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This is a cursed image of Michael B. Jordan, reblog in 10 seconds or you will have the worst week ever!
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Reblog or your mom will die in 928 seconds.
I love my mom.
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I am risking nothing
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Will not risk.
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sorry followers :(
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I’m totally okay with you calling me a friend cause I consider you a friend as well.
Love you too💜
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Heyy!👋🏾Don’t know if you remember me but you once said that you really liked my writing and I said thank you and it really made my day. Just wanted to say hi and see how you’re doing (even though we’re strangers but you’re really sweet).Hope everything is going well😆 (P.s. I haven’t been active in a year!—so I’m happy to be back)
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Awe, this made me so so happy. I want to thank you for this amazing message, you honestly don’t know how much I needed this ahaha.
I’m doing pretty good, thank you. I hope you’re doing wonderful, you’re such a sweetheart.
I am now going to officially call you one of my friends, if that’s okay with you:)
And don’t worry hon, I literally haven’t been on this blog for soooooo long😂 but I’m feelin real good being back as well.
And I’m so happy that I made your day, honestly this message made my day in all honesty. Love you💓
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Being Iron Mans Sister Part. 8
He’s in kindergarten goes in at eight thirty. Since it’s almost the end of the school year. We can pick them up around one in the afternoon. I made breakfast, the usual. Scrambled eggs with ham on the side. We brushed our teeth got our shoes on and headed out. I don’t have a car so we use the subway as our transportation.
I read the New York Times news paper and Hector starts conversations with the passengers. There’s this homeless man. His name is Phil. Everyday we see him in the subway.
“Hi Phil”
“Eyy! How’s my little man doing ” they do their handshake that they always do once they see each other.
“I grew taller today”
“Well, looks like you grew from here to here!”
“Hello Phil”
“Sup Rony! How you doing today?”
“Pretty good. Just a bit rushed with time. Don’t wanna be late to work. Again”
“Nah, you the most hard working woman I’ve ever known. Well besides my momma”
While Phil and Hector conversated. I was reading an article about Tony Stark. His life story. Although, it broke my heart knowing that his parents were killed. I didn’t loose my parents. I have a hard working mother and grandparents and uncles as well. My father was never in the picture. I’m the only child. So is Mr. Stark. I can’t imagine how lonely he must feel. Still, having all the money in the world. You can still feel lonely in life? Kike, now him being in the army protecting our country. Without him. I did felt lonely. Sometimes, I do wish to myself to have a sibling along my side.
We finally got to our destination.
“See you tomorrow Phil. Come on Hector"
“Take care lil man. You too Rony"
“Bye Phil have a wonderful day"
We waved goodbye to Phil till the doors closed. We walked and walked until we got to Liberty elementary school. At the main entrance we saw Brian the security guard standing outside of the fence.
“Good morning"
“Morning Brian!"
“Have an awesome day lil buddy!" They fist pumped.
“You too!" I smiled knowing that my Hector can bright up anybody's day. We saw Hector's teacher in front of the entrance of the school.
“Good morning Mrs. Everwood, sorry for running late. Again"
“Don't worry Miss. Aguilar. Hi Hector!"
“Hi Mrs."
“Ready for school"
“Mmm. Yeah I guess" She laughed knowing how he can be sometimes when it came to school.
“Alright, well I'm going to work right now see you later. Ok?"
He nodded back.
“I love you" I hugged him tight. I was going to see him again later, but still. He's my baby.
“I love you too aunt V"
The bell rang him and the rest of his classmates went inside.
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Being Iron Mans Sister Part. 7
Pov. Veronica
It was a bright sunny morning. I do the usual. I get up. Get a quick warm shower to refresh myself. Got dressed and ready for work. I work as a waitress in a cafe called Pueblo Viejo. I woke Hector up and got him ready for school. Oh, I have a five year old nephew. His name is Hector.
Quick story. His father is my cousin Kike, short for Enrique. Well his parents were dating back then when they were much younger. Since the day he was born she left without any reason why. I know, why couldn’t the father take care of him? Well, my cousin got accepted to the army. Leaving him with no one who to take care of him. Kike’s mother and grandmother have been upset at him since the day he told them he was going to become a father at the age of nineteen.
Till this day, five years. They haven’t talked to each other. Me and my cousin have been close since we were little kids. He’s the brother I never had. We’re like Batman and Robin. Jimmy Fallon and Justin Timberlake. Peanut butter and Jelly.
He’s from Colorado I’m from Texas. Even though we were miles away. Still, that didn’t stopped us from loving caring and watching each others back. When I found out that his girlfriend was pregnant with my little Hector. I was living in Los Angeles. So, I decided I would raise this beautiful child that God sent us. He’s like a son to me as well. I told him what had happened. Last time he saw his father he was three years old. He knows that I’m his aunt V. That’s what he calls me.
It breaks my heart when he asks me about his mother. If I ever see her again, I swear to my cousin and my Hector. That I will give her a piece of my mind. I decided to move to New York because I started looking for a new place. I wanted to start fresh with my nephew. Remember that Kike’s family got mad at him. Well, so did mine. My family back in Texas wasn’t quite happy about me taking care of Kike’s child. So, five years later. Still, no phone call.
That’s my story. I’ve taken care of Hector since the day I held him in my arms for the very first time. I’m twenty five years old. It’s hard raising a kid by yourself, bringing home food to the table and giving him everything he needs. A home, clothes, food, health, well toys, and most of all love. My friend Monica from work helps me out with work and Hector as well. Her nephew and Hector go to the same school in the same grade level. Sometimes, I wonder to myself. Am I really who I think I am. Am I a girl raised by hard working people. Born in Texas. Grew up with her lovely and funny cousin. I ask myself.
Who am I?
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Being Iron Mans Sister Part. 6
They followed her until they disappeared into an apartment building.
“Lost them”
“Where exactly Sam”
“Apartment building”
“Can you give me an address”
“Of course Tony, I’ll get it for you right away”
“Gee thanks Rhodey”
We all headed back to the avengers tower. Some of us were in the living room kitchen or just in their rooms. I was in my Iron Manly cave.
“Got it”
“What did you found sir”
“Not to sound creepy or anything Jarvis, but I found my sisters apartment building. Now I just need-”
“what you need is to leave her alone”
I heard Captains voice behind me. But decided not to bother and turn around and look at him in the eye.
“Ah, if it isn’t spangles”
“Tony I don’t see why you’re doing this”
“Because she is my sister and I want to meet her that’s why Cap”
“How do you know she is your sister”
“Look Rogers, I know exactly what I’m doing so if you please excuse me. I’m trying to work here” He let out a heavy sigh and left.
“Ah, yes”
“I assume that you founded the address Mr. Stark”
“Yep, I sure did”
“Now that you’ve seen Miss. Veronica and found her address, what’s your next move?”
Hmm. I never thought what I would do up to this point.
I kept looking at her picture as a baby.
“I’m going to meet her tomorrow morning”
“We’ll come along too” The team was inches away from me. I just stood looking at them with no expression in my face.
“Well, tomorrow. Late in the day. We're going to meet my baby sister"
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Captain America Love Story Part. 29
“O-okay” Yazmine was texting someone for a while. I got concerned and a little impatient. “Hey um. I gotta go. See you, later” “Heyy uh. Tell me how history went” Yazmine had a Cheshire cat smile across her face. She was up to something. But what? “Okay, I’ll tell you how. It went” Before I even knew it I was at my history classroom. Crystal was already inside. “Hi” Crystal had a huge smirk on her face. What is it with creepy smiles today! “Uhh. Hi” I sat next to her near the middle of the room. Something was up. But what? “Let’s go to class!” “…yeah” We went inside almost all the seats were taken. We were lucky to find a desk with both spots not taken. Still, Crystal couldn’t stop smiling. Somethings up. “Aren’t you excited!” “Why would I. It’s school. You know that I don’t like school. Nor will I. Besides. I hate his-” “Good evening, I am your professor Mr. Rogers. I will be teaching you the events that accrued in our country’s history” “tory….” Now I know! That’s why she was smiling! She knew that the Captain is our history teacher. Oh my God! I feel just how Yazmine felt with T'calla. Like they say. Karma is a bitch. And was I going to pay for it. After experiencing this I will never make fun of someone who has butterflies for a person. “Everyone take out a sheet of paper and something to write with. We’ll be doing notes today and tomorrow” “Dude!” I whispered loudly to Crystal. “Yes?” “Now I know why you had your little smile going on. I don’t know if I’m going to survive” “You’ll be fine. Just fine” Crystal winked at me giving me the hint about you know who. She was not helping. “Que voy hacer? Ay diosmio ayudame porfavor” (What am I going to do? Oh God please help me) “Don’t worry you look good. Golosa” “Veronica Aguilar” “Oh no, that’s it I’m-” “Today we will be learning about the colonization” “Sigh. Screwed” To tell you the truth. It was quite hard trying to stay on task. There were moments where I would just stare down onto my paper. Knowing that his presence was close by while he was walking around the classroom. I felt my heart race when he would stand behind me next to me or in front of my desk. I could hear Crystal giggle at my reaction every time the Captain would just glance over our side. She gave me a small piece of paper saying ‘You’re blushing!!!’ I wrote back. ‘You’re not helping’ ‘It’s obvious’ 'I’m trying to avoid his eyes’ 'Aha. Bien que te gustan. Oh and that’s called being obvious’ (You know you like them) Before we knew it the bell rang. I was gathering my stuff together but I noticed that Crystal didn’t even waited for me. I was about to leave when I saw the Captain walk in. My natural reaction like always. Disappear. I stood still where I was trying not to make a single sound that would indicate my presence. He stood in the entrance. Looking around knowing he wasn’t alone. I started to walk slowly to him. Hoping that he would move. I know that he’s my teacher. But he’s so handsome. I was admirering his image until he let out a soft sigh and walked towards his desk. I was relieved. As I was walking down the hall. I was approached by someone. “Boo!” “Ahh!” “Hahaha I scared you” “Why? And why did you leave me all alone with the Captain?” “Oh, well. Since you were getting butterflies in your stomach for him. Yazmine told me to do what you did to her” “And that is-” “To embarrass you” “Ayy!! Crystal!” To be continued.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 28
“Who? Peter? Nah I don’t think so” “Mhmm whatever you say” “Yeah, so. Any cuties?” “No but I saw one talking to you” “Wait what? When?” “In science. We both have it the same period but I saw that he approached you and I was enjoying your little awwe moment” “Yazmine! How come you didn’t tell me! You still could of sat next to me!?” “It’s ok. I made a new friend. Her name is Aliah” “Heyy well, that’s good” “Yeah, well. Here we are. You go first” Yazmine pushed me inside the classroom which only had about five students in the room. But no sign of the teacher. “Yazmine what was that for?” “Nothing. I just don’t wanna-” “Ah Miss. Yazmine” “See him” She mumbled to herself. Even I could understand what she said. I have a feeling that my good old friend has a crush on “Oh! Uh your Highness” “Isn’t it majesty Yazmine” I couldn’t help but laugh at her reaction. Instead of bowing she just put her hands together and moved forward as if she were ready to fight a samurai or something. “Shut up!” She whispered in a loud tone to the point where he can hear us. “He’s not Japanese you know” She gave me a confused look full of disappointment. “China bows down with hands. Japan doesn’t you dummy” She punches my arm. The arm where the bullet was. “Ow!” “Clears his throat. Chuckles. Miss. Yazmine you are my student and my student don’t bow down or call me your Highness. Or majesty Miss. Aguilar. Just simply call me professor” “Ok professor” “Can I call you Mr. T” “Yes, class will start in a moment. Please. Find a seat” We sat down in the corner of the room. Way far from not only the screen and the door in case for bathroom emergencies. And obviously the professors desk. “You’re embarrassing you know that right” “Mmm. Yeah” About less than five minutes the bell rang and again. Like any other classroom. It got full in the matter of seconds. “Everyone take your seats” Everyone seemed. Quiet. Once he said to take our seats empty desks were filled in. I don’t really understand why everyone reacted, scared. Of him. Why would they be scared of him? He is our teacher. He is considered royalty. He is a prince. He’s not like the Red Queen who can just chop heads off of people for wearing the wrong outfit. Besides, if he decides to chop my head off. As soon as I’m a ghost like my grandma would say ‘te jalo las patas!’ Not only will I pull his feet but haunt him for chopping off the head of an Aguilar God dammit! Let me clear something out. I am a girl. Girls are sassy by nature. But if your Latina, you better get some water because I’m spicy! I’m so spicy that even though I’m Mexican, I don’t eat spicy foods. Why? Because I already am! And because I have a geographic tounge thanks to my grandpa and I’m the only one in the entire family who has it. Which makes it sensitive. I don’t care if your royalty or whatever. You have no right to chop off my head or anyone’s head. Trust me. I WILL kick your ass. “I am your professor for this class. Let’s begin” This class was quite interesting. Yazmine kept blushing every time Mr. T would look at her. We did notes. I haven’t done notes in a while. My hand began to cramp. Three full pages of notes on the first chapter. “What do you have next” “History” “Laughs” “What?” “Sigh. Nothing” “Yazmine what” “Hmph hmph…. You’ll see” To be continued.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 27
I made my way to English before I could even put one foot inside the classroom I heard a familiar voice.
“Hey Golosa”
It was the one and only Crystal.
“Hey! I forgot that we have English together”
“And art too”
“Let’s sit together”
“Of course”
We both sat together near the middle and not in the back. But for this class. I didn’t expect him to be our teacher.
“Alright. Is everyone seated?”
Everyone just nodded.
“Good. I am Professor Vision and feel free to call me Mr. V. So. Let’s begin”
We did the usual. We organized our binders but not only did he gave us papers to look over but a notebook too. And some pencils pens and highlighters. I regret not bringing a second backpack for school. Now, I’m going to have to carry a one inch binder with a pencil pouch and a notebook. How nice.
“What do you have next?”
“Art. You”
“Me too!”
“Do you know when is lunch”
“I think right after art”
Before we knew it the bell rang for our fourth period.
“Alright class, have a good day and be prepared for tomorrow. We’ll start on the first chapter in class. You are dismissed”
As soon as he finished talking everyone ran out the door. Since he was Vision. He had the tendency of, well. Let’s just say popping out of no where.
“Miss. Aguilar”
“Yes? Mr. V”
“I heard about the incident you and your friend Miss. Heredia went through. Is everything alright?”
“Yes, yes everything is alright. For now”
“Good. I’ll see the both of you tomorrow in class”
“Yes sir”
Me and Crystal walked together to art. Almost every class I had was pretty full. Doesn’t surprise me. Really.
“Oh! Let’s sit over here”
We both sat near the back of the classroom. But the desks were lined up making a square inside the room.
“Hello everyone I’m Ms. Maximoff and I will be your art teacher. I will try to keep it easy. In my class. You will do what you like the most. Some like to paint. Others prefer to sculpt. Or others prefer just drawing on a piece of paper. I’ll be passing around a paper saying which interest do you have in art. Do I have any volunteers?”
People raised their hands about three people were handing out papers. The class was quite big. The paper asked for your name class period and we have to check mark one box. I checked in painting. I loved to paint. Sculpting is cool. But there’s something about painting that is fascinating about it. Again, the bell rang.
“Everyone please leave your papers here at my desk. Tomorrow we will start on your first project”
“Finally lunch time. Oh! What did you picked?”
“Drawing. You”
“Hmph. I knew you would”
“Hey I got a text from Yazmine. She got us a table”
“Good cause I’m too hungry to be looking where we’re going to sit”
Once we were at the cafeteria me and Crystal dropped off our stuff where Yazmines was and went where her and Yajaira in line.
“Hey guys”
“What are they serving”
“Chicken noodle soup. Probably because of the weather. It’s cloudy outside”
As soon as Yazmine told about the weather my heart sank. I just really love a cloudy day. I was getting a napkin for me and the gang. Back at school, I was known as the napkin girl.
“Hey Veronica”
I turn around and it’s Peter who was carrying his plate.
“Hey Pete. Peter. Argh. Sup Parker”
“Y-You can call me Pete if you want. It’s uh fine with me. Heyy uh can I umm”
“You can sit with me and my friends”
“Yeah! That sounds great”
Me and Peter were on our way to my table. The look one everyone’s face. I saw Yazmine say something to Yajaira. They all nodded.
“Hey guys this is Peter and he’ll be sitting with us”
“Uh h-hi”
Yazmine just waved and continued eating like the rest. We all stood quiet. I wanted to make a conversation but I was too hungry to talk.
“I’m going to talk to the lunch lady. Be right back”
“What’s up with her”
“Did you forget Yazmine. Crystal is a vegan”
Apparently Yazmine and Yajaira forgot.
“Well can I have her lunch”
“She said yes”
I looked over at Peter who seemed a bit. Lost I guess.
“How’s your day going Peter”
“Oh umm good uh yeah it’s going good”
“Have you made friends”
“Actually your the only friend I have”
“Oh. Well. At least your not alone”
I winked at him making him turn his cheeks red.
“Well I don’t know about you guys but I gotta go. I wanna be in class before all the seats are taken”
“Wait do you have Ethics and Religious Culture?”
“Yeah, why”
“Cause I have it next. I’ll go with you. See you later Yajaira. Oh! Bye Peter!”
“Uh see you later, Veronica”
Once we were out of the cafeteria Yazmine told me
“Is it me or does shy boy like you?”
To be continued.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 26
Me and Yajaira headed to our math class. We went inside the classroom that almost looked full. We took our seats in the back table from the middle row. About five minutes passed, me and Yajaira just talked. While we were talking I noticed that the guy on my side which was the left side of my view of the classroom. He kept glancing over at us. Every time I would turn around I would catch him starring at us. He seemed to, panic in a way. Nervously. “All right class!” A familiar voice came into the room and closed the door making every whisper. “Everyone in their seats? Ok! Let’s get started I’ll introduce myself-well you guys already know who I am” He laughed at his own comment. Making everyone else laugh. “Ok so. We’ll just start out simple, my name is Tony Stark. See? Simple. Let’s start in the waaay back. You on the right” He pointed towards my direction. Luckily a tall guy was sitting in front of me. I was trying to hide behind his shadow hoping that all of this could end soon. “Please, tell us your name” He stands up and says “Uhh my name is Jason Norman” “Hi Jason. Guys come on let’s all say to Jason” “Hi Jason” “Okay now, you in the back” “But I already went” “No not you the person behind-” “Mr. Stark, there’s nobody behind us” The girl next to him spoke up for him. Me and Yajaira were in full camouflage. Hopefully nobody saw me do it. Ha! Tony’s face was priceless. “Oh, alright. Ummm. Let’s see, you tell us your name” As soon as he picked out another student me and Yajaira were still hiding under the tables. We didn’t even whispered to each other. We were scared that we might of been heard or called out. “Ok so that was everyone I guess. Coughs sort of. Today we took it easy. Tomorrow, we’ll start doing some good old math” He check’s his watch and looks back to the class. “There’s about ten minutes till the bell rings so for now. Just chit chat to each other. Get to know one another” As soon as he sat down in his desk. Everyone started to talk. “Whispers. Hey, is it safe to go out?” “I don’t know! What if he sees us?” Soon the bell rang. “Thank goodness” Me and Yajaira were walking towards the door like everyone else. Until I suddenly got stopped by someone. “Ah! Miss. Aguilar. Can I speak with you for a moment” “She can’t girl problems!” As fast as she could talk Yajaira took my arm and we both ran out of the door. When we were at the girls restroom we were panting like if we were being chased by an angry neighborhood dog. “Panting. Oh my God. That, was close” “Panting. Yeah, it sure was” “What do you have next?” “Science. You” “Art. But hey I have you for Geography” “Yeah, well. I better get going. I’ll see you later” “Bye Veronica” I was on my way to my science class. Hoped I wasn’t too alone. As soon as I walked in the class seemed quite full. Again. “Ah, Miss. Aguilar. How’s the arm doing” I looked at my arm then back at Dr. Banner. Well, I guess professor Banner? Even though I was wearing my favorite black sweater that went down my elbow. “Uhh. Pretty good. Well much better then the day, of the incident” “Good. Class will start in a bit. So why don’t you go and find yourself a seat” I nodded and headed towards the back of the room. I sat down in a table close to the window. I was playing with the bracelet my step grandmother gave me years ago. The truth. I did miss them. Even though I had a step family at the age of ten. It was weird at first. But soon. They became family. Even though we weren’t blood related. They still treated me like family. Until I was thirteen years old. When my mom died months after my grandfather died. If I’m remembering them now. Do they even think of me? “H-hey umm. Is this seat taken?” I looked up and a guy who seemed very nervous was standing next to the seat that was empty. He looked familiar. I had him for math! Ugh. Don’t even remind me of that class. “No. Not taken at all” “Cool. Umm. C-can I uh sit here?” “Yeah sure” He sat down and crossed his fingers in his hands. By the corner of my eye he seemed. I guess. Sweating? “Did I had you for math? With Mr. Stark” “Uh yeah! I uh I did” Before he could speak again he was interrupted by the Doctor. Hey he took a bullet out of my arm and saved my life. Too. “Hey umm why were you-” “Alright class. My name is Doctor Banner and please do call me Doctor if you want. So, let’s get started” His class was quite alright. We did the usual what any other class would do in a regular school. He gave each student a binder with five dividers. He said that he wants all of his students to be organized not just in his class but in every class. He told us what we were going to be learning and doing in his class throughout the entire school year. He explained to us the rules and especially what NOT to do. Knowing that hello he is The Incredible Hulk. While we labeled our Science divider everyone seemed to like the Doctor. He asked if anyone wanted to hand out paper and of course people raised their hands. While they were handing out lined paper. Me and my partner talked. “So umm. I didn’t catch your name” “I’m Veronica. Veronica Aguilar” “I’m P-Peter Parker” “Nice to meet you…” “You can call me Peter” “Ok Peter” “So umm. What class do you uh have uh next” “I have English” “Oh. That’s umm. That’s uh cool I guess” “What’s you next class” “I have Geography” Before I even knew it the bell rang. Me and Peter headed out to our next class. “Bye Doc” “Goodbye Miss. Aguilar” He smiled and waved back. “I’ll see you tomorrow Peter” “Yeahh see you Veronica” To be continued.
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A Vampire On The Loose Part. 1
Pov. Tony It was a dark, cold night. Doing well, almost the usual. I decided to go and have some fun with the team. Going to a nightclub or a bar. But something about that night. Something I saw. I never thought I would be more, how do I say this. Terrified? I don't know. But I saw something, someone. It would not only change my life. But hers as well. "Tony I think that we should leave" "I'll drive you back to the tower and I'll come back. See. Everyone wins!" Steve rolled his eyes at me with a smirk across his face. We walked through thick crowds of people making it difficult to get out of the place. "Hey where you going" "Back to the tower. Capsicle is freaking out about the place" "I'll come with you" Natasha myself and Steve headed towards the front of the club where Tony's luxurious car was parked. "Tony!" "Mr. Stark!" Despite being a playboy, billionaire and well Iron Man the paparatzi would chase me. A lot. "Seems like they never leave your sight" "Sigh. What can I say, they do love me" "I'm driving" "Okay" I laughed at Natasha's comment and letting her take the lead. In front of the nightclub was a pitch black alley. For some reason. It caught my attention. As I was about to get in the passenger seat. Something was in that dark cold alley. I saw a figure that looked like a person. But it's behavior. It almost looked like if it were eating something. I kept staring at it for about three minutes. I still couldn't quite figure out what was it. "Hey!" It's face turned around and looked at me. Only three things I could define. One, it appeared to be a person. Two, a red mark was on it's mouth area. And three, when I called it out. Red eye's were starring back at my direction. Part of me was curious, yet afraid. "Tony, let's go" I took a last glance at it. It was gone.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 25
Next morning. I woke up early before the rest of the gang. I didn’t put an alarm on. So, I forgot. It wasn’t your typical sunny morning. The sky was covered in clouds like a smooth blanket. The sky was covered in grey. One of my favorite colors. So, this morning was special. It was a cloudy morning. Hopefully it would rain later on. A cloudy or rainy day is my favorite kind of weather. I love the rain, rain drops falling from the sky slowly brushing down my face. I love it even more when there’s thunder and lightning. I know, I sound crazy or Gothic. Well guess what. I’m not. I just love this type of weather and grey is my favorite color. No bad thing in that right. I went to the bathroom, put on a classic song. Fits very well with the weather. I wished it would rain by The Temptations. I took a small warm shower. Hoping that the lightning wouldn’t hit me. I dried myself. Got dressed and headed out. The rest were still asleep. A tradition I like to do is whenever my favorite weather is here. I light up a candle. Any candle. The candle I brought with me is Blackberry Macroon sent. The smell of it woke up Crystal. “Good morning” I was looking at the window while I was brushing my hair. “Good morning. Your up early” I put my brush and hair care product away in my box. I smiled and looked at her. “It’s a beautiful morning” Then soon Yazmine and Yajaira woke up. “Morning guys” “Morning” “Mmmm” Yazmine just nodded. Looked like she didn’t felt like getting up. “Sniffs. Something smells good” “It’s Veronica’s special rain candle” Crystal smiled and winked at me. “Fits pretty well with the weather” “Right!” I swear, I think that Yajaira has some kind of mind reading or guessing power. Time passed and we were all ready for school. Still, no sign of any rain drop. “Well, you’re all ready. Cause I’m ready” We all followed Yazmine outside the dorm. There were a bunch of people, well students. Walking towards the elevator. It was seven twenty four. Groups were taking turns on the elevator going downstairs. We took our turn and we were finally inside. As we were on our way from the eleventh floor to the first floor I noticed something. "Hey guys did you get your schedule? Yesterday during the session" "Yeah, why" Yazmine still looked upset knowing that we all had to get up. Neither of us are morning birds. Then, it kicked me. "Ah shit!" "What's wrong" "That's what I forgot! My schedule" I looked at them and saw that they all had an I. D. hanging around their necks. "And my I. D!" When the doors opened there were people walking around and of course. Someone was either waiting for me or looking for me. I crashed with the same car as always. I stepped out of the elevator not paying attention where I was going. "Chingada madre!" (Fuck!) I bumped into a strong muscular tall figure. It turned around and made eye contact with my dark brown eyes. "Language miss. Aguilar" It was the Captain. Smiling back at me. "I apologize Captain" "Is there something wrong?" "Well, I don't have my-" "Schedule" He held up a folded paper in his hand. "I heard that you weren't feeling well yesterday during the session. Hope your feeling better" He handed me the folded paper. Oh, who would of thought of it. It's my class schedule. Hurray. "Thank you but how-" "Veronica! Hurry up with your flirt session that we all wanna go and eat. We are hungry ya know!" I feel my face turn red of the embarrassment that Yazmine was causing. "I'm sorry, there idiots" Scratching my forehead I mumbled the last thing to myself making the Captain laugh. His laugh was so, sigh. Dreamy. "As I was saying how did you get-" "Ta Day! Miss. America!" I could hear them giggling behind me. Knowing after this I was going to kill them. Especially Yazmine. "You should probably go with your friends. I'll see you in class" He grabbed my shoulder firmly then released it. He was walking towards the opposite direction of mine. I started to walk where the gang was. "Way to go guys" "Hmph. You're welcome" "Lets go and get some breakfast, I'm starving" "Yajaira is right. I'm starving myself too" We sat in a table far away from the entrance. Near the back. Where we would usually like to sit anywhere back at our old school. I was looking at my schedule. First I have math then science. After that, English, art then lunch. Ethics and Religious Culture, History, Geography and Technology being my last class. "Hey Veronica can I see your schedule?" "Sure" I handed my schedule over to Yajaira who was done eating. So was Crystal. Me and Yazmine were still eating. "Can I see it once she's done" "Sure" Me and Yazmine got up and went to go and throw out our plates. Once we headed back Yazmine took a last look at my schedule. "So, do I have any classes with you guys" "Well I have you for science, ethics and..... Oh technology. Gotta go and find my first period deuces" "Bye Yazmine" "The only class we all have is technology. I have art, history and English. Gotta go. See you guys later" "Bye Crystal" "I have you for math and geography" "Oh! Thank God! I thought I was gonna be alone for first period" "Nah don't worry" "Well, let's go to class I guess" To be continued.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 24
He looked relieved knowing that it was me and not someone else. “What are you doing here?” “What are you doing here? Look I was just getting my uniform for tomorrow okay? I wasn’t feeling well this afternoon when everyone else was in the session. Aren’t you supposed to be somewhere else?” He looked down to the floor and stayed quiet for a moment. “I was going to my dorm, but I was going to go to the gym first. I take a short cut. That’s when I saw you from far. So, I decided to set you up. You immediately fell for it” At first I didn’t know what he was talking about. Then, it kicked in. “……the puddle of water” He nodded and gave me a small smile. “Oh God” I covered my eyes with my hand. “It never crossed my mind!” “Steve is right. You are a smart girl” My eyes snapped back at him. Giving him a confused look. “…..who said that” “You heard me” I stayed quiet for a moment. “I need to go” Before I could of even put one step to the floor. I felt a metal arm held my wrist hard. “You can’t go” “Well, why not?” “Not alone. I’ll come with you” “Oh, alright. What if somebody sees us” He let out a heavy sigh. Man this guy looks like he has some anger issues. Hey, maybe him and my cousin Syd are related. Now she had some anger problems. “You can use your powers. That way it looks like I’m the only one out” Before we both headed outside I turned into my state. While we were walking. It was still, quiet, peaceful. Kinda gave me a migraine. Wasn’t used to listening to quietness. I sort of missed the noises of the city. My home. “So, why were you following me” “I thought somebody was trying to escape or enter the campus. I didn’t know it was you” “Oh. Well next time don’t threaten me with a knife. I’ve already gotten stabbed once. Don’t wanna want it to happen again” “I’m sorry. Didn’t mean to scare you” “Don’t try a gun either. Don’t plan on getting shot again” “How do you do it?” “What. Oh. This. Well, the truth. I really don’t know. I’ve had it since I was a little kid. Now that I’m older I can control it now” We finally arrived at the dorms building. I was trying to, eh, sort of escape him but I can’t. He’s an ex assassin. I can’t possibly escape him. For God sakes. He checked both sides making sure that the coast was clear. “Are you still here” he whispered through his teeth. “Yes sir” “Eleventh floor right?” “How does do you know that?” “Fury gave us information on every single student in campus” “And how do you know mine?” The doors opened. We were in the eleventh floor. I stepped out and got out of my state. “I’m your trainer” a smirk grew through his lips. “Wait what do you mean your my trainer” Before he could answer my question the elevator doors closed. Trainer? What trainer? I walked and teleported myself inside my dorm room. The gang was already asleep. I quickly washed my face brushed my teeth changed into my pajamas got ready for tomorrow and went straight to bed. What a day. What a night! Still, what did he meant by trainer. Why does he know what floor I live in? Why did Fury gave him not only my information but others as well? What personal information do they have? Still, even though I’m a night owl. By nature I can stay up all night. Something didn’t seemed right. I have so many questions in my mind. So many questions, few answers. To be continued.
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Captain America Love Story Part. 23
The day passed. We were getting ready for bed. Crystal was washing her face. Yajaira was drawing. Yazmine was watching videos of Liza. I was about to put on my pajamas when I looked at Yazmines pile of clothes folded on the side of her bunk bed. “Hey Yazmine what is that?” She took off one headphone and looked at her clothes then back at me. “Oh. It’s the uniform that they gave us today. And the gym clothes too. And training in the weekend” “wait, so that means if you guys got one. That means” “you didn’t get one” “Oh my God! Crystal! Guys! How am I going to get my uniform by tomorrow morning?” “well, sneak out” Yazmine turned off her phone giving me her full attention along with the rest. “We got the uniforms in the… ” Yajaira had trouble remembering where they had gotten the uniforms at “I think it was the twelve floor” “great! I’ll just go upstairs and-” “not this floor. It’s in another building. But” Crystal took a second and looked over at the window that divided the two bunk beds. I looked at the window. It was pitch black outside. Part of me liked the dark. The other, feared it. I turned my head looking at the gang. “So that means that I’ll have to leave this building” they all nodded. “Do you guys know what building it was?” “No idea. But we can help you look for it” “I’ll try to keep in contact with you” Crystal tapped the side of her forehead. “Ok, well. Wish me luck guys” “Please, try not to get killed” as I was walking towards the door I looked over at my shoulder and saw Yajairas lamp attached to her bed. “I won’t. Yajaira kill the lights for me please” “Aye aye Captain” I took a deep breath, and opened the door. The hallway lights were still on. I wondered if there was any security guard or something. For sure, cameras. I’m not stupid you guys. I was on my mode. That’s what I liked to call it whenever I was using my invisibility. I was heading towards the elevator. As soon as I was inside. I really really hoped that no one goes upstairs. Finally I was in the first floor. I checked and the hallway was clear. I walked and walked and finally found an exit. I looked up at the sky. Since we were far away from the city. I can finally see the moon. It was a full moon. Shining bright in the sky. The sky was clear, no cloud to be seen. ‘Veronica can you hear me?’ ‘Yes, what’s up’ ‘ok according to Yazmine she says it’s the building by the track. The gym’ ‘ok, got it’ 'please be careful’ 'don’t worry I’ll keep an eye out’ as I was walking around looking for this building close by the track. So I walked and walked. Looking up at the moon then back in front of me. As I was walking my shoe’s were wet. 'A puddle, in the middle of the sidewalk?’ I thought to myself what was a puddle of water doing there. It haven’t rained. I kept walking and finally saw the track. Took me a while to walk up a long hill. Now, to walk down. Boy was this going to be a long night. I was still using my invisibility. Hoping that nobody saw me back in my dorms. The gym was about five floors tall. 'Crystal I found the gym! Do you know what floor?’ I waited for her response. I decided to check out the first floor. The door was locked 'ugh, great’ How was I going to get inside? Ah, teleporting. Before I knew it I was inside. The lights were on. Hoped nobody else besides me is in here. 'Veronica, the uniforms are going to be in the third door to your right’ I opened the door and there were piles of clothes everywhere. For us girls, we have to wear a skirt. Great. The uniform colors were just navy blue and black. I picked out two skirts. Blue and black. Two shirts, of course they had to be Polo. One pair of leggings and a T-shirt for the training class later in the week. 'Crystal I’m heading back to the dorms, I’ll tell you when to turn on the lamp from the window’ as I was walking out of the building I wasn’t in my mode anymore. As soon as I closed the door I felt a sharp object surround my bare neck. “Don’t scream. I’m not going to hurt you” I hugged the, clothes tighter towards my chest. My breathing got heavier. The stranger turned around to face me. “Oh, it’s you” it was the Captain’s friend. Bucky Barnes.
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Being Iron Mans Sister Part. 5
Roger’s and the rest split up and followed her. I must say though, she has no clue that were following her. At all! Hopefully once I have the guts to meet her, I’ll protect her. Just how mom wanted.
They followed her from the cafe, to a school? An elementary school. Steve wad at the side of the main entrance. Hopefully a kid doesn’t spot him and finds out he’s Captain America. That would be funny. The rest were, God knows where.
“Yes Cap”
“This is a school? Why would she stop at a school?”
“That only leads to-”
“She has a child” Steve Barnes and Clints voice sounded surprised.
“No. Guys”
“Tony believe or not a woman can become a mother no matter how young they may be”
I gave Bruce an intense look. I’m not mad or anything. I just think that, she’s too young to be a mom.
“Cap can you see her?”
“She’s in a line. I assume the people in front of her are parents”
“How many people in front of her?”
“Congratulations Tony not only are you a brother but an uncle too”
“Zip it! Wilson!”
“Tony she’s speaking with someone”
“Wait, a boy?”
“Boy what? Roger’s tell me what your seeing!”
“She’s talking to who I assume is a teacher, now she’s leaving with the little boy”
Wow, I’m on the search for my long lost sister. And she’s a mother. Can’t wait to find out who’s the a hole that got her pregnant so young.
“Sigh. How old”
“About five years old”
“Tony they’re moving”
“okay Sam Rhodey, do your thing”
“With pleasure” they both said the same thing and headed off to the sky.
Secretly of course.
“You guys are my eyes what do you see”
“They’re heading towards a subway station. There buying a ticket”
“Tony I can’t keep doing this”
“Why not”
“Because it’s wrong!”
“Ugh. Rhodey Sam just follow the damm train”
“Whatever you say pops”
“Rhodey I”
“Yeah I know I’ll cut it with the jokes"
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Being Iron Mans Sister Part. 4
It was around nine thirty. I gave the team an ear piece to keep in contact through out the entire, mission? Yeah why not.
“Okay is everyone in their places?”
“What if she doesn’t come?”
“Buckys right what if-“
“look guys I know what I’m doing so just, go with the flow. Got it?”
No response back. We put three hidden cameras that I borrowed from Wilson.
“Everyone knows what to do right”
“Yes Tony!”
“No need to yell guys”
Time passed.
“Steve try to be patient will ya”
“That’s it. I’m taking charge” a waitress came and stopped in front of the bunk table where Steve and Bucky were sitting.
“Hi my name is Monica and I’ll be your waitress for today, what can I get you gentleman to drink?”
“I’ll have some coffee”
“okay, and for you sir”
“I’ll have what he’s having as well”
“alright I’ll come back with your coffees”
“Excuse me ma'am” before the waitress could walk away tha Captain caught her off guard.
“Does a Veronica work here?”
“Yes, yes she does as a matter of fact” she looked at her watch checking for the time.
“She should be here any minute” Suddenly, a woman walked inside the cafe. Monica kept looking at her watch
“look who decided to finally show up!”
“Sorry I had to drop off Hector first, okay Monica” both waitresses hugged each other. They started to speak to each other in Spanish and back into English.
“Tony I think I-“
“Don’t talk to me right now just be normal. Talk to Bucky or something”
“Oye! Tienes una mesa”
(Hey! You have a table)
(Which one?)
“Aquella mesa de alla”
(That table over there)
Monica pointed out to both Steve and Bucky.
“Okay Buck she’s coming”
Barnes nodded back.
“Hello Gentleman, I apologize for being late. I’m Veronica and I’ll be your waitress for today. Besides the two black coffees is there anything else I can get you?”
Steve kept looking at her. Admiring her beauty.
“No that’ll be fine for now”
Bucky decided to take the lead and not make the situation any more awkward.
“Alright I will be right back” as soon as she disappeared Steve snapped back.
“She’s beautiful isn’t she”
“She sure is Natasha”
“Hey that’s my sister who you’re talking about”
“Sounds like the older brother is being a bit protective huh Tony?”
“You don’t even know this girl and already you’re acting like her guard dog”
“Shut it Clint”
Time passed, soon Cap Barnes Sam Clint and Natasha asked for the check. Around one. She left.
“Okay that’s your cue”
“What cue” Caps voice sounded puzzled.
“You want us to follow her”
“Tony don’t you think that” I interrupted Natasha and Clint.
“Guys! Yes go and follow her” Sam and Clint stand up and start heading to the door.
“Come on bird man”
“right behind you Cupid”
“Tony what if-”
“Rogers! Just do it”
“Steve you and Barnes go ahead, I’ll catch up” Steve didn’t seemed quite happy about this. Natasha stayed in the cafe for a while.
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