he curled his fingers in a certain way that made my walls flutter around them.
"Mmm Eddie I need you" I said desperately reaching out to yank his face up to meet mine.
"But i'm not finished sweetheart" he whined as I leant up to seal my lips back over his.
"Next time - promise" I mumbled against his lips before placing my pinkie in front of his flushed face.
Smiling up at me his pinkie interlinked with mine just as it had done all those months ago. Letting go of my hand he reached across me and started shuffling through his night stand for a particular silver packet he knew he owned. Letting one hand wonder back all along my body sensually his other still rummaging through the drawer.
Looking up at his face I couldn't help but giggle slightly at his concentrated look: eyes squinted and tongue between his teeth. Finally grasping the packet his brought it back over to where we were currently lying an amused look dancing across his face.
"Are you laughing at me darling?" he asked with a cocked brow.
Leaning up to meet his lips in a quick kiss I snatched the packet out of his hand "Maybe."
"May I?" I asked glancing down at his cock which was practically oozing by now.
"Please" he half groaned as I tore the packet open with my teeth.
Placing the rubber over his length I gave it two quick pumps before lying down and helping Eddie line up against my entrance.
Sliding just the tip in at first I couldn’t hold back the high pitched moan that slipped past my lips. "So big" I chocked as he slid in slightly further.
"You’re so tight" he said at the same time whilst a small tear slid down my cheek.
“Eddie can you give me a minute” I struggled out as a few more tears slid down my cheeks.
Glancing back up towards my face his pace instantly stilled as he took in my slightly uncomfortable look.
“Of course darling I should have realised sooner” he said sympathetically reaching up to wipe away the few tears that spilled.
Kissing both my cheeks and then the tip of my nose he rested his forehead against mine for a moment as I took in a deep breath. Pecking his lips slightly I wrapped my hands around his forearms and gave him an indication that he could finally move.
His thrusts were slow at first, as he slid more in inch by inch. I was writhing underneath him as he slowly built the pace up, my back beginning to arch off of the bed. His hand snakes around my waist keeping me in place making me whimper and grind my hips up to meet his halfway.
After a minute that same hand trailed down towards my thigh before hoisting it up over his shoulder giving him a whole new angle.
"Oh Eddie" I yelled out.
"Can you feel me sweetheart?" he asked "feel me right here" he spoke whilst placing a hand on my stomach.
"Fuck yes" I yelled out once more as the knot in my stomach started to tighten again.
"I think i'm close" I struggled out as he sped up once again now relentlessly pounding into me "Hold it till I say so" he grunted.
"But" I started "No buts" he interrupted "just do it."
Groaning in response, I opted for threading my fingers through his hair once more, a comforting habit of mine. But right now it felt different, and i'm not sure if it was because he's fucking me into his mattress whilst I suck dark hickeys on his neck - but it just felt different.
If i'm being honest, Eddie looked insanely hot right now, on top of me with his head in the crook of my neck as he grunted in my ear. A thin layer of sweat covered his toned tattooed body. My mind was so lost in my daydream about Eddie that I didn't even realise he was talking to me.
"L-let go" groaned against my neck before my blinding orgasm washed over me as the same time that Eddie came too - his cum shooting into the latex. We lay there panting for a while afterwards, trying to catch our breaths.
"That was" I started unhooking my leg from around his shoulder "amazing" he finished before lightly pecking my lips.
Pulling out of me as I let out a small whimper of protest making Eddie chuckle lightly. Leaning over he placed a small kiss on the side of my head before fishing about the floor for a pair of boxers and sweats.
Tossing me his ‘Hellfire’ t-shirt and a fresh pair of boxers Eddie paced back into the living room to dispose of the condom. Taking a glass
from the side he filled it up with water before padding back into his bedroom.
Bringing the shirt up to my nose I allowed the fresh scent of Eddie Munson to invade my nostrils as I leant back to lie down.
“We’re you just sniffing my shirt?” he asked with a little laugh causing me to snap my gaze up to him.
“What, n-no of course not” I played off lamely causing his chuckle to grow louder.
“Don’t worry, I think it’s cute” he winked before crawling back over the bed and passing me the cup of water which I ungraciously downed.
Shuffling round we eventually ended up cuddled into one another at the centre of the bed - my leg thrown lazily across his own as my fingers traced patterns over his tattoos.
“So that just happened” he said plainly making me nod my head and let out a quiet “yeah.”
"You don't regret it?" he asked aspirated.
"I'd never regret anything with you Eddie Munson" I whispered before sealing my lips over his in a deep kiss.
“Sleep tight sweetheart” he whispered before placing his head atop of mine.
“If you insist.”
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