c00kies-voices · 2 months
It was 2 am when I made this lol
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c00kies-voices · 6 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
City Guard: What do you three have to say for yourselves?
Serana: ...
Cicero: ...
Dinah: Oops?
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c00kies-voices · 7 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Toxin: I have never said fuck before and I refuse to ever say it!
Toxin: ...
Toxin: ...
Toxin: ...
Toxin: Oh No
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c00kies-voices · 8 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Brelyna: is this seat taken?
Rainair: That’s my lap.
Brelyna: that doesn’t answer my question.
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c00kies-voices · 8 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Serana: Why are you like this?
Dinah: I used too much "No More Tears" shampoo as a kid and I haven't felt a single emotion since.
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c00kies-voices · 8 months
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I found most of these on Google.
If you have more you'd like to see you can tag me in them :3
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c00kies-voices · 8 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Rainair: I wouldn't need to learn to manage my anger if more people would learn to manage their stupidity.
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c00kies-voices · 8 months
Q: How do the ocs feel about Miraak?
Toxin: Toxin viewed Miraak the same way Paarthurnax viewed Alduin. A brother on the opposite side forced to kill the other to survive.
Toxin did everything in his power to save Miraak from his fate but in the end it wasn't enough. It haunts Toxin to this day.
Dinah: Dinah was drawn to the fact that there was another Dragonborn like her. Maybe she could convince him to train her. She just had to work her charismatic charm.
The only hiccup... the Dragons in her head wanted him dead.
Rainair: Rainair saw him as an annoyance. Rainair didn't even want to be Dragonborn in the first place so for Miraak to send cultists after him, it was just another thing to add on to his very full plate.
Gamoar: He went to Solstheim purely out of spite. Send cultists after his new title why don't you. Call yourself the true Dragonborn. Nope. Not letting that slide.
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Sylgja: Hey Hey. What do bees make?
Toxin: Honey?
Sylgja: Yes dear ;)
Onmund: Hey, what do bees make?
Gamoar: Some stupid annoying sound. What do you want?
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Dinah: I’m kinda in love with someone
Serana: Just rip the bandage off
Dinah: It’s you, Serana
Serana: Put the bandage back on
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Jordis, trying to help Toxin in the middle of battle: To the left!
Toxin: Take it back now y'all!
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Cicero: You've heard of elf on a shelf now get ready for...
Cicero: *places a pot on serana's head* A thot in a pot!
Serana baring her fangs: Well Get Ready For A Bitch In A Ditch!
Dinah: nO!
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Toxin: Lydia told me Santa wasn't real.
Toxin: Well joke's on her because I'm at the mall right now and guess who's here?!
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Mjoll: *eating cookies after the kids go to bed*
Dinah: The kids are gonna be pissed if there's no cookies for Santa because you ate them all.
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Q: Do my ocs believe in Santa?
Toxin: He believes Santa is a belief. That anyone can be kind and take on the anonymous title.
Dinah: Yes 100%. No one told her that he was fake while she was at the Asylum. Besides there are talking cat people and tons of gods/aedra/daedra. Why wouldn't he be real?
Rainair: No, and he was taught that the tradition was idiotic. If Rainair were to adopt any kids he might be inclined to try and let them experience what he couldn't.
Gamoar: No but Onmund insisted on passing on the tradition for their kids. Gamoar, although confused, agreed. But he also adds a bunch of lore to Santa as he sees fit. (Example Santa has a flaming sword to slay the evil Krampus. And Krampus steals the sun away which is why its so cold. Stuff like that.)
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
[All my ocs playing a board game together]
Toxin: I will put 'A' down to make 'A'.
Gamoar: I will add onto your 'A' to make 'AT'.
Dinah: I will add onto your 'AT' to make 'RAT'.
Rainair: I will add onto your 'RAT' to make 'BIOSTRATIGRAPHY'.
Gamoar: *flips the board*
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c00kies-voices · 9 months
Incorrect Skyrim Quotes
Dinah: I like your top Aerin
Mjoll: I have a name you know
Aerin: Why are you like this
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