bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
eyebrows furrowed as the blonde cocked her head to the side, a warm smile curving on her lips as she looked at the younger girl. she couldn’t help but laugh lightly at what the brunette was saying. “oh but of course not,” she shook her head, “i definitely agree with you on that. i’m just trying to play devil’s advocate. if this is an argument you plan on winning, you need different sources of evidence to back up your claim.” 
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lilo opens her mouth to respond, but there are no words that come out. instead, she stands there like an idiot for a few moments with her mouth wide open as she tries to come up with some way to answer to aurora.  of course, she’s left her ‘ proving aliens ’ book at home just when she needs them the most. though, she does have a good majority of it memorized. “don’t you remember back in march of 2015 when all those videos surfaced of ufos ? and people were like ‘ woooaaah, why doesn’t the pentagon care ?? think of the children ! ’ and all that ? there’s some good evidence.” this is why lilo needs a projector and a screen to follow her at every possible moment. that way, if need be, she could break out into a slide show presentation to prove her point. but nooo, nani says that’s impractical. killjoy.
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
Kit rolled his eyes a little. “Because if there was signs of life elsewhere, we’d already have found it!! I just….it doesn’t make sense with what we know of science right now. There’s just not enough oxygen or water on other planets.”
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“i have never been so disappointed in my entire life.” lilo shakes her head and heaves a dramatic ( yes, very dramatic ) sigh, placing her hands on her hips. “i can’t believe it ... you’re just too afraid to believe that aliens exist, aren’t you ?”
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
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“i’m telling you, they’re real !” lilo exclaims, throwing her hands up in the air. “how can you sit here and look me in the eyes and say that in the expanse of the entire freaking universe, we’re the only life forms ! i call bullshit. truly, i do.”
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
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nemo raised a brow at her words, then watched as she struggled, it didn’t click what she was doing until she pulled out the bill, “Did you just- … Lilo, I know you did not just do that.” nemo shook his head in disbelief, he clenched his jaw in frustration - that he had to share - before he gave in, “here, just have the rest.” he scooted the box of fries towarss her.
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the grin stretching across her full lips widens tremendously, and she raises a hand to fist bump the air. “yes ! you’re the best, nemo stanton.” she throws her arms around him in a quick embrace before pulling back to snatch the fries off the table, hugging them close to her chest as she pops a few into her mouth. “and since you’re the best, i won’t eat all of them. here --” she holds the box out to him so that they could share, scooting closer to where he sat. “never say i didn’t do anything for ya, buddy.”
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
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“I’m sorry Lilo! But I’d need proof to actually believe you’d pay me back. You still owe me a dollar for that time I paid for you, Stitch, and I to get ice cream from the ice cream truck.” Nemo frowned as he reflected on that time, “You and Stitch were able to enjoy you guys’ ice cream, but mine was on the floor because Stitch ran into me and made me drop it.” He shook his head as he snapped back to the present moment, still grieving that ice cream cone he never even got to at least lick once.
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“you want a dollar ? is that all it’ll take to prove to you that i am a true woman of my word ?” lilo uncrosses her arms, bringing a hand to the back pocket of her jean shorts, fishing around for any sign of a stray dollar that may have been left there from a previous wear. for the first time ever, lilo finds herself lucky once she moves to check her front pockets, pulling out a worn, crinkled dollar bill, a smug smile playing at her lips. “there. have your dollar. can i get some fries now ?”
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
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Leave me alone to die.
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
“I don’t know why you’re complaining. I told you I would get you food if we went half and half. BUT, you didn’t give me your half, so now you’re food-less, sorry not sorry.”
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“dude ! totally not cool,” grumbles lilo as she folds her arms across her chest, scrunching her eyebrows together. “i told you i’d write an IOU, but did you listen ? nooo.”
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
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it’s another pikachu gif for another intro ... i’m here and i’m READY.
also hi friends it’s lou i also play jasmine heh
but now i’m gonna copy and paste the headcanons i wrote for lilo here !
headcanon 01. lilo’s entire bedroom is covered in photos. from wall to wall, there’s no visible space of the pale green paint that was there. all across are polaroids of different people on the beach, different animals she’s seen while out in the ocean, printed out photos of aliens from old time movies, vintage posters, and even a framed photo of elvis presley hanging right beside her bedroom door. when people ask why she has so many photos, her answer is usually that she likes to capture memories. unless she’s feeling sarcastic, then her answer is that when the aliens eventually come to earth and abduct her, they’ll need the photos to see who to get next.
headcanon 02. she is a conspiracy theorist, through and through. she has an entire section of bookshelf full of recounted tales and memoirs involving conspiracy theories, and even her own conspiracy board with the red string attached and all. she’s more partial to alien themed conspiracies and has ( on multiple occasions ) written letters to the government concerning area 51, and whether or not tours were available.
headcanon 03. lilo feels most ‘at home’ when her family is around her. it doesn’t matter where they are – on the road, in a different country, etc. – so long as stitch and nani are with her, it is home. they’re her ohana, the little family that she loves more than anything in the entire world.
headcanon 04. it’s big tshirts or bust in lilo’s mind. the girl owns so many oversized tshirts that one could consider it a hoarding problem, to which she would argue comfort. her sense of style is definitely all about comfort. she liked the tshirt dresses and the sweatpants and the shorts and big shirts. she’s also a huge supporter of burkenstock style sandals and vans. i also wouldn’t be surprised if lilo wears a bathing suit under her clothes instead of traditional undergarments, because who knows when you might take a trip to the beach ?
headcanon 05. she has a temper like no other. she’s not at all afraid to throw a fist or two, though she’ll definitely apologize for it later. her nasty side is well hidden though, only rearing its ugly head when provoked. all it takes is someone making fun of her family or her for too long and then it’s as if lilo becomes a whole different person, kicking and scratching and needing to be held back from getting into serious trouble.
headcanon 07. she is double majoring in marine biology and marine conservation at carthay university ! protect our oceans !! stop littering !! she means it, if she catches you littering on the beach she’ll call you out loudly and in front of everyone.
she’s a big fuckin weirdo with a big heart please love her thank u
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bvrninglcve ¡ 5 years
tag drop for 𝐥𝐢𝐥𝐨 𝐩𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐤𝐚𝐢.
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