caballeropanchito · 3 years
I've always wanted to have the chance to rp with your Della, but never had the right muses for her- So I hope this short banter doesn't bother you !! :// @moonmiissed
"Ah !!" A soft gasp, practically sprinting forward and grabbing hold of the woman's hands, shaking them in greeting rather quickly. One would assume this rooster had downed a whole six pack of redbull, but - Nope !! That's just Panchito on a normal day.
"Hola, ¡gusto conocerte! -It is a pleasure to meet you, I have heard tons of wonderful things about you from my best friend, your brother, Donal'! Mi nombre es Panchito Romero Miguel Juniper Francisco Quintero Gonzales---
But my friends call me Panchito." Smile crosses from cheek to cheek.
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caballeropanchito · 3 years
Hola hola, I've been contemplating making a blog for my mans Panchito for a solid year now, and I finally decided to stop beating around the bush and just going for it !! As per usual, I'm godawful at making promos but here I go at it again.
I'm always open for banters with OCs or Canon characters, crossovers and AUs are always welcome as well. My portrayal of my Hot Cheeto Puff is mostly coming from the movie and comics, as well as my rps throughout my time playing as him, so give him a chance and expect to receive a totally dorky guy.
Lastly, I will follow back from my main blog @strugglechamp
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