camavor · 3 years
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"There is an armor, ancient magic made it strong, And you shall wear it when you face the fight"
Decided that Thornmail is a relic from Camavor! Here's Viego's older brother wearing it!
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camavor · 3 years
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Comic will cover Camavor and then Ruination
The story retold in full, with some changes because original was inconsistent and full of plot holes.
This is a collaborative project, visit the Credits page! If you’d like to contribute, send a message here on my Twitter @Ikleyvey !
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camavor · 3 years
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camavor · 3 years
If Gwen is a Shadow Isles champ, why isn’t she Green?
The people of twitter were wondering since Gwen is the newest addition to the Shadow Isles, why doesn’t she have a green mist around her like everyone else? 
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(Not every champ from the Shadow Isles is being pictured, just using these guys for reference)
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Someone was saying, “[Gwen] wasn’t brought to life by the mist, like most of the other Shadow Isles champions… Isolde designed Gwen for her unborn daughter and when Isolde died, the doll was forgotten. Isolde brought [Gwen] to life, that’s why she’s not a black-green mist creature or scary at all, because she was designed of love not hatred.”  Which is definitely an interesting take because we see in the trailer Isolde’s soul breaking apart into many pieces and a piece going into Gwen and  Isolde’s soul cleanses the mist around Gwen.
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She’s certainly interesting. She was definitely NOT what I expected after hearing the next champ teaser. Kinda wished we were getting Isolde HERSELF, but Isolde will prob get the Senna treatment, so we wont see her for another 6 years or so. 
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camavor · 3 years
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Isolde, Viego & Gwen: Gwen Champion Teaser Tapestry
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camavor · 3 years
This one might be disliked by people who view Isolde’s and Viego’s relationship as having been toxic while they were still alive as well, just a heads-up!
Gwen came to be when the soul of the king and queen’s unborn child inhabited the doll the queen had made.
Cinematic teaser for Gwen shows Isolde splitting into many brilliant blue shards which fly away. Maybe one of these lights wasn’t another part of her soul, but in fact the soul of a child, if she were pregnant when she had died. It would make sense that this soul would come out of her as well, because the fetus would be in the womb and not easily distinguished from other soul shards.
Key art which was made for visual development of the cinematic, depicts the event of Gwen “coming to life” through fertilisation imagery - the egg cell and sperm cell coming together. A lot of this was kept in the final as well.
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Gwen would be a completely new form of life - neither alive, nor undead. She would also not have any human memories as she was never born before. Instead, she might be accessing some “memories” from the doll’s previous existence, but those are just in patches and they miss a lot of information. They seem to show a lot of the “creator’s love” or “mother’s love” in this theory.
This would make Gwen the direct descendant of the Camavorian royal line. She’s a princess, just like how Isolde, her creator had imagined when she made the doll.
Some people have also mentioned that the way Viego and Isolde pose in the cinematic, could be interpreted with both of their attention being focused on Isolde’s stomach, implying her pregnancy. This would mean that the king not only lost his queen, but their child as well when Isolde died.
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camavor · 3 years
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Gwen Champion Teaser: “Made With Love”
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camavor · 3 years
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camavor · 3 years
Since the Retcon made Demacia an insular kingdom where magic is forbidden, and Noxus a conquering nation which absorbs all cultures, axe and daggers being its most representative weapons, I suspect that Riot felt a void left in their fantasy country types.
Demacia used to be this but now it looks like Camavor will be Riot’s new Sword and Sorcery place. 
A conquistador-era inspired Camelot. Camelot is your archetypal sword-and-sorcery setting, and this long-gone kingdom is now Valoran’s most brutal conquering nation which subjugated every people they conquered to Camavorian culture, its royalty perceiving it as the most enlightened.
The country’s most iconic weapon carries both tags of sword and sorcery: the magical blade of the ruined king.
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camavor · 4 years
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If this ginger-haired woman is Isolde, I doubt the Mask Mother (origin of all Deaths such as Kindred) had transformed her into a death god. From the story this illustration belongs to, it can be concluded that the playwriter, who was instructed by the Mask Mother to put on a mask and later given one, has in fact simply died (because he ended just the same way as the previous playwriter ended).
I assume this illustration interprets death as not something terrible, but as something pretty and significant somehow; golden and warm tones shine from the center, and a healthy tree is being depicted behind the woman. The playwriter mentioned how he saw the End and that it was beautiful.
In this vein it would look like Isolde is being given a mask in the shape of a wolf - which is Lamb’s mask. This would mean that she died peaceful, that she didn’t struggle against death. Lamb’s death.
This theory is that Isolde and Viego actually had a healthy relationship (I suppose) but that their disagreement stemmed from how each of them viewed Death itself. A religious conflict sort-of-speak.
Viego and his culture... have apparently been inspired by conquistador-era Spain and Camelot. His inherited sword (now called Blade of the Ruined King) is an ancient relic passed down his bloodline with restorative magical powers (in-game in the form of life-steal). When a new king is crowned, he is given the sword and the sword takes a part of his soul in order to be able to revive him should he be slain in battle. Viego’s quest is to bring his wife back from the dead, and he himself is undead so it’s safe to say that he doesn’t believe that death is the final point.
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Maybe, just maybe the sword’s design also takes influence from a Catholic cross. Resurrection is one of the core themes of this religion. Spain in that time was also famous for the Inquisition, related to the church.
Isolde on the other hand, is confirmed to not have belonged to the Camavor people. She was from a conquered nation so there is a chance that her culture respected Death as a significant point. She was incredibly emotionally distraught when she was brought back from the dead. Maybe she didn’t fight dying (Lamb’s death) and wants to stay dead.
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camavor · 4 years
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Before Isolde’s reveal, here’s my interpretation………
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