capsicletho-archive · 7 years
I love "City of starts" great writing! I love Peter so much!
Thank you so much! I’m glad you liked it :)
Also just a reminder that we’ve officially moved to capsicletho so go follow us there! 
- tabita
They’ve Finally Come True
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Just wanted to give a reminder for the ones who are still following us on this account, and wondering where the hell have our fanfics been, we’ve now moved to @capsicletho same url, just a different blog (because this blog used to be on a sideblog instead of a main account). Have a great day!
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
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Does Chris Evans actually sing?
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Hey guys! After putting this into a lot of thought, we would like to announce that we are moving into the main blog! You can find us right here! All this time the main blog is an unused personal blog of mine ( @clareae ) and after this blog had grown into something more than I expected, I know that we just have to move it into the main blog.
We will use the same URL and everything else will be the same (maybe a teeny bit revamped just to make it neater) and our stories will be reblogged on the new blog as well. Can’t wait to see you all there <3
xx, @clareae and @chrixa
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Hey guys! After putting this into a lot of thought, we would like to announce that we are moving into the main blog! You can find us right here! All this time the main blog is an unused personal blog of mine ( @clareae ) and after this blog had grown into something more than I expected, I know that we just have to move it into the main blog.
We will use the same URL and everything else will be the same (maybe a teeny bit revamped just to make it neater) and our stories will be reblogged on the new blog as well. Can’t wait to see you all there <3
xx, @clareae and @chrixa
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Your ICMYLM mastelist isnt working on the tumblr app
Hi, love! Could you specify which one? Because I tried the ones on the mobile navigation and the posts from my phone, and they've all worked for me! Thanks for the heads up, by the way ♥️
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
I Can’t Make You Love Me
…if you don’t. You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t.
a Tony Stark series; author: @clareae | chapter 03
genre: romance, action
trigger: none
word count: 1287
summary: Reader and Tony found comfort in each other while they were trying to mend their own broken hearts.
a/n: I felt bad for part two because I didn’t do it proper justice, so here is the third chapter that I promised. I hope you guys enjoyed this! Let me know what you think and if you want to be added to the tagging list!
masterlist | ICMYLM directory | previous chapter
Your laughter echoed across the bedroom as he held you close, telling you stories from way back in the twenties and thirties when he was still a young man, before the serum. You loved listening to his stories, because for once you were listening to what the years before all the vast technology is like, instead of just watching it through a movie. You were talking to someone who actually experienced it.
“Okay, I’m really hungry now; not all of us has super stomachs and never feel hungry you know,” You teased him, pushing the covers off your body and lifting up his heavy arm from your hip. “Come on,” you tried to pull him by the arm; meanwhile, Steve–who didn’t even budge no matter how much force you put into pulling him–watched you struggle with an amused smile. “Hun!” You grunted, letting go of his arm.
Steve laughed, “Alright, alright,” he surrendered willingly, getting up with a groan. He put his arm around you and opened the door, just as Natasha rounded the corner with a coffee mug.
“Good morning, lovebirds,” she teased. “Clint is sulking because he didn’t get his daily coffee,” Natasha said with a raised eyebrow.
The two of you glanced to the kitchen island, seeing Clint already half asleep again with a mug in front of him. “Looks like he’s doing just fine,” you shrugged.
“Well I don’t make as mean a coffee as you do, (Y/N), so you better hope he doesn’t fall asleep while shooting those arrows,” she proceeded to walk back to her own room.
Steve chuckled, putting his index finger in front of his lips and crept up behind Clint while you rounded the corner of the island, joining Bruce to watch Clint from right across him.
“Barton!” Steve yelled, banging the marble table causing him to jump in surprise, knocking the coffee mug with his hand and causing it to spill all over him.
Clint’s reaction caused all four of you exploded in laughter while Clint groaned before he stomped away with a sulk. You cooed at him, still laughing a few moments later before you turned around to cook yourself breakfast.
After brunch, you and Steve decided to spend a quality time outside the tower without getting interrupted by the childish and chaotic screams and wails of the other Avengers who would either sulk over the things that didn’t go their way, or laugh at someone who they had just pulled a prank on.
“I have an idea!” You exclaimed right after you tied the shoelaces to your Adidas sneakers.
Steve turned to look at you as he pushed his shirt drawer close. “What is it?”
“How about we go to Brooklyn and you actually show me these places you’ve been talking about,” you suggested, standing up and putting your leather jacket on.
“Okay,” Steve nodded slowly, “That actually sound pretty good,” he smiled. He was quite excited to show you a glimpse of all the stories that he had told you all these time.
The two of you stopped by the sidewalk of the streets and hailed a taxi, and then the driver stopped in front of a small cafe. After paying the driver, the two of you got out and you naturally thought the coffee shop was something that has existed since Steve lived here decades ago, but it was not.
“This is the street where I grew up,” he told you. “Of course, it’s way different now than it was then,” he pointed out, looking around him as if he could just imagine how the modern Brooklyn slowly sheds away and transforms into the old thirties to forties Brooklyn that he remembered so well.
Boys running around with makeshift swords and shields, girls wearing pigtails and bright yellow or red dresses with a doll in their hand, mothers pulling their kids away from the candy store, fathers purchasing newspapers with a cigar stuck between his lips. It was all rushing back to him, and a glint of the purest happiness appeared across his lips. You watched him and you couldn’t help but smile too.
The two of you explored Brooklyn further; the building that was once a secret S.H.I.E.L.D property where he was injected with his serum, the store that he crashed into the first time he got out into the real world as a super soldier chasing after a man who killed doctor Erskine, and saving the best for last, he showed you the theatre where he stood up to a man who was being disrespectful. He had hoped that the two of you can catch a movie, but he didn’t know that it was already closed down two years after he went on ice.
“I’m sorry, I was hoping we could watch a movie there,” he apologised, holding your hand while the two of you walked along the pavement to look for a place to rest your feet and have some dinner.
“It’s okay. It’s still a great day; definitely a new way to explore Brooklyn, I love it,” you leaned your chin against his shoulder and smiled cheekily.
Steve smiled and then pushed the door to the restaurant and the two of you spent the rest of the evening before heading back to the tower in the restaurant.
The sun streaming in caused you to squint; you turned your head to spot Steve still calmly sleeping. You leaned forward and pressed a kiss to his lips before gingerly getting out of bed and making a beeline towards the shower. You got dressed up for work to find Steve stirring in bed, slowly waking up to see you all dressed up and neat.
“Good morning,” you greeted him, kissing his lips again. “I have to go to work; I took too much time off,” you chuckled, and he chuckled too.
“Come on, I’ll make you coffee,” he got up and led you outside; like always, no one is up yet.
Soon after you finished breakfast, Steve left a last kiss just before the elevator doors close.
“See you tonight,” you smiled.
You were excited to come home and spend some time with Steve, catching up to what he was up to all day that he doesn’t have a mission or a missing person to look for. You walked into the tower to spot Tony munching on a slice of pizza in the living room. You waved at him and proceeded to walk into your room, hoping to see Steve there. But you did not. Instead, a note replaced him.
Got another lead. I’ll see you when I get back soon, I promise.
I love you.
You sighed, sitting at the edge of the bed as you kicked off your heels. You put the note inside your bag and walked out, approaching Tony who had his feet up on the expensive coffee table. The two of you didn’t say anything, but you just plopped right next to him and he looked at you as he had a pizza in his right hand and a glass of whisky in his left.
He knew that Steve had left, and everybody knows that you are always the saddest when he left–which made you feel like such a clingy girlfriend. But the Avengers also know that of all the ten months you had been dating Steve–and almost two years of knowing him–you spent the least time with him because of all the missions he had to complete.
Tony extended his right arm to you, offering the new slice of pizza. You shook your head, pointing at the bourbon in his hand instead; he chuckled, and handed it to you. 
“Knock yourself out,” he said.
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Sleeping Beauty (Avengers Cast x Reader Drabble)
You didn’t know that the Avengers cast can also be called sneaky paparazzis. Also you love sleeping. Who doesn’t, right?
Word count: 779
Author: @chrixa
"Hi, uh, I'm Sarah and I want to ask is it true that Y/N can sleep everywhere?" A chorus of laughter followed her question. 
"That is indeed true," you smile at her as you nodded. 
"Oh she can sleep literally any time as well," Chris adds as another wave of laughter filled the convention hall. 
"The Russos would just call like a 5 minute break and when you look at her she's already asleep in someone's lap or shoulder," Sebastian said.
"Are we really talking about this?" You shake your head at the cast's excitement. 
"Her favorite spot is Sexy Seabass' lap," Anthony smirked at your direction as the crowd cheered. 
"Hey there's no denying that those thighs are the comfiest pillows out there," you challenged Mackie with your smirk as well. 
"Really, Y/N? You chose Sebastian over me?" Evans asked you with a fake pout. Sebastian was just shaking his head in his chair. He faced this bickering between the three of you everyday when you were on set. Even sometimes he’d join in, when you guys weren’t bickering over him. 
"Stop whining you big baby," Scarlett lightly slapped his bicep. 
"There's one thing she doesn't know though," Sebastian said and giving you his famous one-sided smirk. You know something’s ‘bout to go down. 
“Sorry, Y/N, I really did try to stop them,” Mark apologized to you from the other end of the table. 
"What?" You ask, dumbfounded while mentally preparing yourself of what’s gonna happen in approximately three seconds. 
"We all have a picture of you sleeping, sweetheart," Robert answered while sipping a drink from his glass. Of course they do. 
"You do not." 
"Yes we do," Evans smiled wickedly. “We even made it into like some sort of competition of who gets the most pictures of you sleeping.” 
“You guys are evil.”
“As if you didn’t know,” Robert’s voice made everyone laugh again. 
"I have one of you sleeping on Evans' shoulder while he plays with his phone," Lizzie said. 
"I have a selfie with you sleeping. Look your mouth's open," Mackie showed the crowd the picture. 
"Can we go to the next question please?" You cover your face with your hands. They are always either a) embarrassing you or b) babysit you, there’s no in between. 
“But this is the winning number,” Evans said while showing the crowd a picture of you sleeping, obviously, on a couch, on a sleeping Sebastian Stan, still in full make up and costume. Your head was on his lap with your mouth slightly open and his ‘metal’ hand was on your stomach. Evans slides the picture to the right and there you were still in the same position while the rest of the cast was behind you and Sebastian making silly faces. Lizzie even put up a heart sign with her hands. 
You looked over at Sebastian and as you correctly predicted, his face was as red as a tomato. He was shaking his head while his shoulders shake with laughter and covering his face with his hands. “Okay next question please guys,” he said while still laughing. 
“How many pictures of Y/N sleeping do you guys have?” The moderator asked. He’s getting into it too? Seriously? 
You glanced at the table and saw that they were all scrolling through their gallery. “Seriously guys?” 
“Are you guys done counting?” The moderator, Josh, you think, asked and the audience cheered, eager to find out who won the ‘competition’. “Okay hold up your hands on 3. 1, 2, 3!” 
You saw that Robert held up a 3, Mark held up 1 (bless him), Evans held up 7 (seven?!), Sebastian held up 4, Mackie had 5 of them, Lizzie had 2 and finally Scarlett had 4. 
“Yes!” Chris pumped his fist in the air while the audience cheered another wave of excitement. 
“Chris, dear, if you want to take a picture with me all you have to do is ask. No need to be my biggest paparazzi.” 
“You know what, Y/N? I’m gonna post these pictures on Twitter.” 
“And you’ll have to buy me coffee everyday on our next movie.”
“And ice cream.”
“And donuts.”
“Do you want a whole restaurant as well?” 
“Okay next question!” Josh finally said. What took him so long?
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
I Can’t Make You Love Me
…if you don’t. You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t.
a Tony Stark series; author: @clareae | chapter 02
genre: romance, action
trigger: none
word count: 1186 words
summary: Reader and Tony found comfort in each other while they were trying to mend their own broken hearts.
a/n: Glad some of you guys are loving ICMYLM, and I’m so sorry for the late update but school has been a great pain in the ass. But here’s the second part for you, it’s not that great I must admit because it is where you can just see the reader and Tony getting to know each other pretty well (lol), but you can also see a bit of Steve here. I promise the next one would be much more interesting to read, so stay tuned for more! Let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
masterlist | ICMYLM directory | previous chapter
It had been three days since Steve left and you decided to catch up on the work that you were planning to neglect and some more things that are still due in a month or so. Steve made sure that he called you every single day, whenever he can, just to ask how you were and to let you know that he was alright. You could tell that he was still feeling guilty about leaving so quickly when he promised you a great time of catching up, but he didn’t say it. It was not a particularly long conversation, but you didn’t mind. You knew that if he had a lot of time, he’d stay a little bit longer.
Since you had moved into the Avengers’ Tower as per Steve’s request, you had decided that you weren’t going to get in the way of the Avengers. You were friends with them, but you were no Avenger; you weren’t going to let yourself get mixed up in their business or get in their way with your papers strewn all over the living room or the dining area. With your line of work, you just had to  You decided to stay in the room you and Steve shared where he had installed a lounging chair and table at the corner of the room near the window. You were sitting on one of the chairs with your laptop on your lap and endless documents covering up all the available spaces around you. You were concentrated on your work when you heard a voice from across the room.
“Looks like I’m not the only one spending Valentine’s Day alone,” Tony commented while biting off the last of his Burger King.
“Oh, I know. It’s excruciatingly painful,” you replied with an over-exaggerated pout. Valentine’s Day is a great day to celebrate love; but to you, not celebrating it with your boyfriend was not the end of the world. “Why are you alone on Valentine’s Day? Can’t you just get one of your jets, pick her up, and sweep her off her feet?” You asked curiously.
Tony shrugged, walking further into your room and picked the seat to your right, picking off the papers you had abandoned there. “Pepper’s not exactly the type to be easily swept off her feet. She’d kick my ass back to New York the minute I get there,” he replied, fiddling with the papers before he decided to sneak in to read it.
“Where is she anyway?” You asked.
“Dubai,” Tony replied mindlessly as he pursed his lips and knitted his eyebrows together.
You swiftly snatched them out of his hands. “These are confidential,” you said.
“I didn’t know you were a lawyer,” Tony remarked.
“Of course you don’t, you don’t know anything,” you teased him with a small giggle.
“Huh.” He looked at you before he took out his phone and typed things into it.
“What are you, googling me?” You asked him.
“Is there some law prohibiting me to?” He asked, already putting in jokes.
You laughed a little, “I doubt you’re going to find anything--it’s not like I’m Amal Clooney,” you referred to the famous lawyer.
“Come on, you’re underestimating me. Look, I’ve already found your birthday,” he said. “I promise I’ll remind JARVIS to get you a gift,” Tony said.
“Don’t promise things you can’t keep,” you chuckled.
“You’re underestimating him. He has better memory than I do,” he added. “Harvard graduate and valedictorian...” the brown haired male kept on putting more things on the list of things he found out about you from wherever it was he was looking for. “You have to give me your speechwriter’s number,” Tony mumbled as he continued to watch what appears to be your valedictorian speech from Harvard.
“Oh sure. She’s sitting right in front of you right now,” you replied, scribbling some notes onto the paper while he looked at you with raised eyebrows.
“You just keep on coming at me with this surprises,” he shook his head slowly. 
You shrugged with pride and a smirk as he kept on doing more background checks on you like you’re a case suspect.
“I would gladly keep on impressing you with the wonderful things about me, but I need to make a confidential phone call, so you need to leave.
With that, Tony stood up and left after he said he’d get you something for your birthday on (Y/DOB) from whatever background-checking app on his hi-tech phone. You shook your head before proceeding to make your work call and before you knew it, it was almost one in the morning. You decided to pull through, wanting your work to be done by tonight, but instead you ended up falling asleep on the lounge chairs with your papers still in hand.
You felt the papers in your hand shift and you jerked in surprise, immediately awake when you saw the figure right in front of you. Muscular, blond, blue eyes, and a tired--yet charming--smile. He was wearing his midnight blue sweater that you loved so much as he looked at you lovingly.
“You’re back,” you said groggily, putting your papers aside. “I didn’t hear you come in how long have you been back?” You asked as you hugged him. You inhaled his scent; it was a mix of mint and fresh aquatic scent, combined with something that you really can’t quite put your finger on but it just ties everything together and it smelled like Steve.
“I did promise you I’ll be back soon,” Steve chuckled, hugging you back and giving you a brief squeeze. You knew that this meant it was just another dead end with his missing person case, but you didn’t want to press on it. You giggled sleepily into the crook of his neck. He pulled away, a little bit and pressed his lips gently on yours, keeping his hands around your waist as you ran a hand through his slightly wet hair.
Steve swept you up with one swift move and had you in his arms as you laughed against his lips. You both settled under the blanket; bodies close together, legs entwining, fingers locking, and you spent hours catching up with him before the two of you fell asleep, still snuggled up to each other.
JARVIS caused you to stir as the brightness of the sun began to enter the room when his automated settings went off. You squinted, but Steve stopped JARVIS before you could even think of getting up. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled.
You chuckled, “I’ve got work to do,” you said it half-heartedly, not wanting to get up yourself.
“Okay, five more minutes,” Steve repeated.
You mindlessly slipped your freezing hands under his sweater to keep it warm, knowing that Steve is the warmest person in the world, causing him to squirm and shudder as your cold fingers touched his abs. “Your hands are cold,” he gritted his teeth, and you laughed and kissed his lips gently as he pressed your body closer to him, planning on not getting out of bed at least for another three hours.
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Please tell me there will be a continuation of I Cant Make You Love Me
I’m so sorry for the delay, but school has been busting my ass with exams right now, but I am in the process on making it and it’s 90% done so far. Just needs a little bit more revision. You can also come off anon so I can add you to the tagging list, if you’d like!
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Hi! I love "can't make you love me"! Is there a part 2?
Hi there! I’m glad you liked it, and yes! There will be a part two (and more after that) just as soon as I finish writing it and hopefully in a few days.
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Thank you so much for 150 followers! Thank you for reading our stories and liking them. We appreciate your love, reblogs and comments so much and thank you once more. 
 Love, @clareae & @chrixa
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
I’ve just noticed the two Robert and Jeremy requests on our inbox and I’m so sorry for whoever sent it that it took me this long to notice it because I rarely open up our inbox and for some reason inbox notifications just doesn’t show up sometimes. But I’m going to start doing it right now and hopefully it’ll be up soon; let me know if you have other requests! After that I’ll continue with I Can’t Make You Love Me because I’ve got great ideas!
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Love I Can't Make You Love Me! I wish it would be more descriptive though....❤ can't wait for the next part!!
Thank you for the feedback! This means a lot to me, and I will definitely take it to consideration and try to be as descriptive as I can.
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
I Can’t Make You Love Me
…if you don’t. You can’t make your heart feel something that it won’t.
a Tony Stark series; author: @clareae | chapter 01
genre: romance, action
trigger: none
word count: 1387 words
summary: Reader and Tony found comfort in each other while they were trying to mend their own broken hearts.
a/n: Welcome to the first chapter of my first series! This story is inspired by one of my favourite songs, I Can’t Make You Love Me by Bonnie Raitt and it begins after The Winter Soldier and before the Age of Ultron, meaning there will be no Bucky, Wanda, Pietro, and Vision for the first few chapters. I hope you guys enjoy this series involving reader and Tony, but note that you won’t see that pairing until a few chapters, so meanwhile enjoy some Steven and reader fluff!
You liked the air conditioning on full blast even though you’ll end up freezing at night and pulling the duvet up to your chin. As per usual, when the sun was just about to rise, you reached out across the king-sized bed and felt a warm presence on your fingertips. You shifted across the bed and lifted his right arm before snuggling yourself under to it to find warmth from the cold air, resting your entire body against him. It took Steve a second to respond, but he was always the light sleeper that he’d notice every move you were making. He pulled you closer against his body and rubbed your back, sending warmth across your frame; he knew that you wouldn’t want the air conditioning to be turned off because then you’d feel too hot to cuddle him and he wouldn’t want the morning snuggles to stop.
The two of you fell right back asleep until the sun finally rises and JARVIS had the windows slowly lose its dimming night-effect as the sunshine grows brighter.
Steve’s lips made its way from the top of your head, to your forehead, down to the tip of your nose, and finally pressed them against yours.
“Good morning,” he greeted you.
“No…five more minutes,” You groaned and mumbled, needing more sleep after an incredibly long and tiring week filled with endless work.
Steve chuckled, slowly running his hand up and down your back, occasionally wiggling his fingers on your waist to tickle you, causing you to laugh.
“It’s too early,” you protested with a smile you couldn’t suppress, finally opening your eyes to look at him. His blue eyes were best view when the sun is shining, causing you to notice the bits of green freckles to those blue hues.
A few moments later, the two of you were the first to sit on the chairs around the kitchen island, enjoying your breakfasts while teasing each other. One by one, everyone emerged. Tony would be the first; usually he was grabbing some junk food before heading to sleep.
“You know life is great when your mornings are filled with watching a 95-year-old man and a girl about seven decades younger than him play footsie with each other,” Tony commented sarcastically as he snatched the two stripes of bacon from your plate. Both of you learned to just shrug it off, knowing that he was joking–probably just jealous because even though he and Pepper works just as hard as the two of you, they have less time for each other.
He went off to bed and that was when Bruce would usually walk out of his room, tugging his long sleeves before pouring himself some of the coffee you left in the coffee maker. Nat was next, followed by Sam. The two of them helped themselves to some coffee before Nat headed to Clint’s bedroom to drag him from his ‘nest’. They’d cook themselves breakfast and all of you threw remarks at each other and made fun of each other before it’s finally time to shower and get ready for whatever it is you had to do that day.
Steve had just came back home from a mission and that means he gets some time off before he has to work again if there is no emergency that needed Captain America. You were excited about the day you two are going to have, but it was not to last as expected.
“Cap, you need to see this,” Sam came out of nowhere and handed him an iPad while the two of you were lounging in front of the TV.
You peeked into the video footage that showed a masked figure walking in the middle of the street with a lot of people around him. Without even looking at it, you already knew who it was. Bucky had been a part of Steve’s life since before you even met him, obviously. The day Steve met Bucky was one of the hardest days for the two of you; Steve had to send you to a safe house to avoid anyone ever looking for you in case they know about you while he was accused of betraying the country. Right after that, Steve went on a nonstop search for his long lost best friend who he didn’t even know was alive.
Of course, Steve would come home every now and again to get some rest after searching for Bucky tirelessly along with Sam, but on those days he would spend his time still making sure that he has eyes everywhere looking for Bucky.
Sam had already filled Steve in with every information he has about the footage while you were in deep thought. You knew this meant that Steve was going away again; but you do not know when he would lose Bucky’s trail again, or find an empty apartment that Bucky once lived in, or even maybe finally catch on to Bucky. Sometimes he’ll leave for three days, other times a week, and rarely, the whole month–maybe more. As Sam left to get ready, Steve had already turned his head to look at you.
He knew you were disappointed. You didn’t spend Thanksgiving together, nor did you spend Christmas, and the New Year’s. You were hoping you could spend Valentine’s Day together–cheesy as it might–but you just wanted to celebrate a day with him. A day where you both can get a day off from work and just concentrate on the relationship you have been building for almost a year. You looked back at him with a sad smile.
“I have to go,” he simply said, noting  the sadness in your eyes.
“I know,” you sighed. There was really never stopping him; there was never even a debate on whether or not you’ll let him go.
You stood up and he stood up too, making your way back to your bedroom to help him get ready with his gear. He’d change to his suits while you pack some fresh clothes and some essentials. While you fit his white t-shirt in his bag, you smiled at the thought of the first time he let you pack for him.
“(Y/N), at this rate you’re going to break my only bag,” he chuckled, looking at you trying to zip up his overloaded bag as he strapped up. “What are you even packing in there?” Steve asked, walking over to you and opening up the duffel bag before he broke into a laugh.
“What? I don’t know how long you’re going to be gone for and I just want to make sure that you have enough clothes. Pretty sure you’re not going to have enough time to do laundry or send your clothes to dry cleaning,” You defended yourself.
“Sweetie, I’m not going on a vacation, I don’t need that many jackets,” he chuckled as he pulled out two out of the three jacket you brought him. “Or pajamas,” Steve added again while he also pulled out the pajamas you brought him.
“I told you, I know you’re not going to do laundry so what if your pajamas is dirty or your jacket gets mud all over them? Better safe than sorry,” you shrugged, putting the clothes he took out back inside his wardrobe.
“I’m going to be in my suit the whole time, so-” Steve paused mid-sentence and pulled out a couple laundry bags. “What?” He laughed.
“I thought you were going to have dirty clothes, so you have to separate them,” you explained yourself while you laughed along with him. Steve pulled you into a tight hug.
“I’m going to miss you,” he said.
He wrapped his strong arms around your waist and rested his chin on your shoulder. “I’m sorry,” he paused. “But I do have to go. I gotta find him,” Steve said.
You wanted to make him stay, but you knew you can’t be selfish with this so you turned around and hugged him back. “I know,” you simply said. “I just want you to be careful, that’s all,” you lied–well not really, you do want him to be careful but you also want him to just stay.
“I love you,” Steve kissed you. “I’m going to be back before you know it,” he promised you.
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
They’ve Finally Come True (Peter Parker x Reader)
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Word count: 1567
Author: @chrixa
A/N: This is my first time doing a request, writing a Peter Parker x reader fic, also writing a fic based on a song. I guess there’s really a first time for everything. 
I’m sorry if it’s not as fluffy as you wanted it to be, but I tried my best. I saw this song as some kind of a sad one. 
Also, the sweet anon actually sent the request to my personal blog, but I decided to post it here instead. Hope that’s okay. 
Enjoy. x 
City of stars Are you shining just for me? City of stars There's so much that I can't see
You’ve always wondered what the city skyline would look like at night. You’ve seen it in movies, sure. But you’ve always wanted to be in the peaceful moment at night and just marvel at the beauty of the blinking lights. You just never found a right time to do it. Moreover, the right person to do it with.
Who knows? I felt it from the first embrace I shared with you
She’s cute. Well, cute was an understatement. She was always beautiful, from every angle without her even trying. I’ve always wondered how soft her hair is. Or how her delicate hands would fit in mine. Or how happy I would be if I were the one to make her smile. I’ve always dreamed of the moment where I would talk to her. I just haven’t got the guts to talk to her.
And now she’s walking straight at me. What should I do? Should I say hi? She doesn’t even notice that I’m here. Every thing feels as if its in slow motion. Wait is this real? Am I dreaming? She’s so close to me. Personal space almost invaded. Almost. Until-
“Hey, Y/N!”
she bumped into me. Or I bumped into her.
“Oh God, I’m so sorry. Uh.. are you alright? I mean you look cute as always but are you okay? Wait what?” I stammered as I helped her up. Then she laughs. Well, giggles.
“I’m okay, I’m alright. Sorry, I wasn’t-”
“No, no, it was totally fine. I, uh, it was okay. It’s cool, really,” I sheepishly smile at her.
“Well, okay then. I’m gonna head to class,” she smiles back at me. I forgot how to breathe.
“Uh, yeah! Okay. What’s your next class?” It’s algebra, you idiot. You memorized her schedule.
“It’s algebra, unfortunately.”
“Okay. See you later, Y/N.”
“See you, Peter.” Wait. She knows me. She knows my name.
That now our dreams They've finally come true
City of stars Just one thing everybody wants There in the bars And through the smokescreen of the crowded restaurants
“Hey, Pete. What’s up?”
It was a week since our little bump in the hallway. I’ve been talking to her more often lately, sometimes at lunch or just when we meet in between classes. She’s actually much wittier than I thought or heard. Not that I don’t like that about her. I just thought she’d be more graceful, you know. Anyway.
“I, uh, was thinking whether you have anything to do this Friday night?” I scratch the back of my neck. I tend to do that when I’m nervous.
She tilts her head and smiles at me, “Are you asking me on a date?”
“Well, if you say yes, that is.”
“What if I say no?”
“Uh.. I honestly haven’t thought about it,” I say as I lower my eyes to the ground. This is not going well, Parker.
“Seven is fine by me,” she finally says.
“Wait, really? I’ll be at your house at 7.” My voice sounds way more excited than I thought.
“You know my house?”
“Have you been stalking me, Parker?” She asks as she slowly walks away to her class.
“No! I mean yes. Wait, no. Uh, sort of?”
“I’m joking, Parker. See ya on Friday.” I love how she pronounced my last name.
It's love Yes, all we're looking for is love from someone else
Months have passed since your first date with the mysterious Peter Parker. Texts have been exchanged and Skype calls became more frequent. He always preferred Skype over Face-Time, by the way. Slowly but surely, you noticed that you were developing something more for your newfound best friend. You were falling for him and his little quirks.
A rush A glance A touch A dance
“But how do I ask her? I can’t just come up to her and go ‘Hey you wanna be my date for prom?’ now can I?” I ask Ned.
“Sure you can,” he answers nonchalantly.
“Yeah, of course I can. But what if-”
“Hey Peter,” her voice is so familiar and calming.
“And that’s my cue to leave,” Ned whispers in my ear. “Hey Y/N.”
“Hey Ned. Where are you going?”
“Got some group project going. See you in class, Pete.”
“Y/N, do you think, do you want to be my date to prom?” I ask in a speed of light. I just hope that she heard me correctly.
“Are you seriously asking me right now?” She asks with a glint of mischievousness in her eyes.
I managed to squeak out a little yes which came out almost like a question.
“Jeez, Parker, I thought you’d never ask.”
“Really? Great! Have you thought about what you’ll wear? I was thinking maybe we could wear red you know, or maybe blue. What do you think?”
“Whoa, calm down, dude. I only knew that I’ll have a date to prom like a minute ago,” she giggles at my rambling. Stupid me.
“Sorry. I’m just excited, you know. Going to prom with you and dancing the night away and having fun. Wait, we’ll dance, right?”
“Isn’t that the whole point of going to prom?” She loves to answer questions with another question. Which is another thing that I love about her. “Of course we’ll dance. You better be a great dancer, Parker.”
“Yes, ma’am.”
“See ya,” she smiles at me before boarding her bus to go home.
A look in somebody's eyes To light up the skies To open the world and send it reeling A voice that says, I'll be here And you'll be alright
“Peter,” she whispers softly. We’re laying on her bed, hands barely touching, tired from doing homework. The papers are still all over the bed.
“If one day we drift apart-”
“We won’t drift apart, Y/N,” I interrupt her.
“If, Peter. It’s just me imagining things.”
“Okay, sorry. Continue.”
“Okay. If we drift apart, can I still count on you when things get rough?” She turns to face me now. God, she’s so beautiful.
“Of course you can,” I turn to face her as well. “You know I’ll always be here.”
“Will you pick your phone up at 2 in the morning when I call?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m being serious.”
“I’m being serious, too,” I smile softly at her.
“I love you, Y/N.”
“I know. I love you, too, Parker,” she whispers as she closes her eyes, drifting off to sleep.
I don't care if I know Just where I will go 'Cause all that I need is this crazy feeling A rat-tat-tat on my heart
“So basically what you’re saying is you’re Spider-man?! Like the Spider-man?! The one who shoots web from his arms and swings across New York?!” She’s half-yelling at me on the phone. And I don’t blame her for that.
“YES, Y/N, I AM. SORRY FOR TELLING YOU LIKE THIS. IT’S JUST NOT HOW I IMAGINED IT!” I yelled back at her because I’m not sure she can hear me through all the sirens blaring behind me.
“Were you even planning on telling me?”
“Quit yelling, Parker, I can hear you just fine.”
“Just don’t get yourself killed. Love you.” And she hung up the phone. I didn’t expect her to be so relaxed. What in the world was I scared about?
Think I want it to stay
“When are you taking me on another date, Parker?” She asks with a straight face while scrolling through her Instagram feed that I thought she was joking but turns out she wasn’t.
She turns to face me with a deadpan gaze, “Another date. You. Me. Special.”
“Oh, uh, when do you want it?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Probably on Valentine’s Day.” She deliberately emphasized on the last two words.
“Oh, okay. Where?”
“Well, since you’re Spider-man, why don’t you use your web-shooting stuff to take me there?” She raises an eyebrow and smiles at me. And I am officially gaping at her beauty.
City of stars Are you shining just for me?
“And we are here,” I whisper in her ear as we landed on top of a hill. I remove her blindfold because I wanted it to be a surprise.
“Peter, how did you-”
“Know that you wanted to come here? Well, you always made the skyline your lock screen wallpaper. And you asked me to use my web-shooting abilities to take you somewhere and the two just clicked and here we are,” I smile at her.
Her eyes were transfixed on the blinking lights emitted from the city. The buildings seemed so small from this distance. I have never seen her happier than in this moment. And she is beyond beautiful under the moonlight.
“It’s so pretty.”
“Yes, but you’re prettier.” She nudges me in my stomach and blushes. I love it when her cheeks turn pink.
“Thank you, Peter,” she says as she squeezes my hand.
“Anything for my girl,” I smile at her as I bring her knuckles to my lips.
“Can we stay?”
“As long as you want.”
City of stars You never shined so brightly
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capsicletho-archive · 7 years
Dancing Avenger (Avengers x Reader)
What happens when a shy lady who loves dancing becomes a new Avenger?
Word count: 1029
Author: @chrixa
A/N: I love dancing myself and I thought it would be fun to have someone who dances in the Avengers. So Falcon can never win the dance battles anymore, right?
Music is your best friend. Dancing, however, is your soulmate. And no, not those graceful ballet moves and slow music. Your type of dancing was the upbeat and powerful ones with ear deafening bass which was very different from your shy and witty personality. 
Whenever you had a sad or stressful day, you’d dance your way out of the gloomy feeling. It was your own relaxation time, aside from reading novels. 
You wanted to ask Tony to built you your own dancing studio with wooden floor, mirrored and sound proof walls, but you were new to the Avengers and you didn’t have the heart to ask for something that big. Even though you knew he wouldn’t mind. 
So, you ended up dancing in your own room. Luckily, your room was spacious enough for you to dance around, and you have a quite large mirror. Also, your room was rather far from the others so your music couldn’t really reach their rooms, right?
“Why is she not picking up?” Tony grunted after three times calling you. He was tired of trying and went up to your room instead of having FRIDAY summon you. 
He never expected you to like loud music. In his eyes you were this graceful and soft girl. But who was he to judge, he only knew you like, what, 3 months? So when he heard that the bass was coming from your room, he was rather surprised. 
“Hey, Y/N, can I come in?” He asked as he knocked. No answer. “Hey, open up, kid.” Still none. “Y/N, I’m coming in.” 
“Holy shit, Tony, can’t you knock or something?!” You were startled to see the guy standing on your door frame and watching you. How long has he been there?
“I am impressed, Y/N. I really am.”
“How long have you been here?” You asked in between your heavy breaths.
“About five minutes. I didn’t know you were such a great dancer.”
“I didn’t know you were so good at being stealthy.”
“Ouch. Why do you dance, anyway? Isn’t that for like performers or something?”
“Not all dancers are performers, Tony,” you roll your eyes at him. “I do it to relax myself.”
“You call upbeat dancing relax? Wow, Y/N, you’re so full of surprises.”
“I know, I’m a bag full of surprises. Why are you here anyway?”
“You know what, never mind what I’m here for. Just lower the volume, Y/N, Jesus Christ. That was so loud.”
“Yeah, yeah, sorry ‘bout that, old man,” you chuckle at him. He was stepping out of your room when you called him.
“Please don’t tell the others. Yet.”
“Your secret’s safe with me,” he winked and disappeared from your room.
Another stressful day, another song to dance to.
“Captain Rogers wishes you to be in the common room, Miss Y/N,” FRIDAY suddenly chimed in, pausing your music. 
Very bad timing, Steve, very bad.
“I’ll be there in a sec. Thanks FRIDAY.” 
“You’re welcome, Miss.”
“Oh and next time, please wait until the song ends before you tell me anything, alright?”
“Certainly, Miss.”
“Why are you sweating?” Steve asked as you sat beside him in the common room. “You weren’t at the gym, were you?”
“Nah, I was in my room. Why am I here again, Rogers?” You smiled at him, changing the topic. Luckily he just shrugged and asked you about the wonders of technology in the 21st century. 
“Has any of you seen Y/N?” Bucky asked as he entered the dining room. All of them shook their head no. “Wait did you hear that? Everyone keep quiet.” The table became quiet and they could hear a bass rhythm coming from upstairs, where your room was. 
“FRIDAY, is Y/N in her room?” Nat asked, breaking the silence.
“Yes, Miss Romanoff.” 
“Let’s check it out then,” Sam suggests and the rest of the team got to their feet. 
“Another bad day, Miss?” FRIDAY asked you as you began stretching in front of your mirror.
“Nah, today went fine, FRIDAY.”
“Which song do you prefer, Miss?”
“That Step Up All In soundtrack,” you smirked as FRIDAY played your favorite song. “Thanks, FRIDAY.”
“Anytime, Miss.”
You finished your dance routine that you practiced for a few months now perfectly as the song ends. What you didn’t expect was the whole team watching you as you finished it. 
“WHOOOOO!” Clint and Sam cheered on top of their lungs and clapped like an over excited sea lion.
“That was incredible!” Steve had his jaw dropped as low as possible. 
“I didn’t know you dance so well!” Bucky was clapping so hard as well.
“What the f-”
“Language, Y/N!” Nat exclaimed before you can finish your sentence. 
“Tony, did you-”
“No, Y/N, I didn’t. They found it out themselves,” he said as quickly as possible.
“You knew about this?” Bucky asked disbelievingly. 
“Yes, Barnes, he knew,” you said. “How long have you-”
“Probably as soon as that bass drop started,” Sam answered. 
“Oookay..” you trailed off as you try to catch your breath. “Weren’t you guys having breakfast? How did you know I was here?”
“Super soldier senses,” Bucky said as he pointed to his right ear.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Nat asked as the others nodded along and ask you the same question.
“Well, I, uh, I thought it wouldn’t really mean anything,” you answered sheepishly. 
“Of course it’s something, Y/N! You have a really great gift,” Steve said.
“Uh, thanks, Steve.”
“You used to perform or something? Before becoming an Avenger?” Wanda chimed in. 
“No, no, I don’t perform. I dance to relax myself, you know, to, uh, release the stress,” you said nervously.
“This room is too small for you, Y/N. I’m gonna make you another one,” you heard Tony’s voice behind Steve. 
“Really?” You heard your own high pitched voice answer before you could process it.
“Yeah, why not?” You could only see his head and that famous Tony Stark smirk over Steve’s shoulder. He was that short. 
“Thank you, Tony.”
“C’mon, kid, let’s get you some breakfast,” he grabbed your hand and led you out of your room, with the others on your tail. 
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