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Missing Nashville!!
They think that I am going to break down.
They think they got me all figured out.
Well, they don’t know a thing about me.
I will get back on my track.
I will get back being me.
They cannot take away my freedom.
They cannot take away my joy for life.
I am here and I am alive.
Ready to fight this battle called life.
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What if I stop try to change the world?
What if I just start changing me?
What if I slow down just enough
To finally fall blindly into love....
What if I learn to live right now?
And somewhere about where my dreams might not ever be...
The only thing I know is that you are the only one I wanna hold onto
What if I fell in love with you like normal people do?
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Why not choose the conscious path, the path of joy? Why not journey consciously to the seat of your soul - that place where you transform the energy into matter with your intentions - infuse your world with love and live there? All roads lead to home.
Gary Zukav
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Pay It Forward
If you could help change the world, would you?
What does the world mean to you?
What does the world expect from you?
What if the world is just a big disappointment?
Unless, you take the things what you don’t like about this world and you flip them upside down...
Think of an idea to change the world and put it into an action!
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We are Antique, our hearts our precious, priceless, and valuable. There are people in your life who will not see your value, and try to get you for cheaper than your worth, and most of the time overlook you for who you truly are. Only those who see us the same will acknowledge that.
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Nashville musicians are the best :)
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Your heart is and has always been your greatest achievement in life and you were born with it.
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I just wanna be free again.
Have peace in my mind, body, heart and soul.
Getting back on my track.
Letting the past go and starting a new beginning.
I just wanna be free again.
And oh, how I wanna fall in love again.
It’s the best feeling ever.
Makes you feel alive.
Heart beating faster and stronger.
I just wanna be free again.
Let me fly like a bird high so high.
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What if I don’t? What if I stay? What if I always push through every day? What if I do?
When I feel like giving up and leaving it all behind me and just go back home...So many times have felt like that but deep down inside I know that I cannot give up, need to keep on going, keep on believing in a better future, new beginnings and new city and new opportunities. I was never a quitter, always a fighter so I am choosing to stay. 
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Happiness is the only thing that matters in the end. It's not money, it's not fame, it's not material things. It's love, it's kindness, it's moments - the ones we don't plan but the ones we will always remember. Happiness is loving the ones who love us back, not the ones who don't or who can't. Happiness is being nice to one another, and letting things go, even if it hurts at first. Happiness is accepting our lives as they are, instead of endlessly searching for more. We always have to remember that no one else can feel things for us. We have to create our own happiness.
Emma Lynn White
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I believe everyone has the ability to love another, but how well we love depends on our ability to love ourselves.
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Why do I always adjust to other people?
Why don’t I just say NO?
I cannot go on like this,
Feeling this way.
It doesn’t make sense to me.
Why do I care so much?
Why can’t I just be like the rest?
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Do you even know me?
You don’t ask me any questions.
You don’t seem to be interested in getting to know me better.
Do you even know anything about my family, my friends?
Do you even want to know?
It doesn’t seem like you do.
You don’t even ask about my travels, my new job.
It’s always just about you, all the time you.
You are your focus.
That is what you said and that is what I see as well.
From the very beginning.
Your egoism, selfishness, always about you and your time.
And what about me?
You say that you want me, only me, no one else.
Then show me. 
Spend time with me.
Get to know me.
Go out with me, take me on a date.
Let’s have some fun, let’s laugh, take my hand, kiss me for a long time.
Be with me, be there.
Don’t just talk, show me, take me, accept me for who I am.
Give me your time, yourself and you know that I have done all that for you.
I was and still am always here but you were not.
I don’t even know you for who you really are.
Cos every time is different with you.
Different behavior, different actions, words floating around, promises made but not kept.
I need more than that. Not just your empty words.
I am not asking for much.
Just I don’t think we want the same things.
It’s sad but it’s like that.
That is the truth.
Hurts like hell but if you are not willing to try this
If you are not there...
I will have to let you go...
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Doing what you say and loving what you do. Simple.
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Not everyone will understand your journey. That's okay. You're here to live your life, not to make everyone understand.
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