I like that Tom Chaplin is doing a Christmas thing but why does the artwork for it make me think of the artwork for Coldplay's Christmas Lights?
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So the Hoosiers are doing a tour to commemorate the 10th anniversary of The Trick To Life and I’d quite like to go to it. Wish I’d booked my annual leave in October for the week that they play where I can get to. Too late to change it now. Would help if I had someone to go with too, unless I drag my sister along like the last time I saw them. And I would have liked to have paid the money to see them this time (I won the tickets in a prize draw run by their record label at the time). I'll make up for it by preordering the 10th anniversary edition of TTTL and a t-shirt.
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Someone on Twitter just mentioned the prospect of Andrew Lee Potts being the next Doctor. Think it’s a bit of a long shot now but if it ever  happened in the future I would definitely approve his casting. 
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My thoughts on the upcoming reveal of the new Doctor.
I am not really fussed who the new Doctor is. I don’t care if they are male, female, white, a poc, straight, LGBTQ+ or whatever. All I care about is that they capture the spirit of the character while at the same time putting their own stamp on it.
That said, I would be well up for it being a woman if it means that it pisses off the sections of the fandom that think the Doctor shouldn’t ever be female. And also if it means that there will be no moaning from another section about the new Doctor being “too old” or “not cute enough.”
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Big Audio Dynamite - E=MC2 
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PSA: If you crack a tasteless joke on social media and have to put the crying laughing emoji at the end of it, it shows that you're the only one who finds it funny. Seriously, there's someone I follow on twitter who is constantly making sick and racist jokes. I've held my tongue up until now, mainly because I know this person has problems but if I see any more of that shit in my timeline I'm going to have to tell them politely to shut it. I know I'll probably get told to fuck off and a rant about how everyone is too easily offended and pc but I really don't care. It's not about being easily offended, it's about the fact that the punchlines don't raise a single giggle even if you are into that sort of humour. Plus it says a lot if only the person making the joke is laughing. Make a joke about anything, just don't be a dick.
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After spending weeks on and off looking for another job I’ve come to the conclusion that I really want to quit my job but I don’t really know what I want to do next. Well all the stuff that interests me is either too far away or I’m not qualified enough for in terms of experience and stuff.
I feel like just packing it in altogether and just use the break to brush up on stuff. I know some say don’t quit unless you have a job lined up but if something makes you so unhappy and is even affecting your health why carry on doing it? 
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This man is (for the moment at least), my favourite act on Britain’s Got Talent. Mad as a box of frogs, but very funny and has pretty good magic skills. Plus he seems like a very nice chap too. I’d love it if a comedy act could win this year, as it’s definitely long overdue and he is someone I’d be happy to see win.
On another note, “Tequila” has been stuck in my head since I saw this on TV but I am not mad about it.
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Social media knows all, sees all. 
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I used to feel confident in my job. Now I feel like every last bit of confidence and self esteem has been kicked out of me. I don’t feel motivated. I don’t feel encouraged or valued in any way. My manager never focuses on the positives, instead layering on the negativity like a trowel. I feel like everything I do is wrong. She doesn’t trust me or anybody else, certainly not me. She has judged me on a version of me that she has in her head, created as a result of the way she has approached me in the past about certain things ( she wasn’t pleasant). She gives me the silent treatment and makes me feel awkward when even asking for a hint of support, responding with a “what?” or a “what do you think?”, making it pretty clear she doesn’t want to help. Her criticism of me, in front of colleagues and even customers , borders on the personal and is not constructive in any way shape or form. She even told me flat out that she refuses to engage in conversation with me - how rude is that? She is so passive aggressive and unprofessional she doesn’t even realise it. Or cares. She’s so wrapped up in herself, that she doesn’t know how her behaviour affects people. Sure she is stressed, but we all are to some degree and taking it out on other people doesn’t help anyone, it makes things worse.
Granted, I’ve reacted towards her in ways which I’m not proud. She’s brought out things in me that I don’t want and I hate myself for reacting like it. I want to to report her, but I’m afraid that if I do she’ll immediately know it’s me (we’re only a small workplace) and she’ll do everything to make it look like she’s the victim. She quite likes to  twist things around and make others feel they’re at fault.
 I’ve worked my arse off in this job. Dragged myself into work to open up, often alone, including on days when I really wasn’t fit to go in. I’ve filled in for people when nobody else could, or would. I’ve cleared up things that people have left, done the things that others for waiting for other people to do. And yet, these people don’t get told. She has her favourites, I’m not one of them. I don’t expect to be treated like a mate, but I do expect to feel like I’m part of the team and not just some dogsbody. I would wait until I have another job lined up, but I don’t feel like I can handle another day working with a boss as toxic and bullying as she is. 
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Looking at the preview clips for Britain's Got Talent. It turns out that one of the contestants on it tomorrow night is already a seasoned pro who is on the books of the same talent agency as David Walliams and has a string of TV credits as well as a few successful stints at the Edinburgh fringe under their belt. Yes they are talented and maybe they haven't got superstar status yet but they don't really need to do a show like BGT to lift them. Save it for the real amateurs.
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Arguably my favourite performance of the knockouts round of The Voice UK. Love the fact that both Max and his mate Mo (who is also one of my favourites) are now in the quarter finals.
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People who call dogs and puppies "doggoes" and "puppers"
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Yeah baby crocs are cute...until they bite your fingers off.
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Who wouldn’t want to sit with a baby crocodile for a bit?
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The NTAS appear to have turned into the Scarlett Moffatt show. As if she hadn’t had more of her fair share of attention on Gogglebox and I’m A Celebrity already. I didn’t mind her on Gogglebox but since she was on I’m A Celebrity she is being rammed down our throats so much it’s becoming irritating. Her Queen of the Jungle status is being milked for all it’s worth, and surely she should know that there’s a really high chance that people will get sick of her? 
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When a particular person on your twitter timeline is STILL gushing over the person who she doesn’t have a cat in hell’s chance of ever being with and you just want to tell her to give it up as he just would not be into you (or any woman for that matter). 
As for all the “I don’t want anyone ever if I can’t have him” crap, why do that to yourself? There are loads of men out there, good men, who would genuinely care about you. Why deny yourself a chance of real happiness and continue to yearn for someone who you’ll never be with? You’re in for a lonely and sad existence if you keep believing you have a chance with him. Not only that, you could end up causing real trouble if you go too far with it. Yeah maybe I’m being a little melodramatic there, but given the things that have been shared on this individual’s account I wouldn’t be surprised if they go as far as cause the object of her affections to get a restraining order on her.
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