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where did james’ idea for bandana man come from…? like how long was he cooking on that persona before the third episode and why was he able to bust it out in a matter of seconds lol
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if btr ever gets a reboot i want everything to be exactly the same, but once an episode, a character is allowed to say one single swear word as loudly as possible, but it's always off screen or in the background, and the others don't acknowledge it or react to it at all and the episode just moves on like nothing happened
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Actually, according to this interview, Bandana Man was Scott Fellows' idea. He noticed that James liked to wear bandanas while working out, and he felt...inspired. Lol.
where did james’ idea for bandana man come from…? like how long was he cooking on that persona before the third episode and why was he able to bust it out in a matter of seconds lol
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You're too kind. Thank you. 😊
Well, of course I had to draw those dimples. Wouldn't be Logan without them.
(prev tags) LOL, Kendall really did turn the tables, didn't he?
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And just because you mentioned it:
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i absolutely LOVE these! 😍 thank you so much for drawing both of them!!
the logan one is so adorable (the kitten! the fact that you drew on the dimples!) and you’ve got me grinning at my screen with all of their expressions in the jail one, especially james’ crazy eyes! and you’ve captured logan’s 🥺 face perfectly. 💗
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I'm bored and I like to doodle.
So, reblog this with your favorite picture of BTR/one of the members. A sketch of that picture will magically appear in your ask.
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Big Time Hot Take #7
This one was inspired by @myloveforhergoeson's poll about the guys' ages. (Thank you!)
We never got any birthday episodes. Not a single one. You'd think that would be mandatory (since it's a kids' show, and kids love birthdays), but I guess not.
Apparently, the writers didn't want to create four separate storylines for four separate birthdays. Also, as @myloveforhergoeson pointed out in the comments under her poll, they probably wanted to keep the "16 years old forever" illusion going.
At the very least, they could've had an episode revolving around Katie's birthday. Actually, that would've been adorable—just picture the guys (and Mama Knight) frantically organizing a surprise party for her (and trying to keep it a secret).
We were robbed, folks.
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 2: Big Time Discovery
"Twenty-five bright, shiny platinum records."
A certain Hawk, wearing his smoky gray suit, paced in the office of his (struggling) record company. 
"A million-dollar villa, overlooking the Hollywood Hills." He took a swig of coffee from his mug. It bore the company logo: an imposing silhouette of a hawk.
"A Lamborghini to die for." He faced the window. A billboard stared back at him. BIG TIME RUSH'S ALBUM "ALL OVER AGAIN" COMING SOON.
"And for WHAT?" he yelled, answered by nothing except the traffic down below. Realizing that his cup was empty, he agitatedly shuffled over to the coffee pot.
He sipped the freshly steaming liquid and continued, "I finally get out of the slammer, and how do I celebrate freedom? I turn over every stone and twig, searching for some ounce of talent. A one-hit wonder, even! I mean, really..."
He trained his icy stare on the radio, which sat atop his desk.
Here I am, there you are,
Why does it seem so far?
Next to you is where I should be (Where I wanna be)
Something I want so bad
Know what’s inside y—
The singing crackled and fizzled out as Hawk poured a scalding stream of coffee onto the radio.
He was breathing harshly. "Better say your prayers, Gustavo Rocque. Because when Hawk rises from the ashes, you will be the first to fall." Another loud slurp from his cup. "CAW!!" he shrieked.
Later that morning, a sleek bus pulled up to a stop near Hawk Records. The Pussycat Dolls’ "When I Grow Up" bumped out of its stereo.
As the doors swung open, four young girls filed down the steps: One was raven-haired with hazel eyes, one had caramel locks and piercing amber eyes, one sported a long brown ponytail, and one had curly brown hair in a bun. They were all tanned and shapely.
"There it is, girls! Hawk Records." Chloe, the raven-haired girl, said jubilantly.
"YES!! FINALLY!" whooped Mikee, the girl with the ponytail.
There was a confused hush as the girls looked around. "So...now what?" Mikee asked uncertainly.
The caramel-haired one, Jessica, produced a compact mirror and tube of pink lipstick. The other three looked at her strangely. Behind her big pink sunglasses, she rolled her eyes. "Hey, if this is my only chance to become a totally poppin' princess of pop, I might as well look my best, right?" She intently smeared on the lipstick.
The curly-haired girl raised one thick eyebrow. "Um, you know you said 'pop' twice, right?" she pointed out.
Jessica snapped the mirror shut and leaned close to her. "You bet I did, Elena." she smirked.
Chloe motioned to her friends. "Come on, guys. We didn't fly all this way for nothing." Luggage bags rolling behind them, they made their way up the sun-kissed pavement to the double doors.
The first person they encountered was Hawk's secretary. In fact, she was the only one in sight. She already seemed out of place, sitting behind a tiny desk in the desolate lobby. But her impassive, ‘I-hate-the-world’ expression only emphasized the room's emptiness.
The gang had initially been impressed by the spotlessly professional setting. This impression was dampened as soon as they laid eyes on her.
"Good morning! We're here to see Mr. Hawk?" Chloe tried.
Jessica removed her sunglasses, flipped her hair out of her eyes, and looked up with a disarming smile. "That's right! It's been my lifelong dream to become the next JLo, and sing amongst the stars. Though, I'll also settle for a leading lady movie role." The others stared at the ceiling. They'd heard this speech ad nauseam.
The secretary couldn't have looked more bored if Jessica had been reciting a phone book. "Yes. I'm sure you would." she droned sarcastically. Their smiles fell at her tone.
She sighed. "Well, he's free. Office is on the sixth floor." Her blank gaze dropped back to her desktop computer.
The girls looked at each other. "Uh...great, thanks!" Chloe said, smiling as cheerfully as she could. Realizing that their good spirits were not going to rub off on this woman, they scuffled towards the elevator.
They stood before the shiny office doors. Now that their moment had arrived, the task at hand seemed much more overwhelming.
Mikee emitted a loud sigh. "Welp. This is it. Who's gonna do it?" She nudged Elena. "You should do it. You're really good with words."
The brunette immediately shook her head. "Only when I’m writing essays for school. Oral introductions aren't my forte." she anxiously explained.
Jessica turned to Chloe. "Chloe, you chipped in the most for the plane tickets. If anyone should do it, it's you."
Chloe tucked some strands of black hair behind her ears, smoothed out her yellow blouse, and took a deep breath. She raised her hand and knocked firmly.
Hawk was reading a thick book at his desk. Getting Rich for Evil Dummies!, the title screamed. He started at the sudden sound.
He fumbled with the book before dropping it in the desk drawer. "Enter!" he barked.
The doors tentatively opened. Hawk's eyebrow quirked as the girls nervously stepped inside.
"H-hello, Mr. Hawk!" stammered Chloe.
"And what do you want?" he asked curtly.
All of them looked semi-terrified, except Jessica. She was glancing around the office like it was a majestic shrine. Chloe cleared her throat and continued, "Let's just begin by introducing ourselves. My name is Chloe Martinez. And this is my friend, Mikayla Rogers."
Mikee jumped forward and stuck out her hand, which Hawk warily shook. "But friends call me Mikee." she added, grinning.
Chloe placed her hands on Elena's shoulders, bringing her into better view. "This is Elena Slate."
Elena shyly waved. "Hi."
Chloe gestured to the wonderstruck teen beside her. "This is—"
"Jessica Carlton." Jessica thrust in, fervently shaking his hand. "It's such a pleasure to finally meet you in the flesh!"
Chloe cleared her throat again, giving Jessica a look. She awkwardly giggled and released her grip. 
Chloe went on, "Together, we are Cross My Heart. And, well, we're a quartet." She smiled as she added, "You’ve made so many people’s dreams come true. We were hoping you could give us a record deal, so we can get a little more exposure."
"And maybe run into Big Time Rush along the way!" Mikee chimed in. They giggled. Hawk didn’t even bother to stifle his yawn.
Once Chloe had stopped giggling, she continued, "Anyway, we're from Arizona, and we've always wanted to—"
"Oh, Arizona, eh? How very...very interesting. I've held many an audition there." he boredly interrupted. He seemed much more interested in adjusting the papers on his desk.
Jessica blurted out, "Really? So we really have a chance?" Mikee smacked her shoulder, earning herself a harder smack in return.
Hawk got up and slowly walked to the window. "Girls," he said, "I am a very busy man. Do you have any idea how many prospects I go through every week?" 
When they didn't respond, he coolly continued, "Can you even fathom what it takes to succeed in the music industry?" 
"Um..." Chloe hesitated.
"No. You can't." he snapped, wheeling around. "I have yet to find one single shred of musical fortitude in this talentless land."
He went back to his chair, placed his feet up on the desk, and calmly picked up a newspaper. "So, to spare all of our sanities, I think it would be best if you four turn yourselves around, leave the Hawk’s lair, and fly south for the winter. Get the picture?" Without another word, he tore open the paper and whipped it in front of his face.
They could do nothing but stand there in shell-shocked silence. Mikee looked at Chloe and whispered, "C?"
Chloe nodded. "It's huddle time." she quietly declared. They looped arms and huddled together, whispering their strategy. Hawk turned a page of his newspaper, not caring in the slightest.
Then, they turned around and broke into their song.
He tensed as soon as they began harmonizing. They were...amazing. Incredible! They were just as good as Big Time Rush—maybe even better. As Jessica belted her pitch-perfect runs, one could practically see a spotlight glowing on her. She was obviously taking her one shot to stardom and using it for all it was worth. 
Hawk slowly, very slowly, lowered the paper. The gears in his head were wickedly turning. He'd finally found it—this was his last chance to get sweet revenge.
Once they'd finished, he was temporarily speechless. He stood up and adjusted his dark shades. A smile spread across his face. "Ladies..." he began, "It looks like the Hawk will have to make an exception."
The girls’ eyes widened. A split-second later, they started squealing. “Walk of Fame, here we come!” Jessica exuberated, hair flouncing as she hopped for joy.
Hawk gestured for them to settle down. “But before we begin our friendly relations, I want to make one thing very clear. Please, have a seat.” Still tittering excitedly, they sank into the black leather couch across from him.
He reposed in his chair. “I take it you’re Big Time Rush fans.”
They nodded eagerly. “Those guys are so cool.” Mikee gushed.
“Actually, they inspired us to become Cross My Heart. It’s mind-blowing how people with such humble beginnings could become what they are now.” Chloe explained.
Hawk thoughtfully traced circles on the desk. “It’s a darn shame that they couldn’t stay humble...” he remarked casually.
They looked at one another, confused. Chloe swallowed before speaking. "What...what do you mean?"
His smile became wistful. "Not many people know this, but I once signed Big Time Rush to my label." he lied. "Oh, such nice young men they were. They came to me, just as you did. They placed all their trust in me to make their superstar dreams come true. Once I finally succeeded..." He trailed off with a sigh. "The pressures of fame changed them. Stabbed me in the back, they did."
"No!" Jessica and Mikee exclaimed. A horrified Chloe added, "Oh...that sounds awful."
"I did everything I could to make Kendall happy. I really did! I even let him write a song or two. But as soon as he got a taste of the limelight—" The back of his hand came down hard on the table. "—he bit the hand that fed him. Now, he's no better than any other spoiled pop tart."
Chloe's brows furrowed. She couldn't believe what she was hearing. The boy she idolized could really be that terrible?
"James? Why, the kid was so obsessed with himself, he would even turn against his own bandmates. Always had to be in the center." Hawk went on. Jessica gasped. She looked like she was on the verge of tears.
"Then there’s Logan: the snot-nosed smart aleck who was more interested in running his mouth than running a show." Elena suddenly looked crestfallen.
Mikee quickly spoke up. "N-not Carlos. He's totally sweet."
He shook his head and sighed. "Behind that helmet lies a heart just as black." She hung her head.
"But that is in the past." he spat. "They're not even worth discussing. Take it from Hawk himself, ladies. Big Time Rush is nothing more than an overrated herd of hooligans. And besides," he started to snigger, "boy bands are over! They lost their appeal ages ago!" He was guffawing now.
"However." he said, all the laughter gone. He rose from his chair, ambled around his desk, and loomed over them. "Cross My Heart is a girl group. So, I just have one question for you."
Their eyes twinkled. "Yeah?" they gasped.
He smiled again. "Are the Hawk’s chicks ready to spread their wings and soar?" As if to punctuate the question, he raised his arms like a bird and screeched, “CAW!”
The band erupted in cheers.
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I'm signing up to be BTR's amateur photographer. So, give me ideas.
Also, can we take a moment to appreciate Kendall in both of these?
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Welp, looks like we've got some dachshund lovers around here. (Though, to be honest, I'm not sure what breed Posey is)
Hopefully my friend's dog will be satisfied with this. Maybe I should teach him how to make his own account...
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My friend's dog (I will refer to him as Richard) noticed my blog during a visit. While my friend was in the bathroom, Richard forced me to post this question.
He also said that if I told my friend he could talk, he would hack into Tumblr and delete my blog. And set my garden on fire.
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You're very welcome. 😁
“FIIIIYERO!” Carlos sang out over the rush of the shower. “FIYERO, FIYERO, FIIIIYERO!!”
Outside the door of 2J’s bathroom, Kendall groaned loudly, “Dude, if you’re gonna sing in the shower, at least get the lyrics right—it’s ‘Figaro’, not ‘Fiyero’!”
Carlos yelled back, “Yeah, well, according to my Spotify, I’ve listened to ‘Fiyero’ 3,305 times—why would I get the lyrics wrong?!”
Absolutely perfect, thank you!
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"So I Googled myself, and you would not believe all the fans who write about me—I just found a story called 'Mpreg James Diamond'!" James beamed as he scrolled on his computer.
After sharing a concerned look with the other boys, Logan asked, "Uh...James, do you even know what that means?"
James thought for a moment before confidently replying, "Most Perfect, Rad, Exquisite...Guy?"
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Big Time Incorrect Quotes/Text Posts #38
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Watching Big Time Rocker and…
Logan would really be into role playing, wouldn’t he?
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Kendall and Logan's "Fanlala" interview, but I edited it.
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Logan: I'm always worried that Kendall's gonna be the one to wipe out. He has a klutziness about him.
Also Logan:
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No Kendalls were harmed in the making of this video. ⚠️ Big Time Rush on TikTok
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"Big Time Battle of the Bands", Chapter 1: Big Time Idea
Summary: When the Palmwoods is on the brink of foreclosure, the boys hold a benefit concert to save it. But they are soon upstaged by a new singing group, found by the nefarious Hawk—Gustavo Rocque's archnemesis. In this battle to represent the Palmwoods, which group will come out on top?
1) Some of the scenes were inspired by a movie. Bonus points if you can guess which one.
2) This can be thought of as an alternate episode to "Big Time Superheroes" (season 2). Minus the superheroes.
It was a normal Sunday morning at the Palmwoods. The boys of Big Time Rush were lazing by the pool, soaking up the sun. Having just finished a song for their second album, they were elated to finally have some time off.
"Guys," began Kendall, sipping a pink smoothie, "I am eternally grateful to the Palmwoods for giving us a place to unwind after a grueling month of recording. Am I right?"
His friends immediately made noises of agreement. "Yeah, we've got this rad pool all to ourselves..." Carlos exulted.
"...the selection of girls is exceptional..." James said with a grin, raising his shades as a few young ladies walked by.
"...and at night, the location of the pool area makes for excellent planetary observation with a telescope!"
Kendall, Carlos, and James turned to stare at Logan. Logan rolled his eyes. "What? You know, we would all live better lives if we'd sit and stargaze once in a while." The guys shook their heads and continued sipping their smoothies.
Mr. Bitters walked by, carrying a few signs. "Hey, whatcha got there, Mr. Bitters?" Kendall called. Bitters turned to them, glaring.
"If you must know, the Palmwoods has been seeing insufficient funds lately. Unless we get a vast influx of new revenue and/or new talent, we will be forced into imminent foreclosure." Bitters said sullenly. He spun one of the signs around. It said FORECLOSURE in red letters.
Logan violently spat out his smoothie. As he was hacking and spluttering, the other three looked confused. "Uh, could you say that again in English?" Kendall said, holding up a finger. Carlos and James nodded.
Once Logan had finally composed himself, he looked sharply at his perplexed friends. "Guys, don't you get it? The Palmwoods is shutting down!" he cried.
Kendall, James, and Carlos spat out their smoothies.
The boys sat in Apartment 2J, looking miserable. Kendall and Logan were slouched on the Orange Sofa in front of the TV, but they weren't paying attention to the show. James was moping in a chair with his head in his hands, and Carlos was reclining on the other end of the sofa. He was dejectedly tossing a ball at the wall and catching it over and over again.
"Okay, we can't just sit around sulking." Kendall declared as he stood up. "We are Big Time Rush, and we do not back away from a challenge! What if this were a hockey game? We would have been benched by now."
"Yeah? Well, guess what, Kendall?" Logan said, frowning up at him. "Instead of a hockey rink, it's a huge business and a huge building. Instead of a puck, it's millions of dollars. You heard Bitters. Unless we somehow bring in tons of money all at once, we are not saving this place."
James moaned pathetically, head still in his hands. "This is it. My glorious life of beautiful ladies and endless supplies of hair products is over." he wailed, slumping dramatically against the La-Z Boy.
Carlos caught his ball and sighed deeply, clutching it close. "No more super-epic cannonballs from the rooftop." He craned his neck to glance over the couch’s back. "And no more Swirly Slide!" he sobbed.
Kendall impatiently shook his head. "Think very carefully. What is our second talent, besides hockey?"
Carlos’ upside-down face looked up. "Ticking off Gustavo?"
Kendall’s lips curved. "Besides that. Singing, guys. And dancing! That's what we do best. All we have to do is hold a fundraising concert to pull in some money and recognition for this place."
Logan's face brightened. "Actually, that's not a bad idea. There are hundreds of residents living here. If we sell tickets to them and the rest of the people in our local community, we could easily raise thousands. And when we go on tour again, we can donate some of the profits."
James and Carlos bounced up, all traces of sadness gone. "We're in!" they chirruped.
Mrs. Knight entered the apartment, carrying groceries. She noticed the guys standing around in the living room. They turned to look at her happily.
She raised an eyebrow. "Okay...what's going on?"
Kendall spoke first. "Mom, we're gonna have a fundraising concert and save the Palmwoods. But we need your help. Do you think you can print enough tickets for every single person in the building, plus a couple hundred people from around town?"
"And some flyers, too?" Carlos added excitedly.
"Ooh, we could give out those paper bracelets with our band name on them!" James piped up.
"Oh yeah, and maybe even—" Logan began.
"Whoa, whoa! Rein 'em in, boys!" Mrs. Knight interrupted, holding up her hands. "Of course I'll help you. Just give me enough time to get all the supplies I need, and we'll have a stack of tickets and flyers so high, you'll be able to live in that."
The boys cheered and high-fived. "Now," sighed Kendall, "comes the fun part."
"A what?"
Big Time Rush grinned in front of their alarmed manager, Gustavo Rocque. "Yeah, you heard us. A benefit concert. For the Palmwoods." Kendall stated.
Gustavo blinked. "Two quick questions. Question One: Have you forgotten I'm already busy enough writing songs? You know, for your next album?" He vehemently gestured to the scattered papers in front of him.
"If I don't get these songs done by the end of the month, guess who I'll have to answer to? Griffin. Which brings me to Question Two: Why are you even here? I gave you a day off so I would have more time to find sponsors, mix recordings, and hire a better mastering engineer. FOR YOUR NEXT ALBUM!” They jumped at his outburst.
“So you dogs just scamper back off and enjoy your last days at the Palmwoods while you still can, and quit bothering me with your 'great ideas.'” Gustavo finished bluntly.
Kelly was standing by with a translucent binder. She’d been listening carefully. “No, hold on, this is great. We could really use the extra promotion to get those sponsors.” she told him.
Through tinted shades, his eyes narrowed. "Oh, really?"
"You know Griffin. All he cares about is money. He doesn't care how he gets it, as long as he gets it. When he realizes how profitable this’ll be, he'll take over concert preparations in a heartbeat. Besides, it’s all for a good cause." she reasoned.
"And you will look even cooler in his eyes." Kendall added.
"Right! I mean, how awesome of a guy are you to come up with an idea like this, and let him in on the action?" James chimed in.
Gustavo's eyes darted across the eager faces. "NO." he finally shouted. The guys hung their heads, groaning.
A tinkling ring sounded from Kelly’s pocket. She fished out her cell and promptly answered, “Rocque Records.” In the next silent seconds that elapsed, her expression grew wearier and wearier. After closing her eyes for the briefest of moments, she concealed her aggravation behind a dutiful chirp: “Of course, sir. I’ll be sure to let him know.”
She hung up and exhaled deeply. "That was Griffin. He wants to see something ‘fresh and new’ by Friday, or he's cutting your pay in half for the month."
The group slowly turned their heads back to Gustavo. 'I told you so' was written all over their faces. He blew out an exasperated sigh. "Alright, you win." he grumbled. They immediately gave whoops of delight.
Kendall patted his sulking boss' shoulder. "Don't you worry about a thing, Gustavo. I mean, come on. What's the worst that could happen? Some evil villain's gonna swoop in and ruin a charity event?" he chuckled. The other three laughed with him.
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