canidothistomorrow · 3 years
“The worst thing in the world can happen, but the next day the sun will come up. And you will eat your toast. And you will drink your tea.”
— Rhian Ellis
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canidothistomorrow · 4 years
“When you photograph people in colour you photograph their clothes. But when you photograph people in B&W, you photograph their souls.”
— Ted Grant
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canidothistomorrow · 4 years
If anyone is fancying a giggle feel free to have a read https:/vicki-elly.wixsite.com/gigglesformums 😊❤️ #momlife #toddlerlife #freegiggles #shortreads
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canidothistomorrow · 4 years
“Good morning, and in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!”
— The Truman Show (1998)
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canidothistomorrow · 4 years
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
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Please check out my friends small business, all vegan environmentally friendly and natural products ❤️
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
Blowing Bubbles
Your feet totter towards me, faltering, learning.
Your childish, insistant plea,
Offering me the bright bottle of suds,
Your favourite game.
Warm afternoon sun pours through the window,
Catching the array of floating bubbles.
The light refracting, reflecting, splitting into a million fleeting colours.
You dance in their midst,
Turning, reaching giggling as they pop in your loose stawberry blonde curls
And your outstretched fingers.
I wish I could save this moment,
This instant, this fraction of time,
To bottle it or capture it to keep it safe.
Your joy at such beauty without fearing its loss.
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
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The way the glow hit her face lit me up.
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
And just for a second, the sky was on fire.
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
Today I didnt shower. I didn't dress or clean my teeth. My hair is unbrushed and the bags under my eyes speak volumes.
Today I haven't done the dishes. I didn't walk the dog or dust. The house is untidy and the washing not done.
Today I didnt pay the bills. I didnt do the shopping or cook. Ive survived on coffee and whatever I could snatch in a hurry.
Today our little one was ill. She cried and grumbled. She sweated and pulled at her hair, refusing to be put down.
Today we cuddled. Ive held and rocked and soothed. Ive fed and changed, bathed and dressed our poorly little girl.
Today I watched her small face crumple. I saw the tears run down her cheeks. I heard her scream from some pain I cannot deduce.
Today I wrestled. I held her safe as she thrashed. I tried to calm her as she clambered over me not knowing what to do with herself.
Today I sat pinned. She finally fell into a long deep sleep from which I dare not wake her. I sat with her hot little body sprawled over me.
Today you rang. I missed your call while trying to relieve her pain. I returned it promptly but to my shame was impatient and sharp.
Today you came home. Walking in you scooped up our medicated and rested baby. She laughed and played as I watched in exhausted disbelief.
Today you talked. You spoke of your day at work while you played with your daughter. You did not ask about mine.
Today we argued. You wanted to talk of something for which I had no energy. Again I was impatient, my mistake.
Today you wont look at me. I know its all my fault, I make you feel this way. These are the cracks so obviously showing.
Today I gave everything. I am depleted and hollow. I have nothing left to give and it still is not enough.
Tomorrow I will start again.
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
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howard stark vs. tony stark: fatherhood (or, howard being a shitty dad vs. tony not letting that stop him from being a good dad)
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canidothistomorrow · 5 years
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canidothistomorrow · 6 years
Decisions With One Choice
We like to think, don't we, that our lives are what we make them. That we choose. That every day the decisions we make are just that, decisions, like we have a choice. But have you ever been there, right there, in the eye of the storm and realised you were wrong?
This decision put before you, to choose this way or that, is not ours to make at all. If we are to be at all decent, if we are to care, to be human, to be faithful and honest, then there is only one way we can go. This path, this "good" path that we are stuck on, to be good parents, good wives, good husbands, good daughters or sons, to be good people, has us trapped. To choose different would be "selfish". To better our life, to be us, to want more, is unacceptable. We have no other way to go.
Every now and then, someone escapes. They break free. They climb the barriers of social convention that seal the rest of us in and they actually choose. They are labled and judged as wrong and bad and should be cast out and yet, if we let ourselves admit it, we are all just a little jealous. Because their decision had more than one choice.
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canidothistomorrow · 6 years
Some day I'll wish upon a star, and wake up where the clouds are far behind me....
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canidothistomorrow · 6 years
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She holds my heart strings as she does my finger, tightly, certainly, and every now and then, with a tug.
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canidothistomorrow · 6 years
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