The 1975 Still At Their Very Best?
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I saw the 1975 a few days ago on their "Still at their very best" tour. This was my second time seeing them perform live and I have to admit both times were absolutely amazing. BUT, you can definitely see the tiredness and the sort of carelessness in them. They have been touring for so long, and as a musician my self, I know how hard constant gigging is, I cannot even imagine what they are going through.
The show that was filmed and released on Spotify from Madison Square Garden was full of energy in my opinion and it was the 1975 that I'm used to. The 1975 that I saw a few days ago sounded absolutely amazing, there's no denying that, but the energy wasn't there anymore.
But, this is what happens when artists and bands tour for so long. I wouldn't blame them if they took a break from touring after this, like they've said.
They're still great, but they could be better, if they weren't so tired, I'm guessing.
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Blind Items - Pt 1
Cillian Murphy x Y/N
Authors Note: The POV changes from all knowing to Y/N’s pop because it feels more natural. I know it’s weird, but I hope you can still enjoy this! The prologue for this series can be found as well, and I recommend you read that first! This is in no way the real Cillian Murphy! Totally fictional! All feedback is welcomed! Enjoy!
Blind Items - Prologue
Summary: Y/N is an artist performing at Chritopher Nolan's new movie premier party. There are many famous actors there, Y/N has only one person she wants to meet, Cillian Murphy, the lead actor of the movie.
Word Count: 1641
Blind Item #1
This A- artist who performed at the exclusive movie premier party could have gone home with anyone, but apparently she chose to take home the much older, leading actor of the new movie. 
Allegedly: Y/N, Cillian Murphy
Blind Item #2 
This actor of our time was flirting hard with the performer of the night at the Christopher Nolan’s new movie’s exclusive party. But allegedly, he didn’t get to take the artist home though. 
Allegedly: Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
Blind Item #3
This actress who’d been seen in many A list films lately was very upset since the guy who she had been allegedly been hooking up with, was flirting hard core with another woman right in front of her. 
Allegedly: Florence Pugh, Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
I found myself from the smoking area of the venue. The LA night’s weather was just perfect. I had finished the first gin and tonic a while ago and was now drinking the next one that Timothee Chalamet had brought me. I guess he had overheard my first order and knew what to get me. 
“I can’t believe we’ve never met before!” Said Timothee while taking a drag from his cigarette that he had borrowed from you. “We have so many mutual friends, it’s unbelievable” he went on. It was true me and Timothee were around the same age and we did hang out somewhat in the same circles, especially when in New York, but we had never met each other. “I know, it’s weird!” I said. “So when’s the next time you’re gonna be in New York?” He asked looking hopeful. “I actually don’t know, I’m gonna be here in LA for a bit now, and then I’m heading back to London” I said feeling a bit sorry because he clearly wanted to spend time with me. “Ohh, well when ever you’re in town, give me a call, will you?” Timothee said with a wink. “Let me give you my number” he said. I liked that he was so upfront and clearly flirting with me full on. I handed him my phone and he put his number in. He called himself so that he would have my number as well. 
To be honest I wasn’t sure if I was interested in Timothee. I mean he is gorgeous and one of my favourite actors, but in all honesty, there was someone else even more interesting at this party…
Timothee was coming on to men it was clear. He kept touching my arm, saying flirty things. It didn’t make me feel uncomfortable, not at all. The opposite, it made me feel good, flattered and a bit hot to be honest. We were still in the smoking area talking when I felt eyes on me. I looked over Timothee’s shoulder and I saw Cillian looking right at me. Florence Pugh had joined me and Timothee and they were having a conversation about something I had lost interest in. My mind was somewhere else now. Cillian was standing there smoking a cigarette with some of his fellow actors. 
I walked over to him. “I didn’t know you smoked in real life!” I say knowing he had smoked in multiple of his roles. “Only when I’ve had a few” he said with a wink. My cheeks went red immediately. He turned towards me, away from his friends. “How are you?” He asked, simply. “I’m good, how are you?” I said, not really knowing what else to say. I honestly didn’t know if he was truly interested in how I was, or if it was just for small talk. “Very good, now that I found you again” Flirting, he was flirting with me. “Well if you knew me, you would’ve known that I spend most parties in the smoking area” I said while lighting up a cigarette. “Well tell me more Y/N, I want to know you” he said. “What do you wanna know?” I said with a twinkle in my eye, feeling a bit more courageous myself. “Well, I told you why I smoke, why do you smoke?” He asked pointing his cigarette at mine. “I swear it’s my only bad habit” I confessed throwing my hands up in defence playfully. “I wouldn’t be so sure about that” he said and I could feel him eyeing me up and down. 
We finished our cigarettes and Cillian asked me to join him at his table inside. Everyone else was either smoking, at the bar or dancing, no one was at the table but us. We talked like what felt like only a minute but it must’ve been more like an hour. It was very flirtatious, from both sides. He kept touching my leg and I enjoyed it. The conversation went from his recent roles and work to my latest album and everything in between.
“I hear you live in London?” He asked me, even though it was more like a statement. “Yes I do, where did you hear that from?” I asked him curiously. “I might’ve asked around about you” he admitted looking at his shoes, seemingly a bit embarrassed. “Oh I see, I’m sorry I didn’t catch the memo on that we were supposed to ask around about each other” I said now touching his leg lightly in return. “That’s okay, I can tell you everything you need to know, personally” he said with a grin. “I’d like that” I admitted. 
I excused my self to go to the bathroom, but it was really to go and find my manager who was my closest friend at the party. I found her chatting with Christopher Nolan out of all people. “Do you have a minute?” I asked her pulling her away from her conversation. “Yeah, what’s up? Where have you been?” I told her about my conversations with Timothee and what was happening with Cillian. “Oh my God! That’s amazing” she said excitedly. “So what’s the problem?” She asked clearly seeing from my face that there was something wrong. “You know, I’ve had a low key crush on Cillian for a while, and in all honestly one of the reasons I wanted to do this show was so that I could finally meet him. But, the last time I heard he was married, and I DO NOT wanna get involved with a married man, I will not be the other woman, or just someone he hooks up at a party!” I said almost stumping my foot. I knew this crowd of people. It was so easy to be some A list actor’s one night stand while they were away from their family. And that was definitely not what I was looking for. 
“I’m not saying I have to be his girlfriend, but I will not be just someone’s night stand” I continued, more assuring myself than my manager. Before she could answer Christopher joined the conversation. “You know Y/N, Cillian has been asking around about you after you were introduced” he said. “He seems to have a bit of a crush on you” he continued. I felt like Chris was Cillian’s wingman. “Oh, does he…” I said looking at my manager for some support. I tried to signal her to ask the right questions from Chris. “So… what’s his situation then? Is he involved at the moment?” My manager asked Chris. She was now playing my wingman. “Not that I know of, him and his wife got separated a couple of years ago and I believe they just filed for divorce a few months ago, but they haven’t been together in two years” That was all the information that I needed, and I really wanted to go and find Cillian again and continue our conversation but Chris kept talking and it would’ve been rude to leave now. “Of course he has had some brief relationships since then, but nothing too serious… but, I can tell you he’s really into you” Chris continued. “How do you know that?” I asked “Well first of all, he wanted to know everything about you after meeting you, he’s a great guy, you could do a lot worse” Chris said with a smile. 
I went back inside to find Cillian, but he was nowhere to be found. I decided to have a cigarette and headed over to the smoking area again. There were far less people there now, I checked the time and it was already 11 pm, I guess people started to head home or to the after party. Timothee came up to me again and we started talking about the after party. He invited me to go with him, but before I could answer I felt someone slightly pull my arm. I turned around and it was Cillian. I excused myself from Timothee and started walking with him to where there were no people around. 
“Do you wanna get out of here?” He asked and I was a bit shocked to be honest. I didn’t expect for him to be so frank, but it felt good. “Are you going to the after party?” I asked thinking he was now inviting me to go with him. “To be honest, I’m kind of done with parties for tonight, but if you want to I’d be more than happy to accompany you” he admitted looking a bit tired. “I agree with you on that one, I’m kinda done with parties too” I said. “But I would love to continue this night with you, if you want to ?” He said taking my hand into his. “I’d like that” I said blushing a bit again. 
We walked hand in hand outside where the cars were waiting. “You mentioned you’ve never seen Goodfellas” he said remembering our earlier conversation about movies. “That’s right, do you know a place that shows it at this hours?” I asked doubtingly. “I know one, my hotel room” he said. I felt a bit torn. How do I make sure that I am not just a one night stand for this man? “Your hotel room?” I repeated. “Yeah, there’s also 24/7 room service and a great view over LA, and most importantly, there will be someone who wants to get to know you.” He said quietly, so that people around us waiting for their cars couldn’t hear us. I was sold. He wanted to get to know me. I don’t think I’ve ever felt this strong of a connection to a person after only knowing them for a couple of hours. Despite of the signals he was giving me, I still doubted if he felt the same. 
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One Shots or Series??
When it comes to fanfic/imagines do you like reading one shots or series more? I personally like reading one shots and blurbs more, but I cannot write anything short. For some reason I always tend to write longer stories??
Lemme know what you like more! I'm gonna try and do both!
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Blind Items - Prologue
Cillian Murphy x Y/N
Author's note: This is my first ever fanfic. I had this idea of baseing this story on blind items (that are obviously fake). I think I want to make this into a small series. In this part nothing really happens yet so I guess this is like a prologue. And this is in no way the real Cillian Murphy, it is NOT based on real things! Please give me feedback and comments!
Summary: Y/N is an artist performing at Chritopher Nolan's new movie premier party. There are many famous actors there, Y/N has only one person she wants to meet, Cillian Murphy, the lead actor of the movie.
Word count: 1408
Blind Item #1
This A- artist who performed at the exclusive movie premier party could have gone home with anyone, but apparently she chose to take home the much older, leading actor of the new movie. 
Allegedly: Y/N, Cillian Murphy
Blind Item #2 
This actor of our time was flirting hard with the performer of the night at the Christopher Nolan’s new movie’s exclusive party. But allegedly, he didn’t get to take the artist home though. 
Allegedly: Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
Blind Item #3
This actress who’d been seen in many A list films lately was very upset since the guy who she had been allegedly been hooking up with, was flirting hard core with another woman right in front of her. 
Allegedly: Florence Pugh, Timothee Chalamet, Y/N
It was the first time Y/N was performing at a private event. But this was the party of the year, so she couldn’t say no. In all honestly the biggest reason she said yes to playing the show, was because of all the people who were going to be there. Timothee Chalamet, Florence Pugh, Christopher Nolan, Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy and so many more A list actors and celebrities. 
Y/N*s second album had just come only a week ago. This would be the second concert she would play promoting the album. Even though she didn’t really think is was an opportunity to promote the album, more like an opportunity to mingle and meet new powerful people. 
The party took place at an open air venue that looked kinda like a garden. The LA’s humid and warm weather made it a perfect place for the party. The whole place was decorated in fairy lights and was made to look very tasteful and pretty. There was a bigger stage outside and a smaller stage inside. There was a huge bar at the back and one inside as well. 
Y/N got to the venue for the soundcheck in the early evening. 
“Oh it’s so beautiful” she said to her manager as they were walking to the big stage. “And it’s gonna be full of celebrities and amazing actors and…” Diana, Y/N’ manager rambled on.“Yeah yeah I get it” Y/N said teasingly.
There were people already running around setting up the bar, the lights and some small tables around the place but there were no guests yet. It was only 6 pm and the party would start at 8 pm. 
“I’m gonna do the soundcheck now and then we’ll do hair and make up right?” Y/N asked her manager. “Yeah exactly” Diana answered.
The soundcheck was great. The band sounded great, Y/N sounded great and the place was beautiful. It was 8:30 pm now and the place was already full. Y/N is scheduled to perform at 9 pm. 
Behind the stage Y/N lit up a cigarette and took a peak at the crowd. “Oh my god, Timothee Chalamet is right in front of the stage” Y/N said to her guitar player. “He is so hot!” “Is that who you’re most looking forward to meeting?” John, her guitarist asked with a grin. “Honestly, no. I am really looking forward to meeting him as well, I mean he is an amazing actor and he’s really good looking but no.” Y/N confessed. “So who are you looking most forward to meeting?” John asked. “Cillian Murphy, honestly”  said. “Oh really, I mean I understand he is the lead of this new movie” John said looking a bit surprised. “Yeah, and also he is GORGEOUS.” Y/N confessed with a small laugh.
After a but it was time to take the stage. The set was about 30 minutes long, which was a but shorter that what Y/N was used to doing, but since it was a private event, it was a bit different. Y/N’s outfit, hair and make up was on point, she looked so good, she knew it and everyone in the venue knew it. Timothee was indeed in the front row with Florence Pugh and many other famous actors from the movie. Y/N took this opportunity to flirt with him a bit during her songs. The person she was on stage was a bit of an alter ego, since she could never be so up front and confident off stage. 
The show felt so good. Y/N felt amazing on stage. To her surprise the whole crowd was singing along to almost every song. She didn’t expect that from this kind of an event. Sure at her own shows people always sang along, but this was Hollywood’s elite. A very different crowd. During some of her flirtiest songs, she made a lot of eye contact with Timothee since he was right in front of her and clearly he was enjoying every single bit of it. It was all for fun, and a little bit part of Y/N’s stage persona. 
In the back of her head was someone else though. Cillian Murphy. She knew he was married, but she had heard a rumour that his and his wife’s relationship was over or that they were separated. If this was true, she would definitely try and make a move on him tonight. And in all honesty, even if it wasn’t true, she could still at least meet him and have a conversation. 
She spotted him during the second last song of the set. He was stood near the bar, at the back of the venue. He was looking right at her, and the butterflies went crazy in her stomach. Just seeing him look at her was enough. 
The show was over. Y/N was having a cigarette behind the stage with her band celebrating how well the high profile concert just went. “Oh my God, we sounded so good!” Her drummer screamed. “Absolutely, that was amazing” Y/N agreed. “Guys that was unbelievable. When you finish here you might wanna go out there and mingle, everyone is talking about you guys, especially you Y/N.” Her manager said with a huge smile on her face.
The part was in full mode when she stepped into the crowd. Everyone had a drink in their hand and it was certain that it wasn’t anyone’s first. Everyone seemed to be in a good mood, and a bit tipsy already. Y/N walked over to the bar at the back. She did have drinks at backstage but she wanted to meet people and this was a good way of doing it. 
“One gin and tonic, with Hendrick’s if you have some, please” Y/N ordered from the bartender. She felt a hand on her shoulder and was a bit startled at first. “Hi! The show was amazing! I really enjoyed it!” It was Timothee Chalamet. “Oh hi! I’m so glad you enjoyed it! I saw you were right there in the front row, I really appreciate that!” Y/N said. “Of course, honestly I’ve been a fan of your music for a while now” Timothee confessed. “I had no idea, I don’t think I’ve seen you at any of my concerts” “Yeah this was the first time, but I don’t think I could’ve gotten that kind of special treatment at any of your other shows” Timothee said with a wink. “Hahahaha, yeah that was fun” 
Y/N said looking down and blushing a bit. She noticed Christopher Nolan and his wife waiving in her direction from across the room. “I’m sorry, it was amazing meeting you Timothee, can we continue this later?” Y/N asked feeling a bit embarrassed leaving the conversation so soon. “Yeah of course!” He said politely. 
“Y/N what a show!” Christopher said giving her a hug. “Oh thank you so much! Thanks for having me!” She said as she hugged Christopher’s wife next. Then she noticed another guy standing next to them looking at her. It was Cillian. “Hi, I’m Cillian, your show was amazing, I agree” he said extending his hand out to you. Y/N shook his hand and thanked him. “I’m Y/N, it’s nice to meet you” “The pleasure’s all mine” Cillian said with a smile. His eyes were so blue. 
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