cameratic1 · 6 years
It's been a while
It’s been a while
Since I returned from South America I had a few days to recover and then back to the grind. As someone who is self-employed I worked non-stop and didn’t really have time to recover from all the trekking and travelling. I was also working remotely so I didn’t actually switch off.
It’s hard when you go through painful experiences and can’t always share them. I just want to say a huge thank you to…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
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Returning Home I arrived back to the UK nearly a month ago, and promised myself that I would no longer do things that I had no passion for.
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Torres Del Paine Day Tour
You know when you book a tour and it turns out to be transfers, not to the Instagram pictures you see. Well that happened, I was on a booking spree so didn’t pay much attention to detail. Lesson learned!
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So I booked a day tour to Torres Del Paine. I was exhausted from the day before after walking 7 hours non-stop, 8 hours the day before and 9 hours prior to that. So obviously it was a 6am start.…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Glacier Mini Trekking
When I was in New Zealand I had my heart set on trekking the glaciers in Franz Josef. But it wasn’t meant to be as the trip got cancelled due to bad weather.
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I was heartbroken and when I heard about the glaciers in South America I knew I had to go. Little to my knowledge the tour I had booked for Patagonia was transfers and a day trip to Perrito Moreno glacier. I loved the 5 hour trail and 1…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Porte Moreno Glacier Visit
So after a stressful day the next morning I was down to visit the glaciers. It was a day trip to visit lakes and a boat trip to get up and close to the glaciers. I was so excited as we all know how wrong it went in New Zealand (the Franz Josef glaciers got cancelled).
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The boat ride lasts about an hour and there are plenty of opportunities for photographs. You will need layers, a hat, sun…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Day Trip to Uruguay
So what better way to spend New Years Day then visiting country 31. I just about made my way to the ferry in time and was on my way to Uruguay.
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I was down for a city tour with an English speaking guide I think her name was Christina, she was great! We walked around and then were given free time and a meeting point. I enjoyed embracing those hours in a new country which I have to say was very…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
New Year in Buenos Aires
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So after spending New Year in Sydney last year, I was determined to have a peaceful and quiet New Year. So turns out they don’t have public fireworks in Buenos Aires, so it was quiet indeed.
I started off my day by visiting La Boca and then on to Parque.
I walked through the markets and watched people dance in the streets. It was a different perspective and when they say it’s quiet on New Years…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Iguassu Falls Argentinian Side
So I was thrilled to be visiting the Iguassu Falls on the Argentinian side. Having spent the day before in country 28 to country 29 back to country 28 and then country 30 I was exhausted.
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The next morning I made my way to the falls and marched my way to the top. It was raining but that only meant the waterfalls looked epic. I then walked down to the boat ride, only to be told there were no more…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Reaching Country 30
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5 years ago I sat down and spoke about how many countries I had visited with my family. It was my darkest year yet and I would barely leave the house I felt so low. I wanted to give up, part of me already had, I was numb. I felt nothing, it was hard to explain and I slowly felt myself isolated from the world. All I could think was what’s the point. I questioned my existence and thought the world…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
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Day visit to Paraguay So seen as I was so close to Paraguay I decided to visit. It's crazy to think I spent less than my Costa Americano to get to another country by bus.
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Iguassu Falls Brazil
So as one of the new natural wonders of the world I was excited to see the Iguassu Falls. I asked about going on a tour and my hostel staff said go on your own it’s way cheaper. I thought ok then, who am I to argue with that.
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I got the local bus and was squashed for an hour (bless the guy who saved me from falling several times and protected me from being squashed further).
I then had to queue…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Visiting Christ Redeemer
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So as I arrived in Rio I decided to have a snack at the airport. It was the first flight in my entire life where I slept through. I was so tired from being awake for a day and camping at the airport.
When I got into a local taxi I was ripped off. The driver changed his mind, I would never get in one again, avoid those drivers like a plague and always take the official ones. The queue was too long…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Sand boarding at Death Valley
So on my final day I wanted to relax, joke. I decided to go sand boarding. Having never done this sort of activity before I thought what the hell just take a chance.
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I met a great group of people on my tour and we had an amazing time. The most challenging part for me was trekking back to the top to sand board again. The heat was getting to me.
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After a few attempts I flew my drone. We then made…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Stargazing at the Atacama Desert
Growing up I always wanted to star gaze and as soon as I got a telescope a few years ago all I ever saw was the moon on the odd day.
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So when I booked my trip I was super excited to learn that there is no cloud cover at the Atacama desert giving a thumbs up for clear skies. I took my tripod and wide angle lense and was super excited.
There was so much to see and shooting stars that made my trip…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Moon Valley in Chile
Visiting the Moon Valley in Chile was something I had been looking forward to. I booked a tour through my hostel. It lasted 5 hours and was great for some Instagram worthy pictures.
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You begin by visiting the top part of the Moon Valley, most of the tour was in Spanish. I’m not going to lie, I didn’t learn that much.
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What I did do though was meet an ex- Nat Geo who taught me a thing or two about…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Visiting the Salt Flats
After spending a few days in La Paz it was time to join the Uyuni tour I had booked. Visiting the Salt Flats was something I had been looking forward to for a long time. I took the overnight bus (12 hours) to Uyuni, I made a friend Linda who was also going on the bus and tour.
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We then arrived at Uyuni and waited a few hours for the tour to begin. It was such a lovely group of people, one of the…
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cameratic1 · 6 years
Death Road Bike Ride Bolivia
So I decided I wanted to become more confident on a bike again. 21 years ago I would be riding around everywhere. Somewhere along the lines I stopped and life happened.
In September, I joined training sessions with Pedal Ready Sheffield. They offer free cycling confidence lessons. It wasn’t long before I moved up a level and started going on the roads. My goal was to cycle Yungas Road. It’s one…
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