caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Woohoo, nice find! Good thrift store finds are the best. Plus, you can never have too many swim suits is my philosophy. I was actually thinking of taking my son down to the beach this weekend. You’re welcome to tag along or maybe we’ll see you out there. I’m Cait, by the way. 
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I’m so excited. I found a super cute swim suit at the thrift store for super cheap. It fit perfectly and now I can go to the beach all the time! Who wants to go swimming with me?
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Well, he did succeed in that! I’m also less bothered by the comment now that it’s been like two days. I think I was just tired and cranky and probably a little bit oversensitive. In other words, Grumpy Cat Cait, as my friends used to call me. 
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I think you look nice, I think he just wanted to brighten your day more than anything
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
I definitely appreciate his gesture, the roses are currently bringing some much needed brightness to my kitchen. Days, weeks... it all blends together. I definitely feel like I need an eye mask or some cold spoons or whatever that trick is to get rid of under eye bags. 
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That was very sweet of him to do that. Flowers given are always sweet even if the reasoning behind it isn’t the most subtle. I would not say from the picture at least that you look tired but then again, who doesn’t have their days when we are a little exhausted. 
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
You’re right. I feel like nowadays people often underestimate the good old fashioned power of getting someone flowers. A three hour nap sounds like a dream. But my son is at the age where he claims he hates naps. He’s got probably another like 13 years before he understands that naps are a luxury. 
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That was nice of him. Flowers are always a nice way to cheer someone up. As for looking tired? You do look a bit exhausted. I think you could probably use a good nap. Not a short half hour one either. A nice two to three hour one.
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Yayyy, the crap ton of makeup on my face is working! Hah, in all seriousness though, thanks. I appreciate it! There’s nothing really like a stranger commenting on your appearance to make you cringe a little bit, even though I know he didn’t mean it maliciously.
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That was nice of him, but I think you look really pretty! 
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
It was definitely very sweet and well intentioned, even if I was a little taken aback at first. It reminds me to try to do little nice things like that for people. I can’t remember the last time I’ve been to a spa. I think like four years ago or something at least at this point. A massage sounds like heaven right now though.
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Oh my gosh, that’s awesome! I wish a random person would give me a bunch of roses to brighten up my day. Hhmm, I’m not sure if you do but it sounds like you are in need of a good spa session!
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
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Stopped by the farmer’s market today and this man who was selling flowers gave me a bunch of roses because he said I looked tired and like I needed something to brighten my day. He was right, I did, and he succeeded in brightening my day because who doesn’t love some beautiful roses, but do I really look that tired? 
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
At this point, I have so many split ends I think a stylist would have a heart attack. I got used to wearing my hair in a ponytail a lot actually because when my son was a little younger he would sometimes pull it. Not intentionally to hurt obviously, but I got used to having to keep it out of the way. 
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Keila & Caitlyn
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Where do your parents live? Maybe you can pay home a visit, even if you don’t get to travel out of the country like originally planned. My mom was never exactly the... call and say she misses me type, so I say take full advantage of that. Nah, I’m not going anywhere. You’re stuck with me, it would seem. 
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Caitlyn & Skander
Aha! I knew it! I could visit them on my own, but my primary intent is to spend time with my parents. My mother has called me quite a few times just to mention that she misses me terribly, so it would be a shame to spend more time away from my parents. Glad you have some free time, I was beginning to think you left without saying goodbye.
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Oh shoot, well I’m glad that he or she is feeling better! I bet those animals are like your babies, so I’m sure that must have been a challenge. I actually got a surprise from work and they gave me Sunday off for Mother’s Day even though I had originally agreed to work the closing shift. So now I’m feeling a lot more alive. Sleep is an amazing thing, I should get reacquainted with it. 
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Caitlyn & Sophie
Yes, everything was okay with me, so you don’t have to worry there! There was just something up with one of the animals that I work with, but we’re back and normal and the like. I hope everything’s okay with your little one! I know you’re busy, and juggling work and a kid can be a lot so, it’s completely understandable! All the same, I’m super glad that you’re back!
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
My weekend was pretty good, I really can’t complain. I spent a lot of it asleep to be honest, since I got Sunday off. Catching up on all the sleep I have unfortunately been lacking. How about you? Did you do anything fun? 
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Hi, Cait.. thanks so much for the welcome. I love it so far.  How was your weekend?
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Okay, just double checking. You never know with how personally people sometimes take things. I used to be really good at putting my foot in my mouth and saying things people take the wrong way so now I tend to err on the side of caution.
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Yeah, girl. I’m messing with you. Honestly, I’m not a very serious person. 
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
So what are those future plans? Sometimes that’s a scary question, so sorry if it is. Bring Jace? Is this a three year old friendly party? Shouldn’t you be getting crazy to celebrate graduating? 
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Caitlyn & Boyce
 Thank you so much! Well, you missed the graduation, but my party is this Saturday! The reality is still coming, but hasn’t hit just yet. I’m still lost in party plans, future plans, and exhaustion. ahah. You’re more than welcome to come, please and bring the little one!
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
I’ve had both long and short hair, but I think I prefer it longer. But I don’t think I’ve ever actually had a hair stylist that I absolutely love. I’m too picky, I think. So maybe if you’ve got a recommendation.
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Keila & Caitlyn
She is usually really good. I saw her before I went to Denmark. She was trying to convince me on a shorter hairstyle, but I told her no. I like some length in my hair. 
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Hmm, I guess I’ll give it to you. I missed you a little. Could you not visit your other family anyway if your parents aren’t able to go? Or is it more like the point is to have a family trip together? I’ve been pretty good. It’s been a little bit busy but it feels good to have some time to sit down and be a potato in front of the computer again. 
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Caitlyn & Skander
Aw, come on now. I missed you, certainly you had to have missed me at least a little bit. As of right now I have no definitive plans. Might visit my parents and go with them to visit our family out of the country, but they aren’t sure they’ll have the freedom, so I’m not sure that I will be able to. I guess we’ll see. How have you been?
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
Well, you’re so easily likable! It’s easy to be nice to you. Back to normal? What was up? Everything okay? And I’m good. I had to take a little break from the site because real life just had to come first for a little while but it’s good to be back. 
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Caitlyn & Sophie
Aww, you’re always so nice to meeeee! It does look summery, doesn’t it?! I’ve been GREAT! At least now that everything is back to normal and I’m here. How have you been! I’ve missed ya!
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caitlyn-blake-blog · 8 years
One of my professors once tweeted “My fantasy football team is the most incandescent toilet fire.” Like... what could that possibly even mean? I’m sure you’re a lot cooler than that. And I’ve found that this is also the sort of social media where it’s less about like being funny or getting likes and more about actually getting to branch out a bit and meet people, which is really nice. 
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Gah! I am glad you’re on my side. My students are pretty cool with me since I am who I am but they can be viciously curious with other teachers.  But then again, my colleagues usually show their wacky sides on social media! These kids tend to abuse their pirivileges at times which is why sometimes I don’t like making my accounts public at all! Hi Cait! I am Nova and thank you for the welcome.
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