bxnespeachy · 5 years
Any Inconvenience At All:
My Eating Disorder Brain: This wouldn’t have happened if you were skinnier. just saying
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
i’m just disgusting
wow, look at you, crawling back to tumblr.. how’s that gunna help, huh? b i n g e e a t i n g - you’re honestly just a mistake at this point, if you can’t even control yourself to not eat what do you think browsing this platform is gunna do, huh? you’re such a disappointment man, your friend.. you told her about your binge eating issue, she’s apparently worried about you- worried? about a f a t g i r l
yeah, you heard me- fat girl. boys thighs don’t sag like a christmas tree doll, wake up. she’s only doing it out of pity, if she actually cared about you maybe she’d help you? instead of encouraging you to eat... filthy liars, they just don’t want more competition.. don’t they now? wanna make her worry? wanna make her scream and beg for you to get help? prove it.. give her something to worry about, starve yourself doll, become the boy you always wanted to be, deathly skinny, ghostly pale... don’t you want others to care about you? to admire how beautiful you actually are?
what are you waiting for then? and don’t you dare
even think about eating after you’ve finished writing this-
you know it won’t help, go work out- of course you won’t though
because you’re just a fat girl, fat girls are lazy, fat girls are just disgusting and prove to have no space in this tiny tiny world. well, ms tubs- why not go back to the ocean where you belong? the whales will welcome you surely.. i mean, it’ll be quite easy to blend in, so no issue there.
why- why even bother calling me to help you anymore? you just don’t care do you? you have a problem? no.. your problem is binge eating! that’s the only eating disorder fat people can have, remember love, fat girls don’t have eating disorders. good, now repeat that several times in your head- do you get it now? do you finally understand that you’re fat?
no more hiding what you eat from your parents... from your friends.. from your own self.
you are in control
and until you stop all the crap
stop all the bullshit
you’ll never make it to where you wanna be, fat forever my dude
once a fat girl always a fat girl
guess you like how your thighs sag as you stand, extend as you sit down- your arm fat swaying around as if it were a leaf blowing in the wind, but no, it’s just your own body weight shifting it as you breath heavily from walking a few minutes in your class- everyone looking at you with disgust, the stares, piercing into your back, into your fat, snickering, picking piece by piece- destroying the little sanity you had left, had left to breath... don’t you hate it? don’t you want to make it change? don’t you want to do something besides sitting on your fat ass waiting as if you’ll magically become skinny?
ha... i would pity you, but that’s just gross- how could i pity a fat girl? someone who doesn’t even try to be skinny? try and w o r k- try to get there- what were you at last time we checked? 196lbs..? 1 9 6 lbs???
what a joke- you’re probably all the way back up to 210lbs, actually wait! probably much more- so stop lying to yourself, accept me- embrace me
i can help you, i can save you- i can make you the person you want to be, the sexy hiding beneath all that fat and flab
you only have to embrace me, take control; and work your ass off day after day- hungry to bed hungry to rise makes a girl a smaller size?
not, bloated to bed bloated to rise- just gives you bigger thighs..
you got it all wrong missy, just ask yourself this-
are you happy being fat?
or would you prefer to be skinny?
talk to me when you’ve made up your mind doll
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
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mood af
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
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[did i just call myself out? yes. yes I did]
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
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guess who binged on fuCKING APPLES
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
the way my thighs jiggle whenever i walk makes me want to fucking kill myself
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
waking up to stars on the ceiling and bruises on pale skin and battered feet on & off the scale and almonds in ziploc baggies and bite marks on fingers and hair down the drain and measuring crunches by the spots left on the spine and enough water to drown organs and eating an apple with a knife and fork and battered feet on & off the scale and desperate hands clutching ribs and standing up & the world goes dark and carrying an emergency rice cake in your purse for weak spells and enough green tea to drown organs and how many calories are in toothpaste and whatever nail polish color covers yellow and battered feet on & off the scale and is today the day my heart gives out and how many calories do you burn when you sneeze and pillows squeezed between thighs and waking up in a new body everyday and fingers clasped around wrists and notebooks filled with numbers and purple crescents below the eyes and accidentally knocking your elbow on your hip bone and being afraid of your own reflection and i’m not hungry or i already ate or i’ll eat later or i don’t feel well and oxygen that tastes like splenda and battered feet on & off the scale
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
My mum just said “STOP FUCKING EATING!” “STARVE YOURSELF!” and people wonder why I have an eating disorder
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
the end of a school year has finally come so it’s the best time lose a lot of weight bc i can no longer look at myself. i’m done with constant binge eating but i still have bad days from time to time. i’ve already lost some kilos but i wanna reach my goal weight by the end of the holiday (i get back to school in September 1). so let’s start this amazing journey of restrictions and fasting! i do not promote any ed. this is just my motivation.
to wear tight or loose-fitting clothes and always look amazing
to be asked how i did it
to shock others and prove them i can be skinny
to feel confident
not to be ashamed to eat in public
to look good on the beach
to have a flat stomach and not to see it when i look down
to look like a model
to feel envious looks whenever I enter a class
to hear i look good
to have amazing collar bones, fingers, small waist, thigh gap and hip bones
daily limit: 600 calories
exercise: 2 km run, whole body workouts
water: at least 3 liters
pain is temporary.
don’t do anything to regret it at the end of the day
remember how much you have achieved so far
imagine the surprised faces when they see you
count to 100 really slow
is it worth all the effort you put in losing weight?
drink water and herbal tea
chew gum
talk with someone
clean the house
do something in the garden
look at some thinspo
go outside and take a walk/ go running
listen to the music/ podcasts/ audiobooks
watch films/ series
take a shower
clean face and brush your teeth
do maths tasks
read something
eat ice
eventually choose safe food like: cucumbers, pickles, lettuce, tomatoes, cherries or grapefruits
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SW: 159lbs/ 72kg
CW: 137lbs/ 62kg
GW: 110lbs / 50kg
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
🌹no jumping/silent workout list🌹
︶︶ ⸝⸝ 🍑
hello! 🌸 i wanted to make a workout list that you can do without jumping since a lot of people live in apartments or want to be quiet in general. you can add/remove anything if you’d like to! this one is for my personal use and preference.
100 crunches
40 squats
40 russian twists {20 each side}
25 butt bridges
20 mountain climbers
25 leg raises {laying on your back}
40 side lunges {20 each side}
45 second wall sit
45 second plank
30 second cobra stretch
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{the pic isn’t me}
stay safe lovely.💕
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
I’m 99 pounds again fuckers 🎉
Rb for good luck loosing any regained weight
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
someone: have you eaten today
me, in the corner with my 53rd cup of green tea, knowing full well i’ve been fasting for so long all time has blended together and my body has started turning to dark matter as energy
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me: uhhhhhhhhh
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
When people start to like you more after losing weight
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
I’m starting this 10 week challenge. Whose with me?
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I’m starting this and going to try my hardest to continue this for the next 10 weeks. I’m starting today (August 19, 2019) and will do this workout everyday after school. I will eat only dinner (and maybe a small lowkey snack if I feel faint). I will check in every Monday and update you on my consistency, weight, mesurements (when I get a measuring ribbon) and anything else that Id like to. Stay safe, love you :)
August 19 - Weight: 119.4
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
Anyways this is a good luck spell, from your friendly neighborhood Satan. Lose 11 lbs in a week, like to charge reblog to cast.
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
New year new me, say it every year but this year it’s different. Why? Because there’s one person who decides that and it’s you. Only you can choose to make it reality. Say it with me
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bxnespeachy · 5 years
Some tips/ideas
An americano is only 15cals for a venti and is a great energy boost
My fitness pal is an great app and tracks your steps with your phone minusing cals you burn as you walk
Need a snack? skinny pop is popcorn that tastes so good and is 150cals for 3 3/4 cup. Great substitute for chips!
Your body needs time to digest food properly so try to finish eating three hours before bed
Drink a full glass of water before eating and sip one one inbetween bites, remember the brain needs 20mins to register that you’re full
Fiber!!! It’s great for digestive health and low cals
Eat higher calorie foods earlier in the day so you have more time to burn them off
For motivation save $1 for every meal you don’t have, then reward yourself with a non food present (like those new cute clothes that finally fit you)
To keep suspicion off your ed, don’t eat in secret!! Eat what you do in front of people
When you have stomach pangs picture your stomach eating away at your fat, picture it that’s what you’re feeling
Stay safe✨✨
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