cafemoony · 1 year
The Seven Seas and Beyond - [act i] reunion
» description
as the daughter of the grand duke, you never expected to be an outlaw. however, an impulsive decision, including saving a pirate from the most infamous crew, leads you to go on the run and join said group. now you are forced to navigate the stormy seas with eight wanted men by your side as obstacle after obstacle tries to prevent your group's happy ending.
» pairing
ot8 pirate! ateez x fem! noble! reader
» genre
fluff, angst, pirate au, slowburn
» chapter warnings
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Rumours are everywhere, especially in the world of the rich. They can be harmful, preying and devouring their victims until they are nothing but a shadow of their past selves. Conversely, they could raise someone onto higher pedestals, lifting them and creating an image of who everyone would want to be. There was a particular rumour that floated around you, ever since you were a young girl, that could be viewed as good or bad. They said you knew everything, from simple arithmetic questions to predictions on the future of certain people, you knew it all. So why is it, for all the knowledge and wisdom people claimed you had, that you could not think about what to do now that you see your childhood friend in front of you, about to be executed for being a member of an infamous pirate crew?
The morning started sombre, as it usually does within the [l/n] household. Today marked a decade since Choi San absconded, the person who had been your best friend in your youth. In all your memories with him, the sun had always been shining as the two of you ran around hand-in-hand, the wind blowing your hair behind you and bright smiles adorning both of your faces. Ever since he left, it felt like nothing but rainstorms and hail. 
You had a very busy and packed schedule today, one that would take a toll on you physically and mentally. Overseeing an execution, no matter how guilty the other party was, would always drain you of energy like a greedy little vampire hungry for blood. Despite this, you chose to wake up early, even before dawn so you could head to your latibule. This was a place your mother had shown you and the only other person to have been here besides the two of you was San, thus, making it the perfect hang-out spot for when you were children. It also made it the most fitting place to let him go. 
You clung to hope that he would one day return for you, but now at the age of 23, you realize that he most likely wouldn’t. You would soon inherit the [l/n] Dukedom and it was time for you to leave the shadows of your past behind, including the friend that abandoned you. Even though this was your goal, you couldn’t bring yourself to let go of that silver pendant so all you left behind at the old Aehulkonet tree was your friendship ring. 
On the trip down to the capital to start your official business, it had started to rain and the world seemed to be weeping for the lost friendship. You had brought along a parasol, having predicted that it would rain later in the day based on the clouds. You took your time, pulling your fur jacket tighter against you while savouring what little freedom you still had left.
Upon reaching the capital, you weren’t shocked to see the amount of people surrounding the town square. Today’s execution was special in the eyes of the Lycoris Empire. A pirate from the Ateez crew had been captured and brought in for punishment. This specific pirate crew is notorious for constantly stealing from the nobles and even the royals. There were tales of them committing sexual assault, child slavery, and even murder. All in all, they were very detestable beings. 
You knew what to expect. This would be another old haggard pirate in their late 50s, with crooked teeth and a hook for a hand. Pirate execution was commonplace in the capital with how many of them were crawling around. This was just another unfortunate fool that got caught. So imagine your surprise when you were greeted by the striking face of a man in his early 20s, with full lips and platinum blond hair. And despite all those years apart, you could recognize those sharp eyes anywhere. That was Choi San and you would be damned if you let him die before you got answers.
It took you a while to gain your wits once again, your brain scrambling to formulate a plan. Seeing him chained up was a vast contrast to his normally cheery face and combined with the shock of seeing him after so long, you had been shaken up. You schooled your shocked face back to the one of practiced apathy. Straightening your back and raising your head, your presence demanded respect and caused the sea of people to immediately part ways for you. Marching your way to the front of the crowd, you refused to let yourself waver even as San’s shocked eyes met your own cold ones.
“Release him.” Your command shocked everyone and for a moment there was a stunned silence before chaos erupted. 
“What the fuck do you mean ‘release him’?!”
“How could you side with a monster like him?!”
The crowd fell silent the second you raised your hand, stern and apathetic eyes scanned the rows of people who filled the snowy streets. “I have personal issues with this one. He had stolen something very valuable from me and I want it back. I don’t care whether you want him to die today, he will perish when I say so and that will be when I receive what I have lost from him.” You left no room for argument, not like anyone would dare go against you anyway.
Turning your gaze to the guards, you gestured for them to bring him to you. They did so shakily, handing you the chain connected to his cuffs. San’s astonished expression had yet to leave his face, dark brown eyes staring at you like you were some otherworldly saviour, which in his case, you supposed you were. You yanked hard on his chain, snapping him out of his stupor and causing him to stumble. Tsking, you turned heel and left with him trailing behind you.
You brought him through an alleyway before promptly turning and unlocking his chains. As they fell to the ground, you stared directly into his eyes. “You are going to take me to your ship and you are going to convince your captain to let me join your crew, understood?”
San stuttered, trying to process what happened. “Huh? W-wait, wha- Y-you want to join? Aren’t you mad?” You snorted, an action you knew your stepmother would hit you for using her fan. 
“Of course I am. I’m pissed actually,” you stated as you started to drag him toward the ports, “You didn’t even say goodbye before you ran off and when I see you again, you’re a wanted criminal? You're an absolute bastard and I detest you. I can’t believe you turned your back on the kingdom to become a pirate of all things.”
(Despite what you said, you could never really hate San. You just loathed the fact that you still cared for him, even after he abandoned you first.)
San followed you willingly, tilting his head in the manner you always adored. “Then why did you help me? And why would you want to join me?” You rolled your eyes, spinning around and shoving him against the cold stone walls of the building behind him. 
“Because,” you emphasized this by jabbing your finger on his chest, “I’ll be wanted too for freeing you. Bitchass royals are going to see this as treason even if I said I had personal issues with you and would punish you myself. So in return for saving you, you are going to help me join your crew to ensure my safety and give me answers to why you fucking left without a damn word.” Normally, you wouldn’t swear, it wasn’t how you were raised but today had been a rollercoaster of emotions and you had to let it out somehow.
San blinked before laughing, finding your profanity funny. “Alright, alright, I owe you that much.” Taking your hand, delicately just like he did in the past, he started pulling you along in the opposite direction you were going in. “Also, you were headed the wrong way.”
You huff, the air condensing where you let out a breath. “Smartass. Shut up and focus on getting us there before we both get caught and executed. 
San led you through the winding alleyways with expertise only found in people who frequented the area and despite the life-threatening danger looming above the two of you, you couldn’t help but feel nostalgic, transported back to times of your youth. Often, when you were stressed and needed a break from classes, San would sneak you out of your manor and bring you to the capital. In order to avoid detection by your guards, you guys would traverse the shadows and alleys, places that no one would expect the two of you to be. It was during those times that you could let go and be free, San’s warm hands and bright smile sending a fuzzy feeling through you. You wished you could go back to those times.
One of the places you two discovered was a river that led out to the ocean. It was a discreet location that the authorities didn’t know about. You supposed this was the reason San had gotten his crew to dock the ship here. 
(You hated the fact that you felt upset that this was no longer a secret only you and San knew about.)
His ship was beautiful, vastly different from what you imagined it to be. Tales told by the townsfolk always depicted it to be old, falling apart like a ghost ship. It shocked you to see a well-maintained vessel towering over you, the main body made of oakwood and the black flags well taken care of. “Beautiful, isn’t she? We named her Destiny.” San spoke up and instantly your mood dampened at the knowledge of the name.
(He used to call you Destiny and playfully claimed you were his past, present, and future. It left a bitter taste in your mouth knowing that he used to call you the same thing he does his ship.)
You scoffed and threw your head to the side, unwilling to let him see how hurt you were by that name. “Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, I suppose. I’ve seen far better and grander ships.” You ignored San’s knowing smile. You were sure that San still understood you inside out even with the decade apart. That cheeky grin was because he knew you actually preferred rustic and simple vessels, having had enough of the blinding white ships covered head to toe with glittering diamonds. A highly unnecessary display of the wealth the nobles had to throw around.
“SAN!” You startled. A blur crashed into San, entrapping him in a hug. The only thing you can distinguish from this person is that they were a male and he had black hair. Oh, and he was currently crying and sobbing out words between sniffles that you could not make out. You eyed the rather pitiful display in front of you with San desperately trying to soothe the distraught man who was currently rubbing snot and tears all over San’s clothes, ruining them. Though, admittedly, his clothes weren’t all that nice to begin with…
You allowed them a moment, figuring that this was one of San’s friends from his crew. You weren’t heatless enough to deprive the two of them of much-needed relief no matter how much you hated San at the moment.
(You really didn’t hate him. It’s just you’ve become a very petty being who knows how to hold her grudges.)
Eventually, you had enough and figured it was time to get moving. The mystery man’s cries could easily alert the hunting dogs the Royal Guards owned and you didn’t want to risk getting caught. It would be a shame to save one person only to have three recaptured. 
Clearing your throat, you drew attention to yourself when you started to speak. “While I hate to disrupt this touching reunion, I must remind you of the guards currently on our tail. This can surely be continued elsewhere,” you dryly said with a rather monotone voice.
Whipping around, the raven-haired male glared at you and untangled himself from San in favour of standing in front of him defensively. You found that rather amusing. In what way did he think an unarmed female donning a 14-pound dress, a thick fur coat and heels could take him and San down? Then again, looks deceive people. Your stepmother was a prime example of that. It also didn’t help that you have a leather pouch strapped on your right thigh. So yeah, thinking about it, you could understand the mistrust. It didn’t make it any less funny though.
“Who the fuck are you?” He growled out, hand reaching for the sword strapped to his side. San was quick to pull him back.
“Woo, it’s fine! Don’t hurt her!” ‘Woo’ glanced back at his comrade in confusion and disbelief. San backtracked and quickly explained, “[y/n] was the one to get me out of there.” The other male blinked, looking back and forth between you and San quickly.
“[y/n]?” He tentatively asked, voice going into a low whisper as if your name was a forbidden word. To pirates, it probably was considering your bad reputation amongst them. “As in [y/n] [l/n]?”
San nodded and you hated the way your eyes immediately locked onto his smile as he happily exclaimed that you were his childhood friend. You also hated how warm and gooey you felt seeing ‘Woo’ slowly brightening up as San explained what happened. This wasn’t a feeling you were used to feeling anymore. It’s been a full decade since you’ve felt those familiar butterflies and you loathe that you’re feeling this for the person who abandoned you and a complete stranger. The warmth turns to bitter cold as you begin to contemplate whether it would be fine to try and stay with the Ateez crew. You don’t know how you will act with these emotions running through you and you detest not knowing things.
You snap out of your thoughts when the ravenette’s higher-pitched voice starts to speak to you. You look at him to see sparkling, grateful eyes as he happily tells you his name. “My name is Jung Wooyoung! Thank you so much for saving this doofus!” You blink as the feeling returns, washing away your negative thoughts. Maybe it won’t be so bad after all.
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Taglist: @marievllr-abg
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cafemoony · 1 year
» welcome! what can I get for you?
custom orders: open!
» disclaimer
First of all, I want to state that as of now, I only post on Tumblr. If you see any of my work being posted anywhere else, please inform me and report it. If I choose to upload on other platforms, I will inform you guys here. If I have said nothing about any other platforms, that is not me. Thank you.
Second of all, as of now, I will not write smut. I don't feel comfortable writing a full chapter or one shot for it. There may be some spicy scenes but I will never explicitly write smut. Do not ask me to do that. You will be blocked. Aside from that, you can request pretty much anything.
Third of all, I will only write for the fandoms listed below in the masterlist. Please do not ask for something from another fandom as I will not know how to write it and the request will be ignored. You can request crossovers between the fandoms listed. Thank you.
» key
fluff - ♡ // angst - 🌢 // series - ◇ // one-shots - ◆ // completed - ❖
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The Seven Seas and Beyond - ♡, 🌢, ◇
pairing: ot8 pirate! ateez x fem! noble! reader
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⁙ BTS ⁙
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
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⟬Coming Soon...⟭
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⟬Coming Soon...⟭
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⟬Coming Soon...⟭
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cafemoony · 1 year
The Seven Seas and Beyond - masterlist
» description
as the daughter of the grand duke, you never expected to be an outlaw. however, an impulsive decision, including saving a pirate from the most infamous crew, leads you to go on the run and join said group. now you are forced to navigate the stormy seas with eight wanted men by your side as obstacle after obstacle tries to prevent your group's happy ending.
» pairing
ot8 pirate! ateez x fem! noble! reader
» genre
fluff, angst, pirate au, slowburn
» warnings
violence, gore, swearing, death, mentioned sex trade, mentioned sexual assault, mentioned child abuse and neglect, kidnapping, slavery, alcohol consumption, mental health issues ‼ trigger warnings will be included at the beginning of every chapter. if you feel uncomfortable with any of these topics, I suggest you click off now.
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⁙ Main Story ⁙
prologue - before
act i - sea of answers
sometimes the truth isn't always apparent. after rescuing a pirate, [y/n] discovers the lies the kingdom has been teaching and must navigate a storm of deceit and betrayal.
1. reunion ⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act ii - sea of desire
loyalty is rare in an age of nobles and pirates. the crew wonders where [y/n]'s allegiance lies when offered a deal from the navy.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act iii - sea of promises
when multiple promises are broken, chaos ensues. in the midst of it all, the boys fear that she won't survive.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act iv - sea of eternal sunshine
finally, away from the navy, the crew can relax and possibly even fall in love. however, this is only the calm before the storm.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act v - sea of illusions
every action has consequences. when the boys inexplicably fall in love with someone else, [y/n] must break the curse to get them back.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act vi - sea of deja vu
as they near wonderland, their pasts come back to haunt them. confronted by the terrors of their pasts, they must brave the storm to get to paradise.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
act vii - sea of dreamers
having finally arrived at their destination, the crew's love for each other is tested. when the group is split, [y/n] is left to question whether this place is worth the pain.
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
beyond the seas
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
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⁙ Another Point of View... ⁙
the captain
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the quartermaster
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the navigator
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the medic
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the striker
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the master gunner
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the chef
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
the master-at-arms
⟬Coming Soon...⟭
142 notes · View notes
cafemoony · 1 year
The Seven Seas and Beyond - [prologue] before
» description
as the daughter of the grand duke, you never expected to be an outlaw. however, an impulsive decision, including saving a pirate from the most infamous crew, leads you to go on the run and join said group. now you are forced to navigate the stormy seas with eight wanted men by your side as obstacle after obstacle tries to prevent your group's happy ending.
» pairing
ot8 pirate! ateez x fem! noble! reader
» genre
fluff, angst, pirate au, slowburn
» chapter warnings
mentions of death, mentions of child abuse (in the form of assassinations)
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You sat cradled in the branches of the Aehulkonet tree located at the top of a mountain overseeing the kingdom you belong to. Shivering lightly, you pull your fluffy jacket tighter around yourself. It was winter, and though the rest of the scenery was covered in a thick blanket of white, the tree you perched upon still displayed vibrant colours of purple and pink in the form of its leaves. Up here, you could see the entirety of the Lycoris Empire. This was the one place you could go and escape your duties.
As the eldest daughter of the grand duke, you had many responsibilities. Your father cared not for your own wishes, only wanting you to follow in his footsteps. While your stepmother always agreed with him, you knew she hated you and wished for your downfall. She had her own daughter after all, and said daughter barely had any power within the dukedom compared to you. Your days were filled with classes, paperwork, attending noble events, and of course, assassination attempts on your life, courtesy of your vile stepmother. It hadn’t always been like this.
You had once been a dreamer, thinking of many fantastical things. Your biological mother encouraged your curiosity and imagination. She was your main source of happiness, aside from your best friend. With them by your side, your flame was never tampered with.
And then, your mother died. It was so sudden. She was ill, yes, but she had been on the road to recovery. It was only a few days after her death that your father brought in another woman, one who was suspiciously pregnant. You never realized it at the time but now that you were older, you could tell she was the one to kill your mother in order to become grand duchess and seize power through her unborn child. At the tender age of 8, you stopped dreaming and your flame wavered.
Now left without your mother’s protection, you were forced into multiple classes, training and practicing until you fell over from exhaustion. Things only got worse when your best friend Choi San left.
Looking down at the pendant in your hand, the only thing you have left of him, you reminisce about the day of his disappearance. The two of you shared everything with each other, from food to toys to secrets. So you found it weird when he failed to show up at your manor to hang out, especially with how rare it was for you to have time to play around. You shrugged it off, thinking it might have been his father who stopped him. Marquess Choi had always been rather strict about finishing his studies first. You waited, expecting him to show up later at the door with a bouquet of your favourite flowers as an apology. He never showed up.
It wasn’t until days later that you would find out he ran away, leaving you with nothing but his silver pendant. At the age of 13, you lost your best friend and your flame went out.
Now 23, you sit at the top of the mountain, the very place you had sworn eternity to each other. This would be the last time you would come. When the winter ends, your father will officially hand the duke’s title down to you. You let out a tired sigh, a cloud forming in the freezing air from your breath. Hopping down, you start your long trek down. You had a long day ahead of you and the first order of business was to head to the center of the capital to oversee the execution of an infamous pirate.
As you left, the sun peaked out from behind the clouds, shining rays down upon a ring that was left behind. Engraved on the piece of jewelry, were the words “together forever” and a crack had formed, splitting the words apart. This ring would soon be buried beneath a mountain of snow.
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