campaignosn · 1 month
Starwhal Odyssey is now on its own feed and releasing every other week! The first few eps have been remastered and it’s so exciting to think that the show will be out there in the world for everyone to enjoy!
Can’t get enough?! You can binge all of season 1 of the show on the OSN Patreon at the $5 level.
Regardless, you’re in for a wild ride, star child.
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campaignosn · 7 months
New Skyjoust!! Episodes Next Week
The wait is finally over! Our feed finally caught up to the unaired episodes of Skyjoust!! as we move on to follow The Frog Princes.
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Serafina Honore (Rashawn Scott,) Dimitri Hyaku (Nathan Blades,) and MC “Trance” Trancephorm (James Mendez Hodes) are last year’s champions but this year they barely made it through the regular season. Their coach, Hildred Gusstar is trying to help them get their groove back while giving them the skills to live up to immense professional and family pressure.
You can refresh yourself on the first episode of their story on the Skyjoust!! feed right now and prepare for new episodes next week!
You can also binge the re-edited Burning Tails quarter-final episodes which feature new monooges and a wonderfully maudlin new Arne Parrot closing theme!
There is more Skyjoust!! news to come next week, so stay tuned!
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campaignosn · 10 months
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Me, I run the lighthouse
You're the daughter of a fisherman
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campaignosn · 10 months
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I don't think I've ever posted this here, I just realized!
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campaignosn · 11 months
Now I want this crossover to happen.
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i meant to do this last round, but better late than never XD as i promised, the more finished drawing of gable and nicky! TRANSGENDER ANGEL/DEVIL GUYS SWEEP 🙌 keep voting for them in the @sexiestpodcastcharacter polls!!
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campaignosn · 1 year
Sexiest Podcast Character — Unscripted Bracket — Round 2
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Chine (Friends at the Table: Sangfielle):
”Look at how they grow ‘em here in Blackwick. God damn.”
taz fandom i'm begging to you please listen to fatt: sangfielle and experience chine please duck is an extended bit about wayne newton and he doesn't even try to blow up a carnival to upset mother nature and force a random town to forever be attendants to the aforementioned eternal carnival please oh please...
If Chine eating a mattress has a million fans, I am one, etc. etc.
and he can turn into a shrew monster
this guy has great tits, this guy is a monster, this guy is nonbinary and all the bugs love them!! he's a dad, a writer, a macrame artist?? they're a goofball, they're deadly serious, they're shockingly competent! he's a vessel of the chaos of nature itself!! he's an animal control guy that sides with the animals, he's the living embodiment of adhd with a side of depression, and weirdly suspicious of the color yellow?? they swing a rusty poll-ax, they know how to read music and are completely comfortable singing with their co-workers..... which is to say:
vote for chinel <3
Vote for chine hes a wereshrew and morally ambiguous and easily lusted for
Tryst Valentine (Campaign: Star Wars):
Hot shot pilot/smuggler that will hit on anything that moves, but the best possible version of that character in almost a satirical way while also being super genuine. Too sexy to be able to read, to stubborn to admit they can't.
Han Solo but worse! A very funny little scoundrel stuck with a clone trooper and a mercenary (by choice). Mostly spends his time flirting, but gets serious when he needs to.
you know its trystan valentine i know it's trystan valentine what are we doing here? genderqueer freak of a man (the most positive voice in the world)
I wrote the first paragraph of Tryst propaganda. He's "oh no, I'm going to have to sleep with this idiot" sexy. He knows it makes you look bad for thinking he's hot and he uses that power for evil.
Art of Chine made by @wereshrew-admirer.
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campaignosn · 1 year
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campaignosn · 2 years
Hello Campaign Skyjacks community!
I'm one of the project heads for reviving the episode transcription and fan wikipedia projects. If you would like to be a part of creating episode transcriptions of Campaign Skyjacks (As well as Courier's Call, Campaign SW, etc.) or writing for the wikipedia this is a call to action!
Landing page and style guide for episode transcriptions (link here)
One Shot Network Wikipedia (link here)
We have a discord for both projects (link here) and would love to have you aboard! Take flight, we hope to see you in the air.
Enjoy today's episode!
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campaignosn · 3 years
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Our names are Crystal, Joe, and Jesse. This is where we've been sleeping when we can't afford a room. It's quiet, well-lit, off the beaten path, not visible from the road with a little bit of protection from the wind and rain, and that almost makes it worth sleeping on concrete.
As you can see, we're not equipped for the elements and as we're finding ourselves having to sleep outside more and more often it's also getting colder and wetter outside. It's expensive to stay in motels, in our area we're still paying around $150/ night, though that's been trending downwards since labor day. Two of us are willing and able to work, but there's no way to hold down a job when you don't know where or if you're going to have a place to sleep from day to day.
On top of that, Joe is sick with a persistent bladder infection and sleeping outside in the cold without access to a bathroom isn't doing him any good at all.
In short, we're really struggling and we need help, anything is appreciated!
Feel free to contact me with any questions, boosts are appreciated!
Venmo: @ jesse-eugene16
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campaignosn · 4 years
jonnit ;A;
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campaignosn · 4 years
You would think that after the eighth time listening to the album I would be prepared for the emotional whiplash that is going from Toast the Axel to Ring the Bell but no! It’s the emotional equivalent of running into a brick wall every time!
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campaignosn · 4 years
Tryst: -and, to be clear, Bacta is our HR on this ship, so he does make all personel decisions.
Bacta: I will be reviewing Tryst's performance and-
Tryst - it won't go well for me.
Leenik: I will say it feels like a conflict of interest that the supervisor is also in charge of HR.
Tryst: Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to file a complaint to HR about it? We've tried this, Leenik!
Bacta: Leenik, your review is going to be really good. We had a great time.
Leenik: We did!
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campaignosn · 4 years
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someone pointed out the tweet seemed like a mynock bit. and well
also some traava
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campaignosn · 4 years
the skyjacks theme(?) fucks, and i’ve heard about an album but have no idea where to look for that, any advice?
Yeah!! So there was a Kickstarter for the album earlier this year, and the digital album was released on Bandcamp to backers this week. I believe that it’ll be up for purchase on Bandcamp (and Itchio I think?) for everyone this coming week! I was one of the Kickstarter backers and I can confirm that it’s an *amazing* album and worth every single penny. 
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campaignosn · 4 years
They're definitely copying our notes.
Campaign Podcast really started airing in 2014 and somehow managed to predict both Rogue One AND The Mandalorian?!? These disaster bounty hunters really just accidentally stole the Death Star plans and also adopted a force-sensitive baby in the year of our lord 2014. Iconic. Disney has probably been stealing from the OneShot network for the past 6 years.
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campaignosn · 5 years
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I've tweeted at Campaign So many goddamn times and This is the one they finally respond to lmao
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campaignosn · 5 years
Forty-some episodes in and I just – there are so many fantastic things that happen because the team on Campaign Star Wars are just A++ improvisers and their “yes, and” is out of this world (pun intended). Taking a joke and absolutely running with it, sprinting with it, to a finish line that most definitely didn’t exist until you started this bit.
- Leenik faking the name “Billy Crystal” at a hotel check in -> Bai-Lee Crystal, the bounty hunter whose hotel room they stole, on Mandalore specifically looking for them, and look here she is come to collect
- BHIKKE, and “sneak into BHIKKE” becoming “Sneak ‘n’ Tubaik” a two-person bounty hunting duo who were friends – wait, no they are now horrible enemies of our protagonists and are probably looking for them and hate them enough to break the rules of BHIKKE to collect the multi-million credit bounty (also: BHIKKE itself. The Bounty Hunters Intergalactic Killing and Kidnapping Expo, which definitely wasn’t a planned thing until they made it a thing, and from ‘we should avoid that’ it suddenly became ‘well it’s probably the best place to go to get what we need’ despite the multi-million credit bounty on us)
- that one space rabbit, a joke that multiplied and became an entire Dread episode wherein the players may have tied the world record for Jenga?
- Neimoidian Sparks, Leenik’s favorite romance author, who thanks to a bit about Leenik wanting an autograph led to him appearing in-game and becoming a new member on the ship??
Basically this show is fantastic, these players are fantastic, and Kat’s ability as GM to roll with the (ridiculous) punches is epic and enviable. Amazing that they get anywhere, but they most definitely do. I can’t believe I held back listening to this just cause I’m not a Star Wars/sci-fi fan. This is amazing.
Also, should probably mention: the episodes are one hour! Super easy to listen to for an AP podcast!
[And the second campaign (non-Star Wars) is most excellent as well! But I was already listening and freaking out about that already]
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