bvrnpit · 3 years
Jun was getting bad again. With everything from visiting his aunt, his old friends visiting him, to Doyle up and disappearing, he could feel himself getting ready to shut down and shut everyone out. The apartment didn’t feel like home anymore, either. It was merely a reminder that his worse fears were, seemingly, close to coming true. Sick to his stomach as he worried about his best friend, knowing good and well what he was up to, he sat there at the table staring at nothing. When he heard the door, he expected Feyre to walk through but when he saw Doyle, it was strange.. it was a great relief immediately followed by anger. And Jun never got angry. “You look terrible.” 
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doyle slowly walked around the couch, sitting down lightly. “yeah, it’s the uhm ...” he trailed off lightly as he looked around. “lack of sleep. i haven’t really been sleeping ... in  a few days.” he pursed his lips lightly. instant regret was beginning to set in as he sat, soaking on the couch. “i didn’t mean to up and leave.”
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bvrnpit · 3 years
Feyre shook her head, brows knit together. Her heart ached for him. She wished she knew everything that was going on and how to help him carry the load. Instead, all she could do was continue the comforting strokes along his cheek and pray that he knew she was there for him. “I mean, he’s a little hurt, sure, but…” She shook her head again, “I don’t think he could ever hate you.” The wind sent a chill through her. “We don’t have to go there if you don’t want to, but could we go to mine? Or somewhere? I really want to get you out of this cold.” She glanced along the street, hoping to find a place to duck into. She glanced up at him, a pleading look in her eyes, “Please, love.” 
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doyle expected jun to be hurt. he could only imagine what he was feeling, watching doyle just up and leave. but when she mentioned going back to her place, his eyes hit back to the ground. “oakley isn’t going to be there, is he?” seeing oakley would be the last thing he needed. a huff came from his mouth as his eyes came back up to meet her’s. its almost like his eyes were hiding every hurt someone could imagine. “i don’t want you to think less of me.”
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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it was only a matter of time before he would have to face jun ---- and he dreaded it. luckily, the locks to the apartment hadn’t changed and the makeshift spare key had had made was still working in the janked up lock. as he walked in, his eyes landed on the other. of course it would be as soon as he walked in. doyle sat his backpack down beside the door, a hand resting on the nearest object as he exhaled. if doyle thought anyone could look at him and know, it was going to be jun. he knew some of jun’s past and that he could identify what doyle was doing and had been doing. but his eyes wandered around the room to land a gaze on everything but jun. @min-juniper​
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bvrnpit · 3 years
“Hey, hey,” She said gently, trying to catch his eye. “Come back to me, babe.” As soon as the worried feeling left her, she felt it twisting in her stomach again. She ran a thumb along his cheek gently. A part of her was worried sick that she was the reason he left in the first place, and that her actions were only making things worse. Oakley had gotten into her head in the past week and a half, reassuring that she was too much and Doyle didn’t want her as a friend or anything else.  “Are you sure you’re okay? You don’t look so good.” Concern etched across her features as she examined his and, even if she was the reason, she wanted to at least make sure he was okay. “Do you want to go home?” 
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his head came up, keeping her hand on his cheek. “i can���t go home.” he muttered out. maybe everything would’ve been better if he had stayed in north dakota. maybe if he just went off the grid, everything would be fine. but part of the reason he came back was standing in front of him. the other part might kill him when he sees him. “i’m fine. i promise.” but any minute, he could pass out. doyle wasn’t going to admit he didn’t feel good, he hadn’t slept in days. eyes still staying forward, he sighed lightly. “jun’s going to hate me.” if there was anyone who could recognize what was going on with him, it was jun. 
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bvrnpit · 3 years
Usually, Feyre was the kind of person who would briefly greet every person she passed on the street. Whether it be a smile, nod, or a quiet ‘good morning’, she believed that she could make someone’s day with such a small gesture. Today, however, she didn’t say a word. She was exhausted from the relatively exciting week. On top of worrying for Doyle’s safety and whereabouts, she’d been taking care of Jun. She was happy to do it, but she didn’t anticipate running from the cops in the middle of the night being a factor. 
Her exhaustion led her to keep her eyes on the ground, not wanting to talk to anyone. She just wanted to take a walk to feel a sense of normalcy. That was, until, she collided with the other. “Oh, shit.” She mumbled as her attention was brought from the ground. “Sorry.” Feyre looked up at the other, and it felt like the world moved in slow motion for a moment. She had to blink a few times to make sure it wasn’t a hallucination from her tired brain. “Doyle?” 
She turned on her heel, eyes wide, and a smile grew on her face. She rushed to catch up with him, calling out. “Wait!” As soon as she caught up, she collided into him, wrapping her arms around him, afraid he’d disappear again. “You’re okay.” She looked up at him, a hand met his cheek as scanned his face, neck, shoulders, and chest for any sort of injury. “You’re okay. Right?” 
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his pale face looked at down, past feyre, and caught the ground. there was no way he could look her in the face and not feel some kind of guilt. he was paler than usual, dark eyes, and visible tiredness that could make anyone tired. but yet, doyle’s arms never wrapped around her or even budged. “i’m fine .... “ he trailed off with a shake of his head. “i’m fine.”
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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of course running away from your life had it’s consequences. one was getting a spill from your parents when you got back and were asking for money until you got back to work. another would eventually come when he’d have to face his friends. but for now, doyle had found his way from his parents house, now walking down the road with two hundred dollars in his pocket. the way life was going now, he might get jumped going down the street. but for now, a backpack of dirty clothes and the money was all he had. 
what a coincidence it would be if the thoughts plaguing his mind came true and it couldn’t have worked out better than when his shoulder collided with her’s. doyle was prepared the face her. nor was he ready for the consequences that would come with it. maybe if he kept walking, he would be able to act like he hadn’t collided with her. but he knew fey too well. and he knew she was about to chase him down, if he had a guess. @sol-decoris​
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bvrnpit · 3 years
“ isn’t there somewhere else you can sit, are you sure you have looked everywhere else ? ” if there was one thing Ashley hated it, it was being stuck on transport besides strangers. He hadn’t really peered up at the other much. Just a quick glimpse. The masseurs peered up from behind his cigarette and looked at the busy train cart, bringing his knees together so he was no longer man-spreading and taking up two seats, rather than one.  “ your lucky you caught me in a good mood. I’m not always as kind as I’m being right now , ” he brought the small stick up to his lips and took an inhale and sat himself up as he moved over enough for the other to sit comfortably next to him.
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if doyle had it his way, he wouldn’t have been on the train cart to begin with. he preferred to walk, but the distance was too far for his weak body. fatigue was an understatement of how he felt. he didn’t care to ask, nor to ask the male to stop taking up so much room. the brunette simply plopped down, pulling his arms against his body. “must be my lucky day, then, because i wasn’t even going to care regardless if you were okay with it or not.”
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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after covering another bartender’s shift on top of hers last night at the bar, on top of being up with rosalie for the better part of the night due to a 24 hour bug, she’d already downed 3 cups of coffee this morning. to be honest she was far too eager to do something interesting with her now free day, but she wasn’t sure what. for the past couple of weeks she’d practically been solely at the bar or taking and picking up rose from school. so at this point, she was reaching for straws—or in this instance, ideas of ways she could spend her day.
turning to the person next to her, reese flashed a charming smile their way before gesturing across the street to a small café. “okay, so i have no idea what to do with my day, but how does me buying us some hot cider to start it off sound?” she offered, putting on her best hopeful and wide eyed expression.
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maybe it was the fact he was coming down, or maybe that coming back to banff was a painful awakening of what he had did. regardless, his head hurt. the coworker was one of the last people he wanted to see in the moment. something about basically abandoning his job and leaving the country didn’t sit well with the owner’s of rundle, but they let him keep his job. “i’ll pass.” he mumbled out lightly as his head dropped. 
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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MAID – Ponies (Episode 2) ››› Nick Robinson as Sean
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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Anne Carson, Plainwater: Essays and Poetry
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bvrnpit · 3 years
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one false move ---- you’re a kennedy   if you fight back ---- you’re the enemy 
                                                   i’m still tryna to find my identity
NICK ROBINSON, CISMALE + HE/HIM, 25 - hey, look! it’s doyle grimbet. the bartender at rundle bar has been in banff, canada for 12 years. the other residents say that they are the façade, but i wouldn’t know because everytime i see them they have their airpods in listening to identity by grandson. if you get to talk to them, you’ll let ‘em know i said hi, okay?
hi, guys! admin katie here with my precious baby!!
here’s a little run down of him! at the bottom you’ll find a typed bio of his life leading up to banff, though.
doyle moved to banff when he was 13 from north dakota, united states. its just him, his mother, and his father. and they are known around town for being the sweetest people ever.
doyle was a problem child due to how he grew up. he couldn’t stay out of trouble, and really it was because he was trying to be sent home. he resented banff because he didn’t want to move there. he misses his family and the atmosphere, no matter how bad it is. 
he has a drug problem. it began with a little weed here and there, but moved to pills until the pills were so strong. and eventually, it moved to more. 
he has worked at the rundle bar since he was 18 years old (the legal drinking age in alberta). 
doy is good folk, ya know? but is really bad at going about it. he can be good and he can be bad. 
where has he been? doy left on a whim. his demons overcame him. first, he was going home. then he was just going away for a few days. but eventually, a few days became a little over a week in which he found his way back to north dakota and was high as a kite on cocaine the entire time. 
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