caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
Any cultural anthropologists?
I'm going to soon be going back to college and I'm seriously considering it for my major. Can anyone tell me what's it's like?
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caneshugaa · 7 years
I will never not find this funny
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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♪It’s Christmas time again♪
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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out of this world trolling lmao
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caneshugaa · 7 years
the guardian wrote an article shaming sia for “exploiting maddie ziegler” and honestly… we’re not doing this ok. we’re not gonna do this to a woman who writes and gives us nothing but bops and bangers
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caneshugaa · 7 years
My boyfriend is super hairy and his hair is thinning just a tiny bit on top and he has kinda skinny legs and a flat squishy butt. He’s got the beginning of a beer belly and his shoulders are so broad, he’s the definition of barrel chested and he can fit both of my hands in one of his and his forearms are just muscle. He giggles when finds something particularly hilarious and he likes to pick me up when I least expect it and it’s nice because i can’t remember the last time someone was able to lift me. He calls me stupid pet names like honey waffle and sugar bagel, and he’s got such a strong jaw with such warm eyes. He’s so HOT and I can’t stand it. I’m so in love.
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caneshugaa · 7 years
I still don’t understand people who think it’s perfectly acceptable to outright torture “unpleasant” animals. I’m not saying you can’t smack mosquitoes, but pulling their wings off alive, going out of your way to make sure they die slowly, is creepy and horrible to do no matter what. They aren’t bloodsucking parasites specifically to spite you, they aren’t being cruel or mean. Any animal deserves at least a quick death if it has to die, and you can’t say “that’s just a bug” because I’ve definitely seen almost everybody come together with rage over cruelty towards butterflies or ladybugs..
People show the same attitude towards reptiles, rodents, anything they don’t like, as if an animal being dangerous or inconvenient is an actual act of “evil” on that animal’s part and they have to suffer some kind of karmic punishment for …….the way they evolved I guess?
I’ve even heard of people getting stung by a jellyfish and going out of their way to leave it in the sun to dry up and die. We don’t know what if anything jellyfish can “feel” but that doesn’t make an act like that any less twisted. That overall senseless, spiteful obsession with vengeance is just creepy as shit.
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
did you know: people can be in “m/f” relationships and still not be hetero?
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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IG: themnanglaroi _207
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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Berry Pink | by Shaun Teo
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caneshugaa · 7 years
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caneshugaa · 7 years
People really don’t understand the difference between a character being attractive and being intended for consumption by the other gender.
There’s a big difference between a character looking hot and a character being intended for sexualization. There are lots of attractive characters out there that aren’t intended to be consumed by other genders, objectified, and sexualized. For example:
Batman. Undeniably attractive. He is good looking.
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But he was not intended for consumption by women. He get’s power poses and muscles because that’s how men want their male heroes, the one’s they aspire to be like and project onto, to look.
By contrast look at Black Widow. She is intended for male consumption.
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She doesn’t have long legs, a tiny waist, a pronounced butt, and big boobs because that is what women want their heroes to look like. She looks like that because that’s what men want their women heroes, the one’s they picture themselves romancing, to look like. She’s not just attractive, she is also sexualized and intended for a male audience.
Now look at a male character meant for women. Tuxedo Mask from Sailor Moon.
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He’s not buff and bulky, he’s long, lean, and well dressed. This is what women want their hero men, the one’s they want to fall in love with, to look like. This isn’t a male fantasy, this is a female one. 
Now look at a women intended for women. The main characters from Totally Spies.
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They have small waists and long legs yes but their boobs and butts aren’t particularly noticeable. They get power poses instead of one’s intended to sexualize. They look like this because this is what women want to project themselves on. This is a women’s power fantasy. This is closer in comparison to Batman, good looking but powerful, than it is to Black Widow, sexualized. 
Now are all of these characters attractive? Yes. But do you see the difference between sexy and sexualized? Sexy depends on the ‘type’ of the viewer and what they like in men and women. Sexualized has less to do with what you personally think is hot and more to do with what society as a whole thinks is hot. So when I say that Wonder Woman in the movie was not meant for male consumption I am not saying she isn’t beautiful, sexy, or attractive (I left that movie gayer than I was before). What I am saying is that she was posed, treated, costumed, and written more like an attractive human than like an object for men to gawk at.
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