calamitycullen · 28 days
— aesthetic words to fill up your vocabulary ♡
✦ if you're tired of using the same repetitive words to describe feelings or actions on your writing, here are some aesthetic words that are not frequently used to help you evolve your vocabulary better and also maybe help you with creative titles <3
ABENDROT: the color of the sky while the sun is setting.
ABIENCE: the strong urge to avoid someone or something.
ACHROOUS: colourless.
AEQUOREAL: marine, oceanic.
AESTHETE: someone with deep sensitivity to the beauty of art or nature.
ALIFEROUS: having wings.
AMITY: warmth and heartfelt friendliness in a friendship; mutual understanding and a peaceful relationship.
AMORIST: someone who is in love; someone who writes about love.
AMBROSIAL: fragrant, delicious.
ANTHOMANIA: great love for flowers.
AQUAPHILE: someone who is an enthusiast of all things related to the water.
ARENOCOLOUS: living or burrowing in sand.
ASPERSE: change falsely or with malicious intent; attack the good name and reputation of someone.
ASTERISM: agroup of stars; a constellation; a cluster of stars.
ATTAR: essential oil or perfume obtained from flowers.
AUREATE: golden or gilded; brilliant, splendid.
AURICOMUS: with golden or yellow colored foliage.
AVIOTHIC: the strong desire to be up in the air or to fly.
BALTER: to dance artlessly, without particular grace and/or skill but usually with enjoyment.
BATHIC: pertaining to depths, especially of sea.
BELAMOUR: the one who is loved; a beloved person.
BELLICOSTIC: aggressive, belligerent, warlike.
BENEFICENCE: the quality of being kind or helpful or generous.
BERCEUSE: a quiet song intended to lull a child to sleep.
BLÁFAR: indicating the freshness and beauties of youth or health; attractive and possessing charm.
BRONTIDE: the low rumble of a distant thunder.
BURBLE: to speak in an excited manner.
CAELITIS: the divinities who dwell within the celestial planes.
CATHARSIS: the release of emotional tension, especially through kinds of art or music.
CELERITOUS: swift, speedy, fast.
CERAUNOPHILIA: loving thunder and lightning and finding them intensely beautiful.
CHEVELURE: the nebulous tail of a comet.
CINGULOMANIA: a strong desire to hold a person in your arms.
COCCINEOUS: bright red; scarlet.
COCKAIGNE: an imaginary land of luxury and idleness.
CONSTELLATE: to eluster; to compel by stellar influence.
COSMOGYRAL: whirling around the universe.
CORDOLIUM: heartache; heartfelt sorrow.
CORUSCATE: to reflect brillantly, to sparkle.
CRAMOISY: of a crimson color.
CREATURELY: a person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else.
CRYSTALLOMANIA: an obsession with crystals and other crystalline objects.
CHRYSALISM: the amnotic tranquility of being indoors during a thunderstorm.
CLINQUANT: glittering with gold and silver.
CLYSMIC: cleaning, washing.
CUPIDITY: greed for money or possessions.
CYANEOUS: a sky-blue color.
CYNOSURE: guiding star; a object of common interest.
DARKLING: of or related to darkness.
DÉCLASSÉ: having fallen in social status.
DEIFORM: god-like or divine in nature.
DEMERSAL: that lives near the bottom or a body of water.
DESIDERIUM: an ardent longing, as for something lost.
DISPITEOUS: cruel and without mercy.
DOUX: sweet, soft, mild, gentle.
DRACONTINE: belonging to a dragon.
DYSANIA: the state of finding it hard to get out of bed in the morning.
ECCEDENTESIAST: someone who fakes a smile.
EFFLORESCENCE: a period or state of blooming, blossoming.
ELEGY: a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead.
ELEUTHEROPHILIST: someone who advocates free love.
ELYSIAN: beautiful or creative, divinely inspired; peaceful and perfect.
EMACITY: desire or fondness for buying things.
EMPYREAL: pertaining to the sky; celestial.
EPHIALTES: a nightmare; the demon Incubus that supposedly causes a nightmare.
EPICARICACY: the joy that results from others misfortune.
EREMOPHOBIA: the deep fear of stillness, solitude, or deserted places.
ETHEREAL: extremely delicate, light, not of this world.
EUMOIRIETY: happiness due to state of innocence and purity.
FLORENTIS: abounding in flowers; being in bloom and adorned with plentiful flowers.
FREICEADAN: guard, garrison, watch, sentinal.
FULMINATE: cause to explode violently and with loud noise.
FURCIFEROUS: brat; rascally, scandalous.
GLOAMING: twilight, dusk.
GRAME: anger, wrath, scorn; sorrow, grief, misery.
HALCYON: calm and peaceful; happy, prosperous.
HELLION: a rowdy or mischievous person.
HELIOPHILIA: desire to stay in the sun; love of sunlight.
HEAVENIZE: to render like heaven or fit for heaven, to purify and make a holy place or a person.
HENOTIC: promoting harmony or peace.
HIRAETH: a homesickness for a home you can't return to, or that never was.
HOLILY: belonging to or derived from or associated with a divine power.
HYPNAGOGIC: the state immediately before falling asleep.
IGNICOLIST: a worshiper of fire.
ILLECEBROUS: attractive and alluring.
IMPLUVIOUS: soaked with rain.
INCANDESCENCE: light produced by high temperatures.
INCALESCENCE: the property of being warming.
INCENDIARY: designed for the purpose of causing a fire, likely to cause anger or violence.
INEFFABLE: too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words.
INSOUCIANT: free from worry, concern or anxiety.
IRENIC: aiming or aimed at peace, promoting peace.
IRIDESCENT: producing a display of rainbow-like colors.
INVIDIARE: to envy.
ISOLOPHILIA: a strong preference and affection for solitude.
KALOPSIA: the delusion of things being more beautiful than they really are.
KALON: beauty that is more than skin deep.
LACONIC: expressing much in a few words.
LACUNA: a blank space; a missing part.
LATIBULE: a hiding place, a place of safety and comfort.
LAMBENT: to glow or flicker softly. Luminous, light or brilliant.
LIMERENCE: the state of being infatuated with another person.
LONGANIMITY: still suffering while planning revenge.
LOUCHE: disreputable; morally dubious.
LUCELENCE: the state of being fine and beautiful; shining, brilliant.
LUCIFORM: resembling light in appearance; having, in some respects; the nature of qualities of light.
LUMINESCENCE: light produced by chemical, electrical or physiological means.
MALTALENT: the negative emotions of wanting injury or harm to befall someone; a hostile behavior or attitude towards someone considered an enemy.
MARMORIS: the shining surface of the ocean.
MAZARINE: a dark blue color; rich blue or reddish-blue color.
MELIORISM: the belief that the world gets better; the belief that humans can improve the world.
MÉLOMANIE: an excessive and abnormal love and deep attraction to music and melody.
MERCURIAL: subject to sudden or unpredictable changes.
MESMERIC: appealing; drawing attention.
MORDACIOUS: biting or given to biting; biting or sharp in manner; caustic; capable of wounding.
MORPHEAN: of or relating to Morpheus, to dreams, or to sleep.
MOXIE: courage, nerve, determination.
NEBULOCHAOTIC: a state of being hazy and confused.
NEFARIOUS: wicked, villainous, despicable.
NEMESISM: frustration, anger or aggression directed inward, toward oneself and one's way of living.
NERITIC: pertaining to shallow coastal waters.
NOETIC: of or associated with or requiring the use of mind.
NOIRCEUR: the state of being pitch black in color; a state of lacking illumination.
NUBIVAGANT: wandering in the air, moving through the air.
NUMINOUS: spiritual or supernatural; surpassing comprehension or understanding; mysterious.
ONEIRODYNIA: restless, disturbed sleep, characterized by nightmares and sleepwalking.
OPHIOMORMOUS: snake-like.
ORPHIC: mysterious and entrancing, beyond ordinary understanding.
PAVONINE: characteristic of a peacock; resembling the tail of a peacock; as in colors; iridescent.
PETRICHOR: the scent of rain on dry earth.
POIESIS: creation; creative power or ability.
PORPHYROUS: purple; of purple hue.
PLAXONDRY: the mix of introspective nostalgia, sadness, and calmness felt when listening vaporwave and its related genres.
PRATE: to talk excessively and pointlessly.
PROCELLOUS: tempestuous, stormy.
QUIDDITY: the essence of something.
QUIXOTIC: extravagantly chivalrous or romantic; visionary, impractical or impracticable.
RANTIPOLE: a wild, reckless young person; to be wild and reckless.
REDAMANCY: the act of loving the one who loves you; a love returned in full.
REDOLENT: having a strong distinctive fragrance; serving to bring to mind.
REMEANT: coming back, returning.
RESPLENDENT: having brilliant or glowing appearance; dazzling and impressive in appearance through being richly colorful or sumptuous.
REVERIE: a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream.
RODOMEL: juice of roses mixed with honey.
ROSEATE: rose-like; overly optimistic.
RUTILANT: glowing or glittering with red or gold light.
SANGUINEOUS: accompanied by bloodshed.
SASHAY: to strut or move about in an ostentatious or conspicuous manner.
SCIAMACHY: a battle against imaginary enemies; fighting your shadow.
SEQUACIOUS: lacking independence of originality of thought.
SERAPHIC: beautiful and pure; having a sweet nature befitting an angel or a cherub; of or relating to an angel of the first order.
SERENDIPITY: finding something good without looking for it.
SKINT: having little or no money avaliable.
SOLIVAGANT: someone who wanders or travels the world alone; a solitary adventurer.
SOMNIATE: to dream, to make sleepy.
SORTIGER: delivering prophecies of the future; having the qualities of being oracular.
STELLIFEROUS: having or abonding with stars.
STELLIFY: to transform from an earthly body into a celestial body; to place in the sky as such.
SUCCIDUOUS: ready to fall, falling.
SPUME: a white mass of bubbles or froth on the top of a wave.
SYNODIC: relating to or involving the conjunction of stars, planets or other celestial objects.
TARANTISM: the uncontrollable urge to dance.
TEMENOS: a sacred circle where no one can be oneself without fear.
THANATOPHOBIA: fear of death.
TYYNEYS: the state of peacefulness; absent of worry or fear, being composed and at ease.
ULTRAMARINE: beyond the sea; greenish-blue color.
VELLEITY: a wish or inclination not strong enough to lead to action.
VENERATION: a profound emotion inspired by a deity.
VESPERTINE: in or of the evening; setting at the same time as, or just after, the sun.
VERDANT: with plants and flowers in abundance.
VERMEIL: a liquid composition applied to a gilded surface to give luster to the gold.
VERTICORDIOUS: to turn the heart from evil.
VIOLESCENT: tending toward violet color.
VORFREUDE: the joyful anticipation that comes from imagining future pleasures.
WANDERLUST: a strong desire to travel and explore the world.
WHIST: to hush or silence; to still, to become still.
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cerezzzita©, 2022 · all rights reserved
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calamitycullen · 3 years
You're HC's of the Cullen gang getting into hilarious hijinx is amazing! Please tell me you have fics that you can link! I would love to read a fic with all these together! I'm serious! I would read the shit out of that you are an amazing writer!!!
Thank you so much for these they are a joy!
i adore you, you wonderful human being <3 you have made my day! i have been considering starting writing fics but have yet to find the time, if i do you’ll be the first to know :) for now i’m going to get back to writing headcanons, i appreciate your sweet words about my writing (which i am working very hard on improving!) more thank you know. have a lovely night, thank you for the inspiration !
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calamitycullen · 3 years
emmet and jasper in: going to the movies because it seemed like a good idea at the time ft. edward
- esme and carlisle made a mutual agreement that the boys needed to spend time with each other in a way that didn’t involve ripping each other’s heads off for sport
- or mutilating animals in the woods
- and that’s exactly how the three of them ended up at the movie theater together against their will on a friday evening
- the real battle began when they were trying to decide which movie to see
- “how about charlie’s angels? one of the actresses in it looks just like bell-”
- edward was silenced by an empty popcorn bucket to the head, courtesy of emmett
- “hey, how about we catch the rerun of butch cassidy and the sundance kid? bet you like all that western shit, eh jazzy boy?”
- “for the last time emmett, i was not a cowboy or a bank robber and i didn’t live in the goddamn west and if you ever call me jazzy boy again-”
- they ended up seeing some new horror movie because they were in the mood for some laughs
- emmett insisted on getting popcorn, reasons unbeknownst until he started pelting edward with the kernels five minutes into the film
- “jazz do you feel that? i think the squirrels are back.”
- “shut it, edward.”
- edward eventually figured out what was going on and war ensued
- they both wanted jasper to pick sides but he was having none of it
- he was trying to concentrate on how the killer could’ve improved in every area of his murders
- things get taken too far when emmett used a 9 year old girl as a shield
- all attempt to be inconspicuous went out the window after that
- long story short, they got kicked out
- and carlisle and esme didn’t complain about their lack of normal bonding after that
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calamitycullen · 3 years
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“I’m really glad Edward didn’t kill you. Everything’s so much more fun with you around.”
Bella and Emmett in The Twilight Saga (2008 – 2012)
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calamitycullen · 3 years
emmett and jasper in: going to the mall
- it was alice’s idea
- “you guys seriously need to get up to date with teenage attire. rosalie and i are starting to get embarrassed.”
- and that’s how they ended up at nordstrom rack at 3pm on a sunday
- “emmett, are you sure this the mall?”
- “i don’t know, i just typed in clothing and this was the nearest thing that popped up. just find some stuff that looks trendy so we can leave”
- jasper starts looking at cowboy boots but the first few words of emmett’s yeehaw joke sent him stalking in the opposite direction
- “hey, jazz, do you think this poncho is my size?”
- “that’s a rug and no. stop trying to put it on people are staring”
- they realize the girls should’ve come to assist around the same time emmett snuck up on jasper and ended up lodged in the shoe display behind him
- jasper doesn’t want to let alice down so they decide not to let one pissed off security team ruin the outing
- “jazz! this shirt says hashtag selfie on it, that’s definitely what the girls meant by trendy, right?”
- “you’re so right.”
- emmett is just about to grab the shirt when a ten year old girl reaches for it at the same time
- “back off, she-devil! this selfie shirt is mine,”
- tug of war ensues
- emmett pulls a tad too hard and the shirt gets ripped in two
- he hardly notices though. it’s a win in his eyes
- “ha!”
- they decided to leave nordstrom rack after that
- “look jazz, a fountain! you know what that means?”
- “um, ambience? i’ve seen them in a few shopping plazas before-” *SPLASH*
- they return home soaking wet with half a torn selfie shirt
- alice that she’ll just go without them next time
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calamitycullen · 3 years
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I love him as a brother, but he’s irritated me from the first moment I heard him speak.
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calamitycullen · 3 years
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calamitycullen · 3 years
emmett and jasper in: the shitshow that is gym class
- when carlisle got his kids’ schedules and found out that emmett and jasper had p.e. together, he sat down on his office floor and squeezed his temples with his fingers
- the boys were the most excited they’d been for school since the dodgeball incident of 1994 and spent 2 hours trying to convince carlisle that they weren’t going to cause problems
- he didn’t believe them at all (rightfully so as everyone would soon find out) but esme loved how happy her sons seemed so that was that
- in their defense, they really did try to act inconspicuous in the beginning
- but only so much could be done
- things got really bad when the basketball unit started
- carlisle spent two hours on the phone with the principal and gym teacher trying to explain how emmett threw jasper 20 feet so he could dunk in the last 4 seconds of the game
- “it won’t happen again, promise!”
- yeah that was a lie
- wrestling week proved that
- they weren’t in the same weight class originally but eventually they could were only allowed to wrestle each other because they kept knocking the wind out of their opponents and giving them concussions
- it’s not their fault they’re basically made out of stone
- the final match at the end of the week sure was a sight
- no one had an explanation for how jasper’s head had cracked through the gym floor without sustaining so much as a bump
- the spectators could’ve sworn they heard hissing coming from the mat
- and the crouching position the brothers assumed whenever they weren’t on top of each other left quite a bit to imagination
- the match finally came to a close when jasper threw emmett into the water fountains and caused a plumbing problem for the whole school
- yet emmett was still somehow unscathed
- rumors began to fly following that, obviously, and carlisle just about passed out when he heard
- “one more incident and we’re moving to switzerland.”
- things went.. relatively smoothly after that
- until baseball unit
- in jasper’s defense, he tried to warn the gym teacher ahead of time
- “um, sir? i don’t know if i should play, i’ve, um, got a pretty strong hit and i wouldn’t want to-”
- “head in the game, hale!”
- the ball flew out of state
- no one had a good explanation for that one and they were on the plane to switzerland the following day
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calamitycullen · 3 years
or jacob imprinting on edward someone shut me up
ok but how much better would twilight have been if the love triangle also included jacob and edward being in love w each other
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calamitycullen · 3 years
ok but how much better would twilight have been if the love triangle also included jacob and edward being in love w each other
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calamitycullen · 3 years
imagine rosalie and edward going to high school when it was just the two of them lmaoo
- “oh yeah, the cullen siblings? they hate each other. but for whatever reason they don’t hang out with anyone else”
- “yesterday in gym class, the blonde one hit a baseball directly into the back of the guy’s head. it should’ve, like, dented his skull or something but he just looked mildly annoyed”
- they constantly bicker at lunch
- no one can hear what they’re talking about but it’s hard to miss them literally pouring beverages down each other’s shirts
- they even go to prom together, which would've been weird if it weren't so painfully obvious that romance is the last thing they have between them
- the whole time they’re needling each other with insults while simultaneously outshining everyone else on the floor
- even though they fight 24/7 it’s obvious that they don’t completely loathe each other because one time in chem a guy said something vulgar about rosalie and edward just so happened to accidentally spill half a gallon of sulphuric acid on him
- luckily the teacher was female so edward was able to get off the hook but everyone knows it wasn’t an accident
- mainly because the chem lab doesn't have sulphuric acid and about nine people watched edward take a mysterious white jug out of his backpack while deliberately staring at said boy
- but if it was good enough for the police it’s good enough for EVERYONE ELSE
- carlisle decides it might be best to homeschool them for awhile after that
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calamitycullen · 3 years
the cullens at disneyland
cause you know it’s gonna be a disaster
- it was esme’s idea, obviously
- because she loves her kids more than anything and wants them to enjoy their eternity as much as possible
- it’s spring break in forks and los angeles is supposed to be cloudy all week so carlisle is like why the hell not? the kids have been on good-ish behavior (emmett not included)
- the trip was pretty much doomed from the start
- edward is in a pissy mood because bella is visiting her mom in phoenix and can’t come
- so naturally rosalie pushes him in a fountain as soon as they get to the park
- esme makes her apologize because he’s almost in tears at this point (it’s taking all her willpower not to smile)
- jasper immediately takes off to find frontierland and emmett follows him for the soul purpose of annoying him with yeehaw jokes
- “jazz. hey, jazz. what do you call a happy cowboy?”
- “emmett i swear to god-”
- “a jolly rancher! ha!”
- he buys a cowboy hat which jasper is upset about because it has sparkles and is therefore “not authentic”
- alice has zero interest in going on rides, she just wants to find every single character there and quiz them on their history
- “so you’re rapunzel, hm? tell me EXACTLY which lever was pulled in the snuggly duckling to open the secret hatch. you shouldn't have to think about it!”
- carlisle goes with her because face it, he’s from the 1600s and rollercoasters terrify him
- also someone has to hold alice back when tiana mispronounces beignet during her 3rd degree
- esme is just following all of them around, taking as many pictures as she can for her future “cullen family at disney” scrapbook
- edward and rosalie try not to murder each other for her sake
- and despite the fountain incident, they somehow end up spending most of the day together
- she buys minnie mouse ears while he stares up at the sky and broods
- “at least bella and i are looking up at the same sky right now.”
- “can it, edward. and take a picture of me in these ears for emmett, i’m sure he’ll think it’s adorable”
- jasper and emmett eventually make their way out of frontierland (mainly because jasper was one butchered southern accent away from decapitating his dear brother) and decide to visit the wizarding world of harry potter
- they run into alice and carlisle at the butterbeer cart
- carlisle attempts to remind emmett that he can’t really consume human beverages but it’s too late because two cups have been drained
- while emmett is coughing up in the bushes, the three of them laugh about how ridiculous the idea of wizards and witches are
- while jasper simultaneously manipulates emmett’s emotions to calm his nerves and alice casually sifts through her future visions for the day
- eventually the whole clan meets back up and decides to take a full family picture in front of the ferris wheel
- they get some poor unsuspecting mother to be their photographer
- she has to stand there for ten minutes while they try to organize themselves properly
- just when they’re about to take the picture a rollercoaster goes by and scares the everloving crap out of carlisle and edward
- the wind from the rollercoaster messes up rosalie’s hair and emmett is frantically trying to fix it before she ‘accidentally’ rips the car off the tracks
- jasper takes the moment of distraction to knock emmett’s cowboy hat into the river behind them
- and all hell breaks loose
- it’s safe to say they don’t end up with a nice family picture for the end of the scrapbook and esme decides that that’s enough family vacations for awhile
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