caged-swallow · 8 years
Hey, everyone! It’s been a while, and I felt bad for not posting anything lately, so here’s a short recording of what I’ve been up to lately: Watashi no Uso from Shigatsu C:
 I’m still working on it, so it’s not perfect by any means (sorry if I disappointed anyone). Casually recording my piano playing once is less stressful than recording a bajillion times to get the perfect recording, so I will probably be doing that more often from now on. In other words, be prepared to hear my mess-ups more often :P
I hope, with more practice, I will eventually polish this piece and record it again without flustering too much.
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caged-swallow · 8 years
I never would have thought people would enjoy my mini cover of “Wind Scene” from a while back. Thank you for all of your support! Knowing that there are people out there who enjoy my amateur piano skills makes me really happy and even more motivated to improve. c:
I actually finished learning Wind Scene, but I completely forgot to record it. I’ll try to get to that whenever school gets less hectic. Meanwhile, here’s my attempt at playing “Dango Daikazoku” from Clannad. 
I hesitated in some parts, so I know that is definitely something I should work on in the future. I also had some trouble playing emotionally, so if you have any suggestions for that, please share them! And of course, constructive criticism is always welcome.
Thank you again for your support!
90 notes · View notes
caged-swallow · 9 years
Here’s my debut on Tumblr. c:
Although this is still incomplete and has tempo issues, I just wanted to share what I have so far.
154 notes · View notes