bushrazblogs · 3 years
Marriage a pure bond or a deal
Marriage a pure bond or a deal
Don’t you think marriage has become a kind of business nowadays? No right. We often ignore some things when we see proposals. I cannot explain this thing in words. I will have to explain this with an example. Well, I am giving you an example of my best friend. Her name is Miss D (I cannot mention her name here). Her father showed her some proposals. She selected one guy out of so many (who she…
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bushrazblogs · 3 years
Real beauty is in modesty.
A lot of people have misconception about the veil(burqa) that, it is not obligatory for a muslim woman to cover her face. But it is absolutely compulsory to cover your entire body whenever you go out. It is mentioned in the holy Quran that “O you Children of Adam! We have bestowed on you raiment to cover your shame as well as to be an adornment to you. But the raiment of righteousness, that is…
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bushrazblogs · 3 years
You are exactly where you need to be.
We often think about our past, if I had done this my current situation wouldn’t be like this, if I had done that; my current situation wouldn’t be like that. Or we think about the future I’ll do this and I’ll do that, but in this whole process of thinking about the past or future we miss our present. We don’t enjoy what we have right now.There are so many problems in everyone’s life, if a…
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bushrazblogs · 3 years
Life is a mystery box.
We all plan our lives according to our likes and dislikes. Whatever we do in life, we plan it and then we all try to do it. Life is a mystery box. We never get what we want or sometimes we get what we want but because of some reasons we lose it.Life is not a smooth road to walk, it’s a rollercoaster ride. There are ups and downs in everyone’s life. Life does not guarantee success all the time. In…
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bushrazblogs · 3 years
We are surrounded by hypocrites;They think they’re right and others are misfits.They emplace rules on others;and forget their fathers and even their mothers. They think they’re always right,When they lose, they start to fight.Hypocrites have a very negative mind,Their eyes are open but, their hearts are blind. They pretend to be someone else in public;the ones near them know their hearts are…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
A cruel love story.
Once upon a midnight; Barirah was sitting very quiet, Her dad came to her with her cat called mite. And asked her what happened, my child? Barirah said with teary eyes, do you think my husband would love me more than you? Her father said with a smile; you’ll get your true love just don’t think blue. She believed in her father’s words;  And married a man who lived in the southernwoods. He…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
I'm Not Vulnerable.
I’m Not Vulnerable.
People played their games,And yeah they played it very well,I’m staying quiet and I I won’t yell.They’re just busy casting their spells.They tried to make my life miserable,But they don’t know I’m not vulnerable. People tried to put me down,. They left me alone in the river to drown. I just think they’re stupid clowns. Playing with me won’t give them anything, They’re just trying to give me…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
Grandma, grandma...
Grandma, grandma…
Grandma grandma where are you? I’m in trouble and I miss you too. I wish you were here  to help me out, You know I scream and I cry out loud. Everything is so messed up here, I want you to come back and stay a little near. I’ll sleep beside you and I’ll tell you everything, And I’ll never forget to show you my wedding ring. I remember how excited you used to be, You talked about my…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
Music will lead you to astray
Music will lead you to astray
We all know that listening to music is strictly prohibited in Islam, but how many of us follow this rule? I know it’s very hard for everyone to avoid listening to music these days. It is the most tough task especially for youngsters, but we can avoid it if we know the benefits of it.
Why we should stop listening to music? I just want all the people who are reading this article to take heed on…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
The Purpose Of Life
The Purpose Of Life
What is the purpose of our life?
We often get confused about this question. It’s a very hard question for some of us, but have you ever asked yourself this question? and what is your answer to this question? Is it earning a lot of money? Living a very opulent life? Buying the most expensive car or maybe something else.
None of the above-mentioned things can be mentioned as the purpose of…
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bushrazblogs · 4 years
Abigail's Miraculous Life: Chapter 18: Abigail is confused
Abigail’s Miraculous Life: Chapter 18: Abigail is confused
The owner of the café Miss Nina left the town next morning. She was visiting her mother. She gave the keys of the café to Abigail. It was Wednesday. Only five days for Mr Alex’s birthday. Abigail was worried, how she’ll do everything alone. She asked Adriel to help her. Adriel was not very busy and the kids were also free. So the kids were also happy to help for the decoration.
That morning…
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Abigail's Miraculous Life Chapter 17: The first meet.
Abigail was working in the café when the owner of the café Miss Nina called her. She went to the till and stood. Nina informed Abigail that a businessman from London wants to celebrate his mother’s birthday in the café. Abigail was delighted to hear the news. Celebration requires decoration and Abigail loved decorating places. She asked Miss Nina when will be the birthday celebration? Miss Nina…
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Do You Know?
Do you think your life is tough? read this and you’ll forget the other stuff.
If you feel alone cause your dad passed away 5 years ago, but oh my friend! do you know? Our Prophet lost his father before he was born, that was the time he couldn’t even mourn.
are you wretched cause you mother expired and you became orphan, do you know my friend the saddest truth? our Prophet lost his mother at the…
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Oh NRC!!
There is no use of NRC, that’s why people are protesting; But the government is not understanding, and hitting the people brutally.
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Abigail's Miraculous Life Chapter 16: Babysitting kids
Abigail's Miraculous Life Chapter 16: Babysitting kids
Abigail enjoyed her job as a waitress. Most of the town folks have become friends with her. Everybody always said, “You have a charming smile” and that made Abigail smile more. The other staff members were also very friendly. Things were different with Adriel. She didn’t enjoy her job as a baby sitter. The orphan kids of Miss Nina were very mischievous. They annoyed Adriel in all possible…
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Abigail's Miraculous Life Chapter 15: New Town; New Worries
Abigail’s Miraculous Life Chapter 15: New Town; New Worries
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Merrifield town was very vintage. The town was filled with the vintage building. The wooden lampposts were the most beautiful thing about the town. The town was very small and the weather of the town was very chilly. Abigail and Adriel sat on a bench in a park. They were observing the people of the town. They did not have much money to buy a house or even rent a house. They were pitiful and their…
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bushrazblogs · 5 years
Abigail’s Miraculous Life.
Chapter 14:  The Great Escape
Abigail reached  home. She had applied the ‘Free Hide Liquid’ on both of her shoulders. A ‘Free Hide Liquid’ makes a person invisible. She was in front of her house, she heard Adriel’s scream. She turned quickly and rushed inside the house. At the moment no one could see her, but, she can see everything and everyone. She heard Diana going upstairs. She followed…
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