bugzattack Ā· 5 years
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
He also started an ineffective drug war thatā€™s incarcerated many Americans, (particularly targeting communities of color); As well as implementing an ā€œabstinence onlyā€ type of drug education, which shut down the genuine dialogue people were trying to have about addiction as a disease/mental health crisis, and replaced it with a generic ā€œdrugs are lameā€ and ā€œitā€™s all personal responsibilityā€ message. This obviously didnā€™t work, and helped to push addiction/recovery advocates back into the shadows.
The list of shit he fucked up is looooong. I legit donā€™t understand the people who treat him like some sort of conservative hero. šŸ˜
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
The extradition bill is being scrapped! The Hong Kong protesters did it!
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Trump tweeted this statement earlier this week, which incorrectly included Alabama in the list of states that would be impacted by Hurricane Dorian:
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This error was quickly addressed by the National Weather Service & the correction was picked up by the news:Ā 
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Of course, Trump couldnā€™t handle being corrected by meteorologists on the fucking weather so:
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As someone who took two years of meteorology let me just say that a big concern regards mass panic when issuing weather alerts and warnings. You donā€™t want people unnecessarily leaving - jamming up the roads or putting themselves at risk (sometimes the safest thing to do is to stay put esp. if the roads are at risk of flooding), you donā€™t want confusion, and you definitely donā€™t want people to lose confidence in the weather warnings where they no longer take them seriously. And it doesnā€™t really help the cause when the fucking president of the country canā€™t issue a simple correction that HE WAS WRONG because of his fragile fucking ego.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
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This post got popular on twitter. It's actually a pretty easy time to be a comic artist on the internet because all you need is a cute animal saying Fuck ICE and you've got content babey
Anyways, fuck ICE.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
love birds that just pick up shit they donā€™t immediately want to be in the vicinity of and violently throw it on the ground
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Man, remember when we cared about our themes? I havenā€™t checked my theme in at least three years. Is the html broken? Has it been ripped to shreds by formatting changes? Boy I sure hope so. I want this shithole to be as inaccessible and ugly as possible
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Fact: We are all toddlers. Every human. Every single one of us.
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PSA for those who havenā€™t realized.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
me jumping between my WIPs without actually finishing any of them
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
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yes i would trust her with my life
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Iā€™m still on season two but this show is fantastic. @uncertain-imp suggested it, and my mom and I have been marathoning it. We blew through one and a half seasons in one evening.
me, finding out The Good Place is ending after Season 4:
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
What Iā€™m trying to say, is that the Kocks are our reigning dynasty of God-Emperors. From the day we are born and until the day that we depart this mortal coil.
And Iā€™m only being halfway sarcastic.
i would like to.. become a bumble bee. sit on flowers. be yellow. not go to school. not understand capitalism.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
They may not understand capitalism but their fate is still dictated upon its whims. As are we all.
i would like to.. become a bumble bee. sit on flowers. be yellow. not go to school. not understand capitalism.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Them: ā€œIā€™m deciding whether to go to class or just kill myself, lol I wanna curl up and die.ā€
Me: Ok, but if you are actually seriousā€”
<) Ā Ā )ā•Æ Drop
/ Ā Ā Ā \
( Ā Ā (> Out
/ Ā Ā Ā \
Ā (ā€¢_ā€¢) of
<) Ā Ā )> Ā  School.
/ Ā Ā Ā \
Or take a gap year. I donā€™t know, just do what you gotta do.
You will always have other opportunities to continue your education. If you are so afraid of failure that dying seems preferable, then you need to take about a hundred steps back and hash that shit out with your therapist Pronto.
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
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bugzattack Ā· 5 years
Imagine if people applied theĀ ā€œoutdoor catā€ logic to dogs too. Weā€™d have a bunch of dogs running outside freely, collecting parasites and diseases, getting hit by cars, harassing/killing any smaller animals and breeding like crazy. And when you told someone that they probably shouldnā€™t let their dog outside without a leash because itā€™s not exactly safe, theyā€™d just be likeĀ ā€œoh well you know heā€™s happier that way and all that stuff is just a normal part of a dogā€™s life lol what can ya do ĀÆ\_(惄)_/ĀÆā€.
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