captainhappykoala · 4 years
House Aesthetics that aren’t super stereotypy (Is that even a word?)
Peppermint ice-cream, chipped black nail-polish, formal wear, books, debating, interior-design, secret tattoos, sliver jewelry, diamond earings, staying up till 5 AM and waking up at 6, and pricking your finger on a rose thorn.
Foodfights in the cafeteria, painting your nails with pastel colors, comfy sweatpants, painting, 1 AM calls to friends, lots and lots of rings, loving make-up even though you don’t wear it often, dancing to a record player, and picking up drunk friends to make sure they get home safe.
Lots and lots of books, vanilla lip gloss, fairy lights, reading nooks, sea shells, the smell of the ocean, binge watching Netflix, writing, sonder (the realization that everyone has a story), chill on the outside and insane on the inside, and swimming at 3 AM.
Killer cat-eye liner, dancing to The Beetles, messy buns, foreign languages, Nike hats, wire rimmed glasses, watching a sunset, looks confident but is actually insecure, putting your needs below your friends because they are more important at the moment, and lip biting.
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
Did I even graduate?
I looked forward to my college graduation for years, especially during the times when I thought I would never get there. I had many successes and many more failures- both big and small- and during those moments I often thought about graduation. 
I thought how great it would feel to know and show everyone that I did it. 
That the girl who failed two classes in a quarter still fucking did it.
Well then Corona came, I fled from campus and did my last classes on zoom at my parent’s house. It was hard, I gained 10 pounds and my mental health went through ups and downs but I’m still pretty good due to my family’s support. I had optional finals since that week George Floyd was murdered and the current nightmare got much worse. I completed my last classes with good grades. 
Then I graduated.
I had an online graduation (and yes it was ... different)
It was pretty great actually. 
My school gave us a terrible glorified slideshow and some half assed boring speeches we could watch. Honestly they should have done much more for all the money my classmates and I have given them.
But my family... well they outdid themselves. My parents and my twin brother made my living room into a make shift stage. We zoomed all my brothers and my other family members. It was great, I wore a cap and gown and my dad presented me with some photoshopped certificates from my college and “zoom university”. I didn’t have my friends there or most of my family and I wasn’t able to go to crazy graduation parties but I did have my dog Roxy there (and she is incredible).
2 months later...
It doesn’t really feel like I graduated at all. 
I’m back at the apartment in my college town and doing a hybrid online/ in person EMT program that is really just online now because of the COVID cases going up.  I feel like nothing has changed in town but yet everything has. The town I love doesn’t really feel like mine anymore.
I haven’t seen my friends since March 15th and most I probably wont ever see again. 
I feel a little lost. 
I’m left to think about whether all recent college grads have a period of limbo where it feels like they didn’t graduate and the real world is terrifying, or if that is more of a “graduating in a global pandemic and time of racial injustice in America” kind of thing. Honestly, who the fuck knows. 
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
Rey the penguin would like you know that she has found Nemo and Dory, in case you were worried
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
*forgets what im talking about halfway through a sentence*
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
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You brave, brave man.
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
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new years’ giveaway - ginny weasley for aditi // @crookedthorns from manvi // @bwidow
“They could hear people complaining; one surly voice said, “I can’t see no gas…”
“That’s because it’s colorless,” said Ginny in a convincingly exasperated voice, “but if you want to walk through it, carry on, then we’ll have your body as proof for the next idiot who didn’t believe us…”
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captainhappykoala · 4 years
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for the @guardian review
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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lily evans, 30 january, 1960 – 31 october, 1981.
“harry, you are so loved. mama loves you. dada loves you. harry, be safe. be strong.”
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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Made this lettering set in honor of Frozen 2. This movie was a whole visual masterpiece—I had the songs stuck in my head for weeks! 
TeePublic | RedBubble
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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QUEENIE GOLDSTEIN Desk job in the Wand Permit Office
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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I never wanted any of you to die for me.
↳ The Harry Potter Series
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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When you’re pretttttty sure that if you were a man, you’d be the man 💅
📷: Sami Drasin
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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GRYFFINDOR: “I don’t regard my life as insufficient. Inside the brushwood gate there is a moon; there are flowers.” –Ryōkan (Sky Above, Great Wind)
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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And we stay, Taylor.
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
Not every girl survives the forest. / Sometimes she becomes it.
Catherine Garbinsky, from “The Princess & the Thorns,” Even Curses End (via lifeinpoetry)
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captainhappykoala · 5 years
There are so many strange expectations of how to be a lady being pushed on young girls, like at one point I legit thought that being “ladylike” included having to know the name of so many different types of flowers and the meanings behind them. Like that is utter bullshit. If you want be a girl than you are a fucking lady. Congrats you did it. 
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