#10000 years later
amourem · 19 days
@oneireth - continued from here
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ㅤㅤㅤ𝒇𝒐𝒓   𝒐𝒏𝒄𝒆   -   𝒔𝒉𝒆   𝒊𝒔   𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒇𝒖𝒍,   grateful   that   the   dusk   tempest   of   her   gaze   is   concealed   behind   sam's   visor,   hidden   beneath   the   facade   of   her   suit.   this   way   -   caelus   cannot   see   the   manner   in   which   her   face   falls,   the   softness   of   lips   pursing   into   a   thin   line   -   and   a   silent   sigh   escaping   in   it's   wake.   she   doesn't   expect   him   to   understand   -   not   really.   it's   better,   of   course,   for   him   to   be   with   the   express,   but   that   doesn't   numb   any   sort   of   ache   that   their   friendship   provided,   the   purveying   sort   of   longing   which   filled   firefly   with   nothing   but   sorrow.   as   flames   engulf   her   -   the   iron   suit   transitioning   back   to   it's   foci   form,   and   she   lands   before   the   trailblazer,   the   stellaron   hunter   can   only   look   up   at   him   with   what   could   be   considered   grief.
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ㅤㅤㅤ❝   of   course   it   was   real.   ❞   the   glittering   cracks   in   her   skin   knit   in   real   time,   mending   slowly   beneath   his   aureate   gaze,   ❝   none   of   it   was   ever   a   lie   -   it   never   has   been.   ❞   they're   fierce   words   from   her   soft   spoken   soul,   but   bely   the   destruction   that   roils   beneath   her   skin.   ❝   but   i-...   ❞   inhale.   exhale,   burning   foci   in   her   grip   a   comforting   weight.   when   she   speaks   again,   her   voice   is   lower,   a   bit   more   steady   -   but   still   pained,   ❝   are   you   sure   you   want   to   know?   ❞
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cosmicballads · 2 months
Send a Ship + a Non-Translatable Word
Fisselig: Being flustered to the point of incompetence
Everything was going smoothly. Smoother than Remy had initially anticipated. He knew that while people believed he was incredibly approachable, Remy was barely capable of conversing with the people he worked with regularly, let alone a stranger. He had his people, the (very) few who could comfortably push Remy out of his comfort zone and he was grateful for them. Those same people were also the ones who pushed Remy into going out and attempting to date.
‘You can’t live in your cabin alone forever.’ They had a point, and despite his protest that he wasn’t alone (he did have his hound after all), there were other facets of human interaction that he did need, which couldn’t be satiated by some seedy website or overpriced movie. Besides, he could only rely on his imagination for so long. Online dating worked to help build up his confidence. Mainly because he could sound effortless, charming, and dare he say cool through the messaging systems which was a huge difference compared to his stammering nervous wreck when he had to speak to a person face to face. His friends also set him up on blind dates, many of which went about as well as he could expect, despite the nerves that seemed to wrack him but nothing ever escalated to the point where the invite back to his place or theirs; Remy learned quickly that he had to disclose he lived in the woods and was, not a serial killer, which somehow killed the buzz more than anybody would have anticipated. 
This date, on the other hand, was going swimmingly. Tabitha didn’t care that he lived in the woods. Quite frankly, she was Intimidating enough that he would be the one who was lured into the woods never to come out again. Remy felt that Tabitha complimented him almost perfectly. Something about the woman eased his anxieties and allowed him to relax enough so that when the two determined that the remainder of the evening would best be finished off somewhere more private, he didn’t hesitate to suggest his place.  
The tension in the air only seemed to thicken by the time the Uber driver had dropped them off in front of his door, there was very little time between them getting out of the car and inside the door before the momentum heated up. It was in one fell swoop that Tabitha found herself on top of the wooden dining table, half-dressed with Remy’s callused hands moving towards removing her jeans. She stopped him, not seeing the brief flash of panic that crossed his face, the fear that he had somehow fucked up and killed the mood. His button-down came off, her hands tangled into his hair, and their lips met hungrily. There was a sense of relief that relaxed Remy’s tensed shoulders at Tabitha taking charge, he was far enough out of practice that he certainly didn’t want to tell this woman who had very much taken charge what to do. He would let her lead and make sure if anything, she left more satisfied than she anticipated. Of course, this meant that he had to get over the fact that he was equally as clothed as the woman in front of him and that they wouldn’t be for much longer. Or the fact that if everything went horribly, he would never live it down and replay every moment that went wrong in his mind (and not in a good way) every time he would hopefully get as far if not further with another woman. 
Tabitha pulled away quickly as if something had shocked her, and her face twisted from what he could only assume was lust to a brief look of embarrassment before the anger took over. A glance down and the now gaping space between them told Remy everything. Before he could stammer out an apology or an excuse or anything to potentially save the situation, Tabitha had dressed and was in the process of ordering a rideshare back into town. Back home and far away from the disaster that was Remy.
“I-I d-do-don’t- it-it wasn’t you.” He managed to get out, fearing the ire that would come from the woman tapping her foot impatiently, not bothering to glance at Remy back, let alone the time of day. He watched her tense up, a slow turn to face him again and Remy could feel the anger rolling off her in waves. 
Instead, Tabitha said nothing. The ping from her phone let her know that her driver was five minutes away and to be ready to go outside and get out of this disaster area. Without another word, the front door opened, the chill of the night air cooled Remy’s hot face, and then closed once more, taking what up until a few moments ago, his date with it.
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mageofspacemultiverse · 2 months
pelexi b3
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the she
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never-surrender · 2 years
@wolfvirago || Yor
“Oh! Robin!” Yor’s eyes widened with genuine surprise, mentally going over everything that she had just done ... not because she was concerned that she hadn’t done something properly ... but because she truly hoped that there wasn’t blood on her skin anywhere, or on her dress! It was likely this was the most dressed up Robin had ever seen Yor before ... lipstick artfully placed, eyeliner done in such a manner that made her already beautiful eyes a more brilliant shade of crimson. 
For a moment, Yor didn’t consider just what the assumption might be for the two of them to run into one another in a place like this ... this was a hotel, after all. Her mind was far too innocent in nature to come to that kind of a conclusion ... not unless Robin came to it first. 
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“What brings you here tonight?” Smiling warmly, Yor clasped her hands before her chest, head canting to the side as she did so.
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xia0zhan · 1 year
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caduceuss · 1 year
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@geleum: " i don't mean to ALARM - " the knight enters the quaint shop known as Bubu Pharmacy , he addresses the handsome man before him, " but i've seemed to given myself a paper cut . "
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rare   -   that   he   finds   himself   at   the   pharmacy   proper   these   days.   rarer   still   -   for   him   to   be   out   front   to   greet   a   patient.   and   even   more   rare   -   that   the   patient   decides   a   papercut   is   a   worthwhile   ailment   for   dr.   baizhu   to   pay   any   amount   of   attention   to.   annoyance   lances   through   him   like   lightning,   and   he   turns   slowly   -   ready   to   give   a   light   scolding   to   the   owner   of   such   dulcet   tones   but   -   
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                                                              suddenly   he   is   much   more   interested.
hands   fold   before   him,   svelte   frame   leaning   across   the   counter   in   such   a   way   that   emerald   tresses   drag   on   silken   smooth   sandbearer   wood.   it's   like   he   simply   wants   to   get   closer.   
"   well   then.   "   comes   his   own   intonation,   equally...   playful   and   dripping   in   intent.   "   we   can't   have   that.   "   a   beckoning   quirk   of   gloved   fingertips,   and   baizhu   flashes   his   teeth   in   amusement.   "   come   now.   show   me   where   it   hurts.   "
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scarlxtleaves · 2 years
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unprompted / always accepting / @gosutm​ :don't mind hannya suddenly pulling itto down by the straps on his chest for a soft but deep, lingering kiss! 
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“OH hey ba-” Before the oni even had gotten the chance to fully greet his demonic lover she had already ensnared his clothing pulling him lower, his eyes widening at the action but he quickly caught up with the program, closing his eyes as his arms wrapped around her frame, keeping her close and safe as their lips continues to dance along one another. She was definitely sweeter than any lavender melon he’d ever pick and it was definitely a flavor he’d never get used to. Every kiss felt like a new thrilling experience.
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linterteatime · 2 months
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Me w/ your art
Thank you... But please don't do that to you head you're going to get a concussion and concussions suck
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nyctoheart · 10 months
I'm torn with khux/khdr/kh3's developments with Ventus and Vanitas because part of me always loved that they are 2 halves of the same coin, and how connected they were. But I also think the idea of Ventus and Vanitas being ancient beings of light or darkness is also sooo coooool
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yooniesim · 4 months
I hope yall like the hair, it was one of my favs to make so far 😁 all those braids one by one was so fuuuun. I got three or four more kids hairs to finish up/edit for, and then I'll prob move on to another type of project 👀
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girlscience · 10 months
I finished Nona the Ninth and.... I was going to make a whole post outlining everything that confused and frustrated me about the book (because there is A Lot) but actually I think I can sum it up much faster. This is a story mostly focused on characters and people, and I often do not care about characters and people. I far prefer worldbuilding to nearly everything else and I think the worldbuilding is there, but it is not really being explained. There is a war happening, and I understand absolutely none of it. I don't understand the sides/factions, I don't understand the politicking happening, I don't understand the goals, I don't know who is leading what or why or where they are etc etc etc. And I don't know if that's a fault on my part as a reader or that it's simply not being explained well. In relation to that, everything is unreliable narrators. And I think I am coming to the conclusion I don't like that. It means I don't know what's actually happening ever and it is beginning to really frustrate me.
#tlt#I like the characters! I do! But I am really only attached to Gideon#I liked all the characters in Nona... but they arent very important to me#I like the making of Paul and thought that was very interesting and well written and moving#but that was pretty much the only character based piece of this story I really loved#Idk. I am going to finish the series.... but I don't understand anything#I think I will have to reread everything but even then idk if I'll pick up all the pieces#I also have opinions about the fact all of it feels like it's happening on post apocalyptic earth....#but it's supposed to be on alien planets and 10000 years in the future. I feel like it should feel far more alien#I did like getting John's backstory and explaination. but I also think he may be an unreliable narrator so I don't trust what he said#and I don't get why everything that happened in his story happened... and like I guess that piece doesn't matter so much cause 10000 years#but it bothers me#AND AGAIN MY GIRL GIDEON WAS BARELY IN THE BOOK#idk. I just want to know who is fighting. why are the fighting. what do they all want. WHERE are they fighting. how are they fighting.#what all science is there. what space travel is there. how does the space travel work.#better explainations of the magic. and the river. what was the tower in the river. (i think some of that will be addressed later)#(or at least i fucking hope so)#idk. I feel like some of this is explained and I just missed it... but I think some of it is absolutely glossed over#and I don't hate open ended worldbuilding entirely but I want better scaffolding#I DONT KNOW. I feel like I'm being mean and so I feel bad#like it's a good book and so many people like them#and I liked them at the beginning!!! but now I'm just confused and frustrated#and I don't know if it's my fault and I'm just too stupid to pick on things and context and hints and stuff#or if it actually was all that poorly explained
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hersweetrevenge · 2 months
i won't lie to you all, i'm still kind of obsessed with what chris nolan said at the oscars about how films have only been around for ~100 years, how they are still a very new art form, and how we have so much left to do and explore with them. imagine being in only the 1st century of painting, or writing, or sculpture. that's where we are with movies, and that blows my mind a little bit, to be quite honest.
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camdoesnothingright · 10 months
John Gaius is SUCH a fascinating and complex character and it sucks that so much of the fandom reduces him to Standard Evil Emperor
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themightiestpotato · 2 months
theres nothing more exciting than dragging a friend into your hellhole of a hobby
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minglana · 3 months
why does it freeze in march but not december.... I NEED MY PEAS TO GROW!!!!!!
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arcaderot · 7 months
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playing around with new ocs
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