bunnyswriting · 4 years
Ah heck. Sorry for not posting anything for a bit, I’ve been super busy with family stuff (and will be for a couple days)
I’ll try and pick another request to write stuff for but I dunno when I’ll be able to post it
Thanks so so much for all the support by the way, I already have over 50 followers which blows my tiny brain
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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since appletun is based on apple pies but what if OTHER FRUIT PIES
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
okay so i saw that requests were open and i was wondering if you could do anything with guzma? maybe like some fluffy headcanons, but i'll leave it up to you ❤ btw i love your writing style and all your stories. keep up the amazing work! 💕💞
Aaaa I’d love to say yes cause Guzma’s great but it’s been agesss since I’ve been familiar with him and his character, and I don’t want to write anything super ooc
You’d have to give me some time to research, especially since I’m focused on swsh characters right now. But maybe I can do it in the future, cause I do want to expand on the characters I write about ^^
Also thanks so much for the compliments on my work!!
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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Pairing: Leon x Fem!Reader
Content: some saucy nsfw, so warning for sexual content
Hello! I've loved all your writing so far and was wondering if I could request some Leon x fem!reader nsfw! I dont really have any specific but maybe him going down on his s/o? Thank you!!💙 - Anon
Notes: Sweet, romantic nsfw is like one of my favorites to write, so this was a good time uwu (also I’m using the same Leon gif as the last story cause ahhh there aren’t enough gifs of him >:0)
A frown tugged on your lips as you stared down at your phone, rereading the last few texts you’d received from your husband.
Leon <3 (21:32): I’m so sorry but they have me booked for another interview
Leon <3 (21:33): Hopefully I won’t have any paperwork or anything to sign at the battle tower
Leon <3 (21:33): Try and get some rest without me, love. I’ll be home as soon as I can, and I love you x
You shoot back a quick message saying that you understand and wishing him good luck before shutting off your phone and setting it down on the nightstand, blowing a puff of air as you pull the bed covers over you and turn off the lamp. Here, in the dark of your bedroom, you could choose to sleep or mull over your thoughts.
You’d assumed that after losing the title of Galar Champion and running the Battle Tower instead he’d have less work on his plate, but oh how wrong you were.
He retained his fame from his near decade of being a champion, and running what used to be Rose Tower came with a massive workload; hiring trainers to battle challengers, organizing events, placing orders to purchase prizes for those who surpass their current rank, and on top of all that he had frequent fans visiting daily to just say hello or get a photograph with him or even get their league cards signed.
It would get a tad annoying not having Leon around, but you knew he loved his job, and whenever he had late nights like this he’d always find a way to make it up to you.
Despite your frustration and thoughts running wild, you managed to drift off, falling asleep while hugging Leon’s pillow and imagining him beside you instead.
A rustling sound wakes you up some time later and you grumble as you sit up, straining your eyes to see through the darkness.
Your eyesight is a bit bleary due to being woken up, but you could make out the silhouette of a tall, slightly built man getting undressed. You immediately recognize the long, fluffy hair and the outline of a sports cap that he takes off and places atop the wardrobe. 
“Well hello there,” you greet him sleepily, lifting a hand to try and rub the sleep out of your eyes, “what time is it?”
You hear Leon hum before checking his rotom phone, “about half an hour past midnight,” he answers.
“It’s past midnight?” you ask, stunned as you watch him unbutton his shirt, “they kept you for that long??”
You hear him chuckle a bit as he flicks on the room’s light switch, keeping the lights low so it wouldn’t be too bright, just enough for you to be able to properly see one another. “I know, I know, and I’m sorry. But I’m here now, isn’t that all that matters?”
“I suppose so,” you sigh, pursing your lips as you watch him continue to strip until he’s left in only his boxers, “but it’s still very, very late. And I believe you owe me for that, I had to cook and have dinner all on my own,” you pout, but he knows you’re mostly just teasing him.
“You poor thing,” he laughs as he crawls into bed, “I actually had to skip dinner since I had a lot of work to do today, actually.” As he speaks he pulls the blankets up and shuffles to lay down beside you.
“No dinner? Remind me to make a very big breakfast in the morning… or maybe we can just order something,” you think aloud, giving him a little smile.
He nods, wrapping an arm around your torso, “that sounds amazing, love.”
“One might say it sounds like… a champion time?” you reply with a cheeky smirk, giggling when he rolls his eyes at you.
“I cannot use that catchphrase anymore, I’ve had to retire it. But, staying in with my amazing wife and having food delivered to us does sound like a ‘champion time’. The only thing that would make it better is if the food was free. But I suppose I can’t be too greedy, after all I really only need to be here… with you,” he exclaims, whispering the last part into your ear which sent a subtle shiver down your spine.
“I hate how easily you can make me melt,” you mutter, turning to lay on your back and hide your flushed face from him.
You can practically hear his smirk as he laughs a bit, and a small squeak escapes you when he turns and plants his arms on either side of you, bringing his face close to yours. “A kind compliment, dear, but I have more tactics than just my words to make you melt beneath me,” he murmurs, using one of his hands to caress your now burning cheek.
You swallow your pride and test his confidence, “oh yea? Then why don’t you prove it, babe.”
His eyes light up at this and he grins a bit before nodding, “with pleasure, love.”
He leans in to press his lips to yours and you smile into the kiss, tilting your head to the side and letting your eyes flutter shut. You feel him gently tug on your bottom lip and can’t help but giggle a bit.
Leon moves on from your mouth, which makes you pout but that quickly fades when you feel him plant a few sweet kisses on your jaw and neck, trailing down until he reaches the collar of your pajama shirt. “Mind if I move this out of the way?” he asks with a small smirk, tugging on the garment already.
“Be my guest,” you answer, a dopey smile on your face that always seemed to appear after kissing him.
You sit up a bit to help him pull your top off, bundling up the fabric and tossing it aside. You’d already taken off your bra hours earlier, not wanting to sleep in it, meaning your breasts were on full display. 
Years ago you would’ve been a shy, flustered mess trying to cover up, but the two of you had seen each other nude so many times that it would’ve been impossible to keep track. You’d explored every inch of one another, small details and things no one else knew about him were ingrained in your mind. Despite all of this, Leon still had a magical effect on you. He was a true romantic, and he could make every touch and every kiss feel like the first again- you didn’t know quite know how he did this, but it certainly wasn’t something you’d complain about.
You watch as Leon kisses down your chest, trailing past your stomach, and all the way to the waistline of your panties. He glances up at you, locking eyes as he cheekily moves his hand and presses his thumb against the fabric right over your entrance, feeling exactly how wet you already are despite only being kissed.
A shaky breath escapes you and you bite down on your lip, which makes him grin. This was absolutely one of his favorite things to do, getting you off and making you feel taken care of could’ve been considered one of his hobbies. Making all the right movements and touching you in all the right places just so he could watch you unravel before him would always be a sight that never ceased to amaze him.
“Suppose we won’t be needing these either,” you hear him whisper as he hooks his thumbs under your panties to tug them down. Once they’re kicked off he goes right back to settling in between your legs, pressing his hand against your inner thigh to keep you spread apart for him.
“Y’know, judging by the look of things I’d say I’ve already succeeded in making you melt, dear,” he murmurs with a sly smirk, glancing up at you. “Means I’ve completed your request and we can both go right to sleep,” he continues, lifting his head, but you’re quick to stop him.
You put your hands on the back of his head and push him back down, gently as to not hurt him, “oh no you don’t. You’re going to finish the job you started, mister,” you declare, not wanting to go to bed pent up.
“Alright, alright,” he chuckles, and the mere act of him laughing blows air on you which makes you shiver once more.
You watch as he lowers himself once more, your breath hitching when you feel him lap up the juices which were already there, skillfully dipping his tongue in and out of you. Small moans pass your lips as you run your fingers through his hair, bucking your hips up desperately to feel more.
He maneuvers up to suck on your clit, knowing that this drives you absolutely wild. While he does this he slips two fingers inside of you, gently moving them back and forth to bring you closer and closer to the edge.
“H-hah- L-Leon!” you whimper, eyes shut tight, “I c-can’t…. Mmm-mm, I can’t hold on m-much longer.”
He hears this and starts working even harder, pushing his fingers deeper inside and hitting your sweet spot from just the right angle. Your moans and gasps grow louder and louder before something inside inside you snaps and you hit your climax, shaking as he makes sure to drink up every last drop. 
“F-fuck… that was so good,” you mumble, letting your head fall back onto your pillow. 
Leon grins as he sits up, wiping his chin with the back of his hand. “See, what did I tell you? I have my ways-“ he begins, boasting before noticing that you’d already fallen asleep, tuckered out after your orgasm. 
His eyes soften and he smiles, moving to lay down besides you once more. He wraps his arms around your torso and gets comfortable, whispering a quiet “I love you, dear,” before drifting off as well.
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Do you have rules for requests? I don’t want to request anything that makes you uncomfortable!
I’m fine with anything that falls into fluff, nsfw topics, or angst, but I draw the line at some really hardcore and serious topics that I’m just not comfy writing (stuff like assault, violence, death, miscarriage, etc).
But tamer topics are all fair game!!
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Goodness gracious, I absolutely adore your writing style. Are requests open now or...? I’d hate to bug you if you’re busy!
Ah yes they are! And thank you so much lol
Requests are still open, don’t quite know for how long though since I got a sudden influx that I wasn’t really expecting
But yea! Requests are open for now, mostly focused on the sword and shield fellas :)
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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Route 9, Wyndon outskirts, and Hammerlocke
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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I can’t believe I wasted two hours of my life drawing a joke I’m sure a million others have made and done better. 
Atleast its out of my system now. 
Edit: Should probably include that this is based off this comic/meme
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Okok I see your soft Milo nsfw and I raise you this: Secretly super dom Milo -🌸anon
I was thinking about this when I typed the earlier post, SO let’s continue the headcannons, shall we?
So I mention that he’s caring and sweet and would never want to hurt his s/o
With a bit of gentle coercion, and some slight begging, that can change
Milo would LOVE to dom, but he doesn’t quite know his own strength sometimes (again, mans is BUILT)
Safewords are definitely required 
I headcannon that Milo grew up on some kinda farm or ranch or something, probably raising and herding Wooloo and Dubwool
And I then use this headcannon to be like: Damn, he’s probably really good with his hands
Using rope and tying knots? No issue, he’s a lowkey master
Meaning yes, his s/o is most certainly being tied to a bed or a chair or whatever other object you’re getting fucked on
One of his favorite things to do normally is go down on you, but when he’s in more of a dom mood he absolutely loves having you between his legs, holding you down while you suck him off
He always makes sure that you’re safe and comfortable though, he’d feel awful if he accidentally seriously hurt you during sexy times
During one of your first times being a little more rough and kinky you got fucked so hard that you couldn’t walk properly for a few days
Milo then offered to carry you around literally everywhere
If anyone asked questions you’d say you twisted your ankle 
“Shouldn’t you be wearing a brace then?” “No!! No, no, I’m fine, it’ll heal up, haha… eventually”
Also aftercare is necessary, he’ll bring you a glass of water or maybe a snack and give you lots of cuddles before the two of you probably pass out from exhaustion 
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
So like,,, I really wanna write for and learn more about Gordie, but I played Shield so I don’t know shit about the rock boy lol
Guess it’s time to read like 20 different fics about him to get a feel for his character > >
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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Has someone done this yet? 
This is inspired by a comment on a post I made a couple days ago about how Hop needs to calm down a little bit. Thanks for making me laugh enough that I had to bring it to life!  These are supposed to move. If you’re on mobile and you’re not getting the joke, enable gifs. ;) 
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Hello! I've loved all your writing so far and was wondering if I could request some Leon x fem!reader nsfw! I dont really have any specific but maybe him going down on his s/o? Thank you!!💙
Oh yes- yes yes yes, this is next on the list, I’ve been itching to write some good ol smut for a while now anyways. Should hopefully be able to get it done by tomorrow night, cause Leon needs some lovin’
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Ooh could we get some good ol nsfw headcannons for soft boy Milo? 👀👀
Oooooo nsfw headcannons, those are fun. And with Milo?? Hooooo boi, alright, imma do this in bullet points just cause it’s easier to explain than writing out full paragraphs. Also this is gonna be messy cause I’m not good at compiling horny thoughts lol
Okay so he’s like superrrrr sweet and caring and gentle, he’d never wanna hurt his s/o and if he needs to he’ll take things slow
But despite being kind and gentle, mans is strong
Like have you seen those arms???
Sweet lord, I don’t even want to think about how much he can probably bench press
I bring this up because I can just imagine him easily lifting up his s/o and holding them, either when just making out or doing the do
He’s not super into PDA, he keeps the intimate moments to when you’re both in private
In private is when you can really get him to be loose and feed into his needs
Like normally his kisses are sweet and quick but when he’s alone with his s/o and it’s horny time he’ll do whatever it takes to make you feel good
I mentioned he was strong earlier, and trust me he knows and he uses his strength whenever it’s needed
Like if he wants to go down on you he won’t just go down normally, no no, he will literally lift you up and hold you there above his head to do so
He likes to do the work, he thinks that if he’s making you feel good you should be able to just lay back and relax and let him handle things
However if you ask really nicely he’ll let you take the lead and maybe even be on top
And that is one of his favorite sights, you on top of him, probably riding him and just enjoying yourself 
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
A Bright Future
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Paring: Leon x Reader
Content: some sweet fluff
Hey, I really love your writing! Could you do a Leon x Reader where Leon and the reader go way back? Like he helped them catch their first Pokémon cause they were struggling. Eventually the reader moves away for a while and then comes back. Just some good ol' fashioned fluff. Hope it makes sense >.>' - anon
Notes: Oooo this one was fun to write, childhood crushes becoming romances is one of the my favorite tropes lol
“It’s going to take a little bit of damage, and once it does you’ll throw that pokeball and catch it!”
“Leon are you sure? I don’t wanna hurt it, I just really want a pokemon,” you reply nervously, peeking around the tree to make sure that the Rookidee you’d been keeping an eye on was still there.
“(Nickname), it’ll be fine, we’ll just catch it and I can give you a potion to heal it,” Leon assures you, handing you a newly purchased pokeball, it’s red top gleaming in the sunlight.
You purse your lips a bit, before nodding and taking the ball, grasping it in your small hands. 
“Okay, when I give you the signal you’ll hop in and throw the pokeball, okay? Make sure it’s a good, mighty throw!” Leon says with a grin, before pulling his own pokeball out of the pocket of his shorts and dashing around the tree to encounter the little bird pokemon.
As soon as the pokemon sees Leon it chirps loudly and flaps its wings, attempting to look intimidating despite being mere inches tall.
With an excited yell Leon swings his arm back before launching his pokeball and after a brief flash of light a Charmander is in the grass alongside the Rookidee. The fire type lizard hops around before seeing his opponent, and obediently waits for Leon’s first instruction.
The Charmander had been in Leon’s care for a few months now, it was his starter pokemon that Professor Magnolia had gifted him upon learning of his interest in Galar’s gym challenge. He seemingly spent all of his free time bonding with and training the fire type, and their friendship was apparent to all who saw them work together.
“Charmander use ember!” Leon calls out, and his pokemon is quick to oblige, spitting out a small ball of flame and launching it at the Rookidee.
The flying type make an attempt at evading the attack but is far too slow, taking noticeable damage once the fire hits it. In retaliation it runs up to the Charmander and pecks it with its beak before scurrying back to avoid being attacked again.
Leon turns to look back at you with a little grin, and you can see just how much he loves the thrill of the battle. “(Name), c’mon, I’m sure you’ll be able to catch it now!”
Nervously you step around the tree, pokeball clutched tight in your hands. You glance over at Leon and see him beckoning you closer while his Charmander keeps its gaze on the Rookidee to make sure it doesn’t escape.
You take in a sharp breath before reeling your arm back and chucking the ball, watching as it hit the flying type atop the head and sucked it inside of the catching contraption.
One shake.
You cross your fingers on both your hands, hoping that it’ll stay caught.
A second shake.
“C’mon… c’mon,” you hear Leon whisper under his breath.
A third shake.
Both of you have your eyes focused on the ball, unable to tear your gazes away.
The sound of a lock clicking rings through the air.
“Yes!!” Leon exclaims, grabbing your hands and pulling you close, “we caught it!!”
You laugh and squeal when he managed to lift you off of the ground, swinging you around in a celebratory hug. All the while Leon’s Charmander danced around in the grass, just as happy as the two of you.
Leon sets you down, his hazel eyes bright as he looks down at you (despite the two of you being ten he was still taller than you). “Go on, go get your new pokemon,” he urges you, nudging his head in the direction of the lone pokeball on the ground.
You nod and step away from him, gentle as you lean down and pick up the ball. It jiggles around in your hand momentarily, and you bite your lip nervously as you press your finger to the button that unlocks it.
There’s a flash of light and that Rookidee you’d caught is flapping its wings excitedly, gliding in place in front of you. “Hello there,” you murmur gently, not wanting to scare your new pokemon. You hold your hands out and let it land in your palms, and it quickly makes itself at home by fluffing up its feathers and snuggling against you.
“I think it likes you,” Leon says happily, calling back his Charmander before walking next to you, “are you going to name it?”
“I dunno, I think I’ve got to get to know it better before giving it a proper name,” you hum, petting the top of it’s head gingerly before calling it back into its pokeball. “Well what now?” you ask, turning to look at Leon, “are you going to keep training?”
Leon nods excitedly, making his purple hair bounce up and down, “yea!! The gym challenge starts in a month, and I’ve got to be ready for it,” he explains, stretching his arms up, “I’m going to catch a few more pokemon and train them all up. Professor Magnolia’s already given me an endorsement to join the challenge, I just have to go and get registered. Raihan’s going to do the challenge too! I think the Hammerlocke gym leader gave him an endorsement.”
“That’s exciting,” you reply with a smile, “battling’s never really been my thing, but you’re so good at it- Raihan too. I bet you’ll be able to get to the semifinals, and when you do I’ll be watching from home!”
Leon grins hearing this, ���you think so? Then I guess I’ll have to beat the champion too if you’re watching, can’t let you down after all.”
“You think you can beat the champion?”
“As soon as I this Charmander of mine is fully evolved I have no doubt I can take the champion down!”
You laugh and listen and he explains his battle strategy, but before he can give you a full presentation you hear Leon’s mother calling out from further up the road.
“Leon, it’s dinnertime! And (Name)’s family already called, it’s time to go home now!”
Leon pouts a little before turning back to look at you, “I guess I’ll have to continue this lesson another time.”
“Whatever you say, future champion,” you say with a grin, grabbing the brim of his sports cap and tugging it down, “last one at the house is a lazy Skwovet!”
“Hey!!” Leon exclaims, but you’re already gone, booking it down the road with your new pokeball in hand.
A smile graces your lips as you watch the gym challenge finale, the ‘Unbeatable Champion’ Leon claiming yet another victory and retaining his champion status.
The hustle and bustle of the airport around you doesn’t manage to distract you and you can’t seem to tear your eyes away from the man on the screen, wondering how he’d managed to become so handsome in the years you’d been gone.
A voice comes over the intercom, saying that boarding for your flight to Wyndon from the Galar region had begun. With a sigh you pocket your phone and stand up, grabbing your bags and boarding pass and walking towards the terminal.
You’d moved to Unova about eight years ago, roughly a year after Leon had won the Galar gym challenge and become champion. Both your parents worked for the same company and they’d gotten a job in the region, with housing covered and a phenomenal pay rate they would’ve never received in Galar.
You knew moving at the time was good for your family, but you couldn’t help being torn up when the move came. Packing up and leaving everything you’d ever known wasn’t easy- especially your best friend Leon. He’d gotten busy being champion but when you told him the news about the move he was devastated and begged you to stay. You explained to him why you couldn’t and he seemed to understand, but wanted to remain in touch.
You each promised you’d keep contact but as the years went on he became a busy champion and you moved on to focus on your own interests. 
Now though, you’d gotten a job offer back in Galar. You’d studied under Professor Juniper in Unova and now Professor Magnolia had reached out to ask for your help researching a phenomenon called ‘Dynamax’; you’d even be able to live in your hometown Postwick again. 
You accepted the offer without a second thought, ecstatic to go back. You mailed all your belongings ahead of time and they should’ve already arrived in Postwick, all you had to do after that was buy your plane ticket and get there. 
You couldn’t be happier as you found your plane seat and got settled in, thinking about all the people you’d get to see again… thinking about Leon.
You would’ve been stupid to say you didn’t have a little crush on him as a kid, but it seems that even know as an adult that crush only persisted.
The shaking Pokeball on your belt pulls you out of your thoughts and you pat it gently, “shh, it’s okay Fe, I’ll let you out as soon as we touch down,” you murmur, attempting to calm your Corviknight before the long flight. 
As soon as the plane takes off you aimlessly scroll through the channels for the inflight television, pausing when you see Leon giving a live interview after the championship match, looking as happy and vibrant as ever.
You turn on the captions to try and read what he’s saying, and as soon as you do so he says something about the future looking bright, and you can’t help but smile and wholeheartedly agree.
“It’s a bit stupid that they don’t allow bigger pokemon to be loose when riding the train, I’m sure there’d be enough room for you,” you mutter as you step out of the Wedgehurst station, breathing in the fresh countryside air.
You grab the pokeball on your belt and click the button, letting a very restless Corviknight out to stretch its wings. There’s a loud caw in your ears as Fe sniffs the air and looks around, before getting a rather excited look in its eyes as it shakes its tail.
“You recognize you’re home, buddy? C’mon, if we walk up that way I can show you the route I caught you on,” you say with a grin, putting the empty pokeball on your belt and grabbing your luggage.
Your Corviknight follows behind you, and people easily part to let you walk by when the see the giant metal bird you call your partner. As you head towards the road that’ll take you right to Postwick, you overhear a group of people talking outside one of the shops:
“Did you watch Leon’s battle earlier?” “I sure did, that was amazing! How his Charizard managed to take down that Gyrados, I’ll never understand. He’s here isn’t he?”
“Yea, visiting his family after the match, I saw him leaving the train stop about an hour ago.”
You feel a smile tug at your lips upon hearing this and suddenly you’re walking at a faster pace, and the only reason you’re not sprinting is because you’re carrying two luggage bags.
Within minutes you find the house you’ll be staying in, it’s just down the road from your childhood home as well. You leave your bags behind and without really thinking you’re running up the dirt road, Fe having to fly to keep up with you as you head straight to Leon’s house.
Once you get to the door you’re panting, and Fe caws impatiently, wondering what the hell you’re up to.
Catching your breath, you fix your composure before raising a hand, knocking on the door three times.
You hear some voices inside, muffled so you can’t hear who’s saying what. You step back as a lock gets fiddled with, and you feel your heart stop when you find yourself staring into a pair of hazel eyes.
Leon, who’s just as taken aback as you are, struggles to find words as a grin starts to appear on his face. “... (Nickname)?”
You’re not able to stop yourself when you jump up into his arms, wrapping your arms around his neck and giving him the tightest hug you were capable of. Tears pricked your eyes when he wrapped his arms around your torso, hugging you back just a tight.
“... hey Lee, who’s that?” 
The two of you separate and you glance behind Lee to see a young boy at the bottom of a staircase, head tilted in slight confusion as he stared at you.
It takes a moment to click in your mind, but you gasp when you realize who it is. “Hop??” you ask with a grin, stepping away from Leon to get a better look at his younger brother, “the last time I saw you you’d just starting learning how to read and write, but look at you now!”
Hop seems to piece together the puzzle in his head as well, since he jumps back and his eyes go wide, “(Name)? Oh it’s been ages! I thought you’d never come back, especially with how Lee always talked about wishing you were still around-”
He claps a hand over his mouth, realizing he’d said something he shouldn’t have. You look back over at Leon to see a red blush on his cheeks and he quickly tries to change the subject. “H-hey, (Name), who’s this?”
He points outside towards Fe and you smile, stepping back outside and wrapping your arms around the bird pokemon, who still seems a bit annoyed by the detour. “Oh, c’mon Leon, don’t tell me you can’t recognize my first pokemon,” you say with a grin, making the champion gasp.
“This is that Rookidee?” he asks, gingerly lifting a hand to pet Fe’s beak. You’re almost surprised when Fe doesn’t jut back, normally nobody except you is allowed to touch them.
You nod, “oh yes, this is that same Rookidee, just fully evolved, and peeved because I’m here chatting instead of getting food for the two of us.”
“Oh! Mum’s cooking, you should stay for dinner! I’m sure she wouldn’t mind the company, and Leon probably has tons he wants to tell you,” Hop suggests, and you snicker a little upon seeing Leon bury his face in his hands in embarrassment.
The radio on the counter top plays some tunes as you go around your new house, sweeping the floor and moving furniture around, trying to find a place for all the items you’d brought. The windows are open letting in a cool breeze and above the music you could hear the distant chitters and chirps of various pokemon.
A Skwovet hops in through the window in search of food, but Fe merely has to stare it down and caw aggressively once to send it running out again. You laugh at the scene, but a knock at the door distracts you.
You set down your broom and head towards the front door, unlocking it. You’re not too surprised when you see Leon standing there, the two of you had been spending quite a lot of time together when you weren’t busy moving in and he wasn’t busy with champion duties.
What did surprise you, however, was the small bouquet of flowers in his hands.
“(Name), you and I are childhood friends, we’ve known each other for as long as I can remember. You’re one of the most fascinating people I know and I am so lucky to have the honor of knowing your personally. You’re talented and smart and a joy to be around, but I find that my feelings have become more than just friendly ones. Would you… possibly like to go on a date with me?”
He says all of this carefully, as though cautiously picking out his words. His typical confident demeanor was subdued and you could tell that this was something he was taking incredibly seriously. 
You smile softly as you reach forward, taking the flowers from his hands. “Leon, I’d absolutely love to… on one condition.”
He lights up at this, but gives you a confused look, “condition?”
“Do something about that awful cape you wear as part of your uniform.”
He’s taken aback and laughs, but shakes his head, “oh no, that is the one thing that is off the table, the cape stays. And it is not awful, mind you.”
You giggle as you shrug your shoulders, “alright alright, you drive a hard bargain, but I suppose I’ll still agree to go on this one date.”
“Will it only be one?” he asks with a bit of sly smile.
“No, probably not. I think there will probably be many many more after this one,” you muse, giving him a wink.
“So I suppose I was right when I said the future looked bright in that interview last week.”
“Yes, yes you were,” you grin, leaning up to kiss him on the cheek sweetly.
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Eating for Two (Cooking for Ten)
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Pairing: Raihan x Fem!Pregnant!Reader
Content: mostly fluff with some suggestive dialogue from everyone’s favorite dragon man
Notes: I had an image in my mind of Raihan being a super proud father and I just had to write about it lol. Also happy new years!! What a great way to start off the year with lowkey horny pokemon fanficiton
You sway side to side, humming a lyric-less tune as you stir a pot of leek curry, pausing to add in a few more tanga berries since you knew the dragon types loved their meals spicy.
The sound of growling makes you perk up and you turn to see Flygon and Goodra wrestling in the grass. “Hey! Knock it off, you two, training’s over. Just cause your papa isn’t around doesn’t mean you get to be all rough and tumble- behave, or no curry,” you chided them sternly, not wanting to have to explain two injured pokemon to your husband.
The two dragon types separate with a huff and you turn back to the pot of curry, not wanting to fall behind. But barely a minute passes before the next interruption- however you’re not necessarily complaining about this one.
A pair of arms snake around your waist and let themselves settle just below your stomach, gingerly holding the rounded bump that could be seen through the fabric of your shirt. “Hello, sweetheart,” a familiar voice whispers into your ear before you feel a pair of lips press against your jaw.
“Hi love” you reply, tilting your head a bit to look up at him. You always found it a bit funny that due to his stature he always had to hunch over in order to hold you like this. You used to be able to stand on your tiptoes to give him kisses or wrap your arms around his neck, but now he absolutely refused to let you do so. (“No no, let me do all the work, can’t have you overworking yourself with the baby on the way.” “Raihan I’m not even in the third trimester yet, don’t worry-” “Sweetheart, c’mon, just let me take care of you~” “Alright, alright, if it’ll get you to stop pestering me about it.” “Hey!”)
“Oh this smells amazing, I swear you make the best curry in all of Galar. What’s in this new masterpiece?” he asks with a grin, bearing his sharp canines.
“A pack of leeks and at least twenty different spicy berries,” you answer, continuing to stir the pot.
Cheeky as always, Raihan quickly shoots a hand forwards and dips a finger into the curry, and before you can chastise him about it he licks it off happily, making an audible ‘yum’ sound.
“Oh, that’s good- very hot, but good,” he dictates, giving you a playful look.
You pout and shake your head, lightly whacking his hand with the dry end of your spoon, “put those fingers in the curry again and you might lose them,” you mutter, but you both knew it was an empty threat.
“That’s funny, I normally don’t hear you complain about me putting my fingers in odd places,” he teases you with a smirk, making a furious blush spread on your cheeks.
“Raihan!!” you exclaim, thwacking him with the spoon once more.
A small while later you were sat comfortably in the grass, leaning on Raihan’s chest while he leaned back against a tree. 
All the pokemon had been fed and were either playing with one another or snoozing in the shade, content after such a filling meal. You yourself had just finished scraping off the remaining bits of chopped leek and cheri berry that’d been on your plate.
“Are you full or do you want me to grab you another serving?” Raihan asked for what felt like the seventh time. It didn’t annoy you by any means, in fact you found his concern for both yours and the baby’s well beings rather adorable.
“Love, I already told you that I’m fine,” you reassured him, patting his arm gently as you set your plate down. 
He lets out a sigh as he puts his head on top of your own, wrapping his arms around you to keep you nice and secure in his grasp. “I’ll let up- if there’s any person’s cooking who I trust to feed you well it’s your own. In fact, I think that’s why I’m going to win the next gym challenge- with a mix of your amazing cooking and my superior training, my team will be strong enough to wipe out Leon!” he exclaimed happily, and you could tell he had a cocky grin on his face purely from the way he was speaking.
“And if you become champion then who’s going to run Hammerlocke Stadium?” you ask curiously, settling in and getting cozy with him.
You feel him shrug his shoulders, “I’m sure I can find someone to fill in, there must be dozens of trainers who’d drop anything to become a gym leader. Maybe you can even take my place, I’ve seen you battle with strong teams before.”
You laugh at this and quickly shake your head, “Oh, Arceus, no I could never. I’ve only ever been a breeder before, I could never take on the job of gym leader. Besides what would gym challengers think when they walk into the stadium and see a pregnant lady on the pitch?”
“They’ll see you and go, ‘damn, she’s fine, whoever married and knocked her up sure is a lucky guy,’” he replies, putting on a dopey, high pitched voice when he mimicked how some random trainer would speak.
You snort and giggle merely imagining it, “Raihan, these are kids that challenge the gyms, I think that will be the last thing on their minds.”
He shrugs again, moving his hands up so they can rest atop your stomach, “you never know, sweetheart-”
He’s cut off when you feel a jolt in your belly, a kicking motion making you jump slightly.
“Oh, that’s new,” you mutter, a bit wide eyed as you stare down at your own stomach.
“Hey now, that’s the strength of a future trainer that I like to see!” Raihan cheers, moving his head so he can peer down with you, “is that the first kick?”
“I’ve felt some movement before but never a kick like that,” you reply, gently moving your hands back and forth over your stomach to see if anything else happens, but to no avail.
“Must be the curry,” Raihan hums, making you laugh a bit.
“Maybe,” you murmur, nodding your head, “or maybe it’s just the fact that it’s your kid.”
“Oh, I like hearing that. My kid, just like how you’re my wife.” he smirks, kissing your cheek sweetly.
“Mmm, getting possessive are we?” you ask cheekily.
“Always have been sweetheart, ever since our first makeout session where I bit your neck and left that bruise and you were the talk of the town for weeks afterwards,” he recounts, and just to add an effect to the story he gently grazes his teeth against your jaw.
“Oh please don’t remind me,” you whine, “that was one of the most embarrassing times in my life.”
Raihan hums, resting his head on your shoulder, “do you regret it?”
You sigh and turn your head, kissing his cheek, “no, never. I don’t think I’ve ever regretted anything that had to do with you, love.”
This makes the dragon tamer grin before moving to kiss you passionately, never one to hold back when it came to affection. The kiss got a bit more heated once he lifted a hand to wrap it gently around your neck, but you were once again interrupted by another swift kick from inside your belly.
You pull away from your now disgruntled husband, laughing a bit, “I think we’re being told to stop.”
Raihan purses his lips before his eyes light up with mischief, “well it’s not like anyone’s really watching~” he whispers sweetly into your ear, moving his other hand sneakily between your thighs.
“Raihan!! We’re in public-”
“Never stopped us before, sweetheart.”
“Oh, you cocky bastard.”
“You know you love me~”
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bunnyswriting · 4 years
Hey, I really love your writing! Could you do a Leon x Reader where Leon and the reader go way back? Like he helped them catch their first Pokémon cause they were struggling. Eventually the reader moves away for a while and then comes back. Just some good ol' fashioned fluff. Hope it makes sense >.>'
Oh that sounds adorable!! I’m working on another Raihan fic right now, but as soon as it’s done I’ll get started on this one :)
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