burritosandbabes · 4 years
“Sometimes I wonder if love is worth fighting for, but then I remember your face and I’m ready for war.”
— (via perfectfeelings)
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
“You’re the only one I trust enough to see inside my soul.”
— William Chapman (via quotemadness)
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
“What do you want me to do? Save the world? Save it from what? Monsters like me?”
— Aniket More (via aniketadeptinmacabre)
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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You sound like my dad. The Falcon and The Winter Soldier (2021) | New World Order
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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Tom Hiddleston and Owen Wilson Introduce the new Loki Series poster (and disagree over a couple of things), 18th March 2021
Bonus: The Poster
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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Mexican cobb salad
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
🕎- does my muse celebrate religious holidays?
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Wade mostly doesn’t see the point. Without loved ones in your life holidays are just a day when the stores close. 
He loves Halloween if he can find an excuse to dress up but most holidays are just an excuse to binge on discount candy and be depressed.
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
Please include the question alongside any symbols.
❤️- does my muse feel worthy of romantic love?
😭- how does my muse cope with sadness?
🌹- does my muse spoil a lover? Do they like to be spoiled themselves?
☕️- what’s my muse’s morning ritual, if any? If they don’t have anything specific then how do they prep for the day?
👽- does my muse believe in intelligent extraterrestrial life?
👻- does my muse believe in ghosts?
🎃- does my muse celebrate holidays? Why or why not?
🧠- would my muse say they are intelligent? How does my muse feel about intellectual types?
👮🏻‍♂️- how does my muse see authority? Is it something to be respected at all times, or is it okay to call out injustice hiding behind the letter of the law? Are they a rule-follower or an iconoclast?
👷🏻- how does my muse see the working class? Do they exist to serve those in power or should they be helped when possible?
👨‍🎓- what is my muse’s level of education? Is this something they care about one way or another?
👨‍💻- is my muse technologically savvy?
👨‍⚖️- does my muse care about legality or do they do what they want regardless?
🧙‍♀️- does my muse believe in the supernatural?
🙏- what are my muse’s theological beliefs? How complex are they? Are they religious, spiritual, or an outright atheist?
🕎- does my muse celebrate religious holidays?
🛐- does my muse believe in a higher power? Why or why not?
☮️- is my muse a “hippie” or are they more traditional/straight-laced?
☸️- does my muse believe in reincarnation?
✝️- is my muse’s faith important to them? How does this inform their daily life?
☯️- how does my muse feel about faith systems that are not their own? Are they intolerant or welcoming?
⚛️- how much faith does my muse place in science? Do they believe science and religion are at odds?
🧟‍♀️- would my muse have a deceased loved one resurrected for any reason?
👰‍♀️- does my muse feel positively or negatively about marriage?
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- does my muse have children?
👶- does my muse want children? If so, how many? Does it matter if the kids are biological or adopted?
🤰- if my muse has been pregnant, what was their experience with it? Did they love or hate being pregnant? Is it something they would repeat?
🧑‍🍼- does parenthood come easy to my muse?
🙇- what type of parent is my muse? Strict or laid-back?
🙅‍♂️- how does my muse discipline their children?
🧖‍♂️- does my muse like to pamper themselves? What do they do?
💆‍♂️- how does my muse unwind after a stressful day?
👨‍👩‍👦- does my muse cherish their family or are they estranged?
🧵- does my muse have hobbies? What are they?
👔- is dressing up for social functions something my muse enjoys? Alternatively, do they avoid formal affairs like the plague?
👑- what are my muse’s opinions on monarchy?
🐶- does my muse have pets?
🦅- is my muse reverential or disdainful of wildlife? Why?
🦐- does my muse eat seafood?
🌞- is my muse an early bird?
🌝- is my muse a night owl?
❄️- does my muse like snow?
🌊- does my muse like the sea or are they fearful of it?
🍌- what is my muse’s favorite healthy snack?
🍕- does my muse have a favorite meal?
🍧- what is my muse’s favorite dessert?
🎂- does my muse celebrate birthdays? Why or why not?
👩‍❤️‍👨- how does my muse feel about love?
🐷- does my muse eat meat? If no, then why not?
🌱- what is my muse’s diet?
🌍- does my muse like to travel outside of their home country?
🌈- what is my muse’s sexuality?
🪐- would my muse like to go to space?
🧇- what’s my muse’s favorite breakfast?
🍫- does my muse have a favorite candy?
🍺- is my muse a drinker? If yes, what is their alcohol of choice?
🥂- is my muse classy?
🥡- muse’s favorite takeout restaurant?
🧂- what condiments does my muse put on their food?
🏈- does my muse like sports?
⛹️- does my muse play sports?
🏋️‍♀️- what is my muse’s exercise routine?
🤹‍♂️- does my muse have any special talents?
✈️- how does my muse prefer to travel?
🚦- does my muse obey traffic laws?
🗽- does my muse enjoy visiting national monuments or tourist attractions?
🏝- what is my muse’s perfect vacation spot?
🎢- does my muse enjoy theme parks?
🏥- how does my muse feel about hospitals in general?
⛪️- would my muse want a big church wedding or something smaller outdoors?
🕍- does my muse regularly attend houses of worship?
🛤- does my muse undertake spiritual pilgrimages? Have they ever wanted to?
☎️- as technology advances, does my muse prefer old-school or new inventions?
🎆- how does my muse react to change?
📸- does my muse like photography? Is it just something they admire or a hobby for them?
⌛️- how does my muse fill their days? How do they feel about the passage of time?
💵- what are my muse’s feelings on money and/or wealth?
💸- what’s my muse’s financial background?
⛓- how does my muse feel about punishment? Does it always fit the crime or is it sometimes excessive?
⚰️- how does my muse process death?
⚱️- would my muse prefer burial or cremation when they die? Why?
🔭- is my muse curious about space?
🦠- does my muse get sick often?
🩹- how do my muses take care of themselves when they are sick or injured?
🚿- does my muse prefer to shower or bathe?
🪥- did my muse practice good hygiene growing up?
🛎- does my muse like staying in hotels?
🔑- does my muse lose their house keys often or do they keep their keys on their person at all times?
🛏- how much sleep does my muse get each night? Do they nap during the day?
🖼- does my muse have art in their home?
🛒- how often does my muse go shopping for groceries?
🛍- does my muse enjoy shopping?
🎉- does my muse celebrate the New Year or is it just another day to them?
📬- how often does my muse check their mailbox? Is it mostly junk?
🗓- does my muse keep a calendar?
🗑- is my muse’s house clean or disorganized?
📒- does my muse like to journal? What do they write about?
📌- how does my muse mark important dates?
📝- how was my muse in school? Did they get good grades or were they slackers who mostly coasted?
🔐- is my muse a private person?
🔓- how easily does my muse open up?
📵- how does my muse feel about social media? Is it a powerful tool of connection or an unnecessary distraction? Is it the very personification of vanity?
🎥- does my muse document important life events? Give an example of what and how.
🗡- does my muse know how to use weapons? What purpose do they serve?
🚬- is my muse a smoker? How do they feel about smoking and people who smoke?
💉- does my muse give blood regularly?
⏯- does my muse pause movies or tv shows when they need to get up or listen from the kitchen/bathroom?
#️⃣- does my muse have any phone numbers memorized?
🎵- does my muse listen to music while they work?
🎶- is music a good stress-reliever for my muse?
♾- does my muse believe that history inevitably repeats itself or can we influence events to shape something altogether new?
🔙- would many muse travel back in time if possible? Is there a specific reason?
🏳️- how does my muse handle peacetime? Are they a pacifist?
🇦🇮- how does my muse feel about their home country?
🇦🇺- how does my muse feel about other countries?
🇨🇦- does my muse believe in national stereotypes? Do they themselves conform to these stereotypes?
🇺🇸- is my muse patriotic? How do they define patriotism?
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
“Mm, you do better than most,” he said, grinning. “But we’ve never gone all day before. I’m just making sure.” Tony just shifted to lay against his chest, clearly not in the least bit worried about Wade’s dramatics. “It’s awfully sad for you that I never married you then, huh? Anyway, all-canadian isn’t any fun–no alliteration. And you’re in America now. You want some dinner?”
“My loyalty will not be swayed!” 
He kept his exasperated pose but didn’t make any effort to shift Tony off. “I want pizza. Christ on wheels I miss getting high and eating pizza. It’s just not the same.” One hand casually started playing with the hair on the back of Tony’s neck. “It’s really all kinds of bullshit that shit starts going legal as soon as I become immune to all substances ever.” He sighed through his nose. “Wanna choke me until I feel something?”
[[ unplotted starter for @burritosandbabes
"So about that fun little fantasy you told me last month? Where you want to keep me on your cock all day?" Tony leaned against the doorway, watching Wade with casually crossed arms and a smile. "I've got a three-day weekend starting tomorrow. You ready to rock and roll with that, or do you have something better for us?"
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
Regina let out a long sigh as she looked at the intruder on her mansion.
“You are lucky I’m the GOOD queen now,” she said, “Why are you in my house and why are you holding a pizza?”
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Originally posted by marvellousimagines
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“Damn, this is some next level multiverse shit. Teleportation is a motherfucker.” Wade clicked and fiddled with the blinking device attached to his belt until it fizzled out completely. “Shit sprinkles.”
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
therapy / talking about trauma / post - trauma starters. feel free to change things as necessary. 
would you like to talk about it?
please tell me what’s bothering you.
hey, are you okay?
i don’t have to know everything. just what you’re comfortable telling me.
i’m your friend. of course i care.
there’s nothing bad about going to therapy.
would you like to try a different approach?
i – i didn’t know that. i’m sorry.
is this helping?
i’ll try not to ask a lot of questions.
i’m always here if you need me.
shh, it’s alright. shh. 
we’re safe now. you’re safe now.
it was just a nightmare.
sweetheart, you have to tell me these things.
you know i’d never judge you for that, right?
i’m worried about you.
is something going on? 
everything you say will just be between you and me.
what method do you prefer?
do you need help falling asleep?
anything i could do to help?
why are you like this?
i understand. 
sweetie, is there something you aren’t telling me? what’s wrong?
let’s get you cleaned up.
this is good. this is important. 
you’re healing, and healing takes time. 
we can do more tomorrow.
how about you get some sleep, hm?
it’s ok not to be ok.
tomorrow is another day.
hey, hey, hey. look at me, look at me. it’s okay.
breath in for seven seconds, exhale for eleven …
do you need some space?
remember, look for things that you can touch. ground yourself.
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burritosandbabes · 4 years
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i like to think this is canon and steve actually tweeted this
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