Complicated Favor (Harry Potter x Reader)
            “Do I have too?” (Y/N) asked, as she scrubbed another dish.
           (Y/N) was in the kitchen washing the dishes, when her mother approached her about going out with her friend’s son. Her mother and Petunia Dursley were friends and they thought it would be a good idea if their children were to have a date. (Y/N) wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. She met Dudley once, a year ago, and he wasn’t her type. She loved her mother and would do what she asked, but not without trying to get out of it first.
           “I don’t even know him,” she said, rinsing off the dish.
           “Well,” her mother thought for a moment. “Petunia said he attends Smeltings Academy and that’s a very prestigious school.”
           “I suppose it is,” (Y/N) replied, using a towel to dry the dish.
           “Oh! I do remember her saying he was a boxing champion. That’s pretty impressive huh?” her mother said with enthusiasm.
           “I guess,” she said, placing the last dish in the cabinet.
           “So you’ll do it?” her mother asked hopeful.
           “Yeah I’ll do it,” she said with a small smile as her mother embraced her.
           “Thanks sweetie,” her mother said, giving her a peck on her head.
           Petunia hung up the phone and rushed over to Dudley, who was sitting on the dining table with his father, Vernon, and his cousin Harry.
           “Good news Popkins!” she happily said, placing her hand on him as he shoveled food into his mouth. “(Y/N) wants to go on a date with you!”
           He continued to eat not paying attention to his mother. His dad, Veron, on the other hand was pleased to hear this.
           “She’s a lucky girl to be with our Dudley,” Vernon bragged.
           Harry rolled his eyes at his uncle’s words, wondering what kind of girl would agree to go on a date with Dudley, certainly not one with good judgement.
           Dudley continued to eat without any response to his parents. Petunia tried once more to get his attention.
           “Popkins did you hear what I said?” she asked, moving the dessert dish closer to him knowing that it would get his attention.
           When he looked at the dish, she repeated her news. “(Y/N) wants to go on a date with you.”
           This time he heard his mother and he swallowed the chunk of food in his mouth so fast that he almost choked. His mother hysterically slapped his back several times.
           “My poor Duddy. Are you okay?” she asked, hugging him and giving him multiple kisses.
           “Give the boy some air,” his father suggested.
           Petunia fanned her hand in his face. Harry couldn’t believe Dudley’s reaction, but he figured that Dudley was in just as much shock as he was hearing that a girl wanted a date with him.
           “Did you say (Y/N)?” he asked, taking a deep breath and sinking into his chair.
           “Yes!” Petunia replied, with a big smile.
           He thought for a moment before speaking, as Petunia anxiously waited for a response. He regained his composure and straighten up in his chair.
           “I knew she couldn’t resist me,” he said, pulling the dessert plate towards him.
           “Of course she couldn’t,” his mother happily agreed.
           “When will this occasion take place?” Vernon asked Petunia.
           “She wants to come over tomorrow for lunch,” she replied, gathering the used plates.
           “Hear that Dudley. She’s eager to see you,” his father said proudly.
           “I want four desserts for lunch!” Dudley demanded from his mother.
           “Yes Duddy! Anything you want,” she replied, placing the dishes into the sink.
           “And you!” Vernon spewed, pointing to Harry. “Stay out of sight!”
           “Yes Uncle,” he replied, annoyed with his uncle’s demand. He already knew to stay out of sight when visitors came. He didn’t need to be reminded every time. It’s not like he wanted to be around the people they invited. Most of them were unpleasant just like the Dursley’s, from what he could hear in his room. He’d be in his room even if they didn’t order him too.
           After dinner Harry was forced to clean the house, alongside his aunt with him doing most of the work. They wanted it to be spotless when (Y/N) came over.
           (Y/N) lived a few blocks away from the Dursley’s, so she decided to walk to their house for the lunch date. She tried her best to stay positive, but it was hard not to think that it was going to be a miserable experience.
           She approached 4 Privet Drive and paused on the sidewalk before moving towards the door. She gave herself a quick once-over and smoothed down her hair. After a few light knocks on the door, she heard voices and footsteps.
           “Hello Mrs. Dursley,” she politely said as Petunia held the door open.
           “Good afternoon (Y/N). Come in dear,” she replied with a huge smile.
           (Y/N) followed Petunia into the sitting area where they were met by Vernon and Dudley.
           “Hello Mr. Dursley,” she politely said as she shook his hand.
           “Good afternoon,” he replied with a grin.
           When she looked at Dudley, his stance was stiff and his eyes were practically popping out of his head. She had grown more beautiful since the last time he had seen her.
           “Hello Dudley,” she held her hand out for him to shake.
           Petunia gently pressed Dudley on his back to snap him out of his trance.
           “He..Hello ni..nice to see you again,” his voice cracking on the last word.
           She wanted to giggle at him but politely smiled and shook his sweaty hand.
           “Well let’s move to the table. Everything is set,” Petunia happily guided them to the dining area.
           Vernon gestured for Dudley to pull out (Y/N)’s chair. He quickly got behind her and pulled it out before she sat down.
           “Thank you,” she said, a little surprised by his manners.
           Throughout the lunch it was mostly Petunia who talked to her. Vernon occasionally voiced his opinion, but Dudley had only spoken a few words. She could see that he was nervous and, here she thought, she was going to be the uncomfortable one. So for her mother, she made an effort to engage him in conversation.
           “There are so many delicious desserts,” she stated, glancing at the four that were placed in front of her and Dudley. “Which one do you recommend that I try Dudley?”
           He glanced at them for a moment then chose. “I think mum’s pudding.”
           “Good chose my boy!” Vernon piped.
           “It looks wonderful Mrs. Dursley,” she complimented. “Could you serve me some Dudley?”
           He happily took her dish and plopped a large portion onto it. She smiled at Dudley as he placed it in front of her.
           “Thank you,” she remarked, lightly touching his arm.
           This relaxed him finally and gave him a shot of courage. Because he picked up a big blob of pudding with her spoon and pushed it towards her mouth. She had to open her mouth quickly to keep him from hitting her teeth. But she took it in stride and gulped it all down without choking.
           “It’s delicious,” she said, wiping off the pudding that had hit her lips.
           “So glad you like it!” Petunia beamed.
           Vernon and Petunia finished their desserts and left the two of them alone. Dudley continuously talked as he ate a portion from each dessert. (Y/N) listened and pretended to be interested in what he was saying. She had finished her dessert long ago and was just waiting for him to finish so she could put an end to their “date.” He finally pushed his plate away and wiped his mouth.
           “Well this has been nice,” she said, pushing her chair away from the table.
           “Wait!” he said not wanting her to leave yet. “I’ve got new computer games we could play.”
           “Yes! That’s an excellent idea!” Petunia chimed in.
           “I would but my mother is expecting me home soon,” she lied.
           “I’ll call her and explain. I’m sure she wouldn’t mind,” Petunia suggested.
           “Alright,” (Y/N) said seeing no way out of it.
           “Good come on!” Dudley excitedly said, grabbing her hand and leading her up the stairs to his room.
           She was practically tripping over herself trying to keep up with him. Once they reached the top, he slowed down. As they walked down the small hallway, she heard a loud noise come from one of the rooms.
           “Did you hear that?” she asked, coming to a stop.
           “No,” he answered.
           “It came from behind this door,” she said, releasing his hand and stepping close to the door.
           “It’s nothing,” he replied, seeing her approach Harry’s bedroom door.
           She ignored him and could see that the door was cracked open. She knocked on the door, then waited for a response. Harry remained still, trying not to make any noise. But unfortunately for him, this was the moment Hedwig chose to stretch her wings and flap causing a vibration against the cage. Having heard the noise again and no response from her knock, she opened the door. She never imagined she’d see a boy standing next to a caged owl.
           “Sorry for disturbing you,” she said, entering the room. “But I heard a noise and no one answered when I knocked.”
           Harry couldn’t believe the sight that was before him. He never thought  someone that agreed to go on a date with Dudley would be so attractive. For a brief moment, he was envious of Dudley.
           “Not a problem,” he replied, with a smile.
           “Is that an owl?” she asked, walking up to the cage.
           “Yes,” he replied, looking over to Dudley who was standing at his doorway with a glare. He knew there was going to be trouble with the Dursley’s once she left the house. He had broken the rules about staying quiet, but right now he didn’t care. “Her name is Hedwig.”
           “That’s a nice name. What’s yours?” she asked as she stared into his eyes noticing their beautiful hue.
           “That’s not important. Let’s go to my room,” Dudley interrupted.
           “Dudley don’t be rude. Let him answer,” she said.
           “It’s Harry. Harry Potter,” he replied.
           “Are you two related?” she asked, wondering why none of the Dursley’s had mentioned him.
           He looked to Dudley and answered. “Yes, we’re cousins.”
           Hedwig flapped her wings again grabbing their attention.
           “Is she hungry?” she asked, moving her hand toward the cage.
           Harry immediately grabbed her wrist to stop her.
           “She likes to snap at fingers,” he said.
           “Oh sorry,” she replied, noticing that Harry was now holding her hand.
           “Wouldn’t want you to lose a finger,” he said, rubbing his thumb against her finger.
           “No I wouldn’t want that,” she giggled.
           Dudley cleared his throat to break up their discussion.
           Harry let go of her hand and smiled. She had almost forgotten that Dudley was even with them.
           “Dudley was going to show me his new computer games. Would you like to come with us?” she asked him.
           “No I’m fine here,” he answered, feeling the angry stare of Dudley on him.
           She looked around his room and noticed that there were only a few books and a trunk. There wasn’t much for him to do.
           “Come on. It’ll be fun. Right Dudley?” she asked with a smile.
           Dudley not wanting to say no to her, agreed.
           “Good. Lead the way,” she said happily.
           They entered Dudley’s room and she was overwhelmed by the massive amount of items he had in there. It was obvious that his parents gave him anything he wanted. It was quite the opposite of Harry’s room.
           Dudley and (Y/N) sat down at the desk in front of the computer, while Harry stood behind them. Dudley explained to her how to play one of the games then let her try. He sat very close to her almost covering the entire screen from Harry. Occasionally, he would look back at him angrily. He ignored Dudley’s threats and kept his concentration on (Y/N).
           “Let Harry play too,” she told Dudley, noticing that he was only allowing the two of them a turn.
           Dudley reluctantly rose from his seat and allowed Harry to sit. She watched him as he played. She could see his face light up every time he passed another level. She thought he looked so cute.
           The three of them continued to play for some time. She looked at her watch and noticed how long she had been there.
           “I think it’s time for me to head home,” she announced, rising from the chair.
           “I’ll walk you to the door,” Dudley said.
           Harry tried to follow them down the stairs but Dudley pushed him back when (Y/N) wasn’t looking. When they reached the door, she said goodbye to all the Dursley’s who kindly invited her to come back whenever she wanted. She wanted to say goodbye to Harry but he was nowhere to be found. She figured he must have not enjoyed her company as much as she did his.
           As she walked down the block, to her surprise she saw Harry standing at the end of it.
           “What are you doing out here?” she asked him.
           “I was waiting for you. Thought I’d walk you home,” he said with a grin.
           “I’d like that,” she said, smiling back at him.
           They walked slowly beside each other as the sun started to set.
           “How come you didn’t say goodbye with the rest of the family?”
           “I wanted to surprise you,” he answered, not telling her the whole truth.
           He didn’t want to explain how he wasn’t even supposed to come out of his room or make any noise. They just met and he didn’t think it was the time to be explaining his horrible situation with the Dursley’s.
           “I thought you didn’t like me and that’s why you didn’t say goodbye,” she replied.
           “No definitely not. I like you,” he replied a little more excited than he meant too.
           She giggled at his response then said “Good.”
           They reached her house and Harry walked her to the door.
           “Thank you for walking me home,” she said.
           “My pleasure,” he confessed.
           They stood in silence for a moment. Harry gazed at her beautiful features wondering once again how Dudley could manage to get her to come on a lunch date.
           “Can I ask you something?” he asked, breaking the silence.
           She knew what he was going to ask. It was obviously about her and Dudley. Anyone besides their mothers would wonder.
           “Why would I agree to a lunch date with Dudley?” she answered.
           “If you don’t want to tell me its fine,” he responded, not wanting to make her uncomfortable.
           “No I’ll tell you. Tomorrow,” she responded with a smirk.
           “Tomorrow?” he asked confused.
           “Yeah, if you want to know the answer come over tomorrow.”
           “Okay I’ll be here,” he responded with an elated smile.
           “Goodbye Harry Potter,” was the last thing she said before going inside.
           Harry left her house thinking that he never could have predicted that Dudley’s date would turn out so well for him.
           The next day (Y/N) waited for Harry. In fact, she waited all day. She didn’t understand why he hadn’t shown. She figured he had changed his mind about her.
           Harry paced back and forth in his room. As he had suspected, his Aunt and Uncle were waiting for him when he returned from walking (Y/N) home. They locked him in his room and ordered him to stay in there, until further notice. Without any way to make contact with her, it would look as if he had skipped out on her.  Unable to use his magic to escape, because the Ministry would get involved he would have to wait until his punishment was over and explain the situation.
           Dudley called (Y/N) every morning for the next few days to invite her to one place after another. She was only able to make excuses twice before having to give in. Petunia became involved and talked to her mother about the two of them spending more time together. So once again upon her mother’s request she went out with him.
           He picked her up in his parent’s car and to her surprise once again, opened the car door for her. When they arrived at the pizza parlor, he ran around the car and opened the door. It didn’t stop there either. He held the door open when they entered and pulled out her chair as well. He was really making an effort to display manners with her. He ordered a large pizza, which she thought was too much for the two of them.
           “Dudley don’t order a large. I’m not that hungry,” she said after the waitress walked away.
           “I have to. Coach says I need to bulk up before my next match,” he replied, punching the air as if there was an invisible opponent. “You can come and watch me win.”
           “You’re pretty confident,” she remarked.
           “I’ve beaten him before and I’ll do it again,” he boasted. “I’ll save you a seat right next to the ring.”
           “I don’t think---“
           “Afterwards Mum and Dad will take us out to celebrate,” he interrupted.
           “Well I’ll have to ask my mother. It is the summer and she may have already made plans for something,” she replied, hoping to find a way out of going.
           The waitress arrived with the pizza and he continued boasting about opponents he had beaten. By the end of the meal, she heard everything about his boxing career. Not once did he bother to ask her anything about herself.
           “You know it’s not very polite to talk about yourself the whole time,” she remarked, having had enough of his selfish behavior.
           He hung his head and looked down at his plate. “I didn’t realize that I had been talking about myself and not including you. I was just excited to tell you about boxing because I like it so much,” he said in an apologetic tone.
           That was not the reaction she had expected and now she felt bad for scolding him.
           “I understand. Don’t worry about it,” she said, patting his hand.
           He ordered dessert for them and they talked about her interests until they were done. He opened the car door for her and kept her talking about herself the whole ride home. He was genuinely trying to makeup for his earlier behavior and (Y/N) noticed.
           He parked in front of her house and once again ran around to open her door.
           “Thank you,” she said.
           Dudley closed the door behind her and walked her to the front door.
           “I liked eating pizza with you,” he stated. “Maybe we could do it again?”
           “We’ll see,” she answered.
           He said goodbye and drove off.
           She entered the house and sat on the other end of the couch where her mother was currently relaxing with a book.
           “How was your date?” her mother asked.
           “It was fine.”
           “Just fine?” her mother asked, closing her book.
           “What do you think of Dudley?”
           “He’s confusing,” she replied.
           “How so?”
           “Well one minute he’s completely self-absorbed but then the next he’s so attentive,” she answered. “I don’t know what to think.”
           “Sounds like he’s trying,” her mother encouraged.
           “I guess he is,” she remarked.
           “A boy came by today looking for you.”
           “I believe he said his name was Harry. He said he’d come back later,” her mother answered.
           “Is that all he said?” she inquired.
           “Yes,” she replied.
           (Y/N) felt strangely happy hearing that he had come to see her, but also wondered why it took him so long to do so. She went to her room and changed her outfit and fixed her hair.
           It was getting late and she had just about given up on him when the doorbell rang.
           “I’ll get it!” she yelled to her mother.
           She fixed her outfit and smoothed down her hair before opening the door. She stepped out and closed the door behind her.
           “Well look who finally decided to show up,” she remarked, leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.
           “I know it was longer than I intended and I’m sorry,” he apologized.
           She could see that he meant it and he did look particularly cute at the moment, so she decided to forgive him. She grabbed his hand and lead him to the small bench on the porch. There they continued to talk. Learning more about one another.
The sun set and the stars came out. The porch light turned on snapping them out of their conversation.
           “I guess it’s getting late,” Harry announced, realizing for the first time that he was holding (Y/N)’s hand.
           “I suppose it is,” she replied.
           Harry rubbed his thumb gently against her hand making her smile. He leaned in slowly and placed a soft kiss upon her lips. To his delight, she returned the gesture.
           Their lips parted and Harry stood, pulling (Y/N) along with him.
           “Would you like to meet at the park tomorrow?” Harry asked.
           “Yes,” she replied, her cheeks still flushed from their kiss.
           “Around lunch time?” he asked.
           “I’ll be there.”
           Harry waved goodbye as he walked down the street. Excited for the next day.
           The next day he sneakily gathered things into his bag for his date with (Y/N). He heard his Uncle’s car pull into the driveway and hurriedly zipped his bag and headed out the back door.
           At the park, he placed a small blanket on the ground underneath a shady tree and waited for (Y/N). He heard someone approaching from behind the tree, but to his dismay it was not who he was expecting.
           “What are you doing here?” Dudley asked with attitude. He looked at the picnic set up displayed. “Having lunch with your imaginary friend?” he scoffed.
           “No just go away Dudley,” he commanded.
           “Make me!” Dudley angrily replied kicking dirt onto the blanket and Harry.
           Harry jumped up ready to pull out his wand but spotted (Y/N) at a distance.
           Dudley grabbed Harry by the shirt and balled his fist. Harry braced for the impact. Just as Dudley’s fist came into contact with his jaw, he heard (Y/N) cry out for Dudley to stop.
           “What are you doing?!” she yelled at Dudley as she pushed him away from Harry.
           Shocked that she had seen what he had just done, he stuttered to find words to explain his actions.
           “Are you okay?” she asked Harry examining his face.
           “Yeah I’m okay,” he replied moving his jaw slowly in a circular motion.
           “Were you coming to meet him?!” Dudley asked heatedly.
           “Yes!” she replied.
           “But you’re my girlfriend!”
          “I’m not your girlfriend!” she replied. “And even if there was a tiny chance that we could be friends, there is none now. I couldn’t be friends with someone who goes around hitting people for no reason!”
          “Could you be friends with a..a…?” Dudley pointed at Harry wanting to tell her he was a wizard.
          Harry gave him a stern look.
          “A what?” she asked.
          Dudley stared back at Harry furious knowing he couldn’t tell his secret.
          “I think you should leave Dudley!” Harry demanded.
          “I agree,” (Y/N) replied.
          Dudley growled before stomping off.
          “Are you sure you’re alright?” she asked Harry again. A bruise began to show on his jaw.
          “Let’s go back to my house and put some ice on it,” she suggested. Harry nodded.
          They gathered up the picnic supplies. Once there Harry set up the picnic in the yard as she went inside to grab the ice. While inside, she explained to her mother what happened and that she didn’t want to spend anymore time with Dudley. Her mother understood. (Y/N) was concerned that this would cause a rift in her mother’s friendship with Mrs. Dursley but he mother assured her that she could smooth things over with Petunia. She gave her mother a hug and returned to Harry.
          They finished their meal and laid side by side holding hands.
          “(Y/N) would you be my girlfriend?” Harry asked nervously.
          She snapped her head to face him and happily replied, “Yes.”
          Harry eventually told her that he was a wizard and she wasn’t surprised. Turns out that wizards run in her family too.
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Blurred Euphoria was so amazing. Oh my Godric! Such talent and such gripping words. I love this so much. Amazing writing!!!
@ivoryrosespn thanks so much for your kind words. I really appreciate it!
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do you have a masterlist?
@angel-fire I have one for the computer, but haven’t figured out to make one for mobile. Sorry
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Thank you to each of my followers and anyone who has read/reblogged/liked my stories. I appreciate you all!
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Cool Girl (Harry Potter x Reader)
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           Harry and (Y/N) had an open relationship, mostly because that’s the way she wanted it. She wasn’t the type of girl who wanted to be tied down to one person. She liked her freedom and wanted to have fun. He knew this and agreed. It seemed like a good idea at first, but seeing her flirt with his best friend the past couple of days wasn’t easy.
           “Give that back!” Ron shouted, as he chased (Y/N) around the Gryffindor common room.
           “Come and get it!” she laughed, waving his wand in the air.
           She quickly put his wand behind her back when he cornered her. Out of breath, she looked up at him with a playful smile.
           “What are you going to do now Weasley?”
           With a playful smile of his own, he stepped closer to her, reached around her back and started to pry it from her hand. She tightened her grip, but felt it slipping out of her fingers.
           “You’re not going to win,” he said, pinning her against the wall.
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Cool Girl (Harry Potter x Reader)
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           Harry and (Y/N) had an open relationship, mostly because that’s the way she wanted it. She wasn’t the type of girl who wanted to be tied down to one person. She liked her freedom and wanted to have fun. He knew this and agreed. It seemed like a good idea at first, but seeing her flirt with his best friend the past couple of days wasn’t easy.
           “Give that back!” Ron shouted, as he chased (Y/N) around the Gryffindor common room.
           “Come and get it!” she laughed, waving his wand in the air.
           She quickly put his wand behind her back when he cornered her. Out of breath, she looked up at him with a playful smile.
           “What are you going to do now Weasley?”
           With a playful smile of his own, he stepped closer to her, reached around her back and started to pry it from her hand. She tightened her grip, but felt it slipping out of her fingers.
           “You’re not going to win,” he said, pinning her against the wall.
           Unable to move and losing her grip on the wand, she made her move. She placed her lips against his. Surprised by her action, Ron immediately let go of the wand and cupped her face with both his hands to continue the kiss.
           Harry watched as her hands wrapped around Ron’s waist, pulling him against her body. Jealousy and a bit of anger ran through him as they continued to give affection to one another. Unable to take the sight of them all over each other, he removed himself from the common room.
           (Y/N) broke the kiss and asked, “Still want your wand back?”
           “You can keep it,” he responded, placing his lips back onto hers.
           It was time for dinner, so (Y/N) and Ron walked hand in hand into the Great Hall. They sat across from Harry.
           “Hi Harry,” she greeted in a pleasant tone.
           “Hey,” he responded grimly.
           She furrowed her brows and wondered what had caused his moody response. She leaned her head on Ron’s shoulder as the Headmaster gave the evening announcements. Ron kissed her hand fueling Harry’s emotions.
           Throughout the meal, Ron and (Y/N) flirted with one another, causing Harry to leave early. Afterwards she and Ron entered the common room. He made his way to his room and she went to Harry on the couch.
           “Hey,” she said happily, plopping herself next to him.
           He didn’t respond. He did however create space between them, which she clearly noticed.
           “What’s wrong?” she asked.
           She could hear in his voice that something was on his mind.
           “You can tell me,” she said, grabbing his hand.
           “Did you want something?” he asked, removing his hand from hers.
           Not wanting to push him to confide in her she answered his question.
           “What time did you want to meet at the Quidditch field tomorrow?”
           “Sure you wouldn’t rather have Ron help you?” he asked, with a bit of anger.
           “No,” she answered. “Are you mad that I’m spending time with Ron?
           “Why would I be mad that you’re all over my best friend?” he asked angrily.
           “Is that why you’ve had an attitude with me? Because of Ron?” she asked, becoming mad. “You are such a hypocrite! You’ve dated my friends and I’ve never said anything to you about it!”
           “Whatever,” he said, rising from the couch.
           “It’s not whatever!” she said angrily, holding onto his arm to keep him from leaving. “I told you from the start that I was going to date other people and you agreed!”
           “Well that was before--” he paused.
           “Before what?”
           “Forget it! Just do what you want!” he responded, releasing himself from her grip and making his way to his room.
           Her anger turned to sadness as she watched him walk away. She didn’t understand why he was being that way with her. Out of all the people she dated, she liked him the most and didn’t want to be the cause of him losing his best friend.
           The next day she broke things off with Ron and explained to him why. Although he didn’t want to end things between them, he understood why she was doing it.
           Harry regretted losing his temper with (Y/N). He knew he should of handled it better. Pushing her away was the last thing he wanted.
           (Y/N) kept her distance from Harry. Over the next couple of weeks, slowly Harry and Ron were making their way back to each other and this made her happy.
           She recently started hanging out with Neville Longbottom. She found his sweet demeanor and knowledge of plants interesting. They were currently heading into the greenhouse to make a flower crown for the snowman they built. Neville removed his gloves and clipped several flowers from the pot.
           “These are beautiful,” she said. “And they smell so good,” she added, holding one up to her nose.
           “I used a special fertilizer to intensify the scent,” he replied, connecting the flowers.
           She watched as he continued to form the crown. When he was done, he pulled gently on it and to her surprise there were now two. He smiled and placed one on her head.
           She smiled and said, “How do I look?���
           “Very pretty,” he nervously replied, his cheeks blushing.
           “Let’s take this one out to the snowman,” she said, grabbing his hand as he snatched up the crown.
            Once outside, he placed the flower crown on its head.
           “The flowers won’t last long in this weather,” he mentioned.
           “Yeah I know, but it looks nice for now,” she replied, carving out a smile on the snowman with her finger.
           Neville stared at her. She was beautiful with the flowers on her head and her nose and cheeks pink from the cold. This would be a perfect time for a photo.
           “Would you mind if I took your photo?” he asked.
           “No of course not,” she smiled.
           “I’ll need to go get one,” he said.
           “Okay. I’ll wait here.”
           “I’ll be right back,” he said, running towards the castle.
           (Y/N) smoothed the shape of the snowman as she waited. She heard the snow crunch behind her. She turned to look.
           “Hi,” Harry said softly.
           “Hi,” she replied, turning back to the snowman.
           He stepped next to her to get her attention.
           “Can I talk to you?”
           “I don’t think there’s anything for us to talk about,” she replied, continuing to shape the snowman.
           “Please (Y/N)?”
           Hearing his plea, she stopped and turned to him.
           “I want to explain why I acted the way I did.”
           “I’m listening,” she said, crossing her arms over her chest.
           “At first, I was fine with us seeing other people. But as I got to know you better it was hard seeing you with someone else,” he paused for a moment and stared into her eyes. “Because I was falling in love with you.”
           She was taken back by his statement. “I don’t know what to say.”
           “Do you feel the same way about me?” he asked.
           “I really like you but I can’t say that I’m in love with you,” she replied, seeing the hurt look on his face.
           “Maybe if we were exclusive your feelings would change?” he questioned, taking a step closer.
           “Perhaps, but I don’t want to do that,” she answered. “I don’t want to be in a relationship. I want to enjoy my time here at Hogwarts, getting to know different people. So when I am ready for a relationship, I’ll know what I want.”
           “I got the camera!” Neville shouted, running up to them out of breath. “Hi Harry.”
           “Hey,” he responded, with a weak smile.
           Neville looked at (Y/N) holding up the camera. “You ready?”
           “Yeah,” she answered, stepping close to the snowman. She held her smile for Neville, as she watched Harry walk away with his head down. She didn’t mean to hurt him but she needed to be honest. Maybe one day, when they’re older, they would find their way back to each other. Until then, they would go their separate ways.
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Blurred Euphoria chapter 1 (Draco x Reader)
          (Y/N) sat on the Hogwarts train on her way home with tears running down her face. She couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in a few hours. She looked down at the floor in the compartment she was sitting alone in thinking about what happened unable to control her tears.            "I’m happy to be going home. I really want to see my aunt but I’m really going to miss you Draco. I won’t get to see you everyday,“ (Y/N) said sadly with her arms wrapped around his neck looking up at Draco.            "I’m going to visit you as much as I can,” Draco said licking his lips and squeezing his arms tighter around (Y/N)’s waist.            "Promise?“ (Y/N) asked smiling inching her face closer to Draco’s.            "I promise,” Draco whispered almost touching (Y/N)’s lips with his own.            (Y/N) pulled down on Draco’s neck making their lips connect. Draco kissed (Y/N) intensely until they had to separate to breathe. She smiled at Draco with her lips still tingling from their kiss. Draco smiled back at her rubbing his thumb across her swollen lips.            "Your mine,“ Draco insisted touching the back of her head gently and intertwining his fingers in her hair.
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Hey! I was just wondering whether you could make a master list? Or do you already have one?
I do have one it’s on my blog under the masterlist link. I don’t have one for mobile yet.
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Hai! (This isent really a question) but have you heard of q Qoutev? It's a website that you can write stories and quizzes (like fanfic 😉😉) on and I bet you would like itttt! Ya, a d have a great day!
Yes I have an account there with all my stories under the username mugglewitch75. Have a good day too!
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Hi! Are there more parts to come of Persuasion of Draco Malfoy or it's over? Btw I reaaally love that story, it's one of my favorites :))
I’m so happy to hear that! At the moment I have yet to decide whether it’s done or not. But I would like to continue it if I can.
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The Persuasion of Draco Malfoy (Draco x Reader) chapter 10
            (Y/N) and Millicent returned to the common room with only a few hours left for sleep. The cat was found in the kitchens with the house elves. They had been feeding him throughout the day. He was sleeping by a bowl of milk with a full belly. Millicent was so relieved when they found him. (Y/N) was just glad they didn't get caught for being out past curfew.              She was awaken by the cat meowing by the door. He wanted to be let out of the room. She peeked open her eyes and saw Millicent walking towards him.              "If I let you out, you better not make me go looking for you again," she said picking up the cat and snuggling her face against his.             The cat meowed as if it understood her. She opened the door and let him out.              She sat down on her bed and began putting on her boots. She could see (Y/N) with one eye half open.             "You're gonna miss breakfast if you don't get up," she said, as she stood.             "I'm not going. I want to sleep a little longer maybe until lunch," she mumbled into her pillow.             "Okay see you later and thanks again for helping me," she responded, as she exited the room.             When Millicent entered the common room she noticed Draco sitting by the exit door. He stood up when he spotted her and moved in front of her when she came closer. She rolled her eyes and tried to walk past him.              "Wait a minute," Draco said, as politely as he could manage to Millicent.
            She knew he only wanted information about (Y/N)'s whereabouts since she hadn't come down yet.             "She's sleeping till lunch!" she said sharply, pushing past him and out of the common room.             He glared at Millicent as she left. He blamed her for not being able to finish his conversation with (Y/N) and for her still being asleep. He would now have to wait until later to talk to her.              (Y/N) stepped out of her room and continued to the common room. She saw Draco standing next to the fireplace with his back to her. She came up slowly behind him and squeezed the sides of his waist making him jump.             "Ha ha, I scared you," she giggled, tapping him on his chest with her finger.             "You got me," he said with a smile then stepped close to her.             She looked up at him and smiled. He put his hands gently on her waist. The feel of his touch made her heart beat rapidly.             "Do you want to be my girlfriend?" he asked, rubbing her waist with his thumb.             "Yes I want to be your girlfriend," she said, with her cheeks blushing brightly.             She reached up and put her arms around his neck. She tiptoed bringing her face closer to his. She looked at his lips then moved her lips closer to his. He unexpectedly pulled his face back. He grasped her arms and pulled them off his neck.             "Draco what's wrong?" she said, looking upset.             "Nothing everything is perfect.....for me," he responded with a smirk, then walked towards a crowd of students.             She stood there confused about what just happened.             "Listen up everyone!" he shouted in a commanding voice.             The crowd of students turned to Draco becoming quiet.             "I got (Y/N) (L/N) to say she wanted to be my girlfriend. So that means I pulled the biggest prank. I won now pay up!" he announced, holding out his hand towards the students.             She couldn't believe what just happened. She watched as several students went up to Draco handing him money. This whole time he was just trying to win a bet and didn't really want to be with her. Tears began to fall down her face as she thought about how foolish she had been to trust him.             "You were right Draco. You are the King of Halloween," Crabbe said, as he handed him money.             (Y/N) fell to her hands and knees and began to cry uncontrollably. She felt as if someone punched her in the stomach. She could hear the students begin to chant his name.             "Draco! Draco! Draco!" they all shouted, as he stood with his arms crossed and a smug look on his face.             (Y/N) blinked her eyes open slowly. She was still in her bed. It was only a bad dream. Draco wasn't using her to win money. Placing her hand over her heart, she exhaled. She was so relieved it wasn't real.             Since her first year at Hogwarts, (Y/N) would wake up to a bad dream every Halloween morning. Her first year, she dreamt that she was drowning in the Black Lake. She avoided the lake the rest of the school year. Last year, she dreamt about touching a bubotuber and getting horribly painful boils all over her body. She still avoids going anywhere near one. This Halloween's dream was the worst for her because it was emotionally painful. She couldn't avoid Draco nor did she want to. She would just have to forget about the dream and not let it affect her.             She pushed away the thoughts about the dream and looked over to her clock. There was still some time before lunch. She rose out of bed and went to wash her face and brush her teeth. She changed out of her sleeping clothes and combed her hair. She sat down on the bed and put on her shoes. She thought about Draco and smiled to herself. She was so happy to have him in her life.             She put on her robe, grabbed her wand, and left the room. There were a lot of students gathered in the common room. Most of them were boys plotting their next prank.             The common room looked a lot like her dream. She was glad that Draco wasn't standing next to the fireplace. She looked around but didn't see him or Millicent. She made her way through the room when she felt someone tap her shoulder. She turned around and saw a first year looking up at her.             "Happy Halloween," he said smiling and handing her a candy, then quickly walking away.             "Thank you!" she shouted to him, placing it in her robe pocket.             She exited the common room and headed to the stairs. There were a few boys gathered near the stairs. She could hear them talking as she approached.             "Not her," she heard one of them say.             "Draco will curse you," she heard another one say.             When she reached the staircase, the boys smiled at her while quickly putting whatever was in their hands behind their backs. They were trying to conceal what they had. She wondered what they were going to do to the next unsuspecting girl who went through them.             She stepped off the staircase and headed down the hallway. The closer she got to the Great Hall the more students there were. She could hear girls yelling and boys laughing. Most students were either sitting or standing around waiting for lunch to begin.              She maneuvered her way through the crowd when she was knocked down to the floor. A boy bumped into her as he tried to escape from an angry girl who was running after him.              She felt someone grab onto her waist lifting her up.             "Are you alright (Y/N)?" she heard him ask as he helped her stand.             She looked up at the voice as she dusted off her robe. It was Harry with Ron standing next to him.             "Yes. My hands just sting a little," she said, closing and opening her hands to relieve some of the pain.             "Here let me help you," Harry said, as he clutched her hands.             He rubbed his thumbs in a circular motion against her palms. Harry's hands were soothing, but it didn't feel the same as when Draco touched her. Maybe it was because she didn't know Harry as well so it didn't feel as pleasing.             Crabbe and Goyle passed by them. They looked directly at her hands while Harry was rubbing them. Crabbe had a surprised look on his face, so did Goyle. They whispered to one another and started walking faster. She was sure they were off to tell Draco what they had seen.             "Thank you," she said, gently pulling her hands away.             "No problem," Harry replied with a smile.             "Hello Ron. Glad to see you’re feeling better," she said, smiling at him.             "Me too. I never want to experience that again," he replied, stepping slightly in front of Harry.             "So where were you headed?" Harry asked, placing himself in front of Ron to keep her attention on him.             "I was going to the greenhouse to check on my plant for Herbology class," she answered, laughing a little at how Harry and Ron kept stepping in front of each other when talking to her.             "Would you like to have lunch with me, Ron, and Hermione? We were going to eat outside today. I'm bringing the food," Harry asked, trying to convince her to spend time with them.             "Yeah come on. Eat with us," Ron pleaded.             "Okay," she said politely.             She didn't want to say no after he had been so nice to her. She was still feeling bad about not visiting Ron in the hospital, so she agreed. Hermione would be there also, so it would be nice to have lunch with her as well.             "Meet us by the lake where I dropped you off with the pumpkins," Harry instructed happily.             "I will," she said, walking away and waving to them both.             She entered the greenhouse and walked over to where her plant was placed. She grabbed the watering can from under the table and poured water onto it. She was growing a Dittany. She chose this particular plant because of its healing abilities and the leaves smelled like mint.              She heard someone else enter the greenhouse. It was Hermione.             "Hi, come to check on your plant too?" she asked Hermione, as she watched her go to the other end of the table.             "Yes," she replied, putting on a safety mask.             Hermione was growing a sneezewort plant. It's a potion ingredient used to make confusing and befuddlement draughts. The leaves have powder on them that make you sneeze. (Y/N) was far enough away that the powder wouldn't bother her.             (Y/N) added a little more water to her plant and placed the watering can back underneath the table. Hermione took off her safety mask and came over to where she was.             "You ready to go? Harry told me he invited you to eat lunch with us," Hermione asked.             "Yes I am," she replied.             They exited the greenhouse and continued to the lake. They could see Harry and Ron sitting and waiting for them. As they approached, Hermione noticed Harry tilting his head towards Ron. He wanted her to sit by Ron so (Y/N) would sit next to him. Hermione sat down next to Ron not having noticed him give her the same jester, for her to sit next to Harry. Ron rolled his eyes at Hermione as (Y/N) sat down next to Harry.             "What?" Hermione mouthed, unaware of what she missed.             "Nothing," Ron whispered, with a sour look on his face.             They passed around the food and began to eat. Harry smiled, delighted that (Y/N) was here and not with Draco. As they ate, Hermione and (Y/N) talked about their classes. All the studying they needed to do and the assignments they were looking forward to. Harry and Ron looked at each other confused and bored with the conversation the two of them were having about school work.             Unable to find (Y/N) before lunch, Draco waited for her at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall. Crabbe and Goyle told him what they witnessed earlier between Harry and (Y/N). It was so hard for him to stay calm thinking about Harry with her. He knew he had to for her. He wasn't go to risk anything when he was so close to getting her. Lunch was almost over and without eating anything he left the Great Hall to look for her again.             After they finished eating lunch, Hermione suggested they go visit Hagrid. She invited (Y/N) to come along. She was having fun hanging out with them, so she agreed to go.             They reached the front steps of Hagrid's Hut. Hermione knocked on the door. They heard footsteps then the door opened.             "Hello. Come in," Hagrid said, as he stepped aside.             "What's that delicious smell?" Hermione stated, walking in.             "It's spice cake. Sit down and have some," Hagrid offered, pointing to the table.             Hermione and (Y/N) sat down at the table. Harry and Ron looked at each other realizing there was only one seat available next to (Y/N). They quickly walked shoving and elbowing each other for the seat. Ron was able to move Harry aside to slip into the seat. Harry huffed at his loss and went to sit in between Hermione and Hagrid.             Hermione handed everyone a plate and fork while Hagrid cut the cake and gave a piece to each of them. Hagrid also poured a glass of milk for everyone. Harry, Hermione, and (Y/N) saw that the cake was a little burnt and kind of hard. Not wanting to hurt Hagrid's feelings they all took small bites while gulping down the milk to help wash it down. Ron was eating it like he had never tasted anything so delicious and not even using the fork.             "You know a long time ago they use to hand out spice cake to children. They called them soul cakes. These soul cakes were given with the understanding that the "souler" who ate them would in turn pray for the souls of the dead," said Hermione as she took a small bite of the cake.             "That's right Hermione," Hagrid said, impressed with her knowledge of the cake.             (Y/N) knew this also but wasn't one to state facts out like Hermione. Ron and Harry just made faces being use to Hermione's random know-it-all statements.             "I hope you all will be participating in the forbidden forest search. Dumbledore's put me in charge of it. Thought it might be fun for Halloween," Hagrid said, with a big smile on his face.             They all looked at each other confused.             "What is this search?" Harry asked.    ��        "Well students will go into the forest to find a specific item and whoever brings the most back will win a prize. In fact I need to get ready. Suppose to be starting an hour before dinner," Hagrid said, as he stood up.             He collected the plates and glasses and put them in the sink. Fang woke up from his sleep and walked over to the door. Hagrid opened the door to let him out.             "You all will be there won't ya?" Hagrid asked, standing by the door.             They all nodded their heads and smiled at him. Hagrid walked out and closed the door behind him.              "I'm not doing that," Ron said, shaking his head.             "Ron we have too. You'll hurt Hagrid's feeling if you don't," Hermione said, looking a little worried.             "You scared Ron?" Harry asked laughing.             "No! Just don't think it's a good idea is all," he replied trying to sound unafraid.             "Hermione's right we have to do it for Hagrid," (Y/N) agreed, smiling at Ron trying to convince him to go.             She didn't want to do it either but Hagrid had always been nice to her. She wanted to go find Draco and spend time with him but she had to stay and participate.              Draco waited in the common room for her hoping she would show up. He asked everyone in there if they had seen her. He even asked Millicent if she knew where (Y/N) was. She yelled no at him and walked off. He made Crabbe and Goyle wait in the common room for her, while he went to look in the library. She wasn't in there but he heard something was happening at the forbidden forest, so he headed out there.             It was time for the search to start. A lot of students showed up to participate. There was a crowd gathered behind Hagrid's waiting for it to start. The sun was starting to set and it was going to be harder to find whatever it was they needed to find.             "All right everyone!" Hagrid yelled, getting everyone's attention.             Harry, Hermione, Ron, and (Y/N) were near the front of the crowd so Hagrid could see that they had come. Ron looked scared while Harry and Hermione looked ready for the challenge. (Y/N) was a little scared. She had never been in the forest before, at least she wouldn't be going in alone.             "The item to find is unicorn hair! The one who finds the most will win a hundred points for their house and a self inking quill! You have less than an hour! Make sure you are all out before the Halloween feast!" Hagrid instructed.             Hermione and (Y/N) smiled to each other when they heard the prizes. They both wanted to win the house points.             Hagrid and Fang made their way through the crowd and stood in front of the forest.             "Watch out while you’re in there! Ready! Go!" Hagrid yelled.             All the students rushed into the forest pushing each other and heading in different directions. Hermione and (Y/N) stayed close to each other. They pulled out their wands making the end light up. Harry and Ron did the same. Staying close behind them.             "I think we should find a patch of knotgrass. Unicorn hair gets intertwined in it," (Y/N) suggested to Hermione.             Hermione nodded her head and made a sharp turn to the right.             "I've seen it before. I think it's over there," Hermione said, pointing with her wand in the direction they needed to go.             Draco ran to Hagrid's trying to get there before the event started. When he was close he saw all the students running into the forest. He spotted (Y/N) running in with Hermione. He saw Harry and Ron right behind her. He called out to her, but she didn't hear him. He was too far away. He ran faster to catch up to her. He entered the forest and lit his wand. He headed in the direction he last saw her go. He asked every student he ran into if they had seen her. A Slytherin boy pointed him in the direction he saw her go.              They were far into the forest and it was really hard to see even with their four lit wands.              Harry and Ron slowed down and were a short distance away from Hermione and (Y/N). (Y/N) started to slow down while Hermione kept up a quick pace.             She was getting tired and cold. She lowered her wand and put her hand in the pocket of her robe. There was something in there. It was the piece of candy the first year had given her earlier. She unwrapped it and smelled it. It smelled sweet. She took a bite of it and within seconds everything unexpectedly went dark.             Harry and Ron saw (Y/N) fall suddenly to the ground.             "(Y/N)!" they called out in unison, as they ran towards her.             Draco heard them call out (Y/N)'s name and sprinted in the direction it came from.              Hermione turned around when she heard them yell out. She saw (Y/N) on the ground and ran to her.              Harry and Ron knelt down next to her. Harry moved her hair off her face. He put his head on her chest to check if she was still breathing. Hermione saw Harry nod indicating that she was. Hermione began checking her head and arms for any sort of injury. Ron held his wand over her, so Harry and Hermione could see.             "(Y/N)!" Harry called, trying to wake her up.             Draco saw them all knelt down around (Y/N). He ran over to her and pushed Harry aside.             "What did you do to her?!" He yelled at Harry, grabbing (Y/N)'s hand.             "We didn't do anything! She just fell to the ground suddenly!" Harry yelled back.             Hermione saw (Y/N)'s fist clenched and opened it. She saw the piece of candy that she bit. She recognized it.             "She's eaten a Fainting Fancy candy," Hermione said, holding it up for them to see.             Hermione searched her bag for the antidote. She usually carried several antidotes and healing potions with her. She often needed them hanging around Harry and Ron. She found the one she needed.             "Sit her up," she directed Draco.             Draco pulled (Y/N) up with her head leaning on his shoulder. He was so worried seeing her body limp against him. He just wanted her to wake up. His eyes began to water as he stared at her.             "Open her mouth," Hermione instructed, as she opened the potion bottle.             He tilted her head back and put his fingers in her mouth to force it open. Hermione poured the potion in her mouth. Draco closed her mouth to keep it from spilling out.              "Come on wake up (Y/N)," Draco whispered into her ear, his voice trembling as he held her.             Hermione couldn't believe how concerned Draco was about (Y/N). She had never seen him show concern for anyone. She began to think he genuinely cared about (Y/N).             After a minute, she opened her eyes. Everyone felt relieved when she spoke.             "Draco why do you look so sad?" she said, touching his face.                 Draco didn't answer. He smiled slightly at her so she wouldn't be concerned about him.             "Why am I on the floor?" she said, moving to get up.             Draco helped her to stand.             "You fainted," he said, wiping the dirt off her face.             "I did?" she said, looking up at Draco as he wiped her face.             "You ate a Fainting Fancy candy and I gave you the antidote. I'm guessing you didn't know what it was," Hermione stated, handing (Y/N) her wand.             She shook her head and took the wand from Hermione.             "Thank you all for helping me," she said, with a smile.             "I think we should go now. It's almost time for dinner," Hermione suggested, motioning for Harry and Ron to follow her.             Hermione and Ron said goodbye and headed out of the forest.             "I'll see you later," Harry said, touching her shoulder as he walked past her.             He was thankful that (Y/N) wasn't seriously injured. Harry caught up with Hermione and Ron. They walked back to the castle curious about who won the search. Hermione was sure it would be announced at the Feast.             Draco and (Y/N) stood in the darkness. Neither one had their wand lit. He had his arm wrapped around her waist, so she wouldn't be scared.             "Lumos," Draco said, holding his wand above her to light her face.             "There's that beautiful face I've missed all day," he said, with a grin.             She felt her face blush as she smiled back at him. He felt her shiver and pulled her closer to him. She put her arms around his torso to get warm. Her head rested on his chest and she could hear his heart beating.             Draco rubbed her back and kissed the top of her head. He was so happy that she was holding onto him. He stood there quietly rubbing her back hoping it would keep her from pulling away from him.
The warmth and feel of his body against hers soothed her. It was comfortable and she felt safe. She could stand there forever with him.             "Draco, what did you wish for that night at the lake?" she asked, pulling her face off his chest to look at him.             "I wished for you," he replied, touching her face gently.             "I think it's time for your wish to come true," she said, wrapping her arms around his neck.             She put her hands on the back of his head and slowly pulled his face towards her. She tiptoed bringing her lips to his. She instantly felt a flurry of butterflies form when their lips touched. Draco squeezed her body up against his. His heart started to pound hard in his chest. He placed his hand on the back of her head and intertwined his fingers in her hair. They kissed each other softly. Their lips moving in unison. Draco gently deepened the kiss tasting the sweetness of her tongue and lips. They continued kissing enjoying each other. She gradually pulled her face back breaking the kiss. They looked at each other breathing heavily.             Draco smiled keeping her close to him. The light from his wand illuminated behind her back making it look as if she was glowing. He rubbed his thumb over her swollen lips. She kissed his thumb. He never felt so happy as he did in this moment with her. 
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Omg !!!! I just found your acc and I am in love !! I've read all of the Persuasion of Draco Malfoy chapters up till chapter ten , is there going to be a chapter ten , please do one my life depends on it you are an amazing author , about to read the rest !! 💖xx
Thanks for the nice message. So happy you like my writing! Yes there will be a chapter 10.
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Thank you for leaving me such a lovely comment. You are so sweet!
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Can I just say I love your imagines! Especially the seven deadly sins series!
I’m so happy you enjoyed my stories. Thanks so much for reading them!
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Love Never Dies (Draco x Reader) drabble
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           “I’ve done something unforgivable,” Draco said, his voice quivering.
           “No matter what it is we can get through it together,” (Y/N) replied, touching his face gently.
           “No we can’t! Not this time!” he replied, walking away from her.
           “Did you cheat on me again?!” she asked, grabbing him by the arm.
           “No! I said I would never do that to you again.”
           Relief washed over her hearing that he hadn’t been with someone else.
           “Then what is it?” she asked.
           “It doesn’t matter! You just need to stay away from me! We can’t be together anymore!” he said, tears falling down his face.
           “I’m not leaving you. I love you,” she said, her eyes beginning to water.
           Seeing that she wasn’t going to do as he wanted, he knew he had to confess.
           He pulled up his sleeve. “I’m a Death Eater!”
           “What! No! This wasn’t supposed to happen,” she cried, inspecting the mark on his arm. “He said he wouldn’t make you a Death Eater if I—“
           “If you what?”
           “He came to me and said if I joined him that he wouldn’t make you become a Death Eater,” she sobbed, holding onto his marked arm.
           “He didn’t make me. I volunteered,” he explained, with pain in his eyes as he stared at her.
           “Why would you do that?” she asked, her face soaked with tears.
           “To protect you and my family.”
           “It’s too late. You can’t protect me anymore,” she said, pulling up her sleeve and revealing her own dark mark.
           Draco’s heart sank as he looked at the horrible mark that was now disfiguring her beautiful skin. He embraced her tightly. Nothing would stop him from protecting her, not even Voldermort himself. If he had to sacrifice his life for hers he would.
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sorry to bother you but when are you posting the next chapter of the persuasion?
You’re not bothering me. I need to add a little more to it and edit so I hope to be posting it in a week. Thank you for being interested in reading more!
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Space and time Draco x reader was soooo cute😍 ugh I'm in love he's so cute 😫. You're such an amazing writer. 👏
So glad you liked it! Thank you so very much! I appreciate that you left me a message.
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