bxllatrix · 3 years
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          they  look  down  on  her  ,  something  that  could  be  decoded  as  a  SMIRK  contorts  their  features  as  they  let  out  a  harsh  laugh  .  is  that  the  worst  tool  she  had  in  her  arsenal  ?  they  bite  their  tongue  from  saying  what  they  want  ―  there’s  no  use  in  reminding  bellatrix  that  they  grew  up  all  around  the  same  people  .  there’s  no  use  revealing  a  hand  that  could  provide  some  use  in  the  future  .  “  i’m  sure  i’ll  learn  somehow,  i  always  seemed  to  be  good  at  getting  out  of  things  alive.  ”  they  put  their  hands  in  their  pocket  ,  swallowing  whatever  hurt  could  come  from  her  words  .  “  you  know  what  they  say  ,right  ,  that  you’re  only  as  strong  as  your  weakest  links  .  how  are  you  keeping  up  with  your  lil  murderer  friends  ?  i  know  that  you  sometimes  STRUGGLED  to  contain  your  emotions  in  spellwork  ,  i  doubt  that  an  emotional  bitch  like  you  would  be  helpful  later  .  ”
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               he  turns  away  taking  a  few  steps  away  with  his  things  before  coming  back  .  they’re  closer  to  her  now  ,  enough  of  a  wand’s  distance  away  but  no  further.  “  you  know,  irma  ,  i  think  you’re  right  !  i’ve  managed  to  convince  everyone  else  that  i  have  successfully  SEPERATED  myself  from  the  black  house  morals  ,  but  i  haven’t  .  and  i  don’t  think  it’s  possible  to  do  so  .  ”  they  watch  the  deranged  look  in  her  eyes  grow  worse  (  (  they  had  always  brought  the  DEVIL  out  of  each  other  .  ) )  “  i’ve  gotten  rid  of  a  lot  of  traits  ,  don’t  get  me  wrong.  but  ,  please  understand  ,  we  have  the  same  rage.  i’m  sure  severus  can  provide  more  of  a  play-  by  -play  account  of  it  .  ”  they  scratch  their  neck  with  a  hum,  placing  a  hand  heavily  on  her  shoulder  .  “  see  ,  unlike  you  ,  though  .  i  have  someone  to  keep  me  warm  at  night  when  i  can’t  rid  of  my  heritage.  i  bet  you’re  as  LONELY  as  ever  ,  huh  ?  tell  me  ,  how  does  it  feel  to  be  so  unloved  that  you  can’t  even  convince  your  own  BLOOD  to  truly  love  you  ?  ”
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     if bellatrix black had ever had one last feeling of warmth towards her cousin, it snapped as quick as her temper after that last comment. how dare they—  how could they even think they knew anything about her life— her situation. . .  the kid thought he was bad enough having to be blasted from the tapestry and removed from his inheritance. . . she was a sacrifice for the sake of one. “ i wouldn’t hold onto that word for too long, sirius, ” she says softly, “ alive, i mean, ” she gives a harsh laugh. “ it doesn’t suit you. ” little did he know, she was the instigator of most of the actions her and her ‘little murderer friends’ got up to. her emotions besides the point.      “ oh, go fuck yourself, ” she laughs manically, swatting his hand away with hers, the stiletto of her nails just sharp enough for a slight dig. “ think about that warmth when it’s taken away from you, little cousin, ” she smiles, her voice lowering. “ when it’s sucked away by the coldness of a quick avada, ” the word warms her heart, surrounding it like a barricade that no one would dare try to get through. a cage for a cold bitch. “ i don’t need love, i never have. . . and don’t you worry, you’ll regret needing it the minute you’ve seen the light fade from their eyes. love dies, sirius, but power is never forgotten. ”
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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   hand moves to her face, gently pushing it away from him with a scoff. “we would be a disaster.” they both knew that pretty well. two headstrong people in one manor together would surely end in chaos and they had been best friends ever since they were little - being considered brother and sister felt so much more fitting than potentially being married to one another. fuck that. “i’m pretty happy with the current decision.” but of course he was. he had been crushing on the younger black sister since.. basically forever. “i like the challenge of making your sister fall for me though.. i wouldn’t be able to do that with you.” he’s smirking, though it wasn’t his usual deceptive expression, it was warm if anything. showing that he means no harm realistically. he truly meant no harm when it came to the blonde and he never, ever would. she had more power than she even knew.
     “not like we’re difficult creatures to conquer. keep us happy with food.. affection. lose the attitude, maybe.” he winked, another pat on the leg - hoping she wouldn’t take offence as always. “once you get someone hooked, that’ll be it, bella.” she was one of the best women he knew. strong, sure of herself, beyond intelligent. anyone would be lucky to have her and he truly hoped she only got the best. “plus.. nothing should stop you if someone breaks through that icey facade and you get paired up with someone else, you know? how many pureblood marriages do you know that are perfectly authentic?” he had been convinced that his parents’ was in the beginning, but that certainly wasn’t the case anymore. god knows what his father was off doing every other day - he knew his mother was the saint. “don’t sweat it though. it’ll happen when it happens like you said. your father’s a smart man.” that smirk is back on his face though. “— that’s why i’m practically your family now. getting in on the malfoy empire before anyone else can. smart, smart man.”
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     “ a catastrophe, even, ” she agrees, the thought not lingering long in her head. the thought of any sort of betrothal with a man was enough to make her physically ill, but she knew she would have to engage in something eventually, if not for appearances sake. at the comment of narcissa falling, she gives him a questioning look. “ lucius, ” she says seriously, “ i don’t think that will be a problem. ” half of the castle was enamoured with the man already. and they didn’t even really know him.      she wrinkles her nose in distaste. “ ew, you don’t have to go on about it. . . disgusting creatures, you are. . . though, if i was to marry, i wouldn’t want it. . .” she pauses, the words on the tip of her tongue. she could say it outright; that if she was to marry, she would want something authentic, something real. she doesn’t want to admit to herself that it would be hard. her position in their world already had her as a lamb to the slaughter, for the most part. her biggest job was staying useful, staying alive, and if she had to marry some idiotic power-crazed man to do it, well so be it. no one had to know what happened behind closed doors ( or what didn’t happen ) .      “ nevermind that. i’m sure father will figure things out, ” she finishes with a firm nod. “ though i’m not really sure if smart is the word for him, ” she rolls her eyes. though she loathes to say anything negative about her family, bella doesn’t necessarily agree with the decisions they made most of the time. especially when it came to her.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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Regulus cocked his head at  thought about his cousin’s words.  “A reconnaissance of sorts.” He mused. Certainly it would be useful to know what to look out for… to know what mudbloods and blood traitors might try to hide from them. “Well, if you would like back up, I’d be delighted to offer my assistance.” Regulus smiled, ever willing to help prove himself to the Dark Lord’s cause. He was still too young to become a Prefect but it was never too early to start learning. 
“We will surely need to find a way to fix those who have already started the slow process of decay. Or at the very least find a way to halt the rot and then simple jobs that even they might accomplish.”
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     “ i’m sure some of them will be of clear mind enough to clean the houses of the sacred twenty eight, at least. ” his comment is responded to with a hearty laugh, her hand falling to his shoulder. “ a reconnaissance? what does that say about my leadership? ” she shakes her head at him in amusement, her lips tilted into a smirk. “ a lot, i suppose. ” everyone knew the way bella liked to run things, and even if they didn’t, they were soon to find out. it was up to them whether or not they found themselves on the friendlier side of things ( as friendly as a pureblood elite could be, at least ) .  “ i’d be honoured to be accompanied by you, ” she confirms with a nod. “ besides, we’re much overdue for some family time, no? ” she shakes her head solemnly, then, looking at reg with a sympathetic expression. “ things are going to get a little more complicated soon. . . ”.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
Narcissa raised an eyebrow as she tried to look in her memories for a reason as to why someone wouldn’t refer to Lucius as a gentleman, he was in her eyes the very walking definition of the word. Had she been so blind to the extent of missing him being entirely different to every else? Although the thought truly flattered her, someone who was only so kind to her and only her was something that had the potential of stealing her hidden heart. “Then everyone else is wrong, and I am right, even when I am wrong.” She laughed as she quoted their mother. “He is nothing but truly kind and charming to me, I can only hope to one day to care for him as much as you say he cares for me.” 
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     bella shakes her head, looking at her sister with a fondness that only the youngest black sister could bring out in the eldest. “ sweet narcissa, ” naive narcissa, more like, “ what ever shall we do with you? ” she smiles in jest. “ i could stay here talking all day about the woos and woes of our mr malfoy, but really, i’ve better get going, ” she says, her smile turning into an annoyed grimace as she wrinkles her nose. the year was just getting started and she already had so many things to attend to. she leans in and gives narcissa a light and quick peck on the cheek and then glances around, remembering that any sign of humanity is seek as weakness in this castle. “ i’ll see you soon. ”
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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There was no doubt in his mind, at the tone that his beloved cousin used, about which shop that she was referring to. That muggle shop that had somehow been allowed to open. It was a disgrace to the wizarding world that they even tolerated muggle inventions. Regulus had long felt that they should fly, floo or apparate to Hogwarts rather than take anything influenced by muggle kind. “I would not be caught there, nor would any decent sort. The sooner it falls under due to lack of custom, the better.” Regulus scoffed.  “Surely there must be some sort of regulation, I mean, children toys? The lack of magical enrichment would no doubt rot their brains.”
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     she hums in agreement, nodding her head to regulus’s statements. “ funnily enough, i was thinking about stopping by. . . if not just to see all of the items i’ll surely have to confiscate over the term. ” bella was sure the business would fail ( and if the pureblooded society had anything to do with it, the failure would be quite violent ) . she rolls her eyes, her disapproval over the whole situation made perfectly clear by the deep sigh that follows. “ if they’ve got the mind to deal with all of that muggle nonsense, i’m afraid the brain-rot might have already happened. ”
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bxllatrix · 3 years
& REGULUS. @regulus-lionhearted-black​
     “ regulus, ” she greets, voice soft for her favourite cousin ( not that there was much competition for that title ). “ don’t suppose you managed a trip down to that interesting little shop? ” distasteful, more like. why anyone thought it necessary to give wixen children muggle toys was beyond her. . . surely there could never be anything more entertaining than something that moved on its own, changed colours, and did all sorts of things. not that she’d know, really, having grown up with books and dark artifacts as her main sources of entertainment.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
& ANDROMEDA. @drumeda​
     “ oh, dearest sister, ” she says, tone sweet and sarcastic as ever, “ you’ll join me for tea this evening, won’t you? ” bella had shown up in the library with the intention of getting andromeda alone for a while. . . a quiet place, the library, would’ve been fine if it wasn’t for everyone else there. she felt bad for them, really, having to spend their evenings reading about potions or whatever. it must be awful to have to put effort into things. she looks at andromeda and gives her a smile. “ in the head suite, of course. ”
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bxllatrix · 3 years
🌟 && 💃
🌟- for a secret wish or desire of theirs
a true ally — bella has many political allies ( it's in the business of things, it seems ) but she wouldn't say she has one that she trusts completely. although her best friend lucius is close, he is still promised to her sister, and bella thinks that loyalty outweighs his to hers. she seeks something similar to that, something that could possibly turn into love.
💃- for a talent that they like to keep hidden from others
bella is an amazing violinist. having been put in many music lessons as a child, she didn't take to any — but even the ones she liked, she decided to tell her parents she didn't care for them. it was her only way to have something truly to herself, having to share everything else with her family. still, she will find secret rooms at hogwarts to play her violin, casting a silencing charm and letting her feelings guide her ( and if a lot of those symphonies she plays are muggle, that's besides the point ).
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bxllatrix · 3 years
👁‍🗨. , 🙃
👁‍🗨- talk about someone/something you like, but pretend to dislike
she acts like they're nonsensical and boring, but bella loves parties and balls. although it repels her, the slug club is the closest she can get. she won't admit it, but being there isn't completely awful. . . and though she's skipped most of the meetings over the years, she would find herself wondering about them in her absence.
🙃- for a lighter, slightly embarrassing secret
more like mortifying to bellatrix black . . . but she was once rejected. it was fourth year, which seems like ages ago now, but she let herself think she could try one of those relationships everyone seems so fond of. turns out she's not the best at picking up cues, and misidentified kindness for interest. to keep a long story short, it ended badly. . . with her having to obliviate the other ( the first time she used one of the less socially accepted spells ). she now avoids this person like the plague and can't seem to act normal around them. it is probably heavy secret, but considering the potential for bella's actual secrets, i'd consider this light. — this could be a connection if anybody wants to fill it.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
There was no real way to say no to Bella. Head student mixed with the cunning most Slytherins envied meant that she was never one to cross. Not that Mercy ever thought to cross any of her housemates. Bellatrix was the one she was more cautious of, the most scared. Mercy hand her hands in front of her, neatly folded against her pleated skirt. “Why would I mind?” she asked, forcing a small smile along her lips. 
Playing the game as always. Slytherin was nothing, but a revolving chess board. At times, Mercy knew she could have been placed into Ravenclaw like her father. With that, an untainted relationship with her sister and the disappointing looks of her family would be avoided. The anxiety of saying one thing out of line that could cause her loved ones to be in jeopardy would dissipate. But, that wasn’t her fate. “And, if you don’t mind me asking,” Mercy started, sheepishly worried if she was playing with fire, “did they bail in a bad way or just not feeling well? I can understand sickness. Everyone falls ill every now and then.”
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     BELLA smiles back at mercy, walking alongside the wix and getting a headstart on patrols. the quicker they did it, the quicker they could be done with it, and bella had much more important matters to attend to. “ some people get a little angsty when their patrol partners are switched, ” she shrugs, a small tilt upwards of her lips. “ mostly because they’re shagging in the prefects bathrooms and think i don’t know about it. ” she chuckles, mulling over the unfortunate incident that was actually catching those students in the act. she felt like scourgifying her entire brain afterwards.      she hums, considering an answer to mercy’s question. “ seems like the hufflepuffs might have a bit of a situation on their hands this year, ” she starts tentatively, “ what with house rivalries and all that. seems like the littler snakes don’t take too kindly to being called evil purists right after they’ve been sorted. ” not wanting to sound like she was judging the younger slytherin students, she adds: “ not that i can blame them, it’s not easy having a target put on your back the second the hat shouts your sorting. ”
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bxllatrix · 3 years
❛  i mean, i do laugh about things but things that are appropriate.  ❜  she asserted as she folded her newspaper back to it’s original form. she wasn’t sure where this conversation was going to lead off to, but it wasn’t like she was prodding bella to begin with. and yet andromeda knew she had to tread carefully around the other. bella had always made it known to her especially. it was enough that druella was on her side even if bella were to be at fault.  ❛  perhaps. but we still share both a father and a home as much as you hate that notion. nothing can change that fact. at least the first part of it…  ❜
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     “ I wouldn’t even know what you look like laughing, ” she snaps, “ you’re so damned sullen all of the time. ”  bella huffs, her annoyance growing larger as her patience grew thinner. it’s just like andromeda to ruin a perfectly good conversation with her seriousness, and then with a reminder that they had to live together even after hogwarts was over and done with. she crosses her arms and gives andromeda a withering glare. “ you might want to knock on wood with that one, andromeda. . . if you don’t start contributing to the family, even dearest daddy won’t hesitate to throw you out. ” bella knew that it wouldn’t be long before the rest of her family were expected to take the mark, or at least become betrothed to someone who had it.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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                     it’s raining again.   
(1) arrival of the birds - the cinematic orchestra (2) the blue notebooks - max richter (3) becoming a legend - john dreamer (4) end of my journey - john dreamer (5) la valse d’amélie - yann tiersen (6) arrietty’s song - cecile corbel (7) sophie in exile - joe hisaishi (8) time - hans zimmer (9) horizon variations - max richter (10) erla’s waltz - ólafur arnalds (11) snippet - nils frahm (12) amore - ryuichi sakamoto (13) nue - nils frahm
                                                                                     13 songs. 47 m. 44 s.
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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think you're so clever but now you must sever — you're breaking the girl .
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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bxllatrix · 3 years
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bxllatrix · 3 years
ivy, willow, mint
ivy :   what are your muse’s views on marriage ? do they believe it is something strictly for love ,   or an institution rooted in business   &   social benefits ? do they desire or have they desired to be married ?
“ it’s a means to an end, really. i’ve known my whole life that one of my main purposes is to get married, have kids, and continue my pureblood lineage. not really into the whole love thing, ” not that she could be, even if she wanted to, “ but who knows. we’ll see. social benefits are a must, and marriage is a business, even if you’ve got those pesky little emotions involved. i do have a desire to get married, even if it’s just for the improved social status, and always having someone on my team. ”
willow :   how does your muse handle sadness   &   depression ?
“ i don’t really feel that sort of stuff. it’s annoying and a waste of time. besides, what have i got to be sad or depressed about? ”
mint :   does your muse view themself as virtuous   &   moral ? what do these words mean to them ?
“ morality and virtue is all about perception, is it not? some would say i’m not either of those, because i have the wrong beliefs, or whatever, but i think that being dedicated to what i do believe in ( which is right, by the way ) is virtuous enough as it is. not a lot of people would do what i have done and will do— take that as you will. ”
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