captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 2 - Phandalin
*I head to Barthen’s Provisions.*
Narrator: And so the wagon being lugged by the Oxen creaked as it trundled through the mud, finally stopping outside the trading post.
Barrhen’s is the biggest trading post in Phandalin. It’s shelves stock most ordinary goods and supplies, including Backpacks, Bedrolls, Rope and Rations. The place is open from sunup to sundown. Barthen’s does not stock weapons or equipment.
Narrator: The proprietor, Elmer Barthen a lean and balding Human male of 50 years grins at you as you walk through the door. He nods keenly at his clerks Ander and Thistle and wave towards the door, they promptly leave and start unloading the wagon.
Elmer Barthen: “Greetings friend, I see you have the Wagon here safe and sound. Gundren will be impressed.”
Timber: “Greetings, actually I have reason to believe Gundren has been captured. On my way here I came across two dead steeds and a pathway hidden behind thickets. Unfortunately I was ambushed, I’m in dire need of rest.”
Elmer Barthen: “Oh, well that is sad news. I consider Gundren a good friend of mine. Please I must encourage you to return to his rescue as soon as possible. I must say I was quite excited with our discussion regarding *whispers* the lost mines. As for a place to rest I would suggest Stonehill Inn. I must warn you, two Rockseeker brothers are camped somewhere outside town, I haven’t seen them in a tenday, but I expect they will return any day now.”
Timber: “Thank you for this information, I promise I will bring Gundren back. I will keep an eye out for these Rockseekers you speak off. Might I ask, how is business?”
Elmar Barthen: “Well... the Redbrands have been making it hard on everyone, shaking down local businesses and flouting the townmasters authority.”
Timber: “Maybe I could help?”
Elmar Barthen: Really? I don’t know how you would do that but the Redbrands like to mingle down at the Sleeping Giant. Oh would you like to browse our wares?”
Narrator: The tall cat gazed around herself at the shelves and stands but politely declined
Timber: “I think I will be fine for tonight, I’ve found myself quite hungry and tired. I promise you Elmar, I will find out friends”.
Narrator: Timber stretches her claws and thanks him as she plods out the store and onwards down the road, the air smells thick of farm animals and bakery. Seeing the time to be 6pm she hurries in getting a room for the night.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 2 - Phandalin
The frontier town of Phandalin is built on the ruins of a much older settlement. Hundreds of years ago, the old Phandalin was a thriving Human town whose people were firmly allied with the Dwaves and Gnomes of the Phandelvers Pact. However, the same Orc hoard that sacked the mines at Wave Echo Cave laid waste to the settlement and Phandalin was abandoned for centuries. In the last three or four years, hardy settlers from the cities of Netherwinter and Waterdeep have begun the hard work of reclaiming the ruins of Phandalin. A bustling frontier settlement has grown up on the site of the old town and is home now to farmers, woodcutters, fur traders and prospectors drawn to stories of gold and platinum in the foothills of the Sword Mountains. Unfortunately, more than a few bandits and brigands have settled here as well, taking advantage of the fact that the gang known as the Redbrands have controlled Phandalin for the past two months, extorting and bullying everyone in town. The gang is led by a mysterious figure known to the townsfolk as Glassstaff.
Narrator: The rutted track emerges from a wooded hillside and you catch your first glimpse of Phandalin. The town consists of forty to fifty simple log buildings, some built on old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins - crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars- surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in the centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the cart track, which widens into a main muddy street of sorts as it climbs toward a ruined Manor House on a Hillside at the east of town. As you approach you see children playing on the town green and townsfolk tending to chores or running errends at shops. Many people look up to you as you approach, but all remain to their business as you go by.
Like magic the time skips to 5pm wow I guess I didn’t read far enough into the rules, huh.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 - Goblin Ambush - Goblin Arrows
Narrator: After a tedious battle the ground lay bare, there was no indication that anything else was around, that is aside the Goblin fleeting home to safety.
I attempt to chase down and capture the Goblin
*Acrobatics check* 5
Narrator: The Goblin slips your grip grunting heavily as it’s little legs carried it far out of your view.
I decide to inspect the area.
*Investigation check* 15
Narrator: Upon first inspection of the area you notice the creatures have been using this area for some time to stage ambushes, you notice a trail hidden behind thickets to the north that leads northwest. Closer inspection leaves you realising that around a dozen Goblins had come and gone through this trail, along with signs that two human sized bodies had been hauled away from the ambush site.
The time is 12:10pm
With this knowledge in mind I decide it’s best to loot what I can and rest before attempting any rescues. I disembark from the bank and head towards Goblin 4 to loot.
Narrator: Timber first takes a glimpse at the creatures quiver, she sees a total of 14 arrows of which 10 arrows are useable.
-Timber’s total arrow ammunition is 24-
Narrator: The Cat then slicks it’s claws through the Goblin’s pocket pouch. She finds a glowing pheasant carcass, there’s a magical glowing gem in the gizzard.
I move onto Goblin 1 and loot it.
Narrator: A quick glance at the weapon confirms it’s uselessness. So checking the pockets she finds a necklace of teeth, the newest fashion statement.
Lastly I make my way back up the bank and loot the last Goblin.
Narrator: The weapon is unusable, the armour is in good health but she decides not to take it. Checking the pouch she finds the creatures pet Squirrel, the poor thing is suffering from a bad case of mange. Timber cringes as she quickly released it from her paw, she was not prepared to deal with that one.
I drink half a gallon of water and head back to the wagon, riding on to Phandalin.
Narrator: You spend a day travelling the last of the road, moving at normal speed you arrive promptly in Phandalin at 12:21pm Secondday.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 - Goblin Arrows- Goblin Ambush
*Reversing back more*
Upon noticing the dead horses in the road I am cautious, staying near the wagon I check my surroundings.
*Perception check* 5
Narrator: The cat uses its senses but fails to notice anything around.
Narrator: Goblin 1 dashed round from behind the horse and forward 30ft leaving himself exposed.
Narrator: Goblin 3 hiding in the rightmost side of the bank takes aim with his bow.
*Dexterity check* 17
Narrator: The attack hits causing 4 damage, Timber has 5HP
I race 20ft up to the bank and hide myself well among the trees granting 3/4 cover (+5AC) and take aim at Goblin 1 with my Shortbow.
*Dexterity check* 16
Narrator: The attack hits... just, piercing down the arrow causes 7 damage, Goblin 1 crashes to the floor.
Timber: Result.
Narrator: Goblin 4 stumbles down the bank 20ft and takes half cover behind the horse (+2AC). He takes aim at the grinning Cat.
*Dexterity check* 12
Narrator: His attack fails.
Narrator: Goblin 2’s time to shine, he speeds out 30ft with his heart ready for bloodshed but haults to a gasp, he needs to quit smoking. He is also exposed.
Narrator: Goblin 3 takes aim from behind his tree at Timber.
*Dexterity check* 13
Narrator: The Arrow embeds itself into a nearby tree at tremendous speed, yet alas it wasn’t the cat’s heart. No damage dealt.
I promptly take aim at Goblin 2.
*Dexterity check* 5
Narrator: Nooooo hit, too bad.
Narrator: Goblin 4 once again takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 18
Narrator: Very slim chance of hitting her in those trees anyway, don’t let it get to you. He grunts 🙄.
Narrator: Goblin 2 lugs himself 30ft forward and up the bank toward Timber, readying his Scimitar.
*Strength check* 16
Narrator: The attack hits, causing 3 damage. Timber has 2HP.
Narrator: Goblin 3 takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 14
Narrator: No hit.
Dropping my bow and quickly pulling my Rapier from its belt I thrust the sword towards Goblin 2.
*Dexterity check (Finesse)* 21
Narrator: The attack hits causing 6 damage. The Goblin dropped to its knees, disbelief in its eyes. Goblin 2 is dead.
Narrator: Goblin 4 takes aim, he is pissed.
*Dexterity check* 9
Narrator: The attack misses, no damage dealt.
Narrator: Goblin 3 once again takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 7
Narrator: Better luck next time friend.
I slide my Rapier into its holster and pick up my bow clenching it in my jaw before using my feline agility to move forward 60ft without using a dash action and removing Goblin 4’s cover bonus, my armour rating remains the same. I take aim, respectfully.
*Dexterity check* 23
Narrator: The attack hits, piercing an arrow though it’s skin, causing 3 damage. Goblin 4 has 2HP.
Narrator: Goblin 4 readys his bow.
*Dexterity check* 12
Narrator: No hit.
Narrator: Goblin 3 takes aim from across the bank.
*Dexterity check* 11
Narrator: No hit.
I take aim at Goblin 4 once again.
-Upon moving 0ft your feline agility replenished-
*Dexterity check* 5
Narrator: No hit.
Narrator: Goblin 4 takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 15
Narrator: No hit. Booo!
Narrator: Goblin 3 grunts as he takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 10
Narrator: You’d think an archer could use it’s Bow.
I aim down my Bow towards Goblin 4
*Dexterity check* 14
Narrator: once again it misses.
Narrator: Goblin 4 takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 8
Narrator: A miss there.
Narrator: And with that Goblin 3 takes aim.
*Dexterity check* 7
Narrator: No hit.
I take aim at Goblin 4
*Dexterity check* 17
Narrator: Finally a hit! With a damage of 8. The creature receives an arrow to the brain.
Timber gains 150xp bringing her up to 200xp.
Narrator: The last Goblin shocked and discouraged decides to flee, heading towards the Goblin Trail.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 - Goblin Arrows- Goblin Ambush
Narrator: Goblin 1 now pissed off from his fallen brethren readys his bow.
*Dexterity check* 4
Narrator: Shucks his emotions swayed his aim, he misses entirely.
Narrator: Goblin 2 trying to save his partners fail prepares his bow.
*Dexterity check* 7
Narrator: A stroke of luck runs with Timber, the attack bounces off her shoulder plate.
Narrator: Goblin 3 finally giving up on hiding pulls himself 25ft round to the dead Goblin and readys his Scimitar.
*Stregth check* 3
Narrator: The hit ricochets wobbling his arm backwards, yet fails to deal any damage.
I aim my Rapier readily towards Goblin 3
*Dexterity check* 14
Narrator: Only just missing, the swing skims past the Goblins nose and down, no damage was dealt.
Narrator: Goblin 1 more determined than ever prepares his Shortbow.
*Dexterity check* 17
Narrator: The attack hits, regardless of damage it’s enough to pull Timber under. She’s not getting up from this one.
0 notes
captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 - Goblin Arrows- Goblin Ambush
Narrator: Goblin 4 once again swinging his Scimitar in the air.
*Stregth check* Natural 20
Narrator: His attack hits causing 3 damage leaving Timber with 3hp.
Narrator: Goblin 1 readys his bow.
*Dexterity check* 5
Narrator: His arrow farts down to Timber’s feet, a pathetic attempt really.
Narrator: Goblin 2 takes aim.
*Dexterity check* natural 20
Narrator: The attack hits causeing 2 damage, leaving Timber with 1 hp
Narrator: Goblin 3 once again attempts to hide.
*Charisma check* 9
Narrator: I’m not sure what this Goblin is doing, you can’t hide ontop of the horses...
I once again prepare an attack on Goblin 4
*Dexterity check* 22
Narrator: The attack hits and causes 2 damage, the Goblin struggles to the ground as his life force fades. Timber gains 50xp
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 Goblin Arrows - Goblin Ambush
*Goblin stealth check* 13
*Perception check* 5
Narrator: Goblin 4 rushing 10ft from behind the horse to the right and prepares his Scimitar.
*stregth check* 18
Narrator: The attack hits, causing 3 damage, Timber has 6hp.
*intuitive check* Goblin 1 - 1st(19), Goblin 2 - 2nd(15), Goblin 3 -3rd(13), Timber - 4th(11), Goblin 4 - 5th(10).
Narrator: Goblin 1 makes his way down 10ft using 20ft on the terrain and aims his bow.
*Dexterity check* 12
Narrator: His attack pierces past your head failing to hit.
Narrator: Goblin 2 copying his brother in arms appears opposite on the back to the other side taking aim.
*Dexterity check* 9
Narrator: Once again a failed hit, the beast grunts with disappointment.
Narrator: Goblin 3 attempts to hide behind the horse.
*Charisma check* 4
Narrator: He fails at this attempt, moving behind the horse but with Timbers full knowledge.
I lunge my rapier towards Goblin 4.
*Dexterity check* 18
Narrator: The attack hits causing 6 damage leaving the Goblin with 1hp.
0 notes
captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1 - Goblin Arrows - Goblin Ambush
Narrator: You’ve been on the Triboar Trail for about half a day. As you come around a bend, you spot two dead horses sprawled about 50ft ahead of you, blocking the path. Each has several black-feathered arrows sticking out of it. The woods press close to the trail here, with a steep embankment and thickets on either side.
~ I decide to leave the wagon and take a closer look.
*Perception check* 18
Narrator: Apon closer inspection you realise the steeds belonged to your friend Gundren Rockseeker and his companion Sildar Hallwinter. It appers to you that they’ve been dead at least a day. The saddlebags have been looted, nearby lies and empty leather map case.
Narrator: To your surprise 4 sneaky Goblins lie lurking around and upon failing to locate them they get an upper hand in attack. One Goblin comes rushing in from the Right behind one of the Horses, thrusting his Scimitar into the air ready for attack.
*Goblin strength check* 2
Narrator: While set up nicely, the beast’s brain just wasn’t running at the speed of his body, he misses entirely, scooting past your legs mid air, falling chin first to the ground. This Goblin in prone.
*Intutition check* Goblin 2 - 1st(20), Goblin 1 - 2nd(19), Timber - 3rd(18), Goblin 3 - 4th(9), Goblin 4 - 5th(5).
Narrator: Goblin 2 drags its feet 20ft down the bank with respectful additions due to obstructed terrain. It appears opposite Timber on the Right bank, he is not currently covered. Drawing his Shortbow and aiming at the cat.
*Dexterity check Goblin* 20
Narrator: His arrows shoots through the air and slices it’s way through a chuck of her leg dealing 2 damage. Her health drops to 7hp.
Narrator: Goblin 1 copying the movements of his successing partner on the other side of the bank positions himself opposite on the left and readys his bow.
*Dexterity check Goblin* 21
Narrator: These Goblins come in with a strong head start. The arrow punctures through the shoulder of your leather armour, dealing a damage of 2. Timbers health is now at 5hp
Using my feline agility I pounce onto all my paws giving me the opportunity to rush backwards and up onto the bank 30ft but only exceeding 15ft due to the agility. I hide myself amongst the trees well and prepare to throw on of my daggers at Goblin 4.
*Dexterity check* 22
Narrator: The dagger slashes right through the Goblin’s ear, causing it to drop to the floor right in front of its face. You see a rage fill the creature’s eyes grunting as it struggles on the floor. This attack causes 1 Damage bringing the Goblin down to 7hp.
Narrator: Goblin 3 rushes out from behind the horse and finds himself 30ft down beside Timber however he is on the road where she is on the bank. Exceeding his movement speed he is unable to make an attack.
Narrator: Goblin 4 forcefully drags himself up off the ground. Embarred and enraged he staggers 15ft ahead of him, unaware of how much standing up took out of him he haults to a gasp, unable to throw an attack.
Narrator: Goblin 2 bolts down the bank another 10ft and takes aim at the 3/4 covered Timber.
*Dexterity check* 20
Narrator: The attack hits causes 5 damage. Striking Timber to the ground. Darkness floods her sight, she is blacking out.
(Due to the fact that I’m playing solo I’ll be ignoring the death throws, if I die I die but I’m able to restart and the last sensable position).
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Part 1: Goblin Arrows
My adventure begins with me escorting a wagon full of provisions and supplies from Netherwinter to Phandalin. The journey takes me south along the High Road to the Triboar Trail.
*The wagon is being pulled by two oxen and contains an assortment of mining supplies and food, including a dozen sacks of flour, serveral casks of salted pork, two kegs of strong ale, shovels, picks and crowbars (about a dozen each) and five lanterns with a small barrel of oil (about 50 flasks in volume) The total value of the cargo is 100gp
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A note from my friend Gundren, we met inside a Tarven in Netherwinter a few years back and bonded over our dream of adventure.
Narater: In the city of Netherwinter, a dwarf named Gundren Rockseeker asked you to bring a wagon of provisions to the rough and tumble settlement of Phandalin, a couple of days travel southeast of the city. Gundren was clearly excited and more than a little secretive about his reasons for the trip, saying only that he and his brothers had found “something big” and he’d pay 10 gold pieces for escorting his supplies safely to Barthen’s Provisions, a trading post in Phandalin. He then set out ahead of you one horse, along with a warrior escort named Sildar Hallwinter, claiming he needed arrive early to “take care of buisness”. You’ve spent the last few days following the High Road south from Netherwinter and you’ve recently veered east along the Triboar Trail. You’ve encountered no trouble so far, but this territory can be dangerous. Bandits and Outlaws have been know to lurk along this trail.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines of Phandelver
Setting background: The Forgotten Realms
The world of the Forgotten Realms is where the story in this adventure takes place.
In the Realms, Knights darethe crypts of the fallen Dwarf kings of Deizoun seeking glory and treasure. Rouges prowl the dark alleyways of teeming cities such as Neverwinter and Baldur’s Gate. Clerics in the service of Gods wield Mace and Spell, questing against the terrifying powers that threaten the land. Wizards plunder the ruins of the fallen Netherese empire, delving into secrets too dark for the light of day. Dragons, Giants, Demons and unimaginable abominations lurk in Dungeons, Caverns, Ruined Cities and the vast places of the world.
On the roads and rivers of the Realms travel Minstrels and Peddlers, Merchants and Gaurds, Soilders, Sailers and Steel-hearted Adventurers carrying tales of strange, glorious, faraway places. Good maps and clear trail can take even an I experienced youth with dreams of glory far across the world. Thousands of restless would-be Heroes from backcountry farmsteads and sleepy villages arrive in Netherwinter and the other great cities every year in search of wealth and renown.
Known roads may be well traveled, but they aren’t necessarily safe. Fell magic, deadly Monsters and cruel local rulers are all perils that you will face when you travel in the Forgotten Realms. Even farms and freeholds within a days walk of a city can fall prey to monsters and no place is safe from the sudden wrath of a Dragon.
The Reiginal map shows just a tiny part of this vast world, in a region called the Sword Coast. This is a region of adventure, where daring souls delve into the wreckage of of ancient strongholds and explore ruins of long lost cultures. Amid a wilderness of jagged, snow-capped peaks, alpine forests, lawlessness and monsters. The Coast holds the greatest Bastions of civilisation, including the coastal city of Netherwinter.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
Campaign 1
The Lost Mines Of Phandelver
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Story background-
“More than five hundred years ago, clans of Dwarves and Gnomes made an agreement known as the phandelver’s pact, by which they would share a rich mine in a wonderus cavern known as Wave Echo Cave. In addition to its mineral wealth, the mine contained a great magical power. Human spellcasters allied themselves with the Dwarves and Gnomes to channel and bind the energy into a great forge (called The Forge of Spells), where magic items could be crafted. Times were good, and the nearby human town of Phandalin (pronounced fan-duh-lin) prospered as well.
But then disaster struck when Orcs swept through the North and laid waste to all in their path. A powerful force of Orcs reinforced by evil mercenary wizards attacked Wave Echo Cave to seize it’s riches and magic treasures. Human wizards fought alongside their Dwarf and Gnome allies to defend The Forge of Spells, and the ensuing spell battle destroyed much of the cavern. Few survived the cave-ins and tremors, and the location of Wave Echo Cave was lost.
For centuries, rumours of buried riches has attracted treasure seekers and opportunists to the area around Phandalin, but no one has ever succeeded in locating the lost mine. In recent years, people have resettled the area. Phandalin is now a rough and tumble frontier town. More important, the Rockseeker brothers - a trio of Dwarves - have discovered the enterance to Wave Echo Cave, and the intend to reopen the mines.
Unfortunately for the Rockseekers, they are not the only ones interested in Wave Echo Cave. A mysterious villain known as the Black Spider controls a network of Bandit gangs and Goblin tribes in the area, and his agents have followed the Rockseekers to their prize. Now the Black Spider wants Wave Echo Cave for himself, and he is takings steps to make sure no one else knows where it is.
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captainziggysgame · 2 years
My character
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Name: Five Timber
Level: 1
Race: Tabaxi (Catfolk)
Class: Rouge
Age: 23
Size: medium
Diet: carnivore
Homeland: Payit - Maztica
Fur colour: orange
Eye colour: green
Height: 6’
Gender: female
Alignment: chaotic neutral
Hit die: 1d8
Armour class: 11 + DEX
Personality traits: curious, instinctive
Ideals: live and let live, ideals aren’t wotth killing over.
Flaws: kahjit has wares.. I can’t resist a collectable.
Languages: Payit, Tabaxi, Common, Thieves’ Cant.
Base walking speed: 30 feet
Quitk: I keep a small ball of yarn in my pocket at all times, which i constantly fiddle with.
My current obsession: a mundane item - rock. It’s just a rock I swear..
Description: Medium fur, longer white chest poof. She has darker orange ear tuffs on the tips of her ears and orange tuffs inside her ears. Standard tiger stripes but one unusual black smudge on the right of her nose, bit of a fringe going on there. Her tail is long, skinnier at the base then expands to more of a ‘pillow like’ tip. Brown nose with dark brown splodges. Retractable claws. She favours a purple bandana.
Background: Timber comes from a clan within the Payit jungles called Twisting Vines. From a young age she has dreamt of adventure however her family duties kept her home during most of her younger years. Timber has 4 sisters and 4 brothers, her family was never particularly wealthy though money took up very little of this cats interest. Tabaxi have natural agility but this cats’ family had a run in with some bad hunters looking for pelts which took up the better half of two years when she was 17. Here she went through her rouge training along with some fighting techniques, regardless of her ability to defend herself she prefers combat free soloutions. The two groups called it quite after a casualty among the hunters (infectious injury, wasn’t cured in time). After some time of reflection she decided to head out on the hunt for more, her family were supportive.
Buffs etc
Darkvision: i can see in dim light as if it were bright. I can see in the dark up to 60ft as if it were dim light, but only in shades of grey.
Feline Agility: My reflex and agility allows me to move with bursts of speed (all fours). When in combat I can double my speed until the end of my turn, however I can’t do this again until I move 0ft on one of turns (don’t move). *Noticable hint* using this and also dashing on your turn doesn’t just double the standard 30ft walking speed but doubles the dash instead, giving you a whopping speed of 120ft.
Cat’s Claws: My claws give me a climbing speed of 20ft. My claws are natural weapons, using them gives me slashing damage and 1d4 + strength modifiers.
Cat’s Talent: Proficient in stealth and perception.
Expertise: at level one I can choose two skill proficiencies, or I can choose to be proficient in one skill and Thieves tools. At level 6 I can choose two more proficiencies.
Sneak attack: I know how to strike subtly and exploit a foes distraction. Once per turn you can roll an additional 1d6 damage if you have the advantage on the attack roll, this attack must use a finesse or ranged weapon. You do not need an advantage on the attack roll if another target is within 5ft of you.
Thieves’ Cant: a secret mix dialect, jargon and code used to hide messages in seemingly normal conversation. Only other creature who know this can understand it. It takes 4 times longer to convey such a message than it does to speak it plainly. In addition you understand a set of signs and symbols used to convey short simple messages, such as; wether an area is dangerous, wether it’s thieves guild territory, if there’s loot nearby, wether people in the area are easy marks of if they will provide a safe house for thieves on the run.
- Light Armour
- Bolas
- Simple Weapons
- Hand Crossbows
- Shortswords
- Longswords
- Rapiers
- Thieves Tools
Saving throws:
- Strength 10 (+0)
- Dexterity 9 (+2)
- Constitution 6 (-1)
- Intelligence 9 (+0)
- Wisdom 13 (+1)
- Charisma 13 (+2)
- Acrobatics (DEX) (+2)
- Animal Handling (WIS) (+1)
- Arcana (INT) (+0)
- Athletics (STR) (+0)
- Deception (CHA) (+2)
- History (INT) (+0)
- Insight (WIS) (+1)
- Intimidation (CHA) (+2)
- Investigation (INT) (+2)
- Medicine (WIS) (+1)
- Nature (INT) (+0)
- • Perception (WIS) (+5)
- Performance (CHA) (+2)
- Persuasion (CHA) (+5)
- Religion (INT) (+0)
- Slight Of Hand (DEX) (+2)
- • Stealth (DEX) (+6)
- Survival (WIS) (+1)
Passive wisdom (Perception): +4
Carry weight = 150lbs total
My total = 67.2lbs
Backpack total out of 30lbs = 23lbs
- 1 Leather Armour. (Light, Class 11 + DEX) Weight = 10lbs each, Costs = 10gp each. [Wearing]
- 1 Backpack (Holds 30lbs, Things can be tied to the outside) Weight = 5lbs each, Costs = 2gp each. [Wearing]
- 1 Ball of Yarn. Weight = 0.2lbs each. Costs = 1cp each. [In pocket]
- 1 • Rapier. (1d8, Piercing, Standard) Weight = 2lbs each, Costs = 25gp each. [On left side of Belt]
- 1 Quiver. (20 Arrows Per, Standard) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs = 1gp each [On right side of Belt]
- 1 Waterskin. (Can hold 4 pints of liquid) Weight = 5lbs each, Costs = 2sp each. [Tied to front of belt]
- 2 Daggers. (1d4, Piercing, Throwing Range: 20/60ft, Standard) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs 2gp each. [Strapped to right thigh]
- 1 • Shortbow. (1d6, Piercing, Range: 80/120ft, Standard) Weight = 2lbs each, Costs = 25gp each. [Attached yo left side of the Backpack]
- 1 Bedroll. Weight = 7lbs each, Costs = 1gp each. [Tied to top of Backpack]
- 1 Rope, Hempen. (50ft) Weight = 10lbs each, Costs = 1gp each. [Tied to bottom Right side of Backpack]
- 1 Mess Kit. (Contains a Cup and simple Cutlery. The box clamps together, one side can be used as a Cooking Tool, the other as a Plate/Shallow Bowl) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs = 2sp each. [Inside Backpack]
- 1 Tinderbox. (Container holding Flint, Fire Steel and Tinder; usually Cloth dabbed in Oil. Lighting Fires or Torches takes 1 Min) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs = 5sp each. [Inisde Backpack]
- 10 Torches. (Torches burn for 1 hour, Provides light in 20ft radius, provides an extra 20ft light in dim places, If a melee hits it causes +1 Fire Damage) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs = 1cp each. [Inside Backpack]
- 10 Days Rations. (Consists of Dry Food suitable for Travel, Jerky, Dried Fruits, Hardtack and Nuts) Weight = 2lbs each, Costs = 5sp each. [Inside Backpack]
- 1 • Thieves Tools. (Contains a small File, A set of Lock Picks, A small Mirror mounted on a metal handle, A pair of Narrow Bladed Scissors, A pair of Pliers. Proficiency is added when Disarming Traps, Opening Locks etc) Weight = 1lbs each, Costs 25gp each. [Inside Backpack]
*Disclaimer, The tiger was made on picrew*
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