#muse; calyx
muu-kun · 9 months
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Muu, upon seeing @asinusxdomi's scary new muse on the dash: I'm going to call it Abby
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slytherintragedy · 2 months
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Blame it all on me because I was the one who set it on fire. Sorry not sorry, I'm a bad bitch. Call me a villain, so what, maybe I was born to be bad. Call me insane, I've never felt so alive.
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calyxthenerd · 6 months
This story is ultimately about siblings, yeah it’s about Aang, but think about it:
Iroh and Ozai, Lu Ten’s death brings Iroh back to the palace, Ozai takes advantage of it to try and convince Sozin to let him become the next fire lord, Sozin isn’t having it, so he orders to have Zuko killed, leading Ursa to kill him and disappear shortly after
Azula and Zuko, their rivalry was always their main fuel, it was what made both of them be more set in their ways, in a sense, it’s what made Zuko speak up at that meeting and get banished, it’s what set both of their faiths (his to have his life always orbit Aang’s and hers to have her brilliant mind slowly decay) and it’s what shaped him into the fire lord he was always meant to be
Katara and Sokka, besides the obvious thing, that their banter is what broke the iceberg, they were always each other’s rocks and driving forces, pushing each other’s buttons and talking the other up, helping the narrative move forward, since they are fundamental characters
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heartscks · 1 year
tag drop
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westeroslive · 1 month
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petals  flow  through  the  ardent  breeze,  pulled  from  their  source  by  the  swarm  of  aristocrats  that  push  their  way  through  the  gardens  to  be  the  first  to  reach  the  jousting  grounds.  so  meticulously  decorated  for  the  festivities,  the  tyrells  may  not  have  thrown  a  grand  celebration  to  welcome  court  to  their  keep,  yet  they  have  nonetheless  proven  the  wait  was  well  worth  it  with  the  name  day  celebrations.  great  garlands  and  ribbons  pair  with  the  brightest  of  blooms  within  the  stands,  ornate  chalices  each  filled  to  the  brim  on  trays  throughout  the  grounds.  on  the  second  day  of  festivities,  a  jousting  tournament  is  officially  announced  by  the  ruling  lady  of  highgarden  herself  at  dinner,  in  honour,  she  states,  of  maiden  day's  fast  approach.  for  she  could  see  no  other  way  to  praise  the  seven's  gentlest  face  than  in  the  romance  of  a  great  joust  -  and  along  with  it  a  dance.  the  first  day  of  the  tournament  would  be  a  presentation  competed  in  soley  by  squires  and  the  youth  of  highgarden,  so  they  may  amuse  the  crowds  and  find  practice  all  the  while  the  true  competitors  could  prepare. 
she  announced  further  a  great  ball  upon  the  final  evening  of  her  name  day  celebrations,  with  one  simple  rule:  one  could  not,  if  unwed,  dance  with  the  same  partner  more  than  once.  to  ensure  this,  dance  cards  (  incorporating  precious  metals  and  jewels  from  each  region  in  her  majesty's  kingdom  along  with  ribbons  to  tie  round  the  wrist  )  have  been  prepared  for  each  noble  of  the  realm  -  decreeing  the  list  of  dances  for  the  evening  with  blank  spaces  where  one  might  record  the  name  of  their  partner  for  each  dance.
by morning's break, outside  the  arena, surrounded  by  garlands  of  roses  (  piercing  thorns  still  attached  holding  stains  of  red  from  the  poor  soul  who'd  held the responsibility of decorating   )  lies  a  great  listing  of  the  tournament's  great  competitors.  the  listing  reads  as  follows:
daemon  celtigar,  desmond  mallister,  gwayne  florent, jessamine  hightower,  alaric  mormont,  pearse  sunglass,  viserra  targaryen, theon stark, calyx targaryen, elias baratheon, aelyx targaryen, kit moraqos, baris tarth, matthos redwyne, elowyn harlaw, shyra hornwood, dantae dagareon, amos tully, theodore baratheon, antony arryn, daeron targaryen, arya stark, anika moraqos, victarion greyjoy, otto beesbury, jocelyn dondarrion, altan manwoody, pluton serrett.
more information and results of the joust will be announced soon. for now, muses may enjoy the stylings of the training knights. listing of knights in the tournament is public. all posts related can be tagged westeros.joust & westeros.cake
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ticklystuff · 1 year
You’re the Only Pun for Me
a/n: cyno is so hard for me to write, but i hope this turned out okay
characters: lee!cyno, ler!tighnari
word count: ~2.7k
summary: cyno might have some competition when it comes to puns
"Would the two of you like to try some?"
Tighnari peered into the wooden box that Albedo had been presented before him. Inside the container looked to be little pink blobs dusted with some kind of white powder, unrecognizable in both shape and form. Their trip to Monstadt had presented him with many different kinds of food, but Tighnari couldn't recall this particular one being featured in any store yet. He turned his head to take a quick look at Cyno seated beside him, catching the hesitant expression on his face that matched his own.  "Sakura mochi," Albedo acknowledged the inquisitive looks the two gave each other. "They're a dessert that I picked up from Inazuma during my trip as 'Calyx'. I enjoy them, but Klee is not a fan of the texture, so I have extra to share." "Ah, I think I've heard of them," Tighnari's voice rose at the familiar name, watching as Cyno slowly poked a finger at one of the desserts, leaving a tiny dent in its squishy form. "They're desserts made from rice, correct? I don't think we have anything similar in Sumeru." "I think I agree with Klee on the texture part," Cyno said as he retracted his hand, patting his hand to rid himself of the white powder. "They're certainly not for everyone," Albedo mused, "but I figured they'd make a nice picnic snack." "Well, don't mind if I do then," Tighnari said with a shrug, setting his half-eaten sandwich on their picnic blankets to pluck the squishy blob with his fingers. He nearly brought the snack to his mouth, only to catch Cyno watching him with repulse written all over his face. Sighing, Tighnari grabbed at Cyno's wrist, placing the mochi in his open palm. "Let's be nice to our host." Cyno scowled at him, looking between Tighnari and the pink blob in his hand. "But-" "Don't be a baby about it," chided Tighnari, picking up a second mochi for himself, listening to Cyno grumble to himself and Albedo giggle over their little exchange. Tighnari brought the mochi to his nose, inspecting it with a quick sniff, before biting off a piece of the blob and giving himself a moment to chew. The texture was certainly off-putting at first, but after a few bites, the soft squishiness had grown on him. Flavor wise, the dessert was nearly tasteless, save for the hints of floral sweetness, but it was a nice subtle taste that Tighnari thoroughly enjoyed. Cyno, on the other hand, made it very clear he was not enjoying the dessert, judging by the visible disgust displayed on his face. Tighnari rolled his eyes and offered his hand to the other, which Cyno promptly placed the remaining mochi into, observing with disdain as Tighnari happily finished his piece off. "Well, I'd ask for your verdict, but I feel like I have a good idea just from watching," Albedo commented with a chuckle. "I like it!" Tighnari said with an affirmative nod, a contrast to the way Cyno shook his head. "Do you know how they make it there?" "Hmm, I did see a woman making some, but it was quite a while ago," Albedo recalled. "All I remember was that she was pounding glutinous rice over and over." Tighnari frowned at the tidbit of information presented to him. "Ugh, already sounds like a lot of work." "Perhaps there's a way to automate it," Cyno spoke up, pausing as he folded his arms in thought, before looking up at Tighnari. There was a familiar glint in his eye, one that Tighnari recognized immediately as a forewarning for what was currently running through Cyno's mind. "Cyno, don't-" "With a little mochivation-" "Stop!" "And some imochination-" "CYNO!" Cyno looked Tighnari straight in the eyes, smirking before finishing, "I'm sure we can figure out a mochinism for such a device." Tighnari sighed to himself, putting his hand over his face out of embarrassment. Albedo clapped alongside the two of them, clearly amused by Cyno's antics. As much as Tighnari enjoyed Albedo's presence, Cyno was slowly rubbing off on the alchemist in all the wrong ways and he feared for what the rest of Monstadt might have to deal with when the two would have to leave. "That was quite impressive," Albedo nodded amusedly. "I thank you." Cyno shot a quick glance at Tighnari, before looking back at Albedo. "I'm glad someone appreciates my attempts at humor." Albedo looked at Tighnari, puttin his hand on his chin in thought. "Hmm, Tighnari, you're a forest ranger, correct?" "Yes, why?" Tighnari asked with a tilt of his head, only to inwardly groan at the sight of a smirk crossing Albedo's face that resembled Cyno's own. He grabbed at the tips of his ears and pulled them down flat, bracing himself for the worst. "Perhaps you'd be more fauna puns related to your interests?" Albedo spoke in his usual tone, looking directly at Tighnari. "I'm sure there are some you won't find too deflorable." Tighnari blinked up at Albedo as those last few puns made their way to his covered ears and he took a moment to process them. There was something different about them that was distinct from Cyno's jokes, something... enjoyable? Feelings of confusion and amusement mixed inside of him, folding over each other in a way that sent conflicting signals to his brain. Was he actually enjoying bad puns for once? "Those were actually.. quite good," he finally spoke, a small smile crossing his face that grew larger by the moment, nearly breaking out into a fit of giggles as he turned to face Cyno, gripping at his shoulder and shaking him. "You get it, right?! Fauna and flora? Like, he's referring to the animal and plant ecosystems!" Cyno's eyes darted from Tighnari to Albedo and back to Tighnari, seemingly in disbelief by the display in front of him. "Y-You liked his jokes?" Cyno managed to mutter out and Tighnari nodded in response. "Yeah, Albedo's a natural!" Tighnari exclaimed, making the alchemist look away with a blush. "Those were really good! Cyno, you should learn from him." Cyno looked like he had something to say, but shut his mouth, giving Tighnari a blank expression instead.  "Don't be too hard on him," Albedo said in earnest. "I have much to learn from Cyno, as I'm still quite the novice and have mushroom for improvement." "MUSHROOM?!" Tighnari scooted closer to Albedo, finding himself completely enamored with the alchemist. "Please, do more!" Albedo smiled with a nod and looked off in the distance. "Alright, I'm not an expert by any means, but those recent ones have given me some insporeation.." --- Something was off... It hadn't initially caught Tighnari's attention, but between Cyno's short responses to Tighnari's attempts at conversation, to the way he would consistently avoid eye contact, and the fact that he continuously kept two paces ahead of Tighnari instead of walking beside him like he usually did, all seemed to point to some present underlying issue that Tighnari couldn't quite place his finger on. The strange behaviors had begun after their picnic with Albedo, but Tighnari had always just chalked it up to Cyno being winded from the initial hike, which would be a strange explanation when Tighnari thought about it because Cyno often made long trips through the desert. There was also something else that was off about Cyno today, almost like he was missing something... "Hey, you haven't made any jokes all day," Tighnari spoke his thoughts out loud when he realized what was really bothering him, prompting Cyno to stop ahead of him and turn around. 
"Is everything alright with you?" Granted, it was still early in the day, but that never stopped Cyno before. "I'm fine," Cyno replied shortly, before turning on his heel and marching forward. His stoic expression would usually come off as normal to people that knew Cyno, but he was definitely using it to hide something this time. The two continued their trek forward till they reached Windrise, per Albedo's suggestion. He recommended the two come early, as the place could be busy during Windblume and earliest was when the wind was most refreshing, according to Albedo at least. Initially, Cyno seemed reluctant on going, but Tighnari persisted and the general finally caved. At first glance, there wasn't much to do, so Tighnari took it upon himself to plop down on the field, feeling the soft grass against his skin and the gentle breeze brush past his face. "It's so peaceful here," Tighnari sighed contently, sitting up when Cyno took his spot next to him. "You would never be able to do something like this back in the rainforest. I'm so glad Albedo recommended this spot to us."
No response. "Oh, speaking of Albedo, he mentioned that he can send me plants from Monstadt for me to study," Tighnari attempted at creating conversation, but was only met with a disinterested shrug. Sighing to himself, Tighnari thought to drop the conversation, until an idea sprung to mind. "Albedo said we're like plant friends, or fronds, if you will," he winked with a nudge of his elbow to Cyno's arm. "Can we please change the subject?" There was a sense of emptiness to his voice that caught Tighnari off-guard and he promptly turned away, staring straight ahead. He wasn't opposed to just enjoying the silence, but he couldn't just let Cyno be like this. His mind ran through the events of the past twenty-four hours, combing for anything that he might've said that could potentially have offended Cyno, but nothing stood out to him. It all started after their picnic with Albedo- oh. The dots in his head finally connected.
But how should he go about this particular issue? Cyno was not known to be the most open when it came to talking about issues, choosing to keep them all in his little head, and Tighnari more often than not would have to constantly press him to speak his mind, but with how Cyno shut him down earlier, asking might be more trouble than it was worth. His brain ran through all the possible attempts at addressing the matter at hand, but all routes ended in roadblocks. It wasn't till he side-eyed Cyno, however, that the most unconventional idea sprung to mind.. Well, it was worth a shot.
"Hey-! W-What are you doing?!" Tighnari wasn't the only one caught up in Monstadt's breathtaking views and he used Cyno's inattentiveness to his advantage, easily straddling the other's waist and pinning him to the grass.
"Changing the subject, just like you asked," Tighnari spoke with impudence, smirking to himself from the eyeroll Cyno gave him. "Is everything alright?"
Tighnari watched as Cyno gave himself a brief moment to visibly think, before shaking his head. "It's really not a big deal."
"So that means there is something," Tighnari pressed further. "You're not jealous of me befriending Albedo, are you?"
"Wait, what?" Cyno looked up at him in disbelief. "Wait, Tighnari, that's not- Wahahait! NohoHOHOho!"
Most people that only knew of Cyno through his work often did not get to experience the more laid-back nature he took on when around Tighnari and Collei. Jokes and bad puns were aplenty and Tighnari had no qualms using whatever method he could to put a stop to them. Tickling was the most common solution as the simple lift of his hands was usually enough to stop Cyno dead in his tracks before he was able to utter a single pun. This meant, of course, that Tighnari naturally knew just how to make Cyno shriek...
Tighnari smirked to himself as Cyno's laughter echoed through the air, breaking the silence of the windswept plains. His underarms were easily Cyno's worst spot, which was handy for when the two shared their bed, as Tighnari had easy access whenever Cyno felt like slipping in one last bad joke for the night. It was the perfect spot too, as Cyno liked to clamp his arms down to protect himself, effectively trapping Tighnari's hands in the process, just like right now.
"Oh? So now you want to talk?" Tighnari giggled to himself as he watched Cyno's lower arms uselessly wiggle about in attempt to defend himself, while the upper parts trapped Tighnari's hands to his underarms. Cyno himself wasn't much of a squirmer, so it was always amusing to watch his arms actively move, while the rest of his body just laid completely flat, save for the way he threw his head back in hysterics.
It took Tighnari a moment to realize what Cyno was saying through his laughter, only stopping when the other repeated himself over and over. He tilted his head in confusion, allowing Cyno a break, but keeping his hand where they were. "Alright then, care to explain?"
"I-It's nohohot Albehedoho," Cyno managed through an after-shock of giggles, still tense with Tighnari's fingers so close. "It's just, I don't know, it's nonsensical really- WaIT! STAHAHAHAP! OKAHAHAY! I'LL TAHAHALK!"
"Yeah, you better," Tighnari huffed, kneading his thumbs into Cyno's underarms for just that extra push.
"Okay, okahahay," Cyno giggled, finally grabbing at Tighnari's arms to get him to stop. "I-It's not Albedo necessarily," he began, turning his head as a tint of pink crept across his cheeks, "but you've never laughed at my jokes before."
"Wait, that's it?" Tighnari tilted his head in disbelief and scoffed. "I thought you might've hated Albedo or something."
"No, see, I told you it was silly," Cyno sighed embarrassedly, avoiding eye contact with Tighnari.
Tighnari sighed and shook his head, knowing full well he should've expected something like this. "Cyno, no, it's not like I hate your jokes or anything. It's just," Tighnari paused to put his thoughts together, "I'm just so used to them by now. I don't know how to describe it, but I guess I just wasn't expecting Albedo to make puns too and I was just caught in the moment. Does that make sense? I enjoy yours too; I really do."
He peered down at Cyno, expecting some kind of response, but was only met with a shaky nod, an unconvincing one at that. The two sat in silence as Tighnari thought of something, anything, that he could possibly say to Cyno to make him feel better in the moment. There was something that Tighnari knew Cyno would personally enjoy, but it was one he really did not want to go through with.
"Ugh, screw it," he muttered under his breath. If it'd make Cyno happy..
"Did you say something?" Cyno looked up to ask, but Tighnari ignored him as he scooted back just a little bit so that Cyno's ankle was within reach.
"Cyno, I'm putting my foot down," he forced himself to say, wrapping his hand around one of Cyno's ankles and letting his fingers trail up his sole, tightening his grip when Cyno suddenly started to jerk his leg back.
"I-I don't understahahand," came Cyno's confused giggles, but Tighnari simply turned back around, reaching for Cyno's ribs this time.
"I was only ribbing you the other day."
"Pffft-! AhahaHAHAhaha!" Cyno snorted and collapsed into a new fit of giggles, as Tighnari's thumbs kneaded their way into the undersides of his ribs, moving in sync as his fingers trailed through each one. "Nahaharihihi! You're scaring mehehehe!"
"Your puns are never a waist," Tighnari's voice shook with each pun, but he pushed forward, grabbing at the hip bones of Cyno's waist and circling his fingers around the designated area, eliciting a breathy squeal from the other.
"Ehehehahaha! Nari, stahahahap!"
"I'm sure everyone that nose would agree," Tighnari finally finished, much to his relief. He removed his hands from Cyno's waist, before bending forward to plant a quick kiss atop Cyno's button nose. "There, happy?" he looked away as a blush spread through his cheeks, embarrassed at what he just put himself through.
"Ugh, those were so bad, even for me," Cyno giggled reassuringly, sitting up to return the nose kiss that Tighnari had just given him.
"I guess I only learned from the best," Tighnari sighed tiredly, "but I hope you at least appreciated them."
"Well, they certainly tickled my fancy- WAIT, TihiHIHighnahari! Okahahahy! No more puhuhuHUHUNS! I'M SOHOHOHORRY!"
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resolvebound · 4 months
📂 for each muse 👀
Send 📂 for a hc // accepting
01. Freed is very selective about his personal space and physical affection. It took him a while to get used to such things and he only really (easily) allows it with his closest friends. However, anyone who gets the Chance will find that he is, in fact, a really good hugger.
02. Gray doesn't own any matching cups, glasses, plates etc. Everything is mismatched and brought as single items on an as needed basis (He picks up what he needs from second hand shops or craft stalls) This is because when he first got his cabin, he was the only intended occupant and only brought such items for one person as he didn't need a whole family sized set. As Cana and Loke visited him (and later, a few others), he told them to bring their own cups and dishes, so now his small collection is very eclectic and is more of a reflection of the tastes of his favourite people. He also buys cups/mugs/glasses that remind him of certain people.
03. Mac has an interest in celestial spirits due to Sorano and he has some good knowledge of her (previous) spirits and others. He was fascinated by their long history and various abilities. Sorano didn't typically summon her spirits for minor things (not like a certain someone), but she did once get Aries to make a wool pillow for Macbeth once, which was of course incredibly comfy and helped him sleep, and so Aries is his favourite.
04. Rogue's shadow dragon lacrima is located in his lower right abdomen. A shadow dragon symbol appeared on the spot once the fusion was successful, but he would not reveal that fact to just anyone as there is still a chance he could be targeted for the lacrima. The marking is tattoo-like and can be sensitive.
05. Leo's key often ended up in the hands of nobles or royalty, or anyone of high standing. As a powerful combat spirit, and the leader of the zodiacs, he was seen as one of the ultimate prizes and status symbols. In recent(ish) history, his key was held by Lady Calyx, a lovely woman who he shared mutual respect with. After her passing, his key was kept in the family treasure vault. In more current time, her great grandson, uncle of the current and young Lord Calyx, was a huge Karen fanboy and used the key as a quest reward to gain her interest, which was how she ended up with the key.
06. Frosch is colourblind and so genuinely doesn't know that the frog suit is pink, as it appears green to them.
07. Lector brings up Sting in conversation so often that there are sometimes bets held by the other Sabertooth mages about if he can go the whole day without mentioning him (he can't)
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sea-dwelling-wizard · 6 months
WIP ask game!!!
thank you so so much @hansenesque for the tag <333 !!!!!!
no pressure tags: @the-laws-of-physics-were-harmed @holdmyteaplease and @tellme-o-muse + anyone else who's interested! you're free to join (if thats how tag games work aa)
rules : answer as many (or as few) of the questions about your WIP as you can.
1. what was the first part of your WIP that you created?
the main character. fun fact: atticus wasn't even called atticus! his name was supposed to be 'calyx,' and before that, it was 'leto'! this wip has been going for almost three years, and i am very dedicated to make atticus- calyx - or leto- get the story he deserves. being the very first idea that sprang into my mind, he still remains as my favorite, and the very first thing that formed the basis of beneath the waves, since his backstory and his emotions form the majority of the wip.
2. if your story was a TV show, what would the intro song be?
hole dwelling by kikuo!! this song has EVERYTHING. the music crescendo, the scream (oh my god the scream), the lyrics eerily similar to the ideas in my wip, the soft voice, everythingggg!!!!! the lyrics remind me of my worldbuilding ['the sun, the sky, the moon- so vibrant, all of them'] AND ITS 6 MINUTES LONG. SIX. MINUTES. OF PURE BLISS!!!!!!! especially with headphones omg also the fact that the lyrics can be interpreted as anything just makes it so much fun to listen to. i take it as talking about a literal void in which people are trapped. which. which is basically
3. who are your favourite character(s) and why?
atticus :D he was the first 'serious' or 'story-based' character i made, and i had further plans for him, too. all the characters i made pre-beneath the waves had no further plans for development, or they weren't unique enough, or just made solely for the YA market (young girls, skinny, magic powers). atticus, or leto, at that time, was made purely for me, and from my own ideas. leto was used as a sort of practice for my short stories. then, leto became calyx- a character, not an entity. from there, i got the idea of an abyss. everything spiraled from there lmao
4. what other pieces of media could share a fan base with your WIP?
i got the idea of 'changing the laws of the universe' and 'interacting with the divine'-- yknow, all of those otherworldly aspects from puella magi madoka magica, a magical girl anime, childish from the start, mature at the end. it had a lot of those otherworldly elements, and i find myself leaning to the concepts explored in pmmm whenever i work on Heavenly. if the pmmm fandom somehow stumbles on beneath the waves in the future i have no idea how it'll end. theres a small chance of heavenly and pmmm sharing a fan-base, if i understood the question correctly.
5. what has been your biggest struggle while writing your WIP?
figuring out how atticus develops!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out where i should end this story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how atticus's life is gonna go from there!!!!!!!!!!!!!! figuring out how to write tbh
6. are there any animals in your story?
if you take the mariana trench and dump all of its animals into the abyss but corrupt them by taking out an eye or two for an exchange of more teeth and install fantasy elements, yeah you get the abyss's animals. there's also my own species of carnivorous fish that reside in the abyss. my customized fish species play a huge role in the story. those are spoilers (for now).
7. how do your characters get around?
they swimmmm :D with the fishieeeeees :3
8. What part of your WIP are you working on right now?
if we hypothetically take the lore, the characters, the inner workings of the plot, the events, the nitty-gritty details and backstories as the engines of the car and the plot as the outer plating and wheels, i've created a mercedes (without the wheels)
9. What aspects of your WIP do you think will draw people in?
i don't know 😭😭😭 uhh the lore-lovers will like it. i hope some theorist will pick it up one day and wonder if the author is okay
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infernalight · 6 months
oc ideas under the cut...
character one:
Name: Arcadius (Cade)
Faceclaim: Aaron from Dear.Door
Backstory: WIP, a doctor of sorts
How'd he die: ????
Now: Sinner demon with multiple clones of himself, a doctor/scientist who studies regeneration and other things in order to help save the demons... might become an in house doctor for the hazbin hotel??
Other: covered in scars from his death ???
character two:
Name: Calyx (Cal)
Faceclaim: Jinyoung from Dear.Door
Backstory: WIP
How'd he die: hahah, he's not dead. he's human
A human who had fallen in love with a demon (worked for ozzie; stole a crystal for him, but died when ozzie found out), once gaining the ability to travel to hell / heaven without issues, this caught the attention of the angels and after confronting the human about it, he formed a contract with an angel (he'd be their messenger, keep an eye on things in hell while he got a little bit of angelic power of his own, when using his angelic power his eyes change color); he has a bit of free reign but he constantly needs to check back with them and can be possessed by the angel holding his contract if he doesn't give them what they want. he has a demon disguise.
Other: hung like a horse
character three:
Name: Zephyr?
Faceclaim: Sid from Dear.Door (pronounced Seed)
Backstory: started out as a low level demon, climbed his way to the top with help from charlie/lucifer/???? who had given some of their power to aid in his survival though to keep the power from overtaking him, he had to consume demons of the same level (tho bc he was BORN as a low level demon his body could only handle low level but in order to not be killed from the power within him, he must consume higher level demons that he couldn't end up digesting so they just clutter inside of him... (more on this LATER), but yeah.. demons in his head
How'd he die: ???
Now: ?????
Envy or Pride
character four:
Name: Percy (Perseus)?
Faceclaim: Ben from Dear.Door
A hellhound that can create hellhounds and use them to attack??? has hellhounds as pets?? something like that, alpha???
more to come!
character five:
Name: Spike
Faceclaim: Jude Blanc from Dear.Door
Makes & deals with weapons for Carmilla (maybe they have a contract??)
Sinner demon
How he died: ???
character six:
Name: N/A
Faceclaim: Cain from Dear.Door & Satan from Dear.Door
Lustful sinner / overlord demon
has/had a piece of a weapon from hell inside of his heart that limits his power
idk man he's super sexy.. super lustful...
can split himself into both cain and satan or be as just one
the good and evil parts of lucifer split and the good parts have formed their own sentient body, being forced by the angels to stay in the human world for the time being to get stronger, strong enough to take on satan, but instead of either one of them killing the other, satan re-absorbs cain
satan has the ability to split both sides of himself apart, but doesn't do it often
when separated they are still connected some way so if satan tries to hurt someone cain loves, satan won't be able to depending on how strong his feelings are.
satan can absorb things from humans
sin of wrath
character seven:
Name: N/A
Faceclaim: Gayle from Dear.Door
ars goetia working for stolas.
helps octavia with her magic, helps stolas with everything else. bsaed on Gamigin
*possible muses to be added listed below...*
character eight:
Name: N/A
Faceclaim: Metatron from Dear.Door
scribe of god
character nine:
Name: N/A
Faceclaim: Gabriel from Dear.Door
character ten:
Name: Riyon
Faceclaim: Azaniel from Dear.Door
slutty angel
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tiffanylamps · 1 year
share any work in progress, if you’d like to! (fic, art, gifs, whatever it is you are working on, but no pressure ofc) thank you so much for the tag, caroline!!!!! @katierosefun 💛💛💛 I haven't been all that creative recently, as I've actually been struggling with sparking it into action. So I don't have too much to share. But I do have a few bits, so here we go: 1. not truly one, but truly two, Chapter 3
Joo Won cannot and does not suppress the scoff that radiates up from a scornful corner in his gut. The photograph was from a handful of years back, taken as part of an overtly calculated coverage of LPRA’s donation to a children’s charity. Of course, it was done purely for publicity and Joo Won still remembers how - almost desperately - his father wanted him to be in attendance for such a high-profile event.  But alas, Joo Won couldn’t attend. How could he, when he had been stationed on another continent? Such glaringly crucial details are often deemed insignificant in Han Ki Hwan’s eyes, especially when it is his pride that blinds him so.
2. gargoyle (affectionate) [working title lol. not really, it's just what i've named the doc] (beyond evil)
The day was still in its infancy, petals wet from the morning dew and the sunshine creeping over the crest of nearby hills. Daytime starlight peppered the sky as clouds transcended across the horizon like blended paints on a canvas: from murky hues of Payne’s grey to periwinkle before mellowing into dusky shades of blushing pinks.  Blushing. That’s how Joo Won presented himself to Dong Sik. The uncharacteristic slump to his usually rigid shoulders were just out of place as his fingers tracing the lavender resting in the undergrowth of the young hornbeam tree. Dong Sik observed him, allowing his gaze to consume the image of Joo Won’s slender fingers caressing the flower blooming in his garden. Calyx and corolla alike are under the full scrutiny of Joo Won’s considered touch.  His hands are going to smell so sweet, Dong Sik muses with a fondness that has long been blossoming.
3. a gifset that i haven't bothered to finish
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they're too fast and there are a few little mistakes i need to go back and fix. but yeah, the lyric is from this song and the smaller text are bible verses (they're mainly there to fill the space lol) no pressure tags: @l-tyrell @loisroo @ettelwenailinon @thoresque
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calledher · 8 months
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starter call for one of the star seeker muses (danica, calyx, & ronin)!
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steelfyre · 4 months
a non comprehensive list of wanted connections for lady alara dayne , prince calyx targaryen , lady helaena zalyne , lord klahan rogare , lady myrcella paege , ruling lord theon stark , and lord trystane tyrell .
alara dayne , heiress of starfall.
closest confidant / childhood friend: wc on the main. an unbreakable bond forged  when both were young either due to both calling dorne's deserts home or this muse living as a ward of a dornish house, possibly house dayne. neither time nor distance weakened their friendship. they are each others dearest friends and closest confidents, loyalty unquestioned. bonded further in their distaste for dragons. age: 30-35. open.
fake friend: befriended for their close ties to the targaryens, they are a means to an end, an extra set of eyes and ears. an unknowing little bird. open.
dislike / enemies: not one to hold her tongue, it isn't uncommon that mask of propriety has slipped and tarnished relationships.
"can you not mind your manners?" / "alara: can you not be a stick in the mud?" open.
political allies: also known as fellow targaryen antis. open.
broken betrothal o1: duty bound alara to them. a suitable match for the heiress of stars, one where, in time, love might've blossomed but the consequences of a lust fueled night with the royal heir severed the arrangement. most likely not dornish. age: 30-38. open.
former lovers. open.
lover: newly forged, existing within the honeymoon stage but depending on where they hail from ulterior motives might be at play, on either alara's side or theirs.
potential betrothed: starfall remains a coveted keep and the hand of its heiress is a valuable piece in the political game, no matter that she is mother to a bastard. age: 30-38. open.
someone who wants to find out who the father of alara's son and perhaps has suspicions about who it is. open.
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calyx targaryen , prince of westeros.
moth to his flame: wc on the main. where calyx wavers between light and darkness, she exists solely in the light. it intrigues the prince, but like hades, he wonders how far he can pull her away from the sun's warmth. so he plays the part of a charming prince worthy of songs, a convincing facade. the intrigue goes both ways, perhaps she believes his act or she hopes to quell whatever darkness she feels exists within him, trapping them both in a dangerous game. calla rowan.
best friend: wc on the main. they are twin flames dancing together, where one goes the other follows. theirs is a fierce friendship that stretches back many years and withstood the test of time - much to the chagrin of some at court for when the pair are together trouble is certain to follow. daemon celtigar.
current friends: it's an honor to befriend a prince, no? perhaps not when his mood is so fickle. they are friends today, but what about tomorrow? dante dagareon , open.
frenemies / enemies: cruel and selfish, calyx has made more enemies than friends through the years. they are expected to be cordial despite the hatred existing in both their hearts. spoken jabs are disguised by seemingly courteous words, but sometimes calyx purposely forgets to play along and lashes out in truth. what can be done? he is the prince. and so hatred grows stronger. open.
enemies with benefits. open.
friends with benefits. open.
deception: someone he is manipulating for whatever reason - perhaps his sister has requested he get close to them, maybe he simply finds it amusing. open.
previous flings: could have ended well or went up in flames. entirely possible that calyx promised one that he would marry them and then ended the relationship with no warning because he got bored. gwyneth allyrion , open.
a daughter/son turned sacrifice: their family wants what many have before them - the hand of a dragon. they are aware of the rumors surrounding the fourth prince but care not. he is a dragon prince unbetrothed. he will be their daughter or son's spouse even if that means their kin will be more lamb than bride or groom. open.
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helaena zalyne , lady of braavos.
circle of friends: ladies gossiping over tea, laughing quietly to themselves, the bond of sisterhood holding them together. shaera rogare , open.
former in law: wc on the main. previously wed to their older brother before his untimely death less than a year after the wedding from illness, helaena and them never truly got along, though she remained cordial. they have never accepted their brother died of natural causes and place the blame on laena - be it her own actions or a belief in the curse that follows her. their reunion is not destined to be a happy one. open.
pen pals: wc on the main. one who she crossed paths with when they traveled to braavos. the other someone she met during her marriage to a westeros lord. upon learning that she was returning to westeros, helaena wrote to them more frequently, wanting to have someone there already on her side before she arrived. baela velaryon , open.
sworn protector: wc on the main. as the eldest daughter of the sealord, helaena's safety has always been of the utmost importance. this muse has been at her side for a few years if not longer. their is a playfulness to their relationship but at the end of the day they would do anything to protect laena and house zalyne. age: 33+. open.
new friends: the gathering at king's landing has made helaena eager to expand her social circle and befriend whoever she can from across the sea and from regions of westeros she's never been to. open.
fake friends: ever so charming was the lady zalyne but secretly as shallow. friendships were made easily for the benefits they bestowed upon her: knowledge, maintenance of her image, etc. she remains the very image of a true friend but her loyalty is an illusion. open.
former flings: only in two marriages was the zalyne faithful. secret lovers reached for when the other unions turned sour. even when vows didn't bind her to another, most dalliances were kept quiet so the nereid's pure image was maintained. most she thinks back fondly on. but some have ended poorly. open.
targets: westerosi nobles that have drawn the eye of house zalyne or their essos allies for whatever reason. open.
future or current lover: could be a lover she returned to or a new one who has caught her eye. sometimes she wonders if there is something different about them but quickly dismisses those thoughts as foolish. a new betrothal hasn't been selected but nereid knows her fate. they will only be together in the shadows, only in the time they steal - maybe that will spare them from the curse too. age: 28-36. open.
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klahan rogare , first magister of lys.
spies: wc on the main. klahan took over the rogare's spy network from his father when he reached adulthood and has built it up since. preferably, the spies would each be from a different region. they are loyal to klahan and house rogare above all else, and they are paid highly for their continued loyalty and information they provide. open.
cyvasse student: someone klahan is teaching or helping them improve at cyvasse - a seemingly genuine act of friendship. they're unaware that during the lessons, klahan is drawing whatever information about court he can from them. open.
potential political allies: houses / individuals looking to use house rogare's wealth to their advantage and if their interests align, klahan is open to hearing them out but no coin comes without a price. open.
pawns: those who klahan and the rogares are using in their schemes. they might think themselves an equal partner or friend but are purposely missing crucial pieces of information. open.
former lovers: a man of logic rather than emotions, klahan isn't the sentimental type but that doesn't prevent him from having the occasional fling or being possessive when involved with someone. but he's mostly not upset when they end, accepting they've run their course - whether his partner has felt the same varies but klahan is careful to not have any dalliance end too negatively. anika moraqos, open.
"he's quite the eligible bachelor": the essosi delegation has brought a collection of bachelors to westeros shores, and the first magister is certainly the richest of them all. it is little surprise then that a handful of families are pushing their sons and daughters his direction, hoping he will look fondly on one of them and bless their house will rogare gold. though the fact that he is courting the new imperial crown princess is indeed an obstacle but ambitious nobles aren't necessarily put off by a courtship not sealed with a marriage. age: 32-40. open.
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myrcella paege , lady of harrenhal.
best friend: odette mallister.
fake friends: far too trusting for her own good, myrcella considers all who extend the hand of friendship to her genuine, making it very easier to manipulate the "friendships" to the other's benefit. open.
false confidant: initially overwhelmed whenever she visited court for the first time, myrcella was taken under their wing. there is nothing she hides from them and constantly seeks their advice when troubled. if only she knew that the other views her as nothing more than a useful little bird. open.
genuine protector: not necessarily a knight, though could be, but someone who is watching out for myrcella and doing their best to keep her safe. open.
"myrcella: why are you so cruel?" / "maybe i am but you're naive." open.
"you're pathetic." / "myrcella: so leave me alone." / "i can't." open.
new friends: the gathering at king's landing has made myrcella eager to expand her social circle and befriend whoever she can from across the sea and from regions of westeros she's never been to. open.
pen pals: quick to make seek out new friends when the red keep hosts guests, myrcella has kept in touch with a handful of those long after they depart from the capitol. open.
the benefits of power: house paege's rise as the new rulers of harrenhal has drawn many eyes to them, all with their own intentions. it's no secret that myrcella is her father's favorite child - perhaps, some of the eyes wonder, through her they can gain an in with the rising house. open.
betrothal ( prospective or current ): wc on the main. secretly, the coffers of house paege have run low and the funds of their cousins can only maintain them for so long. lord samwell's plans for his youngest were always an advantageous marriage but it's more important than ever that the match isn't only politically strong but rich. hence why he's selected this noble. myrcella is extremely excited about the match, but this muse feels the opposite. age: 25-30. alyssa tyrell.
crush(s): longing glances, cheeks turning bright red when their eyes meet, heart fluttering in her chest. in cella's eyes, they are everything the songs speak of. if only she could hold a conversation without getting nervous. age: 25-30. matthos redwyne , open.
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theon stark , ruling lord of winterfell.
northern childhood friend: a near constant presence at winterfell, perhaps a ward of the starks for a time, this muse and theon grew up together. they were his first and longest friend. however, it's possible that theon's close friendship with the targaryen crown prince has added some strain to the dynamic, particularly if this muse holds no positive sentiments toward the targaryens, or perhaps this muse sees it as an advantage, a possible way of manipulating the royal heir. they would ideally be from the north though the riverlands or vale would work as well. age: 32-38. erena bolton.
tournament buddies / friendly rivals. open.
family friends. open.
new friend: are they sincere or only want to befriend the new ruler? open.
"i'll protect you": someone theon feels very protective of. open.
misunderstanding led to dislike: aloof by nature, theon often isn't the best at first impressions with people who aren't from the north, opening the door to misunderstandings. and if they believe that the stark doesn't like them, then why shouldn't they respond similarly? open.
someone or a house looking to firmly turn the starks against the crown in hopes they will rebel. open.
almost betrothed: someone his parents once considered betrothing to theon but the match never came to fruition for whatever reason. open.
"you were meant to be mine": desire for power runs deeper than desire for love. they cared little for the man who held the title of heir; it was the command promised by one day being ruling lady of the north that drew their eye. the slight felt at being passed over, rejected for another, has not been forgotten. age: 30-38. open.
advisor: wc on the main. a northern noble who theon's father greatly trusted and thus became a mentor for theon. fiercely loyal to the starks and are committed to ensuring the north remains strong. they've recently begun wondering if an independent north is the direction they should be looking. since the thoughts are a recent development, they aren't decided one way or the other, though they are likely keeping a close eye on the targaryens, but they have started subtly hinting about the prospect to theon, who's own thoughts on the matter are very divided, threatening to possibly complicate what has always been an untroubled relationship. age: 40+. open.
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trystane tyrell , heir of highgarden.
cousin: wc on the main. at the insistent of this muse's grandmother and mother ( either the current ruler or dowager lady of holyhall )  trystane spent multiple months each year being raised alongside his cousins before his stepmother put an end to the visits. they view this muse as more a sibling than a cousin. they're the one who went looking for trystane and brought them home after the gracefords saw how his stepmother was sabotaging trystane's  reputation. now they're frequently at trystane's side, both as a friend and confidant. if they aren't the heir or ruler, they could be married into another house. age: 33-40. alyce graceford.
close friend group: likely from the reach or neighboring regions. open.
fellow book nerds / nerds in general. open.
former friends: the years they spent traveling caused trystane to lose touch with some he once called friends. additionally, learning of his stepmother's manipulations made him close himself off. possibilities that they want to reforge the friendship or are still upset at trys. gwayne florent, jorah mallister, open.
those met on his travels: could be from across westeros or essos. open.
former lovers / exes: would have occurred during his travels. the last would've ended before his return to highgarden. anika moraqos, open.
political allies: even the prettiest of roses have their thorns and beneath their courtesy, trystane is no friend of the targaryens. a secret he carefully protects. matthos redwyne , open.
broken betrothal: wc on the main. arranged by their parents, the betrothal seemed destined for success. despite any initial hesitations or opposition toward the match, genuine feelings grew between the pair amongst the flowers of highgarden. but before vows were spoken, trystane, following what they believed was genuine guidance from their stepmother, called off the betrothal with little explanation, leaving this muse hurt and confused. they have not seen each other since. trystane, having now realized how he was manipulated, feels extremely ashamed, but doesn't know how to face them, firmly believing he doesn't deserve their forgiveness. age: 33-37. pearse  sunglass.
the chosen candidate: the lady victaria wants a say in her stepson's future spouse to ensure someone she can easily manipulate is selected. they are the current frontrunner in her eyes and she is actively pushing them in trystane's direction, which is making him more opposed to the match, for other than a targaryen there's no person they want to marry least than whoever their stepmother wants. age: 30-35. open.
"thank you for trusting me even though you shouldn't": they've put in careful work to gaining the highgarden heir's trust but beneath their kind words and seeming support, there lurks malicious intents. another betrayal the heir won't see coming. open.
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finishinglinepress · 11 months
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NEW FROM FINISHING LINE PRESS: Scrutinizing the Dust by Marjorie Hanft
On SALE now! Pre-order Price Guarantee: https://www.finishinglinepress.com/product/scrutinizing-the-dust-by-marjorie-hanft/
Marjorie Hanft taught psychology for 27 years at Eastern Illinois University (until retirement in 2015). She continues to live in rural Illinois, caring for her centenarian dad with the help of her partner, a geologist, and hiking in local conservation areas. Her two adult daughters live nearby. Hanft’s #poems have appeared in such journals as Alte, Calyx, Cauldron Anthology, First Literary Review-East, Graham House Review, Humana Obscura, Muddy River Poetry Review, Persimmon Tree, and various anthologies.
PRAISE FOR Scrutinizing the Dust by Marjorie Hanft
Marjorie Hanft‘s gorgeous poems in Scrutinizing the Dust create a sensuous world of sound and taste, as well as sight and touch. Both the American Midwest and Ancient Greece come alive in the “complex sweetness” she uncovers as she surveys a forest, a rainbow, the biography of a famous painter, and “the first color in language.” Sometimes touching on the comic (such as impersonating the Statue of Liberty) and, at times, the tragic (“My father takes…a new dip…into the river/of forgetfulness,” these poems, filled with quirky information, shed light and music on the animals, fruits and thoughts that pepper our world.
–Austin Alexis, Author of Privacy Issues and For Lincoln & Other Poems
Marjorie’s poems epitomize beauty and brilliance in their impeccable attention to details that place us in the moment. We see her daughter’s “scars/ that turn from crimson to the color of her own skin.” We hear the “small sounds cluck/ in her throat.” And always we learn. In the poem describing persimmons she perfectly yokes the intellect with the sensuous, “in Greece/ what are called date-plums are bigger softer/ with smoother skin…” Hers is poetry at its most remarkable, as her imagery enables us to reach perceptions we have never imagined, “Locate the meaning/ of yellow &you will find that it blinks &flickers/ with intuitive intellect in the REM world of dreams.” Together her poems weave a journey through memory, history, art and the vision of words, showing us the delicacy and elegance of language. In her poem “Note to Emily,” Marjorie grudgingly accepts “a sightedness” she “didn’t choose.” Her acquiescence to that muse, despite herself, has gifted us with luminous and transcendent poetry.
–Olga Abella is the author of two books of poetry, Watching the Wind and What it Takesa and a former editor of Bluestem and Karamu.
Please share/repost #flpauthor #preorder #AwesomeCoverArt #read #poems #literature #poetry
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@etherealguard asked:
Stelle's favorite flower. Her favorite thing to find in the trash. What is the first thing she seeks when she lands in someplace new, is it food? Artifacts? Etc? Is she an affectionate person? Go
Headcanons for Stelle! Accepting!
Favorite flower:
dandelion. pretty. fun to play with. they grow fast and are easy to cultivate. can be made into a salad and are actually quite tasty if prepped right. a practical, convenient flower. plus they're yellow she likes yellow
Favorite thing to find in the trash:
ok i need to come forward here and say that my Stelle is not a memelord and as much as I love the humor in the game it very much did not reflect in her development as a muse. Stelle heavily focuses on practicality, so when she's digging around in trash cans what she's looking for are resources -- materials that can be made into other things of greater use. She sees leftover, unwanted items as something that can serve a purpose, and thus her favorite thing to find is actually anything that can be sold for some amount of profit or something like a metal scrap or rope, easy to bend/reuse/secure to something else.
First thing she seeks:
taking a page out of how I play my own game LMFAO and I'm gonna say that the first thing Stelle seeks is, again, the resources. I always, always go and try to grab as many chests as I can on the first go and cover as much of the map as feasibly possible before doubling back where I need to later on. Stelle is someone who likes to have tabs on her surroundings, and knowledge of the terrain is also a resource! Is there a chest here? Cool! Is that a Calyx? Okay, let's note that for later. What about this Cavern, does it have anything useful for us? Is that a loose book? Maybe that's useful -- Dan Heng can always add it to our databanks anyway. does this thing on the ground i've spotted serve any purpose? let's investigate. she's like that!
Is she affectionate:
...no. At least, not in the way that comes to mind when people think of the word "affectionate". She's not open about her affection, not the way March is. Physically and verbally, in fact, she's more like Dan Heng -- the major difference lies in the fact that Stelle is much more open to being cute, playful, and affectionate over text; her messages are full of silly emotes and fun messages that conflict rather strongly with her usual deadpan, inexpressive responses. That being said, she is more relaxed and open around the Express crew and children, more willing to tease and play in person with March, Dan Heng, Clara, Hook and the like.
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martyroshka · 2 years
the steam still lifts of her skin in the cold catchment of the bedrooms air.  they seemed to exchange in each others presence with ease,  as if passively religious of the other  &  settled into routine.  in her dressing gown,  absolved in the flesh  &  fragrant sweet;  legs swung across the bottom of the bed  & dangle inches off the ground. the bristles stiffen in the matt of her damp hair.  how many times have you cut your hair because of this?  it doesn’t matter,  to chastise herself did not undo it.  there will be another time the same as this. “  i can’t brush my hair.   ”    how does one confess to the unclean?  that is how you feel yourself  &  you will viciously rip it apart (a scolding of your pretence).
he is silent as he moved behind her  & pried the comb delicately from her hand that was still a loose-wrought fist at her shoulder.  the movements of his fingers as he begins to deftly pry apart the matting of her hair barely stung in the strain of her scalp.    fingertips pin the radicle to prevent the flinching uproot as her hair inevitably snaps;  it is fewer than to cut it all  &  will mask itself among the aphotic sea of red.  it is not all like this.  she did not view herself as unkempt,  so as she brushed   (..]     she would waiver & the midst of it would knot together.  it was easy to hide,  but months in the making,  your hair is a cluster  &  snaps bristles of attempted retribution.
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you have poignant, compromising moments of self care. you bathed.  you changed linens. you brushed your teeth semi regularly  (to say, her gums bled less now).   it was enough to get by.  it was enough to feel together. it was enough to pretend.
he asks if he’s hurting you.  your vision is blurred by tears as they drip soundlessly,  brackish of the lips  &  petrichor into the open palms in your lap.  this is a relinquish of power.  he does not toy with it,  he does not hold it above her nor does he efface her  &  she is guarded by him,  not of him  (calyx of the woman). “   no,  you’re not.  ”      a strain in the welling of your throat;  these moments are not the ones she shared so readily & the shame of this sinks into her muscles like ache.  
is this our love language?   i am beholden to you as no guise,  no figure  & the confidence that sloughs away to the matted roots of a wintered tree.   she doesn’t know how long she sits with his spindle-like fingers  &  the comb working to repent the damage of forgotten self-care. as he finished,  discreetly discarding the rend of hair,  his legs met either side of her own as she leant back into his enveloping arms,  head turning to kiss the contented hands that had made the poultice of a raw  &  tender confessional.
“   do you want me to brush your hair?   ”    soft spoken saccharine,  a half-murmur into his knuckles.  leaning her cheek against them,  her fingers follow the details of his palms  &  pray in a quietude of sweetness.
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westeroslive · 7 months
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let's  fight  with  gentle  words  til  time lend friends,   and friends   their helpful swords  as the court seeks the presence of their sought after.
five wanted connections  have been added.  
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𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         HELAENA  of  house  ZALYNE,  the  LADY  of  BRAAVOS  requests  the  presence  of  their  FORMER IN LAW  at  court.  their  portraits  seem  to  resemble  any fc  -  and  whisperers  among  the  court  seem  to  say  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  lord cosimo zalyne only considered the most advantageous matches for his eldest daughter, and marrying her to the heir of a westeros house certainly had many benefits for house zalyne. helaena arrived in westeros before the wedding in order to get to know her new family and home. she played the role of the perfect bride and then wife, but cracks soon began forming between the couple. they grew prone to arguments, and while they would make amends each time, many questioned if love would ever blossom between them. then not even a year after their wedding, the lord fell ill. he passed a fortnight later, leaving laena a widow once again. while an ordinary illness was the true cause of the lord's death and deemed so, this muse has never fully accepted it. helaena and them never got along, and they blame her for their brother's death - whether that's because they think she had a hand in it or believes the rumored curse that all of helaena's husbands are fated to die is utp. either way, they haven't forgotten helaena, nor she has she forgotten them, and are not looking forward to seeing her again. you  need  not  seek  contact  with  @steelfyre  to  discover  the  truth  behind  these  whispers.    this  particular  dynamic  seems  to  be  NEGATIVE  in  nature,  and  for  a  noble  of  age  28+  it  is  most  surprising.
𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         HELAENA  of  house  ZALYNE,  the  LADY  of  BRAAVOS  requests  the  presence  of  their  PEN PALS (2)  at  court.  their  portraits  seem  to  resemble  utp  -  and  whisperers  among  the  court  seem  to  say  the  following  regarding  their  relationship: the first pen pal would be someone from westeros who crossed paths with helaena when they visited the great city of braavos and a friendship sparked. it could've been entirely genuine or motivated by ulterior motives. distance grew when they returned across the narrow sea but they exchanged letters to keep in contact. the second pen pal would be someone she befriended during her brief marriage to a westerosi lord. after his death and laena's return to essos, they kept in contact. upon learning that she would be heading back to westeros, helaena wrote to them more frequently, wanting to learn all she could about westeros and have someone there already on her side before she arrived. you  need  not  seek  contact  with  @steelfyre  to  discover  the  truth  behind  these  whispers.    this  particular  dynamic  seems  to  be  POSITIVE  in  nature,  and  for  a  noble  of  30+  name  days  it  is  most  surprising.
𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         HELAENA  of  house  ZALYNE,  the  LADY  of  BRAAVOS  requests  the  presence  of  their  SWORN PROTECTOR  at  court.  their  portraits  seem  to  resemble  any poc fc  -  and  whisperers  among  the  court  seem  to  say  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  as the eldest daughter of the sealord, helaena's safety has always been of the utmost importance. this muse has been at her side for a few years if not longer. their is a playfulness to their relationship but at the end of the day they would do anything to protect laena and house zalyne. you  need  not  seek  contact  with  @steelfyre  to  discover  the  truth  behind  these  whispers.    this  particular  dynamic  seems  to  be  POSITIVE  in  nature,  and  for  a  noble  of  33+  name  days  it  is  most  surprising.
𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         CALYX  of  house  TARGARYEN,  the  PRINCE  of  WESTEROS  requests  the  presence  of  their  PARTNER IN CRIME / BEST FRIEND  at  court.  their  portraits  seem  to  resemble  mason gooding , josha stradowski , song kang , devon terrell , avan jogia , ivana baquero , rachel zegler , vanessa morgan , any fc  -  and  whisperers  among  the  court  seem  to  say  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  they are twin flames dancing together , where one goes the other follows. theirs is a fierce friendship that has stretched back many year , beginning when both were young and withstanding the test of time. much to the chagrin of some at court for when the pair are together trouble is certain to follow. cal views them as another sibling and someone he can trust no matter what. you  need  not  seek  contact  with  @steelfyre  to  discover  the  truth  behind  these  whispers.    this  particular  dynamic  seems  to  be  POSITIVE  in  nature,  and  for  a  noble  of  age  25-29  it  is  most  surprising.
𓏲ּ  ֶָ  𝑤𝑒𝑠𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑜𝑠𝒕𝒗  ⁝         CALYX  of  house  TARGARYEN,  the  PRINCE  of  WESTEROS  requests  the  presence  of  their  MOTH TO HIS FLAME  at  court.  their  portraits  seem  to  resemble  rachel zegler , ester yu , aslihan malbora , halle bailey , kristine froseth , phoebe  dynevor , havana rose liu , charithra chandran , any fc  -  and  whisperers  among  the  court  seem  to  say  the  following  regarding  their  relationship:  where calyx wavers between light and darkness, she exists solely in the light. it intrigues the prince, but like hades, he wonders how far he can pull them away from the sun's warmth. so he plays the part of a charming prince worthy of songs, a convincing facade. the intrigue goes both ways , perhaps she believes his act or she hopes to quell whatever darkness she feels exists within him , trapping them both in a dangerous game. you  need  not  seek  contact  with  @steelfyre  to  discover  the  truth  behind  these  whispers.    this  particular  dynamic  seems  to  be  NEGATIVE/POSITIVE  in  nature,  and  for  a  noble  of  age  25-29  it  is  most  surprising.
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