bunnilawz · 11 months
you are ONLY changing self .
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you can not change the 3d . the change that you seek from your imagination only comes when you realize you are simply changing yourself from within .
u can not change others , only yourself !
i know how discouraging that sounds , but i am not saying you won’t get ur desire in your 3d , in fact i’m saying the complete opposite .
when u fulfill yourself in the 4d , you are changing states to believe and know that you already have what you want !
when u persist in the state of having what you want , you are simply shifting to the reality in which u have said thing !
you can not change the outside , but once you change within you and acknowledge your power to have whatever you desire , the 3d has no choice but to conform , u have no choice but to shift to that reality !
stop stressing over not seeing change in your 3d , and instead realize that said change comes when u believe you have what u want already ! you can not shift to a reality you don’t believe in ! you have to believe !
u can not change the 3d , but living in the 4d will make ur 3d conform no matter what . it’s the law !
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bunnilawz · 1 year
you are always in a state .
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you don’t manifest through all of your states , but you are always in one .
acknowledge that a state isn’t permanent , and will only manifest if its the state that you persist in !
feeling upset ? feeling doubt ? that’s okay !
understanding your power as God , and understanding the fact that God ( you ) is completely limitless will get u far .
if you’re God , why would thoughts of doubt change what u want ? why would it change what u have ?
truth is it won’t , change in manifestation only comes when it’s what u believe and persist in , an unwanted state will pass , and a wanted state is the state you’re meant to live in .
when u feel sad , doubt , or any negative feeling , know that it is simply a state that will pass , and emotions do not manifest .
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bunnilawz · 1 year
You have no idea how many things are working in your favour right now. Don't give up. Persist with your vision. trust.
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bunnilawz · 1 year
SATS: State Akin to Sleep Guide
I've mentioned that the SATS method is one of my preferred methods for manifesting and shifting, and as such, a lot of people have asked how I use it. So here's a little guide on what it is, how to do it, etc!
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Before I start this guide I need to clarify some things because I often see confusion regarding this matter.
The state akin to sleep is just a state of consciousness. It's not a method.
The SATS method that most people talk about, refers to one example of using this state to manifest. This specific method does include visualization however, there are tons of other SATS methods that don't. I'll be going over the visualization method as well as the lullaby method and mentioning a few other options for you in this guide.
Now that I've got that out of the way!
First, what is SATS?
You sit down for the purpose of creating a state akin to sleep, as though you were sleepy, but do not push the drowsiness too far, just far enough to relax and leave you in control of the direction of your thoughts.
-Neville Goddard
The State Akin To Sleep (ie SATS) is a state of consciousness where a person is completely relaxed, and often somewhat drowsy, yet is still aware of and in control of their thoughts.
This state can happen at any time of the day, however, people are most often aware of it right before they go to sleep and right after they wake up. It's still important to note that you can get into this state whenever you want, not just before sleep!
Now, remember what I said at the very beginning, SATS is just a state of consciousness. There are multiple different methods one can do while in SATS. There are also other things you can do in this state, not just methods! I'll talk about this more further down.
Now that we know what SATS is, let's get into some SATS methods!
Neville Goddard explains one of his personal methods of using SATS to manifest as such:
Get into a completely comfortable position and start to relax
Know what you want to manifest and decide on it beforehand
Decide on a scene to visualize that would imply you have your manifestation (ex: manifesting being rich and visualizing seeing millions in your account/counting money/etc)
Once you've decided both of these things, allow yourself to fully relax and enter sats (try not to think too hard about this - just relax)
The moment you enter this state, visualize your scene on repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
Another version, the Lullaby Method, is extremely similar but uses repeating affirmations in place of visualizing. So do go through the first two steps and then instead of visualizing a scene, pick one or a few different affirmations to repeat until you fall asleep or decide to stop.
The Vaunting Method is another method that can be done in the state akin to sleep. To do this method, simply pretend to have a conversation with someone of your choice, and then talk/brag about your manifestations. This one is popular with people who don't like repeating the same aff over and over again and prefer their affirmations to sound more natural, hence the conversational tone of it. This method doesn't need to be done in SATS but it is a fun option.
"Feeling it real"
In this feeling, it is easy to touch anything in this world. You take the simple little restricted action which implies fulfillment of your prayer and you feel it or you enact it. Whatever it is, you enter into the action as though you were an actor in the part. You do not sit back and visualize yourself doing it. You do it.
-Neville Goddard
Neville repeats quite often that "feeling it real" is very important to this method. I want to make it clear that 1. you don't need to feel it real and 2. feeling it real is actually a lot easier than people think it is and most people are able to do it.
"Feeling it real" in regard to visualization or affirmations usually refers to that feeling of confidence or assuredness that you already have your manifestation. Say you're manifesting your desired face; feeling it real would come with a feeling of just knowing that you have your DF and the scene that you repeat would actually feel real, not necessarily in a physical sense, but in a way that you know it to be true and you're not just imagining/wishing for it to be. So again, it's not about feeling physical sensations, it's more about feeling the emotions and thoughts that you would feel if you were actually experiencing your desires in the 3D.
For example, if you're manifesting being rich, imagine the emotions and feelings that being rich would give you. Would you feel happy? Comfortable? Secure? If you're manifesting a partner, what emotions would you feel being with them? If you're manifesting a vacation or a new phone or getting accepted into your desired university etcetc, imagine the emotions, thoughts, and feelings you would have if you were experiencing this right now.
Try not to be worried if you can't feel it real or it doesn't come easily to you at first. Tons of people manifest without feeling it real, myself and a lot of other loa blogs here included! It's not necessary, it's just another option that can help. It's another facet of knowing your desires already belong to you. Which... they do! Regardless of your doubts and fears, they belong to you. You already have them. This is partially why feeling it real works and also why it isn't technically necessary. It works because you're acknowledging that you already have it but it's also not necessary because you quite literally already have it, regardless of how you're thinking.
Common Questions
How do you use the SATS method to shift?
It's basically the same thing! Instead of visualizing/affirming something about a manifestation, you would just visualize/affirm your DR/WR.
Is visualizing necessary for the SATS method?
I answered this above but I want to say it again. Yes and no. Visualizing is one of the methods. That specific method is a visualization method. However, there are other methods that use this state that don't include visualization.
I know a lot of people like to say you don't need to visualize for the SATS method, and they're like... partially right. The state akin to sleep isn't a method itself, it's just a state of consciousness. There are hundreds of different things and methods you can do while in the state akin to sleep. However, the specific SATS method that most people talk about in loa and shifting circles is referring to one of Neville's methods which does include visualization as a major component. So no, you don't need to visualize while in SATS, but yes, visualization is part of that specific SATS method. I know it can get confusing, which is why there's so much debate about it. It's mostly semantics though and once you know that difference, it's a lot easier to understand these conversations and figure out something that works for you.
If can't or don't like visualizing, check out the above methods and/or the last question!
How do I get into SATS?
You can let yourself enter it naturally by sitting/laying in a comfortable position and calming yourself down. I have a post that gives a few different options for getting and staying relaxed.
Again, try not to overthink this! The state akin to sleep is literally just a state where one is completely relaxed (and could drift to sleep) but is still awake and aware of their thoughts. That's it! You don't have to be getting ready to sleep to enter SATS. If you've had one boring class, you've probably gotten into SATS during the day!
Is the SATS method necessary to manifest/shift?
Can I move while in SATS?
Yes. This isn't the military - do whatever you want. No, you won't get knocked out of the state if you move.
What are other methods that use SATS?
Besides the ones mentioned above, one of Neville's other methods was feeling thankful; essentially feeling thankful for your life and for already having your desires while being in SATS (this one also employs the feeling of the wish fulfilled). I'm not sure if there's a name for it, but another one is to listen to music, subs, and/or waves that remind you of your manifestations/desired realities while in SATS. Again, there are other options, these are just some of the most common ones!
Do remember that the state akin to sleep is simply just a state and you can do literally whatever you want in it. You can make your own method that works better for you! Don't be afraid to just lie there and try something out.
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That's honestly it! SATS and SATS methods are really simple actually! Once you know what the state is, and I promise you've already experienced it, it's really easy to figure out a method that works for you while in it.
I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions! 🥰
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bunnilawz · 1 year
your affirmations don’t manifest.
your affirmations — the statements themselves — do not manifest. but what does manifest? it’s what you believe in that will manifest. your single affirmation has no power unless you give it power by believing in it — and you also define what that affirmation actually means to you.
two people are manifesting to be rich. they state "i am rich now" without declaring how much money they will manifest. what happens? they end up manifesting two different amounts of money. why? because both of them have different understandings of what "richness" implies for them. one could manifest 1.000£, the other could manifest 14x more money.
you give them meaning.
you give your affirmations meaning. your manifestations aren’t determined or predicted by the affirmations you repeat but rather by your idea of what this affirmation really means to you. again, this is where your subconscious mind comes in. your subconscious mind is YOU. it knows exactly — and i mean that — what you want. it doesn’t only know what you want but stuff you want without even being consciously aware of it. so when you are manifesting to be rich, you will always express that according to your definition of "being rich".
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