bundlesoftae · 5 years
ummmm debut????
am I the only one who thinks about this everyday, EVERYDAY
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bundlesoftae · 6 years
My sadness is indescribable
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Goodbye angel
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
i can't stop watching
this is still the hottest thing i’ve ever seen
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
B.I.... I was eating and I CHOKED
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not so innocent
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
this is beautiful
jinmin’s acoustic version of butterfly
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
can we talk about these vocals right here? if you don’t think Jung Hoseok’s vocals are beautiful…i have no words for you.
if u never played this video more than once then ur lying
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
Cracks 02 || BTS Suga
Word Count: 1004
Part 1 |
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After crying for a few minutes, Yoongi realized that you weren’t going to stay at your shared apartment. He started to panic. He rushed out of the company, ignoring the boys asking him where he was heading to. He sped pass almost every red light and stop sign. He didn’t care about getting a ticket. His mind was only on you. He didn’t even park his car correctly. Instead of taking the elevator, he thought it would be faster to climb up 10 flights of stairs. When he got to the floor your apartment was on, he quickly pressed in the password. He was in such a rush, he punched in the incorrect password a few times. Luckily, he got the door open before he got really angry and broke it. Without even closing the door, he rushed to the room he once shared with you and slammed the closet door open. All your clothes were gone. The only things left were the few pieces of clothing he left. All your make-up was gone and so was your favorite teddy bear you loved to hug when you were on your time of the month. It was a life-size Purin plush he got you on your first date together. Everything of yours was gone. All that was left was a few sweaters that he bought you and all the pictures of your relationship that you two decided to frame. You even left the one you two loved the most. It was a picture of him back hugging you at the Namsan Tower. Jungkook took it as you two were in your own world.
Without him knowing, tears were starting to fall all over again. His head shot up when a creak at the door grabbed his attention. There stood the woman he forgot how to cherish. A piece of his heart shattered when he saw her tear stained cheeks and the broken look on her face. He froze as if Medusa herself had turned him into stone. You quickly broke the eye contact and walked past him into the bedroom you two once shared. Your heart tightened in your chest as you remember all the great memories you two made in the bedroom. The love you two made and the laughs that would erupt from your lips when he woke up before you and a tickle fight started. You blinked the tears back and grabbed the sketchbook you accidentally left while packing. You were about to leave, but before you could walk out the door, you felt two very familiar arms wrap around your waist. They held you tight as if you would fall to death if he didn’t hold on tight enough.
“Yoongi, please.”
You felt tears wet your neck and the arms held onto you even tighter. Yoongi snuggled his face into the crook of your neck. The two of you stood like that for a few minutes until you couldn’t take it anymore. If you stayed any longer, you wouldn’t be able to leave. You knew you wouldn’t be able to.
“Suga, let go.”
You called him Suga. You called him by his stage name. You never called him by his stage name. You always treated him like a regular human, never had you treated him like a celebrity unless it was just teasing. But he knew you weren’t teasing and a piece of his heart cracked.
“Please, don’t call me that. Yoongi, call me Yoongi like you always do.”
Tears were threatening to fall from your eyes again. You didn’t want to cry in front of him. You didn’t want him to see you cry because of him.
“No, my name isn’t Suga with you. I’m Yoongi. Your Yoongi.”
“You stopped being my Yoongi 4 months ago.”
Another crack.
“No, no. That’s not true. I’m still your Yoongi. I’ll go back to being Yoongi.”
You blinked away the forming tears that were about to fall. You turned around to face him. You held his face in your hands. Tears were falling continuously down his pale cheeks.
“My heart can only take so much. You’ve cracked it enough already. It’s already shattered.”
You stood up on your tip-toes and kissed him gently on his lips. The tears in your eyes fell as you pulled away from the kiss. You opened you eyes and so did he. You looked at him in his eyes and gave him a sad smile. You kissed him once more and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You wanted to remember how his lips feel. After a while, you pulled away and he placed his forehead on yours.
“Goodbye, Min Yoongi.”
You pushed him away, grabbed your notebook, and ran. You ran out the door and slammed it shut. You ran out of his life. Why did you keep running away from him? His heart cracked again.
The soft sound of a text notification rung throughout the apartment. He lifted his phone and unlocked it. It was a text from you.
(Y/N): I can’t hate you, but I don’t know if I can ever love you again. I hope you are happy. Without me. I just wanted to say, I love you and goodbye. Please take care of yourself.
After reading your text, his heart shattered. He fell onto the couch you two once cuddled happily together on. Your scent reached his nose as his held the blanket you left up to his face. He started to recall every moment you two had in this very apartment. The comforting cuddles on the couch while watching Netflix. The happy laughs you two shared in the kitchen when you were cooking and he would suddenly come up to you and tickle you. The dining table where you two would feed each other. And finally the bedroom, where the most memories were made. If only he was able to experience it again. Then maybe you wouldn’t have left. If only he had came home or maybe send one simple ‘hey’, you wouldn’t have ran away from him.
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
Cracks || BTS Suga
Genre: Angst
Word Count: 1340
Part 2 
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You tried to understand that your boyfriend was busy being in an idol group and all. Tours, recordings, music broadcasts, and promotions were tiring. Therefore, you always tried to stay out of his way and cope with the loneliness. It was hard, but you didn’t want to be in his way. You saw your friends more than your own boyfriend. You envied them. Their boyfriends were always texting them or there for them. Yoongi, on the other hand, was always busy. Even when your grandmother passed away, he wasn’t there to comfort you. You never told him. It was hard for you, but you tried to always put on a strong front and smile in front of Yoongi. You didn’t want to be a burden to him.
You don’t know where it went wrong. He was so caring and affectionate toward you in the beginning. After 3 years of dating, however, he stopped texting you every morning, afternoon, and night. Soon, the texts disappeared and so did Yoongi. He stayed at the dorm all the time now. You haven’t seen him for months and he didn’t bother to text or call you.
“You need to be selfish for once noona.”
You were hanging out with Bangtan’s maknae line and Jimin was starting to worry about your relationship with his hyung. You brought lunch over for them knowing they would probably skip it, like always. They were too engrossed in practice to know that their bodies were starving.
“Yeah, Jimin is right. We’ve never seen Yoongi hyung act affectionate with you. You’re always texting us to check up on hyung. That’s not right.”
You thought Jimin and Taehyung were right, but you just couldn’t. You knew if this kept going, one of you will start to fall out of love. This relationship would become toxic.
“Why don’t you go and take the lunches to the hyungs. We’ll continue to practice after eating.”
“Okay Kookie. Remember to rest before going back to practice. You’ll get stomach cramps.”
They nodded and you left to find the other 4. You found them all in the recording studio talking and laughing. Hoseok was the first to jump up and hug you.
“(Y/N) noona!”
He hugged you and you laughed. You were always close to Hobi cause you and him were closest in age.
“Hey Hobi! Hey Namjoon, Seokjin oppa.”
They all hugged you, except for your own boyfriend. You were kind of disappointed, but you quickly got rid of the disappointment in your eyes and held out the lunches you had made for the boys.
“I know you guys would probably skip lunch like always, so I bought you guys something to eat. It may not be as good as Seokjin oppa’s, but it’s edible. The other 3 already tried it.”
“Ey, your food is delicious. But you know, if you need any help with anything, I’m here to help!”
“Thank you oppa.”
Everyone except Yoongi grabbed a lunch box from the bag. The other 3 quickly sensed the tension between the 2 of you and left the 2 of you to talk. You stood there awkwardly as Yoongi went back to work. After a few minutes of just standing, you grabbed a lunchbox and opened it. You set it down in front of Yoongi and turned his chair around.
“Please, take a break and eat.”
“I’m busy if you can’t sense that already.”
Your heart cracked. His harsh tone was enough to cause tears to form.
“I know, but you should at least eat a little. Just a bite?”
You were practically pleading at this point. He could be as cold as he wanted to you, but you wanted him to at least take care of himself. You pushed the lunchbox closer to him only to have it knocked out of your hands and onto his lyric notebook. Your eyes widened and you quickly grabbed his notebook from under the food. You knew how important it was to him. It was his life.
“I’m sor-”
“I said I was sorry. If you just complied.”
“Are you blaming me now? Why can’t you just leave me alone?”
Another crack in your heart.
That was your last straw. It hit some nerve that you never knew even existed. And neither did he.
“LEAVE YOU ALONE? I’VE LEFT YOU ALONE FOR MONTHS NOW! NOT A SINGLE TEXT OR CALL FOR 4 MONTHS AND YOU STILL WANT ME TO LEAVE YOU ALONE? Sometimes I wonder if we’re even in a relationship. You could at least send a text. I’m just asking for one simple, ‘hey’. Is that too much to ask for?”
He was taken aback from your sudden outburst. You were always a quiet person and you always kept calm even in the most frustrating situations.
“I was busy. What’s up with you? You never shout.”
Another crack.
“Maybe if you bothered to care, you would understand why all this is happening.”
“I don’t have time. I wish you would just understand me sometimes. I’m an idol. I can’t be there to comfort you through everything. If you waited a little more, I would’ve been home. Stop being so selfish.”
You were speechless. Everyone around you were right. You have been too nice to Yoongi. He has taken your love for him for granted. The tears you have been holding fell and now all your anger has become sadness.
“Maybe I don’t want to wait anymore. Maybe…maybe, I can’t wait anymore.”
With that, you left. You left him standing there still taken aback from not only your words, but also your tears. You left him to think about where this relationship went wrong. It took him a while to finally figure out that you didn’t just throw a tantrum and leave to cool off. You left him and your relationship with him.
“Hyung, how could you say that to noona?”
“Guys, I’m not in the mood.”
“How could you still say that?! You haven’t talken to her in 4 months. She has to check on her stupid boyfriend through us. She texted us to make sure you were eating, sleeping, and taking care of yourself. She’s texted all of us because she didn’t want to bother you. She’s been understanding. She has been waiting for you and here you are. Working.”
Namjoon scoffed. Jimin shoved 6 phones onto the desk Yoongi was working at. There were endless conversations with you. You telling them to make sure he was alright and healthy. There was even a group chat he wasn’t a part of. And then there was his phone. Empty. Not a single text since 4 months ago. As he finished reading, a sound from everyone’s phone.
(Y/N) : You won’t be hearing from me for a while. Good luck on your comeback. Please don’t tell Yoongi. I’m just a burden.
Hoseok quickly snatched his phone and texted back. After getting another text, he turned to Yoongi and held his phone out for him to see the conversation he just had with you.
Hobi: Where are you going? Please tell me you aren’t leaving.
(Y/N): Remember that offer I got at work to work on a fashion show in Paris. I decided to accept. I’m going to be gone for at least a year or maybe I’ll just stay there.
Yoongi froze. You were leaving. You were leaving him and never coming back. He looked up quickly when he heard another text come in.
(Y/N): Guys, I’m leaving in 2 weeks to Paris. Please don’t tell Yoongi. Tell him I met some other guy or you guys make up some excuse.
You still thought of him even though he didn’t even glance at you for 4 months. Yoongi started to cry. He just ruined a great relationship. He just ruined what could’ve been his wife and the mother to his children. He made the woman he loved the most leave.
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
BTS has a song called “IF I RULED THE WORLD” on their debut album from 2013. They are actually starting to rule the world of music. Breaking records and music charts just hours after a comeback. Lately, I’ve been rewatching alot of videos of BTS back in 2014-15 and it makes me realize how much these 7 boys have grown. They have went through so much to get to where they are now. BTS started from a small, unknown company and they didn’t even expect 300 people to come to an event. They were happy with even the fewest fans. Now they have thousands of fans that love them no matter what. They were the first group that weren’t in the Big3 companies to win the Daesang. They reached almost 10 million views on an MV before 24 hours. BTS had accomplished so much and they continue to strive to be the best. Please don’t hate them and support them. ARMYs, stop bringing other groups down and insulting them because you’re bringing a bad image to all ARMYs and BTS. If you truely love them, just support them because they are happy with just that. Let’s help BTS become world stars before 2020. (That’s when Jin enters military service.) Please support BTS!
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
the is so cute
my hand slipped
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bundlesoftae · 7 years
same tbh
I'm too busy shipping K-Pop idols together I probably won't get myself into a real relationship
And I have no regrets
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bundlesoftae · 8 years
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Imagine the boys are talking about the group and Jaebum makes you sit between his legs. Your head on his shoulder and your arms around his torso. One of his hands is playing with your hair and the other is holding a fork to eat. Your legs are to the side and he feeds you as he talks with the boys. He’s leaning against the couch and he takes a blanket to put over the two of you.
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