cabochonsscribbles · 10 months
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Shadow and bone cover book I made!! (Fandmade)
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cabochonsscribbles · 11 months
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I did a bigger piece from a darklina fanart I made, based on a post from @starlesszova 💫
book darklina version again!
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
The Darkling decided early on how much he would disclose to Alina about his plans for the coup based on a conversation they had on the way to the palace.
I like to look back at this scene from Shadow and Bone that takes place after Alina was seconds away from being killed by a Fjerdan assassin. She denies that she is Grisha, pointing to her plain and scrawny appearance for proof of her certainty and Aleksander responds with a remark about how Alina doesn’t understand what being Grisha even means.
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It’s a telling scene because it shows just how surface-level Alina’s view of Grisha is. To her, Grisha are shiny, beautiful and strong and they are prioritized over the common folk soldiers she once belonged with. Of course, Aleksander knows that there is so much more to being Grisha than just beauty, but realizes that there’s so much to unpack with Alina’s statement he doesn’t even know where to start.
This exchange explains one of the reasons why he didn’t disclose his true plans to Alina, much less his ultimate secret. If Alina has such a shallow understanding of Grisha identity, she will also have a shallow understanding of just how much is at stake in this conflict. Alina is no ordinary Grisha, so it hasn’t quite sunk in that she has skin in the game and is more significant than she realizes. Her denial of her Grisha identity (despite obvious evidence proving otherwise) Alina is staunch in her assertion that she is just a normal girl. It is that same denial that tells Aleksander that Alina cannot be viewed as reliable just yet, time needs to be taken to teach her a better understanding of the Grisha first.
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This next exchange is the second reason why Aleksander doesn’t tell her. Although Alina herself may not have said that superstition out loud, but it demonstrates how Alina was exposed to those views during her formative years. It raises his suspicion that Alina may hold some remnants of the Serf’s ideas and perhaps compels him to think ahead to assess if this could grow into a potential threat. He ABSOLUTELY cannot tell her the truth anytime soon if there is even the slightest possibility that she believes that he’s soulless and “truly evil”. If Alina snitched on him, his entire operation could be shut down for good and set the Grisha back decades. Not to mention the fact that it could get a lot of Grisha killed.
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“You didn’t hurt his feelings.” Dear Reader, this was only the beginning of Alina denying Aleksander’s humanity in order to avoid taking responsibility for her prejudice and to avoid the complex reality of the situation. You can almost hear the incorrect answer buzzer go off in Aleksander’s mind as Alina tells him her answer, I can almost feel his pure disappointment through the page.
Because Aleksander poses an important question that reveals one of Alina’s central conflicts that will continue throughout the trilogy. Alina is still deeply uncomfortable with the idea of Grisha powers after spending her life among people who call them unnatural and strange. To the point that it wasn’t just the fact that the assassin was sliced in two that bothered her, but because of the magic that sliced him. Why on earth would he trust her with his greatest secret when she reacts with such hesitation? He was testing her to gauge how long it would be before Alina could be trusted as an ally to Grisha and received an answer that told him it might take a while. If Alina can’t handle her the idea of her own powers, she cannot be trusted with a secret that could determine the future of Ravka.
I don’t know about you, but I fully believe that Aleksander had every intention of telling Alina the truth, it’s just that prioritizing his personal relationship with her over the safety of his people was a risk he couldn’t take. This gets a bit muddled later on because Alina’s narration seems to care more about her personal feelings of betrayal than the consequences this plan could have on the country. She never takes a moment to look at the bigger picture and consider the consequences of her reckless actions.
I know that I’m just breaking the scene down and explaining what’s happening in it, but it truly is such an informative scene that hints at a potentially fascinating storyline.
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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Shadow & Bone
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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Sun Conjunct Jupiter April 11, 2023 The Sun brings highlights. It sheds light and illuminates.
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
Married Darklina where they have embroidery like these on their keftas. Moon for Alina's and Sun for Aleksander's
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
Watching Alina and Aleksander fight by each others side with their light and dark powers and obliterate their enemies together would've been GLORIOUS but sigh
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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“Something black that pooled and curled through the air like ink in water.” - Shadow & Bone // Chapter Three
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
I can't remember if you were in charge of the Ravkan alphabet as well, but any chance we could get a "Make me your villain" in the correct translation/characters?
I did, and you bet! That would be:
Pyele ma chayan drovnikan.
And this is what it would look like in the script:
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Thanks for the ask!
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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Let me carry the hatred of this world. Because of the choices you made. Choices you too will make… in time. I will never walk your path. I know you believe that now. But soon…Soon you will have no equal. The years spent alone will grind you down, they will harden you. And who will be there to shield you from it? Who will be there to save you? I will save myself.
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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The world doesn’t need a Saint to protect it. It needs a monster. And while I remain… Let me be your monster. You think that after everything, I’d still stand by you? There is no light without darkness. Without me, you have no counter, no balance. Let me carry the hatred of this world. Hatred. Because of the choices you made. Choices you too will make… in time. I will never walk your path. I know you believe that now. But soon… Soon you will have no equal. The years spent alone will grind you down, they will harden you. And who will be there to shield you from it? Who will be there to save you? I will save myself. Your legacy is already written. There is no redemption. Leave her alone! No! You can’t control them, can you? You can’t control any of it.
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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Darklina in Season 2 + Book Quotes
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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«Fine. Make me your villain»
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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cabochonsscribbles · 1 year
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The Darkling + faceless (alternativ version)
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