bvtterflysystem · 2 years
Time to gently put my scared inner children to bed and whisper soothing words to them about how they’re safe, we’ve got this, I’m never leaving them, and that we’ll get through all the hard things tomorrow together. We’ll do some deep breathing together and we’ll hold onto a plushie together and I’ll say, “wow aren’t they so soft and cozy? Doesn’t that feel so comforting?” We’ll take another deep breath together and I’ll tell them it makes so much sense that they’re scared and that they never have to go through hard feelings alone. I’m here. I’m here. I’m staying with you. I promise.
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bvtterflysystem · 2 years
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(source 1) (source 2)
bigger explanation: the studies found that blood flow to areas of the brain changed depending on the alter that was fronting in patients with dissociative disorders. this shows that alters have a biological component and can be proven to exist. this is associated (in the clinical term, meaning they're not going to traumatize children to prove it 100% but they're 99% sure) specifically with and is a symptom of traumagenic disorders. if you don't have a dissociative disorder, you don't have alters. what you're experiencing might feel similar, but they are not alters.
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bvtterflysystem · 2 years
no :(
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bvtterflysystem · 2 years
System Asks
1 ;; theme song for your system?
2 ;; colour palette for your system?
3 ;; any meaning behind your system name? (if any)
4 ;; how did your system come to choose its name? (if any)
5 ;; how long have you been aware that you’re a system?
6 ;; any collective interests?
7 ;; does anyone have a bodily effect? (do they need glasses, do they have a stutter, do they have a limp, etc. when they are in/front)
8 ;; system tag?
9 ;; any coined terms?
10 ;; is your system heavy with any particular roles?
11 ;; anyone in the system have a separate social?
12 ;; any in-sys jokes?
13 ;; any in-sys relationships?
14 ;; any out-sys relationships?
15 ;; do you have a(ny) partner-system(s)?
16 ;; opinion on the movie split? (;-;)
17 ;; any non-human alters?
18 ;; do any non-human alters wear/do something to make them feel less dysphoric when they front? (if any)
19 ;; are there any specific times where certain alters come to front?
20 ;; most ridiculous reason an alter was suspended from fronting?
21 ;; what does an “easy” switch feel like compared to a more complicated/dissociative switch?
22 ;; does the body have any physical conditions/disabled in any way? (if comfortable sharing)
23 ;; what was your “oh shit i’m not a singlet” moment?
24 ;; does anyone have different handwriting than the body?
25 ;; random system fact
26 ;; describe the/a part of the innerworld? (if applicable)
27 ;; what system terms do you use (alter, headmate, etc.)?
28 ;; any previous system names?
29 ;; do parts of your innerworld have names, or is it more vague (where xyz and xyz are, etc.)? (if applicable)
30 ;; favourite and least favourite part of being a system?
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bvtterflysystem · 2 years
Found in the wild online
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Y’all, stop, this isn’t how this works at all.
For the love of God, please, join a creative writing or roleplay group (there’s a million and one of these online between Jcink, Proboards, and Discord).
Stop appropriating a serious mental health disorder for “OMG I WANNA HAVE FUN CONVERSATIONS WITH MY ORIGINAL CHARACTERS”. This is spitting in the face of those who have DID/OSDD. It’s a DISORDER for a fucking reason, y’all.
It’s not ethical, PERIOD, to pretend to have a serious dissociative disorder because “omg I want friends” or “omg I love all these fictional characters so I’m going to pretend to talk to them in my head”. Jesus mother loving christ. 
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bvtterflysystem · 2 years
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I’m going to strike it rich, it’s my time to shine
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
i dont even know who is fronting our protector has been near the front for a couple days and i finally figured out why bc i panicked seeing one of my roommates. another roommate who i am close with is being kind about it but i can tell she is bothered that I can't communicate with her. but if h and a are this near the front maybe i should just stay in my room
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
booty shorts that say "endos dni"
t-shirt that says “i was horrifically abused as a child and all i got was this dissociative disorder”
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
systems cannot be formed in adulthood.
that being said, it is not uncommon for a traumatic or stressful event in adulthood to make someone realise that they’re a system. this would give that person the idea that they’ve formed in adulthood, but they have not.
the day you realise you’re a system is not the day you become a system. most systems realise that they are one in adulthood. some realise in their teen years, and that’s cool too, but most of us don’t realise until we’re fully fledged adults.
that doesn’t stop it from being true that I’ve been a system since early childhood.
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
DID/OSDD: a childhood trauma disorder with dissociation, distinct parts and/or amnesia between them, these groups of alters are called a system
What endos somehow think being a system is: When actors get into their role, when people act different at work, when a cartoon character has a devil on their shoulder, when people have ego states (everyone has those they’re not alters, headmates, parts etc.), when someone simply has an imagination
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
@hits-diff-as-a-system not the most optimistic take but i definitely read the post as being abt osddid for a sec lol
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
Could you imagine though if there was a group who labeled themselves “allistic autistics” and insisted that they had key symptoms of autism and then made a bunch of weird fetishy posts about uwu autism aesthetic and special interests? And then if any autistic person tried to tell them that scientifically this is impossible because autism is a well-documented and researched phenomenon linked to differences in neuro structure, those autistic people were called “autimedicalists” and “auti-scum”. That would be absolutely nutty. That would be ridiculous. That be beyond belief.
And yet.
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
as someone who used to think they had DID because my personality kept changing, i am urging you to do your research. i was young and the only disorder that affected personality that i knew about was “multiple personality disorder” so i called myself that and played the part because i was desperate for a label. but please, if your personality keeps changing but you don’t actually fit the criteria, research other disorders that affect your personality!! i get wanting a label but if you have to “play” a disorder then you don’t have it! and it’s fine, just do your research!! there’s nothing shameful about realizing you don’t have a certain disorder, it’s part of the processus of learning who you are, just admit and accept and move on, i promise you it’s fine
(endos and supporters DNI. if i said something wrong/incorrect, systems feel free to correct me)
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
What singlets think existing with DID/OSDD is like: Oh woe is me I am plagued by these demons which tell me to commit murder every hour on the hour how will i ever have a normal life
What it's actually like:
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
I really don't understand these endo syscourse blogs that say "sysmeds" are the same as transmeds like literally I can shut down your argument in one sentence and that is: OSDDID and systems are scientifically-proven disorders, being trans is an identity. If anything, compare us to pro-vaxxers or round-earthers 'cause that's what these arguments are really comparable to.
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bvtterflysystem · 3 years
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