caniskoenig · 10 years
"No. But.. Thank you." It was a kind offer, but he had no reason to be there, other than nostalgia that had outlasted its welcome. His place was no longer in the Lab, and it wouldn't do good to pretend otherwise. "You head home," Scott said, nodding once; hoping she wouldn't take it to heart that he'd said no. On one hand, Sage seemed like the type of person who might do just so, but on the other, she was a Soldier, so whatever softness she had was surely accompanied by some measure of steel. 
He watched her slip out of the car, light on her feet as she found her footing on the leaf-littered ground, and with a final nod, Scott began backing out of the narrow woods, glancing occasionally on the receding figure ahead of him.
See Me Bare My Teeth For You || Sage & Scott [PAST]
"Big decision. Let me know if I can help any." Sage left it at that, not wanting to press the other for more conversation than he was willing to give. She drew her attention instead to the Lab she could pick out just ahead and only looked away when Scott stopped.
"Oh." She hadn’t thought about the lookouts, familiar with being let through without fuss. "Yeah. It’d be better if we go on foot. Do you want to…come in?" She offered not only out of courtesy but also just in case the desire was there. She wondered what it was like to be back on old turf. The brunette proved antsy to return home, hand inching towards the door to the car. Judas would be expecting her eventually and there were a few Soldiers she wanted to check up on. She nodded her head in the direction of the Lab again. "You can if you want."
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caniskoenig · 10 years
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Scott shook his head and stuck his hands in his pockets - despite her challenge. "I'll see ya around." 
"You mean to say that the great, unbowed, unbent Scott can’t do MY secret handshake?"
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Tiana made a show of fake laughing, taking up his hand and spinning beneath it to complete the pure giddiness. “Even crippled by a tapeworm!” She extended her hand again, a direct challenge from her to him. “Take up arms. I’ll show you it again.”
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caniskoenig · 10 years
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"Not my fault you made it really fuckin' complicated," Scott shot back, a huff of faint amusement revealing that he did, in fact, have a vague sense of humor-- humor of sorts, at least. 
"Yep. Promise."
"This isn’t our handshake, Scott. You’re not doing it right."
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"But I’ll take it. Don’t leave without me….okay?"
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"No," Scott said, eyes staring straight ahead as the car passed by the first tree, the woods scattered but getting more and more dense the further they drove into the forest. "Haven't decided." It was the truth, but it was also the only part of it he was willing to share, Sage's question having already weighed heavily on him the last few months.
He wasn't sure the Resistance would be a good match, not for him, but where else could he go? He had nowhere else to turn to, and he was still intent on doing his part in the war he'd entered into almost two whole decades ago. 
Branches brushed against the sides of the car as they drove towards the Lab, the old path nearly overgrown, Scott mercilessly mowing down the various shrubs that had taken over the dirt road. He hadn't been back at the Lab in a long time, the ex-Soldier preferring to keep his distance - the place wasn't his anymore, though there was a part of him that would always stay there, whether in spirit or memories. It began towering in the distance; the cement rising like a spire out from among the green sea. He didn't speed up, well-aware that there were most likely lookouts on the prowl - it was best not to alarm them, and so he drove slowly, stopping a far distance from the Lab itself, just in case, though he could still spot the doorway up ahead. "Lookouts in the trees," he asked, though it didn't sound like a question - more like a statement. It was a good guess, he'd wager, based on how he'd known the area like the back of his hand just a couple of years back: it couldn't have changed that much, but the routines of the Toy Soldiers might.
See Me Bare My Teeth For You || Sage & Scott [PAST]
"You’re right." Sage’s impact on the Toy Soldiers was probably minimal at best and she knew Judas was, as most of the kids in the desert, more than capable of taking care of himself. "But he doesn’t have to any more." Sage left it at that and watched enviously as he drove the truck from the road. She’d wanted to learn how to drive since her first time as a passenger but the opportunity had never presented itself to her. Scott’s answer to her question brought a smile to her lips. He did the same sort of things that she did, though she was willing to bet he was much more efficient at it.  She thought back on her own week and winced. She’d definitely have to go back out when she made it back to the Soldiers.
“Yeah.” If he was doing well with the Killjoys, she wouldn’t pry any further. “Any idea what you’re doing once you age out?” She’d met a lot of ex-gang members in the Resistance though it couldn’t compete with the number of skilled agents working for the Government. She was sure they would take Scott without any problems. His experience and skill would be considered assets in the eyes of the Resistance. Or maybe, and Sage quietly hoped this was the case for the man, he wanted to settle somewhere far outside the shadow of the city.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
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"I'll tell you whenever I go raiding," Scott promised, a huff of quiet amusement escaping him on account of Tiana's antics. "Don't think too hard about the tapeworm, I doubt you've got one," he concluded.
"No food?"
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"The tapeworm isn’t going to like this but I guess I’ll make an exception." Tiana grinned, happy that she could accompany him. She wasn’t too good with guns but she internally shrugged it off. How hard could it be? "Deal." She held a small hand out to Scott for them to shake on it.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
Are you neutered?
Again, not a dog.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
Hump any fire hydrants lately?
Not really a dog, despite the nickname.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
Hey, Dog. Sit. Sit! That's a boy! Gooood booy!
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Been called worse.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
He listened in silence as she told him about the recent happenings at the Lab - and he wondered who the one was, but knew better than to ask; not wanting to pry more than he already had. Scott valued privacy, and he hated hypocrisy, so to ask more seemed like a slight to the man. He didn't stay his tongue when she mentioned worrying about Lovett, however, Scott recognizing the loyalty she carried. "He's handled himself since before you got here, y'know," the Killjoy pointed out, sounding somehow-- nicer than he usually did. A little more patient, perhaps; more inclined to being mindful rather than blunt.
"Not that you shouldn't worry," he added. "'S nice of you to care." Not many people did when it came to the kids at the Lab, but at least they had each other, still. 
"I went out," he replied, shrugging once as he let the car drive off the beaten path; headed for the woods and the Soldiers. "Supply run. Weapons. 'n 's fine. I'll just shut up if I don't like your questions." It was the closest Scott ever got to jokes - dry comments; generally a good sign of his quiet approval of whoever he was talking to. "I like the Killjoys just fine. 's home."
See Me Bare My Teeth For You || Sage & Scott [PAST]
"Trade is going well. Reason why I was out in the desert so long. I’ll probably go out again tomorrow. Hopefully." She would make up for time lost if Judas would have it. She continued to talk about the Soldiers, relaxed now that William and all the not-Soldiers weren’t within ear shot. "Judas fixed it but one of ours got held up by the Crybabies and, with the exception of one,” Sage’s gaze fell from the man’s, turning focus upon the radio instead, “the rest that disappear do so without word like they don’t exist in the first place. So, I guess not much has changed.” She felt the heat of anger return to her as she thought of Chaos and her fight with Lucas. She hoped he hadn’t gone out and done something stupid in her absence and anxiety grew with each hour that crept passed the time she said she’d be back. Still, the drama between the two was only a bullet point in a growing list. Her trust for Scott was built upon mutual backgrounds, the idea that the man understood keeping her from being on guard. That and the fact that he was bringing her home gave way to fondness. He was a former Soldier and, if she was good at reading people at all, he still held his old gang close to heart.  
“I worry about Judas, too.” The brunette parted with her words quietly, as if scared to admit that she did in the case that someone used it against her. She wouldn’t elaborate further. She didn’t want anyone to think her worry reflected weakness in the Toy Soldier’s leader. In her eyes, Judas was a better leader than any of the others she had met. She cleared her throat, wiping away her statement with more questions to follow. “I just tend to worry too much, probably. The Killjoys? How do you like them? Where’d you go last night? Uh- if it’s not too personal…I mean, you don’t have to answer if I’m being invasive.”
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Y'cant ask a tapeworm anything, Ti," Scott said, something like a laugh huffed out after. He watched her inhale like a dying man ready for his last puff, and he didn't even get a drag himself; in between Ti smoking and then requesting she join him the next time he went out.
"Are you saying you'll help me get food, or are you sayin' you'll do so for it," he asked, the comment a dry thing, like the shrubbery out back in the late summer months. "'Cause you can come along, if you're good with a gun, but I ain't giving you shit."
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     “How do you know? You ask it?” Tiana’s mouth went from pout to broad smile as the cigarette made its way to her hand. She took a greedy drag, blowing the smoke to the side and courteously out of his face a few seconds later. She looked up at the older Killjoy as she passed the cigarette back, his face devoid of a smile. She tried to imagine the person who took it but fell short. 
      “Can I come with you next time you go out? I can help. For food.”
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      Tiana didn’t like staying at the station all the time but going out alone ended her up in stupid situations. The younger Killjoy was used to helping her fellow Whirlybirds out but that position contrasted with the Killjoys who were basically self-sufficient as individuals for the most part. She reached for the cigarette again.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Good with people," Scott said, gaze unwavering as he stared down the dunes and barely-existent paths he drove them over. "Despite the crew he ran with." It was no secret that the Toy Soldiers had always had a bad reputation - infamy rather than fame, and with good reason, though Scott had always seen the Soldiers' reasons as good reasons too. 
"Disappeared couple of years back. 'S how it goes." How it goes was either dying or disappearing, and with Salem, no one knew whether or not it was both. With his penchant for smooth-talking but clear hatred of most other humans, it could be either, and Scott had spent a lot of days dwelling on it, at least early on.
These days, it didn't faze him as much, though he'd still wonder, from time to time, where his chosen family had gone - if Salem was still out there, too. The Killjoys had given him a new purpose, but nothing had ever been the same as it had been at the Lab, and he'd be lying if he said he didn't miss it.
"How is it," he said, giving the brunette a quick glance out of the corner of his eye, "at the Lab?"
It was mostly to be courteous, but he liked knowing what they were up to, even if he didn't - couldn't, shouldn't - involve himself in their dealings.
See Me Bare My Teeth For You || Sage & Scott [PAST]
     Sage was waiting for him on the edge of his made bed. She’d have washed it all free of her and her scent had she access to a washer and some time but she had neither, so settled for just making it. She was still shaking off the last of her sleepiness, covering a yawn politely, when Scott opened the unlocked door to the metal container that served as his room. Like he’d promised he was there to drive her to the lab and she was grateful for it, confusion gone as to why he would offer. The first time she’d run into the ex-Toy Soldier, she hadn’t taken him for the sentimental type but then again, she hadn’t thought anything until he’d returned to help her out.
    She regarded him with a masked fondness, rising to greet him with a small wave and a bright smile before following him out to a pick-up truck. She wondered if this was just the community car or if Scott had the funds to afford one of his own but remained silent on the matter. There were more important questions she wanted to ask and badgering him with ones less than that would be a waste.
     The sun beat down on her overhead and once again she was mentally kissing the ground Scott walked on for offering the ride, vocalizing her thanks once she was opening the door. She had no doubt she’d make it back to the lab without one - she was too stubborn to die in the hands of the desert - but that didn’t mean she’d enjoy it. There was something about the hours of sleep she’d managed to obtain between when Scott left and his return that put her in her normal, amiable mood and she knew that she owed a ton to Scott and the rest.
     Settling into the passenger seat, the brunette let out a gentle sigh, she was finally on her way home, a gentle hum taking over the car as the engine started up. Her bag was by her feet and not on her back, a sign of trust she was willing to extend given that he’d earned it. Sage, loyal as a loved dog, hoped to earn his trust in return. She looked out the window to see if she could spot where she’d been walking just a day before but found that the desert scene all looked the same. Finally, after an allotted silence Sage counted off in her head she spoke up.
     “Thanks, again.” She turned a dimpled smile towards him, gaze falling on the side of his face. “So, what was the first leader like?”
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"That's.. 'S not how tapeworms work," Scott responded, shaking his head as he handed her the cigarette, something gruff in him unwilling to attempt to reason with the younger Killjoy.
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"Maybe I’ve always had tapeworm. Maybe it just likes me so it lets me live but now it’s tired of me and my time is up and…"
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"…you feel moved by my story and want to split that one with me." She indicated to the one he had in his mouth. "Or we can shotgun it and you could chance getting tapeworm too!" She grinned, not entirely sure how a tapeworm worked.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Last time I checked, you just ate like every meal's your last one. Doubt you've got tapeworm."
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"Trade me 'n we'll talk."
"Can I have one? I don’t have anything to trade but William says I have a tapeworm and I’m dying."
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"It can be your goodbye gift."
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Pack of smokes. So yeah."
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"What’s this?"
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Said I'd trade you if what you had was of use," Scott shot back, stopping in his tracks briefly to glance back at William. "I've got no use for an alarm system; got no devices that need one. 'n besides, you can't expect the rest of us to give up our tobacco for longterm production. Might as well find a different solution now." There was no shrug or a smile. Just the usual: a mildly apathetic look on Scott's face before he turned back around again, broad shoulders intent on disappearing around a corner.
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"Come on," William said and dared himself to smile a little. "You said you’d give me one," and he let the challenging smile linger, however his eyes beamed with respect.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
"Next time, ask," Scott began, turning to William as soon as he'd heard Sage's footsteps fade away. "She's a guest. We vouched for her. Stay out of her hair." His tone wasn't brusque - it was closer to his normal, neutral timbre instead - but there was a hint of tired disappointment there still; Scott giving the man one last look before he headed for the door, boots quiet against the tiled floor.
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Killjoys HQ/Back from shack //William, Sage & Scott
Sage felt the grip of anxiety in her chest loosen when Scott let go of her and she stepped out of his space. She looked at William calculatingly but true to her word she made no move towards him. The last thing she needed was Scott’s distrust. She put her knife away without looking at either of them, crossing over to pick up her heavy backpack again despite the protests of her body.
When she did give her attention away it was to Scott and his offer. As much as she wanted to refuse him - to refuse everything and leave out the front door - she knew it was idiotic and remained silent. She had questions she wanted to ask him and the drive back to Toy Soldier territory would give her that chance. The teen answered his question with a single incline of her head and then started for his room.
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caniskoenig · 10 years
Not even a nod, and Scott let Sage go, watching her every move in case she'd had a sudden change of heart - he wasn't about to let her harm William or his miniature machine, no matter how certain Scott was that it was the other Killjoy's own fault for provoking her. He saw no use in berating William for not answering his question, either; at least not for as long as their guest was in the same room. He could save him the embarrassment. "I'll drive you back later if you're still here," Scott said, eyes still focused on Sage - he was waiting for her to leave the room before he could acknowledge William.
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Killjoys HQ/Back from shack //William, Sage & Scott
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"Like I’d be scared of you,” she spoke harshly at the quivering killjoy, insulted by his condescension when he himself looked like a frightened deer caught in the beaming headlights of oncoming traffic.
The guilt over breaking the plates and causing a scene would come later. For now, Sage was a coin with anger on one side and exhaustion on the other, just a coin toss away from fighting her way out of killjoy territory or collapsing where she stood.With Scott acting as a leash to keep her from William and the device, though, fighting seemed to be a lost cause. Sage hoped William was well aware that he had lucked out in this instant.
Her grip on the knife loosened, the brunette giving in to her exhaustion. She leaned back against Scott’s chest and looked up, gaze settling on the stubble on the man’s jaw. “Let go, please. I’m done.” She’d leave the kitchen, William, and the device. She just wanted to lay down.
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