bunburydave-blog · 13 years
I giggled at the education one.
so great
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
I giggled at the education one.
so great
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Ron Paul, enough said, watch the video.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
what is that feeling when you're driving away from people and they recede on the plain til you see their specks dispersing?--it's the too-huge world vaulting us, and it's good-by. But we lean forward to the next crazy venture beneath the skies.
Jack Kerouac
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Ron Paul's Economic Plan!
Take a look at Rep. Paul's economic plan. I can already smell a Ron Paul victory come 2012.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Herman Cain sings pizza-themed variation on “Imagine”: In case you’re wondering if he actually says “Imagine there’s no pizza,” he does. Oh yes, he does. With extra cheese.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
We have this theory: If a rapidly-rising GOP politician shows up on the cover of Newsweek, they immediately stop being a viable candidate. See how quickly Bachmann became a non-entity after her Newsweek cover? This is a pretty straightforward Newsweek cover, either way.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
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Krugman's army? The irony of this photo hit me square in the face, knocked me off my chair; sent reeling on the sordid floor I picked myself up wearily, I called my dad and asked him if I could become a novelist, jokingly. He said no and that he would discontinue payments to UCLA if I did not study to become either a doctor or engineer, cause "that's where the jobs are" he always says, what a hard ass, soulless buffoon. Well anyway I resumed my schooling and in the meantime I wrote novels and practiced guitar and wandered the sinuous streets. I "dug" the streets as Kerouac would say because I read Kerouac and I'm conservatively minded and conscious and that should strike you as unnerving. Don't put me in a box cause I'm trying to make it from New York to Los Angeles on 8 dollars (retro-adjusted for inflation back to the 1948 value of 8 dollars). On my way back to Los Angeles I stopped at a farm in Oklahoma, doesn't really matter where. There I found forty illegal Mexicans working 14 hour days for five dollars cash an hour. I talked with them and found their candid smiles pleasing, I told them I came from a very different place. They sent me off with a full stomach and an economics book. I read that economics book as I sat lugubriously against the cold window. I looked out and saw green turn into cracked and brown. I wondered where the light of my generation had gone, my future was dismal, I mean ours was. The bus was a cage, the conductor my captor. But then I realized, I could exit the bus. So I did and I got off and hitchhiked back to Oklahoma where I became a Mexican and now I'm the happiest son-of-a-bitch that's ever picked a grape.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Check out this site I am writing for. If you're part of the so called "Next Generation" then look no further for a place to make your voice heard. This is the forum EVERYONE'S TALKING ABOUT.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
The notion that we can dismiss the views of all previous thinkers surely leaves no basis for the hope that our own work will prove of any value to others.
Morris R. Cohen
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
The Little Red Website: Attackwatch
It is utterly apparent at the inception of the Obama campaign's new "anti-smear" website that President Obama is fretting. He has begun to realize that the GOP will no longer play nicely. After two provocative and fiery GOP primary debates, Obama has realized that the king of the hill does not reign for long and he has to do something about it. So naturally he does what any big government champion and elitist would do: create a site that fosters truth and condemns all the crazy buffooning republicans running rampant around our country. We are crazy after all and we owe it to our government to be forthcoming.
Sure, the republicans have been uttering some sophisms indicting the federal government and even GOP candidates are faltering occasionally. The most famous fallacy being Rick Perry's assertion at the Monday night debate that the stimulus package passed in '09 created zero jobs. Anyone who remotely follows politics knows that the stimulus did in fact create at least one job, ergo we all know that Rick Perry was incorrect. I don't argue against the fact that Republicans slip up by claiming falsehoods, some by accident and some on purpose I'm sure. But the overarching principle here is far more pressing and pertinent than human beings making mistakes during the heat of debate. It is up to the American people to fact check, to search the internet for answers, to decide who to believe and why. This is the American principle that is being infringed upon by attackwatch.com: our right to personal responsibility and liberty. 
The government is not helping you by sorting fallacies and rumors for you. They are telling you that you don't have the capacity to do it yourself. They are suggesting to you that you need government to survive, now more than ever. I encourage you to see through the twisted new orthodoxy we now think is the norm. I encourage you to recognize the danger in a website like this. I encourage you to believe in what you believe whether that be liberalism or conservatism or something in between. All I ask is for you to believe in yourself more than you believe in your government.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Ron Paul hits the nail on the head
Give me liberty or give me death Ron Paul. I want to be given the chance to bear the full weight out of my own actions. To live on the principle of realizing consequences for taking risks. Ron Paul is the only one courageous enough to stand on the GOP stage and put the onus on the American people. He's clearly not speaking for votes, he's speaking directly from his heart. Yes he's a libertarian and yes I agree with him in almost every respect. But even if you don't agree with him you have to appreciate his consistency, forthcoming nature, integrity, and honesty. If you're looking for a breath of fresh air look no farther than Ron Paul, he's the epitome of cool.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
Paul Krugman? Answer this political bloggers.
I feel obliged to write about Krugman's NY Times September 11 column. If I didn't then I wouldn't be satisfying the man himself, who clearly is an attention whore. But in actuality I am interested to know approximately how many citizens of this country share Krugman's beliefs. 
If you are unfamiliar with the column, here is the link:
The man is a tasteless attention monger and I am ashamed that he authored one of my high school economics textbooks. The New York Times opinion department loses credibility by allowing a column like this, so poorly written and distasteful, to appear in a "world-renowned" paper.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
The Re-election Syndrome
With the unveiling of President  Obama's proposed jobs plan come a multitude of economic predictions and models informing us about what we should expect. The president's plan carries a price tag of $447 billion and includes provisions to extend and expand payroll tax cuts and fund infrastructure endeavors. Multiple economic firms have chimed in on what the possible outcomes of the president's plan might be if passed. Some models indicate an increase in GDP growth by 2% in the next year, others indicate an increase in growth closer to 1%. Some analysts suggest the plan might lower national unemployment by a full percentage point. Some critics argue that the plan will have little to no effect because people will use their savings to pay down debt rather than spend and stimulate the economy. Other critics are staunch opponents because they condemn any large-scale government spending at this point in our nation's history.
The fact is that the president passed a $787 billion stimulus package in 2009. Over two years later after further economic turmoil and a credit default scare, the president proposes further spending to stimulate the economy. Albeit this time around the bill includes tax cuts, it is still government spending. Part of the new bill's spending would be allocated for infrastructure improvement, in other words, more shovel-ready jobs that will do nothing in the long term to remedy our economic maladies.
The bill has little hope of being passed in its entirety. It will see opposition from both parties. So the question is why does he propose such a plan at such a time? Is it because he truly believes in its success both politically and economically? The answer is no. Whether you believe it or not or whether even Mr. Obama consciously acknowledges it himself, the reason is November 2012. An entire year has elapsed since Obama has publicly discussed the jobs issue, with any authority that is. HIs advisors understand that he must appear proactive in order to gain the public's confidence in his ability to lead on economical issues. With a national approval rating hovering around 40% and the GOP primary race garnering attention, the president had to do something for his own sake.
This is what I call the Re-election Syndrome. As an election nears politicians invariably look for ways to improve their chances for re-election. Whether the politician is truly altruistic or not doesn't really matter. There is always that drive to be re-elected. It is the same drive that propels the politician to be elected in the first place. When a politician becomes affected by the Re-election Syndrome, legislative acts intended to garner public support can end up harming his or her constituents. In this case we are speaking of Mr. Obama's jobs plan and the country as a whole
We must take steps to counteract the Re-election Syndrome. A five year single term limit would accomplish this. With only five years to work with and no possibility of re-election, the president's innate self-interest would fall away. There would be no reason to maintain a reputation, no reason to attempt to change the country's perception, and most importantly, there would be less politics. 
Obama is a victim and a perpetrator of the Re-election Syndrome. Personally I don't want to see anymore prodigious government spending. Whether consciously acknowledged or not, this jobs plan partly owes its existence to the Re-election Syndrome. The only real solution for the future of the presidency: do away with the Re-election Syndrome.
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
By Evan McMorris-Santoro, 9:37PM
The last time Al Gore’s name came up this much during a presidential race, it was when we were all learning what a hanging chad was. Now, Republican frontrunner Rick Perry is under constant assault for his support of Gore’s 1988 campaign — back when Perry was a...
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bunburydave-blog · 13 years
To look out upon darkness is to marvel at light
from whence light came not a soul knows
hard-pressed against the birth of night
a festering wondering how the story goes.
Flora flourishes rooted softly in soil
roots reaching down in undeniable ground
given light they feed then grow and coil
'til rest and filling an impenetrable mound.
Floating, vaguely aware of her neighbors
where flora, fauna, and sky exist
the stars' ever unaware of light's labors
as darkness strengthens only sky will persist.
But flora and fauna remain in the Now
as gravity has it so it shall be
though gravity only light hath found
and the pitch of darkness grows by degree.
Where does light travel at a flailing moment
but through the grip of sky and so
then darkness arrives to sky's lament
and from whence light came never a soul knew.
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